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[2011.06.02] 第一次世界大战:那些说不的人

2011-6-7 07:54| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 13345| 评论: 40|原作者: lonelyDanilel

摘要: 《为了结束所有的战争:忠诚与叛乱的故事》,1914-1918,作者:亚当•霍克希尔德(Adam Hochschild),霍顿•米夫林•哈卡特(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt);480页;28美金。 ...


089 Books and arts - The first world war.mp3
Jun 2nd 2011 | from the print edition

To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914-1918. By Adam Hochschild. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 480 pages; $28. Published in Britain as “To End All Wars: How the First World War Divided Britain”. Macmillan; £20. Buy from,
为了结束所有的战争:忠诚与叛乱的故事,1914-1918,作者:亚当•霍克希尔德(Adam Hochschild),霍顿•米夫林•哈卡特(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt);480页;28美金.英国出版名“为了结束所有的战争:第一次世界大战如何分裂了英国”,作者:麦克米兰(Macmillan);20英镑。从亚马逊购买,

被同时代人称作伟大之战的第一次世界大战,仍然在倔强的影响着西欧洲人的意识,尤其英国人和法国人。学校定期组织到位于法国北部和佛兰德斯(Flanders)的公墓战场的旅行;每一代英国文学的学生都要学习维尔浮莱德.欧文(Wilfred Owen)和西格里夫•萨松(Siegfried Sassoon)的诗歌;1918年11月11日,西线枪声归于寂静,这一刻一战结束,几乎所有的参战国(除了德国)都在停战周年纪念日纪念牺牲的士兵。


尤其由于这些原因的存在,关于一战的书始终在络绎不绝的出版。亚当•霍克希尔德(Adam Hochschild)是美国具有强烈和平主义倾向的通俗史学家,他从一个新角度发现:在战争之中英国社会分成了各个团体。他的书是关于强烈反对战争的人,尤其是冒着付出巨大个人代价的人。

夏洛特•德斯帕(Charlotte Despard)是一位暴躁的上层激进分子,她积极地组织着反战运动;她的弟弟约翰•弗里奇(John French)在一战初期时是英国的最高指挥官。这本书从阐述他们两人不寻常的关系开始徐徐展开。还有埃米莉•霍布豪斯(Emily Hobhouse),她是一个教区牧师的女儿,由于她揭露了英国布尔战争集中营的污点而名望显赫。西维亚•潘克赫斯特(Sylvia Pankhurst)是埃米琳(Emmeline)的二女儿(埃米琳跟她女儿一样,是妇女参政权论的社会活动人士,但是她十分支持战争),基尔•哈迪(Keir Hardie)是西维亚大得多的情人,同时也是爱好和平的工党领袖,西维亚和基尔跟随着埃米莉的脚步。还有大家很熟悉的哲学家伯特兰•罗素(Bertrand Russell)。霍克希尔德先生(Mr Hochschild)也赞赏了其他的地位低下、有良知并且拒绝服兵役的人(正如人们所知的)的勇气,在1916年初进行征兵之后,拒绝服兵役的人数达到了两万人。

但是这也有个难处。正如这本书英文版副标题写的那样,把英国被“分为”好战和反战两派过于夸张。当战争爆发时各持原则的评论家们的口水战也同时打响,随着死亡人数增加以及法国人民逐渐感受到恐怖的气息,更多的评论家们加入这场没有硝烟的战争。乔治•兰斯伯里(George Lansbury)是一位和平主义记者,同时即将成为工党的领袖,他曾经认为欧洲的工人们为统治阶级互相撕杀是愚蠢而疯狂的。然而即使是乔治,现在也承认被“危险和军队的感觉”所劝服。随着互相残杀的继续,英国几乎所有社区和家庭都感受到了丧失亲人的痛苦,对于人员伤亡以及将军们的无情无能,大后方的主流情绪并没有因此而暴躁,更多的反而是坚持清苦生活的忍耐和对参战年轻人英勇无惧的默默自豪。

由于作者的诚实,所以他察觉到了这一点。因此,作者控制住怒火,用其才能专注于讲述战争的故事,尽管不太重要,反战运动之类的事还是渐渐淡出了故事中心。霍克希尔德先生(Mr Hochschild)没有过多描述过去30年的修正主义,修正主义认为一战并不像人们后来看到的那么无效(英国和法国在面对德国进攻时真的会无视条约规定的义务?),而且至少在战争后期,指挥官们也不全是经常出错的蠢蛋。


本文由译者 lonelyDanilel 提供 点击此处阅读双语版







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引用 lonelyDanilel 2011-6-5 22:10
引用 hddmail126 2011-6-6 00:22
the battlefields and cemeteries of northern France and Flanders
of northern France and Flanders修饰battlefields和cemeteries

After nearly a decade of war in Afghanistan, Britain has lost fewer than 370 of its service people; on the first day of the Battle of the Somme in July 1916, 57,500 British soldiers were killed or wounded.

humbler, conscientious objectors 低位更低下、有良知的反对者

It was a conflict that seems to us to have been fought for no great principle and whose bitter fruit was the even more destructive 1939-45 war.

