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[2011.07.14] 傲慢的埃尔多安

2011-7-18 09:03| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 4570| 评论: 8|原作者: Sophia2011

摘要: 总理挑选了新一届政府内阁并诱惑在野党参与议会


042 Europe - Turkish politics.mp3
Jul 14th 2011 | ANKARA AND ISTANBUL | from the print edition




他已经宣布了重要部长仍将留任的新内阁,还推出了几个雄心勃勃的外交倡议。外交部长艾哈迈德•达武特奥卢(Ahmet Davutoglu)在班加西(Benghazi)(以流利的阿拉伯语)告诉几千名利比亚人,是穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲上校离开的时候了时,这些利比亚人欢呼不已。他们的热情将在曾悲叹土耳其不愿断绝与利比亚领导人关系的西方政府所共享。


也许有人会说土耳其的入盟谈判早已经冻结了。谈判的35个章节中18个章节已被无论是作为一个整体的欧盟、塞浦路斯还是法国拒绝了。最近公开了2010年6月新的有关食品安全的章节。然而,怒气冲冲的埃尔多安先生将在其政府里撤销欧盟档案材料的预测是错误的。不仅欧盟谈判代表埃盖曼•鲍吉斯(Egemen Bagis)留任原职,他还被提升为部长。而为了争取迅速启动旗帜性的塞浦路斯会谈,据报道,土耳其准备好在没有前提的情况下讨论土地交换问题。



当负责管理经济的副总理阿里•巴巴詹(Ali Babacan)这周也表示,土耳其不能再对欧洲经济动荡保持免疫状态了。相反,因为过热的经济(往来帐户赤字今年可能达到国内生产总值的9%)和几乎同欧洲进行一半的贸易,土耳其的经济看起来很脆弱。正发(AK)党受欢迎的最大原因就是其成功的经济管理。这是一项变得越来越难维持的记录。


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引用 Sophia2011 2011-7-16 07:19
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-7-16 11:54 编辑


1. knack

1 a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn
It's easy, once you've got the knack.
knack of/for (doing) something
He's got a real knack for making money.

2 knack of doing something (British English) a habit of doing something
She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing.

get one’s (own) way = have it one’s (own) way =have one’s (own) way
get/have your own way
to get or do what you want, especially when somebody has tried to stop you
She always gets her own way in the end.                   [Oxford advanced online]

2. avert

1 avert something to prevent something bad or dangerous from happening
A disaster was narrowly averted.He did his best to avert suspicion.
Talks are taking place in an attempt to avert a strike.
2 avert your eyes/gaze/face (from something) to turn your eyes, etc. away from something that you do not want to see
She averted her eyes from the terrible scene in front of her.

3. drawn-out

4. bang up <俚>把(牢房)锁上;把…关押起来


1 in a way that is not detailed or exacta vaguely worded statement
I can vaguely remember my first day at school.

2 slightly
There was something vaguely familiar about her face.
He was vaguely aware of footsteps behind him.
The story is only vaguely amusing.

3 in a way that shows that you are not paying attention or thinking clearly
He smiled vaguely, ignoring her questions.
‘I'll be in touch,’ she said vaguely.

6. derisive

unkind and showing that you think somebody/something is ridiculous
She gave a short, derisive laugh.

7. vagary

unexpected and uncontrollable events or changes which have an influence on a situation
The success of the event will be determined by the vagaries of the weather.
She had her own style and was not influenced by the vagaries of fashion.

8. sulk
[intransitive] (disapproving) to look angry and refuse to speak or smile because you want people to know that you are upset about something
He went off to sulk in his room.

9. lament

lament something| lament that…| + speech (formal) to feel or express great sadness or disappointment about somebody/something

Synonym bemoan, bewail
In the poem he laments the destruction of the countryside.
She sat alone weeping, lamenting her fate.

10. interlocutor

1 a person taking part in a conversation with you
2 a person or an organization that talks to another person or organization on behalf of somebody else

11. defamation

to damage the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing bad things about them which are not true
Mr Turnock claimed the editorial had defamed him.

Compare: libel; slander

defamation noun
He is suing for defamation of character.

defamatory adjective
He claims the remarks were highly defamatory.

12. residual

remaining at the end of a process
Synonym outstanding
There are still a few residual problems with the computer program.
residual income (= money that is left from your income after you have paid tax and other costs)

13. mischief

1 bad behaviour (especially of children) that is annoying but does not cause any serious damage or harm
Those children are always getting into mischief.
I try to keep out of mischief.
It's very quiet upstairs; they must be up to some mischief!
2 the wish or tendency to behave or play in a way that causes troubleHer eyes were full of mischief.
3 (formal) harm or injury that is done to somebody or to their reputation
The incident caused a great deal of political mischief.
make mischief
to do or say something deliberately to upset other people, or cause trouble between them

14. antidote

1 antidote (to something) a substance that controls the effects of a poison or disease
There is no known antidote to the poison.
2 antidote (to something) anything that takes away the effects of something unpleasant
A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter.

15. stricture

1 [usually plural] stricture (on somebody/something) a severe criticism, especially of somebody's behaviour
   She merely ignored any strictures on the way she dressed.

2 stricture (against/on something) a rule or situation that restricts your behaviour
Synonym restriction
strictures against civil servants expressing political opinions

引用 migmig 2011-7-16 10:15
Sophia2011 发表于 2011-7-16 05:20
The Turkish government

引用 migmig 2011-7-16 10:22
~ of doing sth (often annoying) habit of doing sth (常招人厌烦的)毛病, 习惯: My car has a knack of breaking down just when I need it most. 我的汽车总是在我最需要的时候抛锚.

get one's way
引用 migmig 2011-7-16 10:24
引用 migmig 2011-7-16 10:28

引用 Sophia2011 2011-7-16 11:30
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-7-16 11:39 编辑

回复 migmig 的帖子



TURKEY’S prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has a knack for getting his way.

1. knack
1 a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn
It's easy, once you've got the knack.
knack of/for (doing) something
He's got a real knack for making money.

2 knack of doing something (British English) a habit of doing something
She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing.

2. get one’s (own) way = have it one’s (own) way =have one’s (own) way 【英汉大词典】
get/have your own way
to get or do what you want, especially when somebody has tried to stop you
She always gets her own way in the end.                   [Oxford advanced online]

这里的knack取“special skill or ability”的意思;而get one's way取“get or do what you want”的意思。所以联系一起的意思就是原来译文里面的意思。



引用 tabfirst 2011-7-16 16:07
第三段、Mr Erdogan has good reason for his lofty confidence. In June AK was elected to a third term of single-party rule, with a record vote of just under 50%.
第四段、He has announced a new cabinet that keeps the main ministers in their jobs.
引用 re.jet 2011-7-18 07:55
本帖最后由 re.jet 于 2011-7-18 08:20 编辑

would not be sworn in until
But this week the party’s deputies took their oaths in parliament, averting a drawn-out political crisis, even though the courts had rejected appeals for the members’ release.
vi 【律】上诉[(+to/against)]
He appealed against the five-year sentence he had been given.
He appealed his case to a higher court.
N 3.上诉[C][U]4.诉诸裁判[C]


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