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[2011.05.19] 斐济与汤加紧张关系加剧

2011-5-23 07:09| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 14559| 评论: 22|原作者: dqzxf

摘要: 两个邻国间的紧张关系加剧



031 Asia - Fiji and Tonga.mp3

May 19th 2011 | CANBERRA | from the print edition

几百年前,太平洋岛国斐济是从邻国汤加流亡而来的王子们的避难之地。现今,汤加却成了斐济王公贵族们的避难地。乌路拉克巴•马拉(Roko Tevita Uluilakeba Mara)是这个现代国家创始人,已故的卡米塞塞•马拉(Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara)最小的儿子,他在汤加海军的帮助下从海上逃走。他现在处于汤加国王乔治•图普五世 (George Tupou V) 的保护之下。图普五世是马拉父亲的一个远亲,穿戴奢侈。

命运的颠倒并没有就此结束。汤加长期以来实行的是君主专制统治,但去年11月该国产生了第一个民选政府,向民主迈进了一大步。而斐济却在逐渐走向独裁体制。自2006年12月发生军事政变以来,该国一直在实行严厉的《公共场所紧急管制条例》(Public Emergency Regulations),几乎没有放松过。
马拉曾担任斐济最大一个步兵团的团长,去年十月被停职。他过去曾是政变领导人与武装部队总司令弗兰克•姆拜尼马拉马(Frank Bainimarama)的忠实朋友和坚定支持者。现在,玛拉在汤加首都努库阿洛法重获自由。他公开指责总检察长艾亚兹•萨义德•海尤姆(Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum)对姆拜尼马拉马准将的政府施加了有害的影响。他呼吁进行政权更迭。

在一个电视讲话中,曾两度担任首相的姆拜尼马拉马准将作出回应,他谴责汤加海军进入斐济领海水域将马拉接走。汤加首相图伊瓦卡诺勋爵(Lord Tu’ivakano)说,法院将公正地考虑(斐济提出的)引渡请求。然而,尽管他严正声明乔治国王的款待并不意味着马拉先生就享有豁免权,但汤加的法官们仍然首先要听命于国王,而不是民选的政府。巧合的是,汤加的首席大法官迈克尔•斯科特( Michael Scott)从前也是斐济高等法院的法官。他是逃离斐济政变的一个难民,是斐济首席大法官安东尼•盖茨(Anthony Gates)的主要对手。后者在姆拜尼马拉马上台后马上受命担任了现职,此事颇受争议。这两个出生于英国的法官间长期而激烈的争斗与一系列令人嘱目的事件都有关联,这些事件导致2006年发生了政变。斯科特法官大概会对斐济法院的公正性表示怀疑。


乌路拉克巴•马拉从斐济逃亡事件是姆拜尼马拉马将军与马拉家族的矛盾不断升级的又一个信号。虽然卡米塞塞•马拉于2004年去世了,但他的家族在2006年的政变中起到了至关重要的作用。马拉的姐夫是现任总统埃佩利•奈拉蒂考(Ratu Epeli Nailatikau)。他的另一个姐夫于去年11月辞去了国防部长职务,起因是政府对一个矿泉水瓶装商随意加税,他对此事不满而与姆拜尼马拉马发生了争吵。马拉出逃后,新西兰外长评价道:“这场戏还没完。”在斐济首都苏瓦,谣言是漫天纷飞。虽然有些谣传说总统正在鼓起勇气要撤换总理,但海军准将姆拜尼马拉马最终篡夺总统宝座的可能性更大一些。

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引用 yannanchen 2011-5-22 22:30

A homburg is a felt hat characterized by a single dent running down the center of the crown and a brim fixed in a tight, upwards curl. It is superficially similar to the trilby and fedora; however, those types of hat have soft, snappable brims and can have various designs pinched into the crown, whereas the shape of a homburg is fixed.

The homburg is typically made from wool or fur felt and has a grosgrain hatband and brim treatment with an optional feather. A variant form is the "lord's hat", which lacks the edge ribbon, and may, optionally, be pinched.

It was popularized by Edward VII after he visited Bad Homburg in Hesse, Germany, and brought back a hat of this style. Like the trilby or fedora, the homburg was once quite popular and is still available in almost any color, but the most common colors are black, grey, and brown. In Britain a black homburg became widely known in the 1930s as an "Anthony Eden" after the Government Minister of that name.

Konrad Adenauer and Willy Brandt (1961) both with HomburgerIn formality, the homburg ranks just below the top hat, and above hats such as the bowler or fedora. It is appropriate (often with a topcoat) with a stroller, or with black tie.

