Drugs and Drug Policy: What Everyone Needs to Know. By Mark Kleiman, Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken. Oxford University Press USA; 256 pages; $16.95. Buy from Amazon.com
gives little reason to think it is being won.
it 指代上句提到的”禁毒之战“,..办公室发布的报告没让人认为禁毒之战正在走向胜利
各种合成大麻素是不断扩大的,模仿非法天然种植毒品的最常见的药物,但它们却是以人造、通常是合法的化合物配制成。一个以互联网为渠道的全球性复杂供应链,数年前就已开始生产、包装和发运含多种成份的麻醉药品。据哈佛和卡图研究所(Harvard and the Cato Institute )研究人员Jeffrey Miron估计,这类药品在北美已达1210亿美元的娱乐性药物(recreational drugs)市场中所占比重越来越大。
据美国禁毒署(U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration,DEA)圣路易斯消遣业务经理Scott Collier的看法,全美目前至少有1000家这类合成药物生产商,仅有为数不多的厂家拥有可识别商标。他称,很多人在利用互联网供销,且数量越来越大已成事实。许多这类药物的生产并不复杂,YouTube视频网站上甚至有播放时间达10分钟左右的详细制作流程。
据全美国州议会联合会(National Conference of State Legislatures)报告,至少有32个州已立法禁止各类合成大麻素,另有18个州正在订立类似法律,或提高对生产和滥用这类药物的处罚力度。
DEA今年3月禁止了五种用于商业产品生产的化合物,它们包括JWH-018、JWH-073、JWH-200、CP-47.497和辉瑞公司(Pfizer)1979年开发的含有合成大麻素的受体兴奋药cannabicyclohexanol。JWH是首位人工合成大麻素的有机化学家、John W. Huffman名字缩写,而CP是辉瑞公司开创者、Charles Pfizer名字的缩写。
密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校的有毒化学物和毒品检测实验室主任Paul Cary是全美法院毒品专业人士协会(National Association of Drug Court Professionals)的专业顾问。在去年末开发出了通过尿液检查JWH合成物的方法后,他认为检测成本太高,且全美仅数家实验室具有如此专业能力。
Jeremy orris是堪萨斯州詹森县警局的资深法医学家。正是由于他和工作团队的另4位化学家的努力,堪萨斯成为全美首个对合成大麻素下禁令的州。在记者造访Morris位于詹森县的实验室时,他向记者展示了传统大麻和新式合成物间的差别。他不认同所谓熏香剂产品的说法,而是认为销售新合成物的群体,找到成为毒品交易商的一种合法途径。
加工者的利润增长,而用药的副作用和悲剧也在增多。全美有毒物质管控中心(American Association of Poison Control Centers)仅2009年就接到了14起使用熏香类合成物的受害报告,而2010年猛增至2,874起。截至今年5月底前,报告数量已达2,324起,正以比去年数字翻倍的速度在增加。
医院也报告称,吸食熏香类合成物可致人兴奋不已、心跳加快、呕吐、高度亢奋,还可能出现旧病突然发作。密苏里州有毒物质管控中心医疗主任,全美首位发现这类药物中毒的Anthony J. Scalzo博士称:"大麻能让人镇静和放松下来,而这类玩意却在让人躁动和焦虑。人们总认为从合法渠道买到的东西就是安全的,但他们不了解自己在用这类玩意做些什么"。
how to compare the pharmacological risk inherent in different substances
none really has, despite loose talk about Portugal and the Netherlands
这里是about ,不是of 。而且荷兰和葡萄牙将之合法化是为了“以毒制毒”,并不是什么信口开河。loose talk的动作发出者是谁呢?明确一下,你应该懂得怎么改的
The authors are at their most interesting when they breeze with that same assumption of airy neutrality through what are in fact politically charged questions about policy.
这句太纠结了,the same是说和哪个一样?
at their most interesting 抱有最高的兴趣---兴致最高的时候
charged:我理解是这个意思capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy
这本书的简介:Since the crime explosion of the 1960s, the prison population in the US has multiplied fivefold, to one prisoner for every hundred adults - a rate unprecedented in American history and unmatched anywhere in the world. This title demonstrates that simply locking up more people for lengthier terms is no longer a workable crime-control strategy
with a strong whiff of the culture wars---鼓动文化战争
a whiff of 一股/ with 带着
another是 哪个相比?作者一个subject是关于文化战争,另外一个是本文提到的毒品问题。他不会去鼓吹的,只是带着这样的气息。
Definition of “Boxing Clever”
Until now, I’ve not been inclined to explain the meaning behind She’s Boxing Clever, but vast amounts of honest inquiries, along with search statistics showing that “boxing clever definition” is the biggest referrer to my blog, I’ve decided to offer up what the Googlers are looking for.
The definition of boxing clever.
It means to use one’s resources beyond conventional ways. Some think it represents “thinking outside the box”, but this is inaccurate. Boxing clever means not only thinking outside the box, but re-defining the common thought process itself . It’s the ability to evaluate the current thought process, and replace it with a new, more superior, more productive, more efficient thought process.
