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[2011.06.09] 关于意大利的特别报道 纠结之网

2011-6-25 18:58| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 7414| 评论: 19|原作者: zhanyisky

摘要: 利益冲突充斥意大利公共生活,导致改革受阻




Jun 9th 2011 | from the print edition

无论何人,倘若想在日暮时分找档意大利电视节目消遣,不妨跳过米兰足球德比大战跟《意大利明日超模》,另挑一档政治脱口秀来看。这些节目火药味十足、脏话横飞,看了难受,关掉不看更难受。Tim Parks最近就在《纽约客》上写道:“对手方展现给人的印象,与其说是错误的一方,不如说是落败的一方,更恰当地说,性无能的输方。”


意大利各政党、行政部门、媒体、商界与司法部门之间,职权运作界线分明。这一界线就像丝带,稍有压力,就可扭曲,任意变形。牛津大学的Ferdinando Giugliano表示,当这一扭曲过程太离谱时,意大利缺乏可介入制止的仲裁者。利益冲突四处冒出,又进一步削弱了各公共机构的职能。而意总理握有该国最大电视网络的股份,只是种种冲突中最大的一个。


事与愿违。尽管意政府减少了对本国工业的直接干涉,但意大利经济面临的种种问题,大体仍与十五年前一般无二。该国并未发展出两党体系。组成左派的利益同盟争执不休,偶尔为了赢得选举掌权,才会如胶似漆粘在一起,但马上就会分崩离析。右翼主要政党“自由人民党”(PdL)与另一个右翼政党结盟,并做了盟主。但在一些基本问题上,如应向多少个地区放权,双方分歧重重。此外,“自由人民党”局部,与其说是个政党,还不如说是贝卢斯科尼总理的粉丝会及前雇员团。财政部长Giulio Tremonti曾担任贝卢斯科尼先生的税务律师;而平等机会部长Mara Carfagna,以前常身着比基尼,在贝先生的电视频道上卖弄风骚。




利益冲突也波及新闻业与商业。Mediobanca是意大利名头最响的报纸《晚邮报》(Corriere della Sera)所属公司的最大股东,这家投行就跟章鱼一样,四处抓有意大利众多大企业的重股。该报记者倒是独立自主,却也没法阻止意大利人醉心研究“背景学(dietrologia)”,探寻报道背后的利益归属。意大利第二大报《共和报》(La Repubblica)掌握在资深实业家Carlo De Benedetti手中,由其儿子Rodolfo经营。菲亚特公司(Fiat)拥有《新闻报》(La Stampa ),还握有《晚邮报》的重股。其控股股东阿涅利家族(the Agnelli family)还拥有《经济学人》杂志的小额股份。西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼总理的兄弟拥有《意大利日报》(Il Giornale),而其自个则出资创办了另一份友好报纸《政府宪报》(Il Foglio)。但这还难以说明意大利报纸业主较别地强势得多,且有足够话语权来确保竞争。



就算这位垄断媒体大亨没有入主意总理官邸基吉宫(the Chigi Palace),RAI也难逃政治势力左右。其董事局9位成员就有7位由意大利议会选举产生。这些人花大量时间围绕电视节目配额讨价还价,为各自政党争取宣传机会,却不让RAI记者自行权衡节目安排。



理论上,意大利公开上市公司管理规则可堪效仿,其实却不咋样,以Pirelli先生的经历为证。十年前,在一位刚好持有意电信公司(Telecom Italia)8%股票的股东怂恿下,Pirelli先生低价狂购该公司股票,而现在,其股值却损失了30多亿欧元(超过41亿美元)。又少数股东倘若未与其他股东签订种种协议,资金可能会被冻结。其中一条由两大银行Capitalia和UniCredit牵头制定的协议,掌控着投行Mediobanca的所有权,而后者被证实非常善于利用各家公司少数股份来达成所愿。此外,意大利政府仍持有一些上市大公司的巨额股票,如经济财政部掌握着石油天然气巨头Eni公司30%的股票,而发电输电企业Enel公司31%的股票也为其所有。

这样做的一个后果,便是小额投资者逃之夭夭。加之中型企业家族经营十分普遍,抑制了企业上市数量,从而意味着,在为本国大量私人储蓄与亟需资本的企业之间搭桥铺路方面,意大利资本主义未能有效发挥作用。最近有两项改革,一是欧盟下发的名为“登记日期(Rrecord Date)”的指示;还有意大利证券市场监管机构发出的一项法令,赋予独立董事在某些运作上享有否决权。两者皆对小投资者有利。然而,就像意大利生活的其他方面,不管法律宣称什么,企业文化本质上也惯于固步自封。



