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[7.30.2011] 安吉拉,非巨龙杀手

2011-8-4 18:30| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 4846| 评论: 47|原作者: Sophia2011

摘要: 这位德国总理将可能获得最新欧元挽救计划的批准---但它将不会是最后的方案



042 Europe - Germany and the euro.mp3
Jul 30th 2011 | BERLIN | from the print edition




然而,德国对此鲜有热情。这项协议进一步脱离德国的主张。那就是妥善管理的经济体不应该为难以控制的经济体的错误付出代价。除了希腊的双倍计划的帮助外,德国对主要的紧急救助基金提供了新的职权并给予借贷这些紧急救助基金的那些人更低的利率以及更优厚的偿还债务条件。“面对公共风险”,欧元区“已经跨出了一大步,” 德国联邦银行主席延•魏德曼(Jens Weidmann)抱怨道,“这项计划削弱了财政职责为中心的货币联盟基础。” 德国金融稳定性首席监护人这样的警告不能被掉以轻心地处理---至少不是因为,在5月份去法兰克福之前,魏德曼先生是默克尔夫人总理府的主要经济顾问。

然而,为了避免柏林的叛乱,默克尔夫人在布鲁塞尔很可能如愿以偿了。她的主要成功之处在于获得私人投资者对希腊债务削减的“自愿的” 370亿欧元(相当于530亿美元)的捐助,尽管萨科齐和欧洲中央银行(简称欧洲央行)的顽强的反对。“他们终于迈出了重组的第一步,” 政府路线坚持不懈的批评者---《青年企业家协会》欢呼道。

这使得令人不快且不可接受的计划尚可忍受。这次紧急救助基金将被允许用以购买二手市场的债券,以保护这些国家受到金融危机的蔓延。德国联邦议院基督教民主联盟成员诺伯特•巴尔思尔(Norbert Barthle)承认,这次计划打破了只作为最后一招才应该干涉的原则。然而,如果没有欧洲中央银行和所有欧元区国家的批准,这项计划不可能生效。而且,虽然紧急救助基金现在有很多事情要做,给德国的另一个抚慰品就是它的规模没有增加。巴尔思尔先生(Mr. Barthle)说,新安排并不等同于一个转帐联盟,因为这项援助并不自动。只有那些削减了赤字并提高了竞争力的国家将有资格享有这项资助。他认为,“大部分我的同事们能确信这项折中办法的可靠性。”

并不是每个人都可被说服的。叛逆的自由民主党议会成员弗兰克•斯奇乐(Frank Schäffler)抱怨道,紧急救助基金在二级市场介入的新权力 “剥夺了议会决定预算的权利”。他预测,政府将召集不了大多数。社会民主党的议会领袖弗兰克•瓦尔特•施泰因迈尔(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)表示,联合政府可能会因欧元的问题而解体。

表面看起来,这项计划似乎可行。联盟党派只获得了三分之一多一点的选票;如果现在举行选举,自由民主党甚至可能得不到联邦议院超过5%的选票门槛。人们对欧元的焦虑说明了很多的不满。峰会前,接近90%的选民认为货币的稳定性面临危险;民意测验的选举研究小组(Forschungsgruppe Wahlen)表示,58%的选民反对给希腊提供更多帮助。不难想象,政治恐慌和欧洲人的责任意识间的紧张关系可能将联和政府毁坏。

直到现在,由于欧元的过度紧张对国内政治影响很小,然而,这次紧急救助可能不受欢迎。另一民意测验福沙(Forsa)的曼弗里德•格尤尔纳(Manfred Güllner)表示,因为欧元“你可能不会赢得或失去选举”。部分原因在于主要在野党对欧元比对联合政府更友好。不像其邻国,德国已没有值得一提的欧元怀疑党。可以想象到的是,摇摇欲坠的自由民主党可能被诱惑进那个方向以便拼命地回到联邦议院。但是,联邦议院主席菲利普•罗斯勒(Philipp Rösler)已经非正式表示对峰会一揽子计划的支持。

假如还有另外一轮的边缘政策和谈判,反对民粹主义的堡垒可能会被压碎。这也可能容易发生。希腊的债务补助看起来并不够(而且私人债权人的参与可能也未能达到预期的状况)。假如危机再一次威胁西班牙或,更糟糕的是,意大利,欧元区仍然还没有足够的火力。欧洲的领导人“仅仅为了推迟危机的时间,” 杜伊斯堡 - 埃森大学的经济学家安斯加尔•贝尔克(Ansgar Belke)如是说道。当时间用完了之时,现在一些不令人愉快且不易让人接受的想法---诸如所有欧元国家支持的“欧元债券”的发行---可能迫使他们接受而提上日程。