引用 yannanchen 2011-5-22 22:33
who doubles as prime minister
连任, 还是兼任???
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-22 22:34
judiciary =法官们???
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-22 22:39
on a bottler of mineral water对瓶装矿泉水征税???

引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 06:33
回复 yannanchen 的帖子

Bainimarama is an ethnic Fijian. Bainimarama has taken power twice in Fiji's history, the first time as Head of the Interim Military Government of Fiji from 29 May to 13 July 2000, after organizing a counter-coup to neutralize the ethnic Fijian putsch led by George Speight. He handed power over to the newly-appointed President Ratu Josefa Iloilo. He was instrumental in the rise to power of the government of the Prime Minister, Laisenia Qarase, but his intense criticism of the government's policy of showing leniency towards persons implicated in the coup later strained his relations with the regime, and on 5 December 2006, he overthrew the Qarase government and announced that he had "reluctantly" assumed the powers of the presidency. He restored Ratu Josefa Iloilo to the Presidency on 4 January 2007,[7][8][9] and was formally appointed Interim Prime Minister by Iloilo the next day.[10][11] The appointment was declared lawful by the Supreme Court of Fiji in October 2008.[12][13] Fiji's Commodore Frank Bainimarama has stepped down on April 10, 2009 as interim prime minister, after the country's court of appeal ruled the removal of the democratic government during his 2006 military coup was unlawful.[14] President Ratu Josefa Iloilo then announced that he had abolished the constitution, assumed all governing power and revoked all judicial appointments. He reappointed Commodore Frank Bainimarama as prime minister.[15] The media has dubbed Fiji a "Bainimarama republic",[16] a play on banana republic.

引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 06:44
回复 yannanchen 的帖子

引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 07:50
dqzxf 发表于 2011-5-23 06:44
回复 yannanchen 的帖子

这个问题我也进行了认真考虑。第一感是此人喜欢戴个软边毡帽,但google后,没有找 ...


引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 08:03
yannanchen 发表于 2011-5-22 22:34
judiciary =法官们???

Tonga’s judiciary remains answerable first and foremost to the king, not the elected government.


引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 08:46
The madness of King George Tupou V: Tonga monarch plays the English country gent  

It is a very small kingdom - but while Tonga is tiny, its monarch is larger than life...

When he is finally crowned King of Tonga this week - almost two years after the death of his dad - the multi-millionaire playboy bachelor George Tupou V intends to make sure the wait was worth it.

Sir Elton John, Sir Mick Jagger, Elle Macpherson and Sir Sean Connery are all among the A-listers invited to the £1.6million Coronation celebrations, including four days of official ceremonies, a military parade, an open-air concert, lavish firework displays and a rugby match between Tonga and the rest of the world.

The future George V has long been known for his extravagances and eccentricities - from his white pith helmet, monocle and wardrobe full of Savile Row suits to the beloved 15-year-old bespoke London taxi in which he is ferried around the 748 sq km of his South Pacific island kingdom.

"One is what one is," the Oxford and Sandhurst-educated king said in his plummy English accent, recently declining an interview.

"One doesn't see much point in talking about it."

At a cost of one-third of this former British protectorate's annual aid budget, the Coronation of 'G5' - as he is known to friends - will be as lavish as his lifestyle.

Three balls costing hundreds of thousands of pounds will segregate guests into Very Very Important Persons (VVIPs), Very Important Persons (VIPs) - and Commoners.

All must observe the strict "tapu" - protocols - that surround the king, maintaining a "respectful distance from his person", speaking "with lowered voices" and compelled to "stoop deferentially" if approached by his Highness.

Their host, meanwhile, will wear ermine-trimmed robes tailored on Savile Row at £230,000.

A £20,000 gold sceptre similar to the Queen's and long admired by George Tupou V's family, has been specially cast for the occasion.

The coronation of George V, the very last Polynesian monarch, is so expensive that it has been delayed for almost two years by its extravagances.

The 169 islands of the South Pacific archipelago - 36 are inhabited - are among the most beautiful in the world, but a quarter of their people live in poverty.

With fishing and subsistence farming the only industries, the economy largely depends on tourism and money sent home by Tongans who have emigrated abroad, and there have been fears of protest leading to bloodshed.

When George's father died, rioting and looting caused £34m worth of damage as pro-democracy campaigners seized the moment to protest against Tonga's feudal structure. Six people died.

The late King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV had been famous for two things - a listing in the Guinness Book of Records as "the world's heaviest monarch" at 31 stone, and a scandal involving a US conman he'd appointed as Official Court Jester.