这便是意大利政府改革提案的由来。此提案综合考虑了一些有利因素,如公诉人与法官的职业生涯应不相关,和一些不利因素,如让民告官成为可能,并赋予当选政客决定哪起案件应优先审理的权利。但无论使出何招,这次改革料应无疾而终,原因就是利益冲突与改革如影随形。中央政府方面,意总理自上台以来,一直忙于跟“共产党”公诉人斗争,现在每周都得花一天时间来与之周旋。其政府绝不会倡导一场公正无私的改革。至于地方官员,有些貌似具备改革政治动机。Antonio di Pietro是“净手”反腐运动的主审法官之一,现已创立了自己的政党。但即便曾为反对政治腐败而战,法官也不应变成当选政客。综上所述,由于人人动机可疑,因此司法改革可能性不大。

罗马美国大学的政治学者James Walston称,“意大利要是没这么多‘小贝卢斯科尼’,或许会相对正常些。”利益冲突与体制界限模糊似已成常态,而政治力量宁愿联合而非分裂。但这团乱麻,相较总理先生自个的一团糟,仍属适中。贝先生成就非凡的原因之一,或许出自某些民众的支持,这些人在他身上看到了自己的一些影子。

本文由译者 zhanyisky 提供 点击此处阅读双语版






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引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 20:45
Conflicts of interest pervading public life conspire against change

评论: conspire的意义发掘的不够充分

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 20:54
hard to watch 什么意思? 难得一见? 还是看了让人难受?

'It's hard to watch,' admits tearful Kourtney ahead of emotional finale to Kardashian reality show
By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 11:28 AM on 16th August 2010

Comments (40) Videos Add to My Stories Share She lives her life in front of a camera lens - played out, on delay, for the whole world to see.
But that doesn't mean Kourtney Kardashian is immune to human emotions.
And just hours before the season final of Khloe and Kourtney Take Miami is due to air, Kourtney, 31, took to her blog to explain how she felt about the process.

Watching the show, which deals with her turbulent relationship with the father of her young baby, reduced her to tears.

Scroll down to watch a preview of the Khloe and Kourtney Take Miami finale...

Broken: Kourtney Kardashian breaks down in the show, set to air tonight on E!
Devastated: The episode, entitled Broken Family, sees a devastated Kourtney finally admit that her boyfriend may have a drinking problem
She described the upcoming episode, and season two ending, as 'hard for me to watch.'
'It is definitely not the norm to live through something and then watch it back a few months later and relive that moment all over again (this time with millions of other people watching that moment and commenting on it lol.)' she wrote in a posting on her website.
'Some moments are so much fun to watch back and relive, others not so much.'

Motherly love: A concerned Kris Jenner gets involved in order to protect her daughter and grandson

Back together: Since the episode was filmed Kourtney and Scott Disick have dealt with his wild ways

'I am grateful in a lot of ways too because when we do watch these moments back, we learn from them.

'I am just happy that I am home from Miami and back in Los Angeles with my family.

'And most importantly that I have my beautiful son who is the happiest baby in the world. Enjoy the episode!'
More...Fashion face-off: Kelly shows Kim a clean pair of heels in the style stakes
For once Kim Kardashian DOESN'T want to be photographed as she has a fashion disaster

The episode in question, entitled Broken Family, comes in the wake of last weeks show on which Kourtney's boyfriend and father to her eight-month-old son, Scott Disick,  punched a mirror in a fit of rage after a drunken night out.
The final episode, which airs tonight on E! television, is set to blow the lid off the couples relationship after Kourtney breaks down in front of her family after realising that 27-year-old Disick needs help with his drinking and should not be around their son.
Her family gets involved to protect her and the baby and the couple even attend a therapy session.
They are seen warning Disick he must clean up his act or risk losing Kourtney and his son.
But since the episode was filmed the couple have been pictured looking happy and united, even searching for a house in New York together.