默克尔夫人启程前往巴伐利亚州,希望参加峰会者做得已足够打动市场并置欧元于一个更加稳定的基础之上。根据巴尔思尔先生(Mr Barthle)的说法,未完成的主要项目就是赢得市民的支持。他们需要确信他们自己的和欧洲的繁荣“从根本上取决于克服这次危机与否。”他是对的,无论巨龙法夫纳再次唤醒与否。

from the print edition | Europe

感谢译者 Sophia2011 点击此处阅读双语版







引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-2 11:00
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-2 11:18 编辑


1. embark verb  [intransitive, transitive] (formal)
to get onto a ship; to put something onto a ship
We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked.
embark somebody/something
They embarked the troops by night.
Opposite disembark

embarkation noun
[uncountable, countable] Embarkation will be at 14:20 hours.
Phrasal verbs
embark on/upon something
(formal) to start to do something new or difficult
She is about to embark on a diplomatic career.
Remember these basic rules before embarking upon major home improvements.

2. aura noun
aura (of something) a feeling or particular quality that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place
She always has an aura of confidence.
The mountains have a magical aura.

air (impression)
4 [singular] the particular feeling or impression that is given by somebody/something; the way somebody does something
The room had an air of luxury.
She looked at him with a defiant air.
There was an air of complete confidence about her.

3. yearning noun
[countable, uncountable] (formal) a strong and emotional desire
Synonym longing
yearning (for somebody/something) a yearning for a quiet life
yearning (to do something) She had no great yearning to go back.
yearningly adverb

4. spectacular adjective
very impressive
Synonym breathtaking
spectacular scenery
Messi scored a spectacular goal.
It was a spectacular achievement on their part.
a spectacular display of fireworks
spectacularly adverb
It has been a spectacularly successful year.

5. vintage adjective
[only before noun]
1 vintage wine is of very good quality and has been stored for several years
2 (British English) (of a vehicle) made between 1919 and 1930 and admired for its style and interest
a vintage rally (= for vehicles of this type) compare veteran car
3 typical of a period in the past and of high quality; the best work of the particular persona collection of vintage designs
vintage TV drama
The opera is vintage Rossini.
4 vintage year a particularly good and successful year
2008 was not a vintage year for the movies.

6. damn verb
1 damn somebody/something (informal) used when swearing at somebody/something to show that you are angry
Damn you! I'm not going to let you bully me.
Damn this machine! Why won't it work?
2 damn somebody (of God) to decide that somebody must suffer in hell
3 damn somebody/something to criticize somebody/something very strongly
The film was damned by the critics for its mindless violence.

7. dither verb
[intransitive] to hesitate about what to do because you are unable to decide
Stop dithering and get on with it.
dither over something She was dithering over what to wear.

8. bridle verb
1 [transitive] bridle something to put a bridle on a horse
2 [intransitive] bridle (at something) (literary) to show that you are annoyed and/or offended at something, especially by moving your head up and backwards in a proud way
She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying.

9. Fafnir n.(北欧神话中的)法夫纳(为Nibelung护宝的龙形巨人;被Sigurd所杀)

10. eclipse verb
1 [often passive] eclipse something (of the moon, the earth, etc.) to cause an eclipse
2 eclipse somebody/something to make somebody/something seem dull or unimportant by comparison
Synonym outshine, overshadow
Though a talented player, he was completely eclipsed by his brother.
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-2 11:01
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-2 11:21 编辑


11. adhere verb
[intransitive] adhere (to something) (formal) to stick firmly to something
Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.
Clean the surface first, or the paint will not adhere.
There was oil adhering to the bird's feathers.
Phrasal verbs
adhere to something
(formal) to behave according to a particular law, rule, set of instructions, etc; to follow a particular set of beliefs or a fixed way of doing something
For ten months he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet.
She adheres to teaching methods she learned over 30 years ago.
Staff should adhere strictly to the safety guidelines.
The diet will work if it is adhered to.

12. sell (persuade)
4 [intransitive, transitive] to make people want to buy something
You may not like it but advertising sells.
sell something It is quality not price that sells our products.

5 [transitive] sell something/yourself (to somebody) to persuade somebody that something is a good idea, service, product, etc; to persuade somebody that you are the right person for a job, position, etc
Now we have to try and sell the idea to management.
You really have to sell yourself at a job interview.

