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[2011.06.16] 天下之事,古已有之

2011-6-18 15:07| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 9621| 评论: 56|原作者: tchch143

摘要: 昔日中国一统天下之时,哲学家们的所思所想,及其对今日中国的裨益


034 Asia - Banyan.mp3
Jun 16th 2011 | from the print edition





赵是一位彬彬有礼、温文尔雅和颇为超凡脱俗的学者,而不是一个慷慨激昂的中国民族主义者。他说,就像周公时期一样,当今的国家也没有必要追求主导地位。他所主张的并不是一个中国所主导的世界秩序,而是一个平等的制度, “天下”是自愿的选择,没有强迫。对于权术政治来说,这只是一个遥远的梦想,而不是一个宣言,这当然是不言而喻的。







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引用 molitao 2011-6-17 15:38
我觉得“when China was the world”可以译成当中国是天朝上国的时候
“a recently dead and disgraced Communist leader”这句话的时态是1970s,而“林彪是一位蒙羞的共产党领导人,不久前辞世”这句话的时态给人感觉是最近发生的事
“a constant presence in its domestic politics and its view of the world”, presence这个词译成主题太牵强了,而且你不觉得党理论上的主题是共产主义,实践中的主题是经济建设吗?
“multiparty democracy is the form of government towards which all other systems evolve”这句话里面 towards是趋势的意思
引用 tchch143 2011-6-17 21:54
回复 molitao 的帖子

1、我觉得“when China was the world”可以译成当中国是天朝上国的时候
答复:very good
2、“a recently dead and disgraced Communist leader”这句话的时态是1970s,而“林彪是一位蒙羞的共产党领导人,不久前辞世”这句话的时态给人感觉是最近发生的事
3、“a constant presence in its domestic politics and its view of the world”, presence这个词译成主题太牵强了,而且你不觉得党理论上的主题是共产主义,实践中的主题是经济建设吗?
5、“multiparty democracy is the form of government towards which all other systems evolve”这句话里面 towards是趋势的意思

引用 wharton323 2011-6-17 22:11
回复 tchch143 的帖子

2、“a recently dead and disgraced Communist leader”这句话的时态是1970s,而“林彪是一位蒙羞的共产党领导人,不久前辞世”这句话的时态给人感觉是最近发生的事

引用 wharton323 2011-6-17 22:14
回复 tchch143 的帖子

1、我觉得“when China was the world”可以译成当中国是天朝上国的时候
答复:very good

评:“ was the world”指的“天下”(All Under Heaven)。
引用 tchch143 2011-6-17 22:15
回复 wharton323 的帖子

引用 tchch143 2011-6-17 22:16
本帖最后由 tchch143 于 2011-6-17 22:17 编辑

回复 wharton323 的帖子

引用 wharton323 2011-6-17 23:04
Though Mr Zhao was not proposing an indigenous blueprint for a China-led new world order to supplant the one led by America, the misconception that he was explains some of his appeal within China.

引用 wharton323 2011-6-17 23:08
humane authority !=人治,粗心了。
引用 wharton323 2011-6-17 23:16
回复 tchch143 的帖子

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 05:28
Though Mr Zhao was not proposing an indigenous blueprint for a China-led new world order to supplant the one led by America, the misconception that he was explains some of his appeal within China.虽然赵并未就由中国取代美国领导世界新秩序问题提出中国自己的蓝图,但是人们对他的误解却令他在国内颇受欢迎。

评论: 原文的结构是:Though Mr Zhao was not proposing an indigenous blueprint for a China-led new world order to supplant the one led by America, the misconception that he was (proposing an indigenous blueprint for a China-led new world order to supplant the one led by America)explains some of his appeal within China.