The author is too honest not to recognise this.
such as it was表让步,意思是尽管不怎么重要
引用 wharton323 2011-6-6 00:47
It was a conflict that seems to us to have been fought for no great principle

引用 wharton323 2011-6-6 00:51
For these reasons among others
评:among others没有译出。
引用 wharton323 2011-6-6 00:52
an American popular historian

评:不是a popular American historian
引用 wharton323 2011-6-6 00:56
It starts well enough with an account of the extraordinary relationship between Charlotte Despard, a fiery upper-class radical who organised protests against the fighting, and her brother, Sir John French, Britain’s most senior commander in the opening stages of the war.
原译:夏洛特•德斯帕(Charlotte Despard)是一位热情的上流社会激进分子,积极地组织着反战运动;约翰•弗里奇(John French)在一战初期时是英国的最高指挥官。
引用 lonelyDanilel 2011-6-6 16:28
回复 hddmail126 的帖子

引用 lonelyDanilel 2011-6-6 16:30
回复 wharton323 的帖子

引用 hddmail126 2011-6-6 16:37
wharton323的意思是:popular historian通俗史学家
引用 lonelyDanilel 2011-6-6 17:00
回复 hddmail126 的帖子

哦~~ 我明白了,谢谢~
引用 超级译员 2011-6-6 17:39
本帖最后由 超级译员 于 2011-6-6 17:41 编辑

But there is a difficulty. To suggest, as the book’s British subtitle does, that Britain was “divided” over whether to fight is an exaggeration. There were principled critics of the war when hostilities broke out and more were recruited as the death toll mounted and people became aware of the horrors in France. But even George Lansbury, a pacifist journalist and future Labour Party leader, who had argued that it was madness for Europe’s workers to be killing each other on behalf of the ruling classes, confessed to feeling carried along by the “sense of danger and service”. As the carnage continued and nearly every community and family in Britain experienced loss, the dominant emotion on the home front was less fury at the human waste or the callous incompetence of the generals, but more a gritty stoicism and quiet pride in the bravery of the young men who fought.
引用 lonelyDanilel 2011-6-6 18:28
回复 超级译员 的帖子

引用 nikko016 2011-6-6 20:15
说两个小错吧 看的出来大家水平接近都比我强 可有些地方不如我
  a fiery upper-class radical  咋成热情了? fiery有贬义 暴躁的上层激进分子 即一个英国五毛或五便士

her much older lover 比她大得多的情人吧?
引用 lonelyDanilel 2011-6-6 22:22
回复 nikko016 的帖子

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-7 11:12
Popular Historian: Fighting Words?
I was just reminded of the first review my book The First Tycoon received, from Kirkus Reviews. It's a very nice review, but it refers to me as a "popular historian." What exactly does that mean? Is it good or bad? More to the point, what does it say about my work?

To Kirkus, the label of "popular historian" obviously is no slight. On one other occasion, when Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War appeared, I was called the same thing, but I don't think it was meant to be complimentary.

So what is a popular historian? The most superficial answer would be a historian who is not employed by an academic institution. But that doesn't seem very satisfying. The place of one's employment doesn't necessarily tell us anything about one's writing. Indeed, there is a term often used to describe serious nonfiction writers who operate outside of the academy: independent scholars.

Ah! But I just used a telling term, revealing how I define "popular historian": it's that word "serious." Someone once said (I think it was Montaigne) that the highest purpose of nonfiction writing was to both inform and entertain. But the serious writer and scholar goes one step further, in trying to create knowledge—to enlarge our understanding of the past (in the case of the historian).

The popular historian is one who is not concerned with the creation of knowledge. Entertaining a general audience is the primary goal; informing that audience is usually a necessary part of that task, but the information is often familiar to many readers. There is no reason to disrespect such work: A good popular historian can be useful to a serious historian, by fluidly incorporating multiple sources into a coherent narrative. A popular historian may even adhere to the standards of historical writing, in terms of noting sources, providing a bibliography, etc.

The serious or professional historian, on the other hand, asks new questions and looks for new sources. Fresh thinking, fresh discoveries, fresh analysis—these are the most important part of a serious scholar's work.

There are some academic historians, unfortunately, who disparage the popular historian's work. I suspect that part of the reason is that, to a few academics, the entertainment value—the pleasure of the narrative—can appear unseemly. Perhaps there's a little jealousy? After all, narrative writing is an art, and it isn't taught in history graduate programs. But perhaps more important is professional pride. It is not easy to be a professional scholar, and the endeavor deserves respect. And let's be honest: along with the "popular historians" who are unjustly dismissed, there are plenty who produce junk, plain and simple.

So where do I stand? First, I am not an academic. Second, I embrace entertainment; I want my books to be pleasurable narratives, with full and complex characters, smart pacing, and even suspense. But I don't think there's anything unserious about that. The greatest literary writers, from Tolstoy to Orwell, have brought all those values to their books.

But I also cherish the scholarly values as well. I want to create new knowledge, and provide the full scholarly apparatus to allow verification of my research. I am trying to walk a very fine line: to entertain a popular audience and inform an academic audience.

That's my goal. Do I reach it? I hope so. Some readers find my writing exciting, and some find it a bit slow. And some historians find my books to be rewarding, though I'm sure others have a hard time taking the genre of biography very seriously. Overall, I have absolutely no reason to complain about how my work has been received by either audience.

For the record, I don't see myself as a popular historian. I try to write serious books with popular appeal. And there it is.
Posted by T.J. Stiles at 9:05 PM  
Labels: biography, Commodore Vanderbilt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, history, Jesse James, T.J. Stiles, writing
引用 lonelyDanilel 2011-6-7 16:52
回复 yannanchen 的帖子

读完了,受教很多,大概明白了popular historian的意思,谢谢老师~~
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-7 19:28
Above all, 1914-18 has come to symbolise the futility of war. It was a conflict that seems to us to have been fought for no great principle and whose bitter fruit was the even more destructive 1939-45 war.
这里的above all 不是总结前文, 而是引起后文。 所以, 不是总而言之, 而是尤其要提到的是。 战争徒劳无益, 一次大战不是为什么伟大的原则(或理念)而战。 二次大战是一次大战的恶果。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-7 19:29
For these reasons among others
因为这些理由, 还有别的原因。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-7 19:32
His book is about those who passionately opposed the war, often at great personal cost.



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