Read more: ... .html#ixzz1QIELuvza
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 21:03
You know when I first got cancer and learned how bad it was, I did the usual, cried, felt sorry for myself. Why me?
I Lost my husband at 45 and I am so needed by my 2 daughters and my 6 grandkids and now I have cancer!! How unfair.
Then a thought came to me, when any of the kids are really sick first thing I think is " I wish it was me instead of them" Its so hard to watchWell, this time it is me instead of them and I thank God all the time for that.
It is as it should be.
My heart goes out to you JP, you are living the worst nightmare I can think of.
all I can say is try and stay strong for your son, you know if there is anything we on here can do, we will.
Wait and see stinks big time
Betty Jo

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 21:04
It’s Hard to Watch Your Country Die
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 21:09
hard to watch and harder to turn off.
看这些节目不好受, 但是关掉电视不看却更难受
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 21:15
Opponents are presented not so much as wrong but as losers or, better, sexually inadequate losers,
对手方与其说被展示为错误的一方, 不如说被展示成落败的一方, 而且, 更恰当地说, 被展示成性无能的输方。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 21:18
far-flung (färflng)
1. Remote; distant.
2. Widely distributed; wide-ranging.

有两义, 这里应取1. 远离权力中心的

fringe 边缘化的人士、阶层。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-25 22:30
The lines that run between political parties, the civil service, the media, business and the judiciary are more like ribbons that can be bent to any shape under slight pressure. Italy lacks referees who can intervene when this process goes too far, argues Ferdinando Giugliano of Oxford University. Institutions are further weakened by the conflicts of interest that pop up everywhere. The prime minister’s ownership of the country’s largest television network is merely the biggest of them. 意大利政党、行政部门、媒体、商界与司法部门之间的运作方式,有点像轻微压力下可任意弯曲的卷尺。牛津大学的Ferdinando Giugliano表示,当这一运作过程太离谱时,意大利缺乏可介入制止的仲裁者。利益冲突四处冒出,又一步削弱了体制。而意总理掌握着该国最大的电视网络,仅仅是这些冲突中最大的一个。
这一段不好理解, 也不容易翻译。首先底下这一句什么意思?以下是解释, 不是翻译。
The lines that run between political parties, the civil service,(应是民事部门) the media, business and the judiciary are more like ribbons that can be bent to any shape under slight pressure.
这些都是institutions, 社会的公共机构。 公共机构讲究的是独立性。 各个机构相互之间界线(lines)分明,职权分明, 而且这个界线是稳定的, 不随时间推移而变, 不因人而变。
但是在意大利, 这个界线就像丝带, 稍有压力, 就可以扭曲变形, 任意变形。  ---这点的理解不容易。
when this process goes too far, 这里的process指的是什么? 指的就是“这个界线就像丝带, 稍有压力, 就可以扭曲变形, 任意变形。” 指的就是机构之间的独立性, 界线性丧失的过程和程度。 ---这点的理解建立在上点之上, 更难了。
The prime minister’s ownership of the country’s largest television network
不是总理掌握, 而是总理也有股份, 总理的所有权。 我想他不是独有独占, 所有用股份。但是一定占了相当一部分。 多大部分? 要查。
引用 yannanchen 2011-6-26 19:47
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-6-26 19:50 编辑

The breaking up of the Christian Democrats’ monopoly on power achieved by the “clean hands” corruption trials would allow Italy to become a more normal democracy in which power alternates between two main parties, providing strong government.“基督民主党”借“净手”反腐运动攫取的垄断力量日益衰颓,

achieved by the “clean hands” corruption trials  这个后定语定的是The breaking up

Mani pulite (Italian for clean hands) was a nationwide Italian judicial investigation into political corruption held in the 1990s. Mani pulite led to the demise of the so-called First Republic, resulting in the disappearance of many parties. Some politicians and industry leaders committed suicide after their crimes were exposed. The corruption system that was uncovered by these investigations was usually referred to as Tangentopoli, or "bribesville".

Contents [hide]
1 Mario Chiesa, the "villain"
2 Extension of anti-corruption investigations
3 Effect on national politics
4 The Cusani trial
5 Investigations on other fronts
6 Escalating conflict between Silvio Berlusconi and Antonio Di Pietro
7 Statutory term strategy
8 In Modern Culture
9 See also
10 External links

[edit] Mario Chiesa, the "villain"Tangentopoli began on February 17, 1992, when judge Antonio Di Pietro had Mario Chiesa, a member of the Italian Socialist Party, arrested for accepting a bribe from a Milan cleaning firm. The PSI distanced themselves from Chiesa. Bettino Craxi called Mario Chiesa mariuolo, or "villain", a "wild splinter" of the otherwise clean Italian Socialist Party. Upset over this treatment by his former colleagues, Chiesa began to give information about corruption implicating his colleagues. It was the start of the Mani pulite (clean hands) investigation. News of political corruption began spreading in the press.

