Dying on the Vine: How Phylloxera Transformed Wine. By George Gale. University of California Press; 323 pages; $39.95 and £27.95. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk 《暮于藤蔓:葡萄虫如是改变葡萄酒》乔治•盖尔著。加州大学出版社;323页;售价39.95美元/ 27.95英镑。可购于 Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk
未来又将何去何从?书中盖尔继续就“阴险狡诈的敌人——葡萄虫”与“至亲若朋的植物——葡萄”间进行大量论述。尽管智利和南澳尚无葡萄虫迹象(或有但没发现),但得掂量掂量隔离检疫与持续警戒带来的损失。恐怕这个被18世纪60年代法国人称为的la nouvelle maladie de la vigne(新的葡萄藤疾病),将继续于为与人为敌、为非作歹下去。
Dying on the Vine: How Phylloxera Transformed Wine. By George Gale. University of California Press; 323 pages; $39.95 and £27.95. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk
Mr Gale’s book is less well written, combining academic infelicities (“the external-causal model”, “labruscoid”注②) with clumsy colloquialisms (“critters”, “got cocky”). But it is still fascinating.
中间less well written没有体现出来,文中给出了less well written 的两个理由(academic infelicities 和clumsy colloquialisms ),原文括号里是分别给出的两个例子,感觉你在译文里把原来的语气翻得有些偏差了
IMAGINE sitting down with a glass of wine made from Clinton or Noah rather than Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay. This is less far-fetched than it sounds.
France alone had more than 40,000 acres (16,000 hectares) of such little known American grapes, patches of which are still planted in the Vendée and the Cévennes
alone 单单法国就有这么大的种植面积,更能说明它曾盛极一时,不能漏。
He brings fresh insights to the tale based on material from the archives of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie in Montpellier and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis).
Mr Gale’s is an American perspective 盖尔先生的(这本书)是从一个美国人的视角出发的。
incisive on the development of California’s wine industry and the differences between the country’s wild grape species
incisive on后面的the development 和 the difference 是并列成分。对这两者的分析
no less assiduous :(formal) working very hard and taking great care that everything is done as well as it can be
His coverage of the war 盖尔先生对war也有讲述,什么样的war呢?哪两方?--- between the largely Parisian (主要为巴黎人组成的)[color=Blue]scientific establishment, 科学机构which believed that phylloxera was the effect, rather than the cause, of the devastation, and the so-called
(这个词的出现是不是表达出了作者的贬义?)Américainistes (意思:who support the use of resistent American vines or their rootstocks)of Montpellier and Bordeaux, who believed the opposite, is commendably detailed. The squabbling between the two sides stretched on into the 1880s, delaying the search for a solution.
整句的主干是:His coverage of the war ....is commendably detailed
IMAGINE sitting down with a glass of wine made from Clinton or Noah rather than Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay. This is less far-fetched than it sounds.
to grafted 嫁接 vines combining phylloxera-resistant American rootstocks with European scions. This is still the practice in most of the world’s vineyards today. 这仍是如今世界各地的葡萄园的做法。
This solution has already failed once 以失败告终---once的意思没出来