虽然赵并未就由中国取代美国领导世界新秩序问题提出中国自己的蓝图,但是人们却误解他有提出这个蓝图, 这令他在国内颇受欢迎。

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 05:42
According to Zhao Tingyang, a Beijing-based philosopher known for his book of a few years ago on tianxia, the concept is based on the vision of an ancient sage-king, the Duke of Zhou. The duke realised that for Zhou, a small state, to exercise sway over other feuding states, he could not rely on force of arms. It had instead to draw on its own moral and political example. As Mr Zhao updates this, tianxia is a Utopian vision of universal harmony, unattainable, he concedes, for 200-300 years, where everybody opts into a system of global government. 北京的赵汀阳(音译)是一个哲学家,以其多年前所写的一部关于天下的书而闻名,他表示“天下”这个概念是以古代一位圣君——周公的愿景为基础的。周公认识到,对于周国这个小国来说,要想统治其他番邦,就不能诉诸武力,而必须转而求之于自己在道德和政治上的表率作用。就像赵所补充的那样,天下是一种追求普遍和谐的乌托邦式的愿景,到了这样的社会,每个人都会选择进入全球政府的体系之中,而他承认在200-300年内这是不会实现的。

评论:As Mr Zhao updates this, 这里的this 指代什么? 应当是 tianxia, the concept 即  天下这个观念。那么, update 这个观念是什么意思? 天下是中国帝王式的观念, 翻译成(或用现代政治学的)现代语言或观念应是什么? 就应是Utopian vision of universal harmony。普遍和谐的乌托邦式的愿景。
a system of global government. 注意不是governments, 是单数, 不是复数。 应是全球治理的体系。
As Mr Zhao updates this, tianxia is a Utopian vision of universal harmony, unattainable, he concedes, for 200-300 years, where everybody opts into a system of global government.这句翻译应是:
“天下” 如果用赵翻译成的现代术语来说,就是一种普遍和谐的乌托邦式的愿景,他承认200-300年内是实现不了的, 因为现在人人都选择一种全球治理的体系。

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 05:49
As Mr Zhao updates this, tianxia is a Utopian vision of universal harmony, unattainable, he concedes, for 200-300 years, where everybody opts into a system of global government.这句翻译应是:
“天下” 如果用赵翻译成的现代术语来说,就是一种普遍和谐的乌托邦式的愿景,他承认200-300年内是实现不了的, 因为现在人人都选择一种全球治理的体系。

superpower modelled on humane authority”.遵从人治的超级大国

评论: 更像是: 以仁治为本的超级大国。
引用 tchch143 2011-6-18 07:02
本帖最后由 tchch143 于 2011-6-18 07:13 编辑

回复 yannanchen 的帖子
原文的结构是:Though Mr Zhao was not proposing an indigenous blueprint for a China-led new world order to supplant the one led by America, the misconception that he was (proposing an indigenous blueprint for a China-led new world order to supplant the one led by America)explains some of his appeal within China.
虽然赵并未就由中国取代美国领导世界新秩序问题提出中国自己的蓝图,但是人们却误解他有提出这个蓝图, 这令他在国内颇受欢迎。

答复:陈老师一眼就看到了,我确实不明白the misconception that he was是何意思,thanks
另外还想向陈老师请教一下,was not proposing为什么用过去进行时,我对此不理解,特向您请教一下。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 07:06
Cultural Dictionary

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others definition

A proclamation by the pigs who control the government in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell. The sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to a small elite.
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 07:08

When the animals take over the farm, they think it is the start of a better life. Their dreams is of a world where all animals are equal and all property is shared. But soon the pigs take control and one of them, Napoleon, becomes the leader of all the animals. One by one the principles of the revolution are abandoned, until the animals have even less freedom than before.

Submitted by Anonymous.


Animal Farm is a classic work by George Orwell and a noted piece of literature, which, of course, may help the reader to catapult the imagination beyond the horizons of dogmatic adherence to idealistic or Utopian thoughts. It however, represents human characteristics in an analogy of animal instincts, but it really gives insight into the Russian Revolution of 1917. It also mimics the doomsday of a precipitated change, brought by a modicum of bureaucratic class called as Bolsheviks.

Submitted by Rahimullah Baig Hunzai.