[edit] Extension of anti-corruption investigationsIn the 1992 elections, the Christian Democracy (DC) party lost many votes, but its coalition prior to the elections managed to keep a small majority, while opposition parties gained votes. However the largest opposition party Italian Communist Party split after the fall of the Soviet Union and there was no opposition leadership. Many votes went to Lega Nord, a party that was not inclined to alliances at the time. The resulting parliament was therefore weak and difficult to bring to an agreement, and new elections arrived as soon as 1994.

During April 1992, many industrial figures and politicians, especially from the majority parties but also from the opposition, were arrested on charges of corruption. While the investigations started in Milan, they quickly spread from town to town, as more and more politicians confessed. A grotesque situation occurred when a Socialist politician immediately confessed all his crimes to two Carabinieri who had come to his house, only to later discover they had come to deliver a mere traffic violation fine.

Fundamental to this exponential expansion was the general attitude of the main politicians to drop support for minor politicians who got caught; this made many of them feel betrayed, and they often implicated many other politicians, who in turn would implicate even more.

On May 23, 1992, judge Giovanni Falcone, one of the main architects of the Maxi Trial against the Mafia in the mid 1980s, was murdered with his wife and three bodyguards by a bomb located underneath the road at Capaci on the route from Palermo airport to the city. A few months later, his colleague Paolo Borsellino was assassinated with a car bomb in via d'Amelio. Mafia boss Salvatore Riina was arrested in 1993 and along with Giovanni Brusca (the man who pushed the button of the remote control that set the Capaci bomb off – arrested in 1996) and others, received life sentences for both murders.

On September 2, 1992, the socialist politician Sergio Moroni, charged with corruption, committed suicide. He left a letter pleading guilty, declaring that crimes were not for his personal gain but for the party's benefit, and accused the financing system of all parties. His daughter, Chiara Moroni, is today a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Silvio Berlusconi's party Forza Italia.

[edit] Effect on national politicsIn the local December elections, DC lost half of their votes. The day after that, Bettino Craxi, leader of the Italian Socialist Party, was officially accused of corruption. After many other politicians were accused and jailed, Craxi eventually resigned.

On March 5, 1993, the Italian government of Giuliano Amato and his justice minister Giovanni Conso tried to find a solution with a decree, which allowed criminal charges for several bribery-related crimes to be replaced by administrative charges instead; according to Italian popular opinion at the time, that would have resulted in a de facto amnesty for most corruption charges. Amid public outrage and nationwide rallies, the Italian president of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro refused to sign the decree, deeming it unconstitutional. The following week, a US$250 million affair involving Eni, the government-controlled national energy company, was revealed. The stream of accusation, jailing and confessions continued.

On March 25, 1993, the Italian parliament changed the municipal electoral law in favor of a majoritarian system. Later, on April 18, the public overwhelmingly backed the abrogation of the existing proportional representation parliamentary electoral law in a referendum (a mixed system was introduced that August), causing Amato to resign three days later. Still shocked by the recent events, the Parliament was unable to produce a new government. Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, former governor of the national bank, was appointed head of the government and appointed a technical government without political influences. In the meantime, the investigation of Craxi was blocked by the parliament. Several members of the government, having been in office just three days, resigned in protest; among them were Francesco Rutelli, Minister of the Environment and Vincenzo Visco, Minister of Finance. In new local elections on June 6, 1993, DC lost half of its votes once again; the Socialist Party virtually disappeared. Instead Lega Nord, a protest movement with some ideological elements ranging from xenophobia and racism[citation needed] to independence from the rest of Italy and a general loath of the political system, became the strongest political force in Northern Italy. The left-wing opposition was approaching majority, but still lacked unity and leadership.

Eventually, all four parties in government in 1992 disappeared, at different times in different ways: the Christian Democracy, the Italian Socialist Party, the Italian Socialist Democratic Party, and the Italian Liberal Party. The Democratic Party of the Left, the Italian Republican Party and the Movimento Sociale Italiano were the only surviving national parties; the Republican party is the only one that has maintained its name since.

[edit] The Cusani trialOn July 20, 1993, the former Eni president, Gabriele Cagliari, committed suicide in jail. His wife later gave back $3 million of illegal funds.