13. wayward adjective   (formal)
difficult to control
Synonym headstrong
a wayward child
wayward emotions
waywardness noun [uncountable]

14. on easy terms (商业用语)以优厚的条件;以分期付款方式:buy furniture on easy terms 以分期付款方式买进家具

15. commercialize verb (British English also -ise)  
[often passive] commercialize something to use something to try to make a profit, especially in a way that other people do not approve of
Their music has become very commercialized in recent years.
Christmas is far too commercialized now.
commercialization, -isation  noun [uncountable]

16. Bundesbank
The Deutsche Bundesbank (German for German Federal Bank) is the central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany and as such part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Due to its strength and former size, the Bundesbank is the most influential member of the ESCB. Both the Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Central Bank (ECB) are located in Frankfurt am Main. It is sometimes referred to as "Buba" for Bundesbank.[1]

The Bundesbank was established in 1957 and succeeded the Bank deutscher Länder, which introduced the Deutsche Mark on 20 June 1948. Until the euro was physically introduced in 2002, the Deutsche Bundesbank was the central bank of the former Deutsche Mark ("German Mark", sometimes known in English as the "Deutschmark").

The Deutsche Bundesbank was the first central bank to be given full independence, leading this form of central bank to be referred to as the Bundesbank model, as opposed, for instance, to the New Zealand model, which has a goal (i.e. inflation target) set by the government.

The Bundesbank was greatly respected for its control of inflation through the second half of the 20th century. This made the German Mark one of the most respected currencies, and the Bundesbank gained substantial indirect influence in many European countries.

17. Jens Weidmann (born 20 April 1968 in Solingen) is a German economist. Since February 2006 he serves as Head of Division IV (Economic and Financial Policy) in the Federal Chancellery. He was the chief negotiator of the Federal Republic of Germany for both the summits of the G8 and the G20. As of February 2011, Weidmann is designated to succeed Axel A. Weber as president of the Deutsche Bundesbank.[1][2]

18. admonish verb  (formal)
1 admonish somebody (for something/for doing something)| + speech
to tell somebody firmly that you do not approve of something that they have done
Synonym reprove
She was admonished for chewing gum in class.
2 admonish somebody (to do something) to strongly advise somebody to do something
A warning voice admonished him not to let this happen.

19. mutiny noun
plural mutinies [uncountable, countable] the act of refusing to obey the orders of somebody in authority, especially by soldiers or sailors
Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny.
the famous movie ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’We have a family mutiny on our hands!

20. in the teeth of something
1 despite problems, opposition, etc
The new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism.
2 in the direction that a strong wind is coming from
They crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale.
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-2 11:07
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-2 11:25 编辑


21. unpalatable adjective
unpalatable (to somebody)1 (of facts, ideas, etc.) unpleasant and not easy to accept
Synonym distasteful
Only then did I learn the unpalatable truth.

2 not pleasant to taste
unpalatable food
The insects store this chemical in their bodies in order to make themselves unpalatable to predators.
Opposite palatable

22. sop noun
[usually singular] sop (to somebody/something) a small, not very important, thing that is offered to somebody who is angry or disappointed in order to make them feel better

23. muster verb.
1 [transitive] muster something (up) to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can
Synonym summon
We mustered what support we could for the plan.
She left the room with all the dignity she could muster.
He could muster only 154 votes at the election.

2 [intransitive, transitive] to come together, or bring people, especially soldiers, together for example for military action
Synonym gather
The troops mustered.
The force mustered 1000 strong.
muster somebody/something to muster an army
The navy could muster 44 warships.

3 [transitive] muster something (Australian English, New Zealand English) to gather together sheep or cows

24. claw your way back, into something, out of something, to something, etc.
to gradually achieve something or move somewhere by using a lot of determination and effort
She clawed her way to the top of her profession.Slowly, he clawed his way out from under the collapsed building.

25. falter verb
1 [intransitive] to become weaker or less effective
Synonym Waver
The economy shows no signs of faltering.
Her courage never faltered.

2 [intransitive, transitive] (+ speech) to speak in a way that shows that you are not confident
His voice faltered as he began his speech.

3 [intransitive] to walk or behave in a way that shows that you are not confident
She walked up to the platform without faltering.
He never faltered in his commitment to the party.
faltering  adjective
the faltering peace talks
the baby's first faltering steps

26. bulwark noun

1 [usually singular] bulwark (against something) (formal) a person or thing that protects or defends something
a bulwark against extremism

2 [countable] a wall built as a defence

3 [usually plural] the part of a ship's side that is above the level of the deck

27. brinkmanship noun
(North American English also brinksmanship ) [uncountable]
the activity, especially in politics, of getting into a situation that could be very dangerous in order to frighten people and make them do what you want engaged in a deadly game of political brinkmanship

brinkmanship n.1.边缘政策(指冒险把危急局势推到极限)2.推向边缘的处理手法

28. buy time
to do something in order to delay an event, a decision, etc
The negotiators kept the gunman talking to buy time for the hostages.

