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[2011.07.07] 朝韩动漫业:“小企鹅”涉政记

2011-7-9 14:12| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 9571| 评论: 12|原作者: zhanyisky

摘要: 小企鹅Pororo或成天线宝宝第二



071 Business - Korean animation.mp3
Jul 7th 2011 | SEOUL | from the print edition




小企鹅Pororo跟它的老友,北极熊Poby和小恐龙Crong等,为上百个国家的孩子带来了欢笑。在韩国,这只蓝色小企鹅拥有1500项副产品,还在一个主题公园占有一席之地。今年3月,300万套“小企鹅Pororo”邮票仅用了10天便销售一空。Pororo号召力如此强大,韩国人甚至称它“企鹅总统”(Potongryong)。根据“首尔产业通商振兴院” (the Seoul Business Agency)的数据,Pororo今年在全球产生的销售额将达380亿韩元(3600万美元),而它为打造这一形象的韩国Iconix公司及其他商家创造的品牌价值,高达3893亿韩元。

Pororo大获成功的原因有二。其一,Iconix公司创始人Choi Jong-il(见照片,和老友Pororo一起)精心研究了那些深受西方学龄前儿童欢迎的动画片,如《天线宝宝》,摸透了这些片子的故事情节、主题音乐等方方面面。其二,朝鲜半岛孕育了众多才华横溢的动漫家。那儿的孩子却沉迷于日式漫画。韩国动漫家长年为《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)之类的美国电视节目辛勤干活。一些美国公司还雇佣薪酬更低的朝鲜动漫家。北京商人Jing Kim称,他已协助许多公司转包动漫工作给平壤SEK Studio工作室的500位艺术家。


Pororo is often called Potongryong, which combines his name and dae-tong-ryeong (president).
这个词实际上是将Pororo跟韩国前总统金大中的名字各取一半组合而成,以此表示its influence on toddlers and preschoolers。

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引用 yannanchen 2011-7-8 23:36
Not really. But South Koreans until recently feared that Pororo, one of their most popular cultural exports, might be banned in America because of a link with the communist North. A few episodes made between 2002 and 2005 were part-produced by North Korean animators, and thus possibly fell foul of America’s ban on imports from that benighted country. After an uproar in South Korea, however, America’s Treasury Department announced last month that the show was a form of “information” and therefore not subject to sanctions. 它可算不上。但最近,韩国人很担心他们这部拥有超高人气的文化输出品——3D动画片《淘气小企鹅》(Pororo),会因跟共产主义朝鲜的关系而在美国禁播。这片子2002~2005年间制作的少数剧集,有些出自朝鲜动漫家之手,因而可能触犯美国禁止从朝鲜这个蒙昧之国进口产品的禁令。韩国国内一片哗然,抗议不断,然而上月美国财政部宣布,该节目是一种“情报”,故而不予制裁。
评论:1. until recently 译成“但最近”, 逻辑上不对。 根据上下文, 这个recently 就是last month。 所以可以写成But South Koreans until last month feared that Pororo, one of their most popular cultural exports, might be banned in America because of a link with the communist North.
韩国人很担心他们这部拥有超高人气的文化输出品会因跟共产主义朝鲜的关系而在美国禁播,直到最近(直到上个月), 美国财政部宣布,该节目是一种“信息”,不予制裁, 这才松口气。
基本意思是  直到最近还担心, 但是现在不担心了。
2. 韩国国内一片哗然,抗议不断,然而上月美国财政部宣布,该节目是一种“情报”,故而不予制裁。
这个“然而”, 逻辑上是不对的。 我不详论了。我把我认为更好的译文offer below:
这片子2002~2005年间制作的少数剧集,有些出自朝鲜动漫家之手,因而可能触犯美国禁止从朝鲜这个蒙昧之国进口产品的禁令。不过, 在韩国国内高声抗议之后,美国财政部上月宣布,该节目是一种“信息”,不予制裁。


引用 yannanchen 2011-7-9 00:22
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-7-9 04:17 编辑