Meanwhile, the trial of Sergio Cusani began. Mr. Cusani was accused of crimes connected to a joint venture between Eni and Montedison, named Enimont. It was broadcast on national television, and was a sort of showcase of the old politics being brought to their responsibilities. While Cusani himself was not a major figure, the connection of his crimes to the Enimont affair called in all the nation's major politicians as witnesses.

A high note was reached in the Cusani trial when former head of government Arnaldo Forlani, answering a question, simply said "I don't remember"; he also happened to be very nervous and did not notice that sweat was accumulating on his lips, and that image was by many considered symbolic of the people's disgust for the corruption system. Bettino Craxi, instead, admitted that his party received $93 million of illegal funds. His defense was that "everyone was doing this" anyway.

Even the Lega Nord was brought in the trial; secretary Umberto Bossi and former treasurer Alessandro Patelli were convicted for receiving 200 million lire of illegal funding (approx. $100,000 at the time).

A bribe to the Italian Communist Party was alleged, but it was not established who had committed the offence. A number of Milanese members of the Democratic Party of the Left were charged with corruption during their time as members of the PCI but they were acquitted. As prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro stated, "Penal responsibility is personal. I cannot bring here a person with first name Communist and last name Party".

The Enimont trial itself was carried out after the Cusani trial, with much less public interest.

[edit] Investigations on other frontsIn the meantime, the investigation expanded outside the political range: on September 2, 1993, the Milan judge Diego Curtò was arrested. On April 21, 1994, 80 financial policemen and 300 industry personalities were charged with corruption. A few days later, the secretary of the large Fiat corporation admitted corruption with a letter to a newspaper.

In 1994, Silvio Berlusconi entered politics by storm and won the elections. Many think that this move was to preserve his many industries from possible corruption charges. This suspicion was reinforced on February 11, when Silvio Berlusconi's brother, Paolo, admitted to corruption crimes. On July 13, 1994, the Berlusconi government made a new law to avoid jail time for most corruption crimes.

The law was carefully timed as Italy had defeated Bulgaria in the 1994 Football World Cup's semifinals, and it is likely that the government expected to exploit an eventual victory to pass the law under silence in a football-crazy country. However, as Roberto Baggio shot high the last penalty against Brazil, and the news was showing images of hated, corrupt politicians getting out of jail, the public opinion became enraged; the images of Francesco De Lorenzo, former minister of Health, were especially striking, since the general public perceived stealing money from hospitals an especially hateful act.

Just a few days before, the arrested policemen had been talking about corruption in the Fininvest media industry, the biggest Berlusconi family property. Most of the Mani pulite investigation pool declared that they would respect the state's laws, but they could not work in a situation where duty and conscience were to conflict: they requested therefore to be reassigned to other duties.

Since the government could not afford to be seen as an adversary of the popular judge pool, the decree was hastily revoked and marked a "misunderstanding"; minister for internal affairs Roberto Maroni from Lega Nord maintained that he had not even had the occasion of reading it. While the minister of Justice was Alfredo Biondi, allegations that Cesare Previti, a lawyer from Berlusconi's company Fininvest, had written it, are at least credible.

On July 28, Berlusconi's brother was again arrested and immediately released.

[edit] Escalating conflict between Silvio Berlusconi and Antonio Di PietroWhat began then is what has been described by many as the "Berlusconi-Di Pietro battle". While Berlusconi's industries were being investigated, "inspectors" were sent from the government to the Milanese judges' office to look for formal irregularities. No irregularity were ever found, but this tactic, coupled with Berlusconi's firm grip on the information system, helped spread what is described in other environments as FUD. The battle ended without winners: on December 6, Di Pietro resigned. Two weeks later, the Berlusconi government resigned before a critical confidence vote in the Parliament, which was clearly going to be in Berlusconi's disfavour.

During 1995, many investigations were started against Antonio Di Pietro, who was years later cleared of all charges, while Silvio Berlusconi incurred other charges of corruption. It was later found that the main prosecutor of Antonio Di Pietro in these times, Fabio Salamone from Brescia, was the brother of a man that Antonio Di Pietro himself had prosecuted, and who was sentenced to 18 months of jail for various corruption charges. It took however some time before the authorities realized this and ordered Salamone to other duties even though his investigations had taken a completely different direction: Paolo Berlusconi (Silvio's brother) and Cesare Previti (former minister) were accused of a conspiracy against Di Pietro but the prosecutor who later replaced Salamone asked for their acquittance and so did the court.