In this book, written in 1943 and 1944 while Orwell was working as a journalist and commentator for (among others) the BBC Orwell vents his profound disdain for Stalinism and his dissapointment with Marxism as political praxis. A particularly English brand of Socialist with a towering social concience Orwell himself not only campaigned on behalf of teh ILP but had the courage of his convictions to join the Poum in the fight against fascism in Spain in 1937. However, dissapointed and endangered by the political machinations of Stalins Russia in Spain and disgusted by the Molotov Ribbentrop non aggresion pact of 1939 and early communist rhetoric against involvement in World War 2 as a capitalist war, Orwell turns his not inconsiderable facility for satire against totalitarian socialism. Not so much against the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 but against the hypocracy, the repressiveness that that revolution descended into from the dreath of Lenin. This is one of teh best books in the English Language written by one of the most viscerally intelligent, humain, geniuses of the pen to have lived. It comes highly recommended.

Submitted by Anonymous.

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Recent Forum Posts on Animal FarmInterestI am reading 'Animal Farm' for fun. I am find it very interest the way Orwell writes 'Farm Animal', mainly at moment chapter 5 it in refer to russian re and bolsk That Snowball in visions about how to use the windmill and built it. Also that Napolean only kept Snowball on side just for cowshed fight with two legs. Napolean is very clever complex character is secretly turn the pigs in to only communists army. Squealer is like store pigeon just wait right time whisper in the ears of animal. Squealer is one suppose put Napolean side of thing of now everything hes doing for good of animals. Napolean is true communist, just out own purpose.
Posted By zoolane at Fri 21 Jan 2011, 10:13 AM in Animal Farm || 4 Replies

The confessions/executions of the animalsHow do the confessions (perhaps, false confessions) and executions of some of the animals on Animal Farm show that the animals are naive and easily taken advantage of?
Posted By mk3500 at Sun 19 Dec 2010, 10:45 PM in Animal Farm || 3 Replies

The danger of a naive working classHey there. I'm writing a research paper on Animal Farm right now, and my topic is: The vulnerability of a naive and uneducated working class. Is this a good topic to research? Would anyone be able to provide some links to articles I can read to use as sources on my paper? Also, any tips, suggestions or ideas about a better research topic or potential sub-topics would very much be appreciated. People here seem like a smart bunch and I'd like to learn from you to reach a better understanding of this novella, which is why I came here for help. Thank you.
Posted By mk3500 at Tue 14 Dec 2010, 4:08 PM in Animal Farm || 1 Reply

I need help!I have to answer this question: Discuss the way language is used to shape ideas and themes. Could anyone give me some help
Posted By josh_rules at Wed 13 Oct 2010, 2:10 AM in Animal Farm || 3 Replies

Was Animal Farm funny?I finished reading Animal Farm with knowing the background of Stalinist Russia, and I didn't find it funny at all. I probably wouldn't have found it funny even if I didn't know it's historical context. I did get a small grin at the very last line where it said the pigs and humans looked exactly the same though. Many tell me that this novel was written with satire. The definition of satire is using humour (which I did not see) to criticize something. (In this case, Stalin/Russia). Was it suppose to be humourous? Am I missing something? If it was, what did Orwell do to make it funny for you? (In other words how did he manipulate the text in order to bolster satirical content?) I feel I'm truly missing something here. ;(
Posted By Xzero at Sun 23 May 2010, 11:34 PM in Animal Farm || 5 Replies

Help pleaseHi. I had some questions regarding animal farm that i needed help with. 1)The overthrow of Mr. Jones was easier that Old Major had predicted. Briefly account how the Revolution was acheived. 2) What was the significance of Snowball referring to the other animals as 'comrades' throughout the book. 3) Do you think the pigs teaching themselves to read is important. Discuss. 4) At the start, why is Major referred to as 'majestic - looking'? Thanks
Posted By Nadz at Sat 15 May 2010, 2:25 PM in Animal Farm || 2 Replies

animal farm research paper!can someone tell me how George Orwell used satire in Animal Farm to make fun of the Russian Revolution? this is my first research paper ever!
Posted By essays! at Mon 10 May 2010, 7:55 PM in Animal Farm || 7 Replies