When ill-fated schemes such as building a fish-sausage factory to burning old tyres to create electricity floundered, Taufa'ahau Tupou IV approved a scheme to sell Tongan passports to foreigners.

It raised more than £30 million for the national purse. But the money was immediately lost by the King's chief adviser - an American magnet salesman who had persuaded Taufa'ahau he could make him a billionaire.

He couldn't... And despite his own eccentric interests - including collecting toy soldiers and dressing up in military outfits - Crown Prince George showed far more business savvy.

Having acquired controlling stakes in most of the nation's key assets - from Tonga's national airline to a brewery and an electricity company - the future king has built a multi-million pound empire. Run from his sprawling, heavily-guarded Italianate hillside villa, he also enjoys an extravagant - and eccentric - lifestyle.

A terrace overlooks an Olympicsized swimming pool where the King sails a fleet of motorised boats, and the grounds where he plays war games with his toy soldiers.

A notorious playboy, George V is rumoured to have two love children in the States he can never acknowledge and who can never ascend to the throne.

But in reality little is known about his private life except that he is unmarried. Film-making is among his hobbies, and during the making of a documentary on Mongolian tribes the King couldn't resist parading around in riding breeches, aviator goggles and a Russian fur hat.
引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 08:48
本帖最后由 dqzxf 于 2011-5-23 16:05 编辑


引用 yannanchen 2011-5-23 18:27
回复 dqzxf 的帖子

The judiciary (also known as the judicial system or judicature) is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law (that is, in a plenary fashion, which is the responsibility of the legislature) or enforce law (which is the responsibility of the executive), but rather interprets law and applies it to the facts of each case. This branch of government is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. It usually consists of a court of final appeal (called the "supreme court" or "constitutional court"), together with lower courts.

judiciary当然包括法官, 但是跟judges 意义不同, judiciary远不止是法官, 而是司法机构, 司法系统。 按照你的逻辑, PRC 应当译成mzd了。
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-23 18:36
回复 dqzxf 的帖子

Commodore Bainimarama, who doubles as prime minister
不管他过去任过几届, 这个double, 尤其是现在时的doubles, 只能说明发表谈话其时他的双重身份, 一是commodore 一是prime minister。 这是double的标准含义。
所以不是连任(历时性加之连续性), 而是兼任(共时性), 有史以来任过两届或三届(历时性加之断续性)不能称double 或triple什么的。 如有, 请给支持性实例。 直译为好啊。
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-23 18:39
Island asylum

这个题目,不妨越过直译一步, 译成 岛国避难
引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 18:47
回复 yannanchen 的帖子

司法机构、司法系统当然主要是由法官组成了,法官听命于国王。这里我认为不宜word for word 的翻译。
引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 19:04
yannanchen 发表于 2011-5-23 18:36
回复 dqzxf 的帖子

Commodore Bainimarama, who doubles as prime minister

He restored Ratu Josefa Iloilo to the Presidency on 4 January 2007, and was formally appointed Interim Prime Minister by Iloilo the next day. The appointment was declared lawful by the Supreme Court of Fiji in October 2008. Fiji's Commodore Frank Bainimarama has stepped down on April 10, 2009 as interim prime minister, after the country's court of appeal ruled the removal of the democratic government during his 2006 military coup was unlawful. President Ratu Josefa Iloilo then announced that he had abolished the constitution, assumed all governing power and revoked all judicial appointments. He reappointed Commodore Frank Bainimarama as prime minister. The media has dubbed Fiji a "Bainimarama republic", a play on banana republic.

引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 19:13
yannanchen 发表于 2011-5-23 18:39
Island asylum

"Island asylum"也是一首摇滚乐的名字。但我感到这个题目并无多少实质,甚至多余。可能是说这两个国家的恩恩怨怨不过是一场闹剧?
引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 19:16
本帖最后由 dqzxf 于 2011-5-23 19:28 编辑

这里的意思是他既是commodore 又是prime minister  

引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 19:32
回复 dqzxf 的帖子

"谁说的? 他当总理时, 乐意放掉军权吗? 枪杆子里出政权,保政权,不光是老M知道。"

引用 dqzxf 2011-5-23 19:53
“他任总理时,难道没有同时保有海军准将军衔? 卡达菲当第一把手, 人家还要那个什么上校中校少校什么的, 不是吗?”


我并没有说double as 一定就没有兼职的意思,只是不能兼一个军衔。能否是说他在武装部队总司令的职务外又兼了总理一职?


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