Pororo’s success suggests that South Koreans can sell stories as well as drawing skills. Yet the cartoon attracts controversy at home. One exasperated father has started a campaign to make Pororo eat Korean food, instead of Western cakes. But just as Pororo himself dreams of flying, his creators dream of global stardom. So Pororo probably won’t be wolfing kimchi anytime soon.《淘气小企鹅》的成功表明,韩国不仅动漫故事有市场,绘画技巧也卖得掉。然而这部动画片却在韩国国内引发了争议。一位父亲怒气冲冲地发起了一场运动,只准小企鹅吃韩食,不许吃西点。不过,正如Pororo自个梦想高飞一样,创造它的人,也渴望红遍全球。因而可能很快,小企鹅就不用从头至尾都大嚼韩国泡菜了。
评论:So Pororo probably won’t be wolfing kimchi anytime soon译成:因而可能很快,小企鹅就不用从头至尾都大嚼韩国泡菜了。 这个翻译假设了下句中的父亲——“一位父亲怒气冲冲地发起了一场运动,只准小企鹅吃韩食,不许吃西点”——所发起的运动已经成功, 小企鹅现在已经只吃韩国泡菜了。
实际上, 不是这个意思。 从文气中看, 这只小企鹅从一开始就是吃西点, 因为创造它的人,也渴望红遍全球。要红遍全球, 就不能让它吃韩国泡菜。现在, 尽管这位父亲怒气冲冲地发起了一场运动,
但是在最近的将来(any time soon)小企鹅不可能大嚼韩国泡菜的。 因为,创造它的人,有全球视野, 不肯让它大嚼韩国泡菜的。
引用 yannanchen 2011-7-9 04:32
不少人会误用until, 甚至英文学了几十年的人, 甚至native speaker。
“我到今天还记得住那件事” I remembered that until today.
错了, 英文的意思是:我在今天以前都记得住那件事, 不过到了今天, 我忘了。
真正对的英文翻译应是: I remember that to this day.
引用 yannanchen 2011-7-9 13:47
Originally Posted by igma  

Would anyone confirm that any time soon has exactly the same meaning as in the short run or in the short term? If not. please tell me differences between them and the context in which it would be suited to use them.

thank you very much

The three phrases you have listed are similar, but are used in different situations. I'll just give an example for each.

"Can you get back to me (report on the/your situation) any time soon?"
--"I don't think that taxes will be lowered any time soon."
"Although gasoline prices may rise in the short run, they should begin to fall again by the end of the year." (The Free Dictionary by Farlex)
"My short term goals include getting an A in Biology and getting a job." (EDIT: In this sentence, "short term" is an adjectival phrase)

So, any time soon is often used when describing a situation, and in the short run/short term are used when talking about the future. At least that is what I am able to infer from my uses of the phrases. It also seems that "in the short run/term" is a nominal (noun) phrase, while "any time soon" modifies the verb (making it adverbial). I would still wait around for a second opinion of I were you.
引用 yannanchen 2011-7-9 13:54
Which is correct? "anytime soon" or "any time soon"?
Or are both correct?


The storm won't be slowing down anytime soon.
The storm won't be slowing down any time soon.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
anytime (adv.) is an Americanism usually spelled as one word (The meeting can be scheduled anytime), although it can still be two words when it is an adjective modifying a noun (I will not have any time until Thursday).

Other Answers (5)
Actually, they're both grammatically correct, its just a matter of style, or a geographical preference.

Many English teachers and grammarians will, however, make style corrections. The more common usage is the two-word choice: any time. That would be the best choice to avoid an argument with your teacher.
When you refer to an 'amount of time' as you are in your sentence, two words would be correct.

any time

Here's your explanation:

You would use one word if you wrote:

You can come over and see me anytime.
Two words. The Oxford English Dictionary does not have an entry for "anytime". Its use as an adverb is not an Americanism, it is a mistake. I think it has a place as an ad hoc adjective: "She's an anytime sort of gal."
"anytime soon" is the correct answer.

引用 zhanyisky 2011-7-9 14:08
yannanchen 发表于 2011-7-9 13:54
Which is correct? "anytime soon" or "any time soon"?
Or are both correct?

1、any time 做副词时,可单独用作状语,,但是anytime不能作为副词,单独作状语;
2、anytime soon是正确的用法,但any time soon不对。
3、any time 与 anytime都可以作形容词,修饰名词。

引用 yannanchen 2011-7-9 14:17
回复 zhanyisky 的帖子

这个问题说大的话可以很大。any, some, 加 body,(bodies?) time, times, where, place, (places?) 直接加, 用hyphen 加,分成两个字。
题目太大, 有空时再查资料。
引用 Wesyman 2011-7-12 19:54

引用 小翻何炳宜 2011-7-12 21:00
Jing Kim, a Beijing-based businessman, claims that he has helped a number of companies to subcontract animation work from 500 artists at SEK Studio in Pyongyang.
北京商人Jing Kim称,他已帮助多家公司从平壤SEK工作室500位艺术家手中转包接收过动画作品。

引用 小翻何炳宜 2011-7-13 09:53
回复 小翻何炳宜 的帖子

引用 miniyoyo 2011-7-15 14:32
第一次见到anklebiter这个词 觉得好有趣~
引用 林忆纾 2011-7-22 11:36
回复 yannanchen 的帖子

chen关于第二句的版本 "不过,在韩国国内高声抗议之后,"  尚可,不过个人倾向原译文

1. 不加"..之后"读者也可清晰的了解意思。何况,原译精炼,注重形合

2.chen可参见 思果著的《翻译新究》中的“四面楚歌”一章。


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