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[2011.07.21] 仍然很成功

2011-7-28 18:42| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 4726| 评论: 17|原作者: Sophia2011

摘要: 美术明信片令人惊讶的留传




Jul 21st 2011 | from the print edition

052 Britain - Appealing anachronisms.mp3









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引用 Sophia2011 2011-7-27 09:56
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-7-27 10:17 编辑


1.squeeze sb/sth in
to manage to do something or see someone in a short period of time or when you are very busy
While we're in Australia, we're hoping to squeeze in a trip to the Barrier Reef.
I'm very busy this week but I could squeeze you in at 2.30 on Tuesday.

2. emblem
(of something)
1 a design or picture that represents a country or an organization
America's national emblem, the bald eagle
the club emblem
2 something that represents a perfect example or a principle
The dove is an emblem of peace.

3. Royal Mail is the national postal service of the United Kingdom. Royal Mail Holdings plc owns Royal Mail Group Limited, which in turn operates the brands Royal Mail (UK letters) and Parcelforce Worldwide (UK parcels). Post Office Ltd, which provides counter services, and General Logistics Systems are wholly owned subsidiaries.

皇家郵政(集團),簡稱Royal Mail,為英國國營公用事業,由英國政府管理。

4. scrawl

[transitive, intransitive] to write something in a careless untidy way, making it difficult to read
Synonym scribble
scrawl something (across/in/on/over something)
I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper.
scrawl across/in/on/over something
Someone had scrawled all over my notes.

5. decree verb
decreeing, decreed, decreed [transitive, intransitive] to decide, judge or order something officially
decree (something) The government decreed a state of emergency.
decree what, how, etc… We cannot decree what the committee should do.
it is decreed that… It was decreed that the following day would be a holiday.

decree noun

1 [countable, uncountable] an official order from a ruler or a government that becomes the law
to issue/sign a decree
a presidential/royal decree
a leader who rules by decree (= not in a democratic way)
2 [countable] a decision that is made in court

6. interfere with something

1 to prevent something from succeeding or from being done or happening as planned
She never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work.
2 to touch, use or change something, especially a piece of equipment, so that it is damaged or no longer works correctly
I'd get fired if he found out I'd been interfering with his records.

7. usher something  in
(formal) to be the beginning of something new or to make something new begin
The change of management ushered in fresh ideas and policies.

8. relish verb.

to get great pleasure from something; to want very much to do or have something
Synonym enjoy
relish something to relish a fight/challenge/debate
to relish the idea/thought of something
I don't relish the prospect of getting up early tomorrow.
relish (somebody/something) doing something
Nobody relishes cleaning the oven.

9. mirror writing 左右倒写,反写(常是失语症或神经疾病的一种症状)

10. snap
n.8.快照;快摄:He showed me his holiday snaps. 他给我看他假期中拍摄的快照。/take a snap of sb. 给某人拍快照

11. saucy
rude or referring to sex in a way that is amusing but not offensive
Synonym cheeky
saucy jokesa saucy smile

adverbShe winked saucily at him.

12. buxom
(of a woman) large in an attractive way, and with large breasts

13. clean
not offensive
5 not offensive or referring to sex; not doing anything that is considered immoral or bad
The entertainment was good clean fun for the whole family.
Keep the jokes clean please!
The sport has a very clean image.

14. staple noun.
5 staple (of something) a large or important part of something
Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press.

引用 Sophia2011 2011-7-27 09:56
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-7-27 10:21 编辑


15. garish adj.
very brightly coloured in an unpleasant way
Synonym gaudy
garish clothes/colours
It's a little too garish for my taste.garishly

adverb garishly

16. whizzy
whizzier, whizziest (informal)

having features that make use of advanced technology
a whizzy new hand-held computer

whizzy a. 技术上创新的;高技术的

17. last-minute a.最后一分钟的,紧急关头(作出)的:last-minute preparations 最后一分钟的准备工作/a last minute agreement between the two nations 两国之间最后一分钟达成的协议

last moment= last minute

18. within (easy) reach (of something)
close to something

The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facilities.
Verona and Padua are both within easy reach for day trips.

19. frippery
[countable, usually plural, uncountable] plural fripperies (disapproving, especially British English)

objects, decorations and other items that are considered unnecessary and expensive
spending money on fripperies
She never wore perfume, considering it to be mere frippery.

20. live on
to continue to live or existShe died ten years ago but her memory lives on.
He lived on for fifteen years after his wife died.

21. eloquence adjective  
1 able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you are speaking in public
an eloquent speech/speaker
2 (of a look or movement) able to express a feeling
His eyes were eloquent.
eloquence noun
[uncountable]a speech of passionate eloquence
the eloquence of his smile
eloquently adverb
She spoke eloquently on the subject.
His face expressed his grief more eloquently than any words.

22. etiquette [uncountable]
the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession
advice on etiquette
medical/legal/professional etiquette
see also netiquette

23. retain
1 retain something to keep something; to continue to have something
Synonym Preserve
to retain your independence
He struggled to retain control of the situation.
The house retains much of its original charm.
She retained her tennis title for the third year.

2 retain something to continue to hold or contain something
a soil that retains moisture
This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory.
(figurative) She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts.

3 retain somebody/something

(law) if a member of the public retains somebody such as a lawyer, he or she pays money regularly or in advance so the lawyer, etc.
will do work for him or her
a retaining feeto retain the services of a lawyer
see also retention, retentive

引用 Sophia2011 2011-7-27 10:36
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-27 10:58
引用 xb3031 2011-7-27 22:54
本帖最后由 xb3031 于 2011-7-27 22:55 编辑





4、Obscene Publications Act=《淫秽出版条例》?此处该是法律条文,是否应表达明确并用书名号标注呢?

low-cost airlines 做“廉价机票”是否更合适,last-minute deals字面上指“最后的交易”但此处貌似说不通,应该是指出国度假不需要繁琐的提前预定等,类似于“随到随走”,而且“接近”模棱两可,意思不明确。



引用 huinabideniu 2011-7-27 23:38
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 00:48
as Royal Mail decreed that no personal note should interfere with the address on the reverse
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 01:05
until Donald McGill, famed for his buxom beach babes (see above), was prosecuted in 1954 for breaking the Obscene Publications Act.
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 01:09
within the reach of more people, more often
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 01:17
本帖最后由 Meryl裙子 于 2011-7-28 01:19 编辑

the frippery of the colourful card lives on
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 01:22
the time-consuming eloquence and etiquette letters demand.
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 01:27
本帖最后由 Meryl裙子 于 2011-7-28 01:28 编辑

And as well as its fashionable brevity, a card retains some of the same intimate appeal as a century ago
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 01:31
Still, not all modern cards achieve such sophistication
引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-28 01:33
引用 Sophia2011 2011-7-28 03:09
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-7-28 03:09 编辑

回复 Meryl裙子 的帖子

多谢Meryl裙子的多处修改!有些地方对这个frippery的解释就是“无用而俗艳”,比如英汉大词典;但Oxford的英文解释为“objects, decorations and other items that are considered unnecessary and expensive", 所以就翻成了“没必要且昂贵”了。
引用 Sophia2011 2011-7-28 21:17
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-7-28 21:44 编辑

“我也看到了这个解释,但是我觉得明信片不昂贵,所以从逻辑上来说,我倾向无用而俗艳~ ”


引用 Meryl裙子 2011-7-29 14:06
Sophia2011 发表于 2011-7-28 21:17
“我也看到了这个解释,但是我觉得明信片不昂贵,所以从逻辑上来说,我倾向无用而俗艳~ ”

还是以字典上的 ...



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