After being cleared, Antonio Di Pietro started a political career, a thing he had previously excluded on the grounds that he did not want to exploit the popularity gained doing what he perceived to be just his duty. His movement is named Italia dei Valori ("Italy of values").

In 1998, Cesare Previti, former manager of Fininvest and then sitting in parliament after the Berlusconi government, avoided jailing thanks to parliament intervention, even though Berlusconi and his allies were in the opposition. Bettino Craxi accumulated several years of jailing in definitive convictions and had to escape to Tunisia, where he remained until his death on January 19, 2000.

[edit] Statutory term strategyAfter 1994, the danger of trials being cancelled due to the expiration of statutory terms was becoming very real. This was clear to the judges and to the politicians, and the latter ones (with no distinction between Berlusconi's coalition and the Olive Tree, especially under the leadership of Massimo D'Alema) either ignored the pleas of the judiciary system for more funding to buy equipment, or passed laws that made the painstakingly slow Italian trials even slower and subject to earlier prescription.

Furthermore, the intricate nature of Italian laws allowed cunning lawyers to use many delaying tactics: an instructive example was a prosecution of Silvio Berlusconi, where he was accused of misappropriation of funds of his own company, Fininvest, in order to prepare black funds that could have been used for bribes or other illegitimate purposes; on the last possible day, a lawyer from Fininvest appeared in court and complained that his company had not been formally notified of the trial. While this trial was well publicized in the media (and also in Fininvest's media themselves), the formality forced the trial to be restarted from scratch, and Berlusconi was finally acquitted by expiration of statutory terms. Being acquitted in this first trial, he could later benefit from a general reduction of terms for other trials, which in turn expired earlier with a domino effect.

After Silvio Berlusconi's victory in 2001, the gradual campaign against judges reached the point where it is not only openly acceptable to criticize judges for having carried out Mani pulite, but it has become increasingly difficult to broadcast opinions favorable to Milan's pool. This is an impressive 180° cultural turn from 1992, when no politician was believed and no judge was contested, in which the Berlusconi's power in media has undoubtedly played an important role. Even Umberto Bossi, whose Lega Nord once made a statement bringing and showing a hanging rope in a parliamentary session, has become highly critical of judges, even though there are still occasional frictions between Lega Nord and former Christian Democrat or Socialist allies in Berlusconi's coalition.

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-26 20:02
But a Berlusconi-led government in 2005 brought in a closed-list system, in the hope that it would make the left even more fragmented than it was already. That did not happen, but it increased the control of party managers and broke the direct link between voters and constituents.但2005年,贝卢斯科尼政府引入了一种名单封闭式选举系统,希望促使原就四分五裂的左翼力量更分散。如意算盘虽落空了,但却加强了对政党大佬的控制,打破了选民之间的直接联系。
评论: 有问题.
increased the control of party managers  这里的control是谁的动作? 应当是managers 的。对这个问题我有详细专论, 请查找。
between voters and constituents 什么意思? 如果是普选的话, voter 跟constituent应当是同一的, 请查一下closed-list system, 这恐怕是一种间接选举的方式。 这才引起voter(会不会是类似美国的选举人团) 和constituents 的区别。

引用 yannanchen 2011-6-26 21:07
The electoral lawThe national elections used an Additional Member System, which in Italy was a mixed system, with 75% of seats allocated using a First Past the Post electoral system and 25% using a proportional method, with one round of voting. The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies didn't differ in the way they allocated the proportional seats, both using the D'Hondt method of allocating seats.

The Senate included 315 elected members, of whom:

232 are directly elected in single-member districts.
83 are elected by regional proportional representation.
a small, variable number of senators-for-life include former presidents of the Republic and several other persons appointed for life by a president of the Republic (no more than 5), according to special constitutional provisions (scientists, writers, artists, social workers, politicians, tycoons).
The Senate was elected on a single ballot. All those votes not contributing to a winning candidate were thrown into a regional pool, where the seats were allocated proportionally. There was no electoral threshold for the Senate.

The Italian Chamber of Deputies had 630 members, of whom

475 are directly elected in single member districts.
155 are elected by regional proportional representation.
The Chamber of Deputies used two ballots. The first ballot elected that district's member, on a purely plurality basis. The second ballot, in which only parties and party-lists were listed, was used to determine the proportional seats, allocated within one single national constituency, with a 4% minimum threshold for party representation.