If you’re still stuck in the “yeah, but it’s basically just thinking outside the box” thought process, then I’m sorry, you’re not boxing clever.
In my world, the box (or thought process) is what I make it using unconventional attributes. It’s my ability to revamp the ideas of the general masses into something with more structure, that makes me boxing clever. In a nutshell, I can convince you of anything by manipulating your thought process, rather than enforcing my own. I can accomplish all that I put my mind to, because my thought structure is ever evolving, re-inventing itself to suit the task at hand.
Albert Einstein was boxing clever.
Adolf Hitler was boxing clever.
Mahatma Gandhi was boxing clever.
The kid in the Matrix, without the spoon, was boxing clever.
Now that you know the meaning of boxing clever, open your mind, and be sensitive to the times when you yourself are boxing clever in your own life.
Please feel free to comment with your own examples, in fact, I encourage it. I’m drawn to those who are boxing clever, even if they are not yet aware of their ability.
If you’ve just come to realize that you fit the definition of boxing clever, consider yourself lucky, you’ve just been ”boxed” by a master.
P.S. If you find yourself offended by my definition and think me an elitist snob, might I suggest you try a little harder, and redefine that box of yours.
If you box clever, you use your intelligence to get what you want, even if you have to cheat a bit.
This idiom is British English
Category: Sport
View examples in Google: Box clever
So there has rarely been greater need for a cool, dispassionate voice to sift through the facts. Indeed, three such voices speak in this book. Mark Kleiman teaches public policy at the University of California, Los Angeles; he has written influentially about drug policy for a couple of decades. Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken, occasional co-authors, teach at Carnegie Mellon and Pepperdine universities respectively.
Dedicated to the families and friends of substance abusers, and the professionals who work with them, “Drugs and Drug Policy” is a practical book which aims to debunk myths. It is where you go to look up how to compare the pharmacological risk inherent in different substances (there is a table), whether such a thing as an “addictive personality” exists that can predict susceptibility to drugs (not as such), or the consequences of legalising drugs in countries that are said to have done so (none really has, despite loose talk about Portugal and the Netherlands).
The authors are at their most interesting when they breeze with that same assumption of airy neutrality through what are in fact politically charged questions about policy. In 2009 Mr Kleiman wrote the best book in years on penal reform, another subject with a strong whiff of the culture wars. In “When Brute Force Fails” he argued that continuing to lock up offenders en masse was neither affordable nor desirable; what was needed was a smarter approach to enforcement, with strategically chosen targets pour encourager les autres and swifter, shorter, surer sentences to influence individual conduct.
这里的same assumption指的是什么? 我们知道是 airy neutrality, 但是上文什么地方谈到过吗?
否则不能用same。 往上找。Dedicated to the families and friends of substance abusers, and the professionals who work with them, 这有点像, 中立是在两派中不偏不倚, 但是不妨碍忠实于瘾君子的家庭和朋友以及与其共事的专业人士。 这是neutrality的一个脚注。
再往上走。So there has rarely been greater need for a cool, dispassionate voice to sift through the facts
原来是这个:冷静理智,不带偏见 (dispassionate)
The authors are at their most interesting when they breeze with that same assumption of airy neutrality through what are in fact politically charged questions about policy 另外, 这是标题句。 以下举的例子:In 2009 Mr Kleiman wrote the best book ,“When Brute Force Fails”, in years on penal reform, another subject with a strong whiff of the culture wars. 这里印证了at their most interesting , 因为 这本书是 best, 这本书所以好, 是因为它采用了same assumption of airy neutrality , 它讨论的也是一个 politically charged questions about policy , 为什么? 因为讨论的是刑法改革penal reform, 刑法改革这个领域充满浓厚的文化冲突的气味。 比如说, 中国人要以命偿命, 加拿大却没有死刑。
Pour encourager les autres
Filed under: General,Words & Phrases — Des Walsh @ 12:24 am
Hang on, this is my English lab isn’t it? So what am I doing with a post title in French? Well, it’s mainly because the English translation – ‘in order to encourage the others’ – doesn’t convey the meaning, or the nuance (another bit of French now Englished)of the French phrase.
By the way, nuance is a great word. It means a subtle difference in meaning, or opinion or attitude.
The original quote ‘pour encourager les autres’ is in Voltaire’s Candide, as quoted here by Alex Moffatt:
Dans ce pay-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres.
In this country it is good to kill an admiral from time to time, to encourage the others.
So ‘to encourage’ or ‘encourager’ is of course used ironically, to mean that you ‘make an example of’ someone in a prominent position, with the implication that they might not personally deserve such treatment, so that others who have prominent positions, and indeed people further down the line, will be put on their mettle, or put on their toes.
As the nightly tv news shows pictures of the riots in Paris and even the President’s intervention seems less than successful, I’ve been wondering whether the French Government might take the route so often taken in the past by kings and queens and now by governments, in various countries, and sacrifice some high ranking minister, police chief or other prominent person to mollify the mob and also pour encourager les autres.