Animal Farm - Truths and lies?hi there, Im trying to do an essay which has this title : Discuss the various ways in which lies are transformed into truth in Animal Farm. so far i have mentioned this : In the beginning of the story of Animal Farm, a new world is explained to the Animals. The animals grow to hope for a better world and future and life, but all this does not end up the way it was supposed to. Lies, are a big part of the downfall of Animal Farm. In the beginning all the animals work hard to achieve all that they hope for. The pigs, being the start to all the hope that the animals believed in, were the ones who did the absolute opposite. First of all – the Commandments. They weren’t a lie from the beginning, in fact they were being obeyed. When the pigs took a lot of the power on Animal Farm, and ended up making Animal Farm theirs , they changed and twisted the commandments according to their needs. For example the commandment – ‘No animal can drink alcohol’ was changed to : ‘No animal can drink alcohol to excess’. So, really and truly, the pigs were lying when they said they were obeying the commandments, because they adjusted them to their own ways. i cant come up with anything else. when i re read the title a couple of times, i noticed the real meaning of it, which got me cornered becuase i cant really come up with stuff in this section. will you help me? any critisism will be appreciated because i want to know what i've done wrong, because i have my GCSE in a couple of weeks. thanks alot
Posted By frecurmi at Sat 3 Apr 2010, 7:31 AM in Animal Farm || 2 Replies

Animal Farm and Russian Revolution Help please!I am currently writing a research paper on how Animal Farm is an direct allegory to the Russian Revoltuion and I was wondering if anyone could help me with three good points for the comparison of 1) the Battle of the Cowshed compared to Russian Civil War 2) The destruction of the windmill compared to Stalin's Five Year plan
Posted By Chaoss at Tue 23 Mar 2010, 6:50 PM in Animal Farm || 1 Reply

How is animal farm related to WWII?I'm doing a research paper where I have to compare the book "Animal Farm" to a famous event in history. I have chosen World War 2. I would prefer to compare it mainly to the war in Europe, with Hitler. I mainly need what items/characters in the book relate to things that happened during the war. Obviously, Napolean is Hitler. Any help would be appreciated!!!
Posted By Prototype at Wed 16 Dec 2009, 7:39 AM in Animal Farm || 8 Replies

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About George Orwell

SummarySummary Chp. 1Summary Chp. 2Summary Chp. 3Summary Chp. 4Summary Chp. 5Summary Chp. 6Summary Chp. 7Summary Chp. 8Summary Chp. 9Summary Chp. 10Character Summary

引用 tchch143 2011-6-18 07:24
回复 yannanchen 的帖子
superpower modelled on humane authority”.遵从人治的超级大国

评论: 更像是: 以仁治为本的超级大国。

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 07:25
For scholars like Mr Yan and Mr Zhao, the pre-Qin thinkers offer fresh approaches to solving the problems of what Mr Zhao calls a “failed world”, with its endless wars. One is that the nation-state system of notional equality between countries fails to recognise that some are more equal than others. As China’s foreign minister bluntly pointed out last year at a meeting with its South-East Asian neighbours: “China is a big country and other countries are small countries and that’s just a fact.” A second problem is that national governments—especially, some in China would argue, in democracies—often ignore the interests of those without a vote, such as unborn generations and foreigners.

评论: 这段行文很怪。One is that 这句里的one 指什么? 回溯检查, 我的第一个感觉是approach, 而不是problem。 直到读到A second problem时才发觉这个one 指的是one problem。

some are more equal than others 什么意思? 从引的资料看, 直译为:有些(人,国, 等) 要比另一些更平等, 恐怕表达不出其深意。
实际上, 它说的是, 没有真正的一律平等, 有些因特殊情况, 需要享受特权。 民族国家所标榜的国家间观念上的平等体系有问题, 这个问题就是该体系没有能认识到有些国家就是要比别的国家享受更多的平等。 正如中国的外交部长所宣扬的那样。
第二个问题就是民族国家的政府(national governments), 尤其是那些民主政府,——中国某些人有如此议论——经常无视不能参加投票选举那些人的利益, 比如未出生的将来一代, 以及外国人。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 07:32
回复 tchch143 的帖子

5 Repetition and Irritation with "Always"

The Past Continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very similar to the expression "used to" but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words "always" or "constantly" between "be" and "verb+ing."


•She was always coming to class late.
•He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
•I didn't like them because they were always complaining.

本句尽管没有always 等, 应当一样。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-18 07:33
Beyond the failed state

评论: beyond 超越?


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