A complicated mechanism known as scorporo, a previously unknown word in Italian politics, was used to tabulate PR votes. The number of votes cast for candidates coming in second place on the first ballot (SMD) would be subtracted from the (obviously much larger) number of votes earned on the second ballot (PR) by the party of the winning candidate in the first ballot. This would be repeated for each single-member district. This was developed - against the overwhelming opinion expressed in the referendums - to dampen the effect of the first-past-the-post system, which it was feared might promote the prevalence of one political party, especially parties that were strong in one geographical area.

The law also introduced a closed list system for the party lists on the second ballot, i.e., excluding voters from the decision as to which members of that party would enter parliament, thereby guaranteeing reelection of party leaders whose popular support was rapidly declining (new elections were to be held once the new electoral law was fully implemented). Ironically, that is what allowed Mario Segni, the leader of the reform movement, to enter parliament on the proportional ballot after the March, 1994, elections, having broken with his party in March, 1993, and then reunited with one of its shattered remnants that December.

The system did not accomplish the goals desired by the voters. The first parliament elected after the electoral reform produced Silvio Berlusconi's first government, which lasted eight months. Small parties still enter parliament and form unstable coalitions. On the other hand, political parties in Italy seem to be coalescing around two poles, if imperfectly so, and governments have lasted much longer, at least by Italian standards. On that level, the electoral reform can be seen as an improvement over the electoral law prior to it, even if Italy has now returned to a party-list system.

引用 zhanyisky 2011-6-27 11:31
本帖最后由 zhanyisky 于 2011-6-27 11:39 编辑

回复 yannanchen 的帖子

1、Conflicts of interest pervading public life conspire against change
评论: conspire的意义发掘的不够充分

2、hard to watch and harder to turn off.
评论:hard to watch 什么意思? 难得一见? 还是看了让人难受?
看这些节目不好受, 但是关掉电视不看却更难受

3、Opponents are presented not so much as wrong but as losers or, better, sexually inadequate losers,

4、 a far-flung fringe
评论:far-flung (färflng)
1. Remote; distant.
2. Widely distributed; wide-ranging.
有两义, 这里应取1. 远离权力中心的
fringe 边缘化的人士、阶层。
嗯,一开始是这么理解的,修订时才改成这样。相对本段最后一句In Italy that fringe is in government.可知原来的理解是对的。

5、The lines that run between political parties, the civil service, the media, business and the judiciary are more like ribbons that can be bent to any shape under slight pressure. Italy lacks referees who can intervene when this process goes too far, argues Ferdinando Giugliano of Oxford University. Institutions are further weakened by the conflicts of interest that pop up everywhere. The prime minister’s ownership of the country’s largest television network is merely the biggest of them.
原译:意大利政党、行政部门、媒体、商界与司法部门之间的运作方式,有点像轻微压力下可任意弯曲的卷尺。牛津大学的Ferdinando Giugliano表示,当这一运作过程太离谱时,意大利缺乏可介入制止的仲裁者。利益冲突四处冒出,又一步削弱了体制。而意总理掌握着该国最大的电视网络,仅仅是这些冲突中最大的一个。
评论:这一段不好理解, 也不容易翻译。首先底下这一句什么意思?以下是解释, 不是翻译。
The lines that run between political parties, the civil service,(应是民事部门) the media, business and the judiciary are more like ribbons that can be bent to any shape under slight pressure.这些都是institutions, 社会的公共机构。 公共机构讲究的是独立性。 各个机构相互之间界线(lines)分明,职权分明, 而且这个界线是稳定的, 不随时间推移而变, 不因人而变。 但是在意大利, 这个界线就像丝带, 稍有压力, 就可以扭曲变形, 任意变形。  ---这点的理解不容易。
when this process goes too far, 这里的process指的是什么? 指的就是“这个界线就像丝带, 稍有压力, 就可以扭曲变形, 任意变形。” 指的就是机构之间的独立性, 界线性丧失的过程和程度。 ---这点的理解建立在上点之上, 更难了。
The prime minister’s ownership of the country’s largest television network
不是总理掌握, 而是总理也有股份, 总理的所有权。 我想他不是独有独占, 所有用股份。但是一定占了相当一部分。 多大部分? 要查。
嗯,这段的确不容易理解。像institutions就踌躇良久,不知用哪个词合适。ribbons一开始译为“丝带”,后来修订为“卷尺”,是觉得丝带这般柔软,根本不需slight pressure就会be bent to any shape嘛。this process我理解为run between political parties, the civil service, the media, business and the judiciary ,即意大利各公共机构之间的运作过程。
至于对The prime minister’s ownership of the country’s largest television network这句的理解,的确不够严谨。查了相关资料,意大利最大的电视网络应该是Mediaset集团。“它是一家意大利的传媒集团,并且是该国最大的广播公司。该公司于1978年由意大利总理贝卢斯科尼创办,直到今天,贝卢斯科尼的家族控股公司菲宁维斯特集团依然持有38.5%的股份。”详见
重译:意大利政党、行政部门、媒体、商界与司法部门之间,职权运作界线分明。这一界线就像丝带,稍有压力,就可扭曲,任意变形。牛津大学的Ferdinando Giugliano表示,当这一扭曲过程太离谱时,意大利缺乏可介入制止的仲裁者。利益冲突四处冒出,又进一步削弱了各公共机构的职能。而意总理握有该国最大电视网络的股份,只是种种冲突中最大的一个。

6、The breaking up of the Christian Democrats’ monopoly on power achieved by the “clean hands” corruption trials would allow Italy to become a more normal democracy in which power alternates between two main parties, providing strong government.
achieved by the “clean hands” corruption trials  这个后定语定的是The breaking up

7、But a Berlusconi-led government in 2005 brought in a closed-list system, in the hope that it would make the left even more fragmented than it was already. That did not happen, but it increased the control of party managers and broke the direct link between voters and constituents.
评论: 有问题.
increased the control of party managers  这里的control是谁的动作? 应当是managers 的。对这个问题我有详细专论, 请查找。
between voters and constituents 什么意思? 如果是普选的话, voter 跟constituent应当是同一的, 请查一下closed-list system, 这恐怕是一种间接选举的方式。 这才引起voter(会不会是类似美国的选举人团) 和constituents 的区别。
(1)、初译+前两次修订,control一词我都理解为“managers对party的控制”,即control是managers的动作;但第三次修订,我改成了贝氏对各政党大佬的控制,即control是贝氏的动作。再思考了下,Y版的理解应是对的。理由就是:前一句表明贝氏引入closed-list system的目的就是make the left even more fragmented than it was already,但是That did not happen,也就是“左翼力量并未更分散”,即后面一句的it increased the control of party managers ,左翼各政党的party managers对各自政党的控制力加强了。
(2)、closed-list system的维基百科词条为:Closed list describes the variant of party-list proportional representation where voters can (effectively) only vote for political parties as a whole and thus have no influence on the party-supplied order in which party candidates are elected. If voters have at least some influence then it is called an open list.
In closed list systems the party has pre-decided on who will receive the votes for the political parties in the elections, that is, the candidates positioned highest on this list tend to always get a seat in the parliament while the candidates positioned very low on the closed list will not.However, the candidates "at the water mark" of this specific party are in the position of either losing or winning their seat, depending on the specific total closed list votes for this party. "The water mark" is defined as the number of seats a specific party can be expected to achieve, in reference to how the party produces their closed lists, that is, the candidates who might or might not get a seat.
看不太懂,汗。再查“投票制度”,解释如下:“政黨的名單可以分為開放名單或是封閉名單,在開放名單制度裡,投票者能決定要投給政黨裡的哪個特定候選人。在封閉名單制度裡,議席則由政黨自行分派。而混合比例制度(Mixed Member Proportional,
引用 弓长渔船 2011-6-28 16:21
引用 ad50323924 2011-7-13 20:54
The largest shareholder of the company that owns the country’s most famous newspaper,Corriere della Sera, is Mediobanca, an octopus-like investment bank which holds large stakes in many of Italy’s biggest companies.
引用 ad50323924 2011-7-13 21:26
The same cannot be said of television, which is where most Italians get their news.
引用 ad50323924 2011-7-13 21:44
引用 ad50323924 2011-7-14 14:54
ad50323924 发表于 2011-7-13 21:26
The same cannot be said of television, which is where most Italians get their news.
电视作为意大利 ...

引用 ad50323924 2011-7-14 15:13
ad50323924 发表于 2011-7-13 21:44

引用 ad50323924 2011-7-14 16:16
witness Pirelli’s value-destroying shopping spree ten years ago which lost it more than €3 billion ($4.1 billion) on its stake in Telecom Italia, at the instigation of a shareholder who owned just 8% of its equity.


But all these tangles seem modest by comparison with the prime minister’s own.


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