29. unpalatable(to somebody)

1 (of facts, ideas, etc.) unpleasant and not easy to accept
Synonym distasteful
Only then did I learn the unpalatable truth.

2 not pleasant to tasteunpalatable food
The insects store this chemical in their bodies in order to make themselves unpalatable to predators.

opposite palatable

30. footing noun  [singular]

1 the position of your feet when they are safely on the ground or some other surface
She lost her footing (= she slipped or lost her balance) and fell backwards into the water.
I slipped and struggled to regain my footing.

2 the basis on which something is established or organized
The company is now on a sound financial footing.
The country has been on a war footing (= prepared for war) since March.

3 the position or status of somebody/something in relation to others; the relationship between two or more people or groups
The two groups must meet on an equal footing.
They were demanding to be treated on the same footing as the rest of the teachers.
引用 tabfirst 2011-8-2 21:06
引用 contrary 2011-8-2 21:26
引用 echo.chan 2011-8-3 10:30
本帖最后由 echo.chan 于 2011-8-3 10:34 编辑

last such scheme 漏译


Angela Merkel had less the aura of a leader who has just saved the euro than the air of an executive who has just cleared her desk.

a spectacular coup  一次令人印象深刻的政变
coup还有个意思: the fact of achieving sth that was difficult to do
引用 contrary 2011-8-3 10:55
本帖最后由 contrary 于 2011-8-3 12:32 编辑

1.AS SHE prepared to embark on her summer holiday (Wagner in Bayreuth, walking in the Alps), Angela Merkel had less the aura of a leader who has just saved the euro than the air of an executive who has just cleared her desk.当安格拉·默克尔准备好了开始度假之时,她很少有那种刚刚挽救了欧元的领导的感觉,甚至还不如主管刚刚清理完自己的写字台的那副神气。

2.The “yearning for a spectacular coup” to stabilise the single currency is understandable, said the German chancellor on July 22nd, the day after a crisis summit of euro-zone leaders. 在欧元区领导的一次危机峰会后,7月22日这位德国总理说道,渴望一次令人印象深刻的政变来稳定这种单一货币非常令人理解。

3.But the real solution is a “controlled process of successive, agreed steps” that makes progress “toward the core of the problem”.

4. Her critics damn her for a lack of European zeal 评论者咒骂她缺乏欧洲人的热情

5.But unbridled passion and excessive haste would not have solved the euro zone’s problems at an acceptable political cost不受控制的激情和过度的草率将无法在可接受的政治代价内解决欧元区的问题。

6.It was bold enough to calm the markets, at least temporarily. 这项计划大胆地足以稳定市场,至少是暂时的。

7.euro had eclipsed unemployment as the prime concern of German voters on the eve of the summit. 欧元已经掩盖了作为峰会前夕德国选民最关心的失业率的重要性。

8.Yet there is little enthusiasm for it. 然而,对此鲜有热情。

9.The deal drags Germany further away from its insistence 这项交易进一步脱离德国的坚持。
引用 echo.chan 2011-8-3 10:58

took hold in   根深蒂固--过头了

criminal  道德错误的---可耻的

she can sell  她会劝说---她能劝说

The deal drags Germany further away from its insistence  这项交易进一步脱离德国的坚持
协议drag   德国 further away from...

well-managed economies  管理好的经济体---管理有序的,管理良好的

communalising risks 商业化危机
communal 公共的,集体的

That makes an unpalatable package tolerable.
引用 aubreychen 2011-8-3 12:07
coalition might break up over the euro.
over the euro是在欧元问题上。不是随着的意思。。
引用 contrary 2011-8-3 12:31
10.Anxiety about the euro accounts for much of the discontent.对欧元的焦虑说明了很多的不满。

11.Finally, the first step toward restructuring终于,面临重组的第一步

12.the coalition might break up over the euro.联合政府可能会随着欧元而结束。

13.that well-managed economies should not have to pay for the mistakes of wayward ones. 管理好的经济体不应该为难以控制的经济体的错误付出代价。
引用 tabfirst 2011-8-3 14:37

1    ( also   coup d'état )   a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent

2   the fact of achieving sth that was difficult to do
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-3 21:58
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-4 02:13 编辑

回复 echo.chan 的帖子


last such scheme 漏译
but it will not be the last such scheme



Angela Merkel had less the aura of a leader who has just saved the euro than the air of an executive who has just cleared her desk.


a spectacular coup  一次令人印象深刻的政变
coup还有个意思: the fact of achieving sth that was difficult to do

The “yearning for a spectacular coup” to stabilise the single currency is understandable

引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-3 22:28
回复 echo.chan 的帖子


took hold in   根深蒂固--过头了
take hold 生根;固定下来;确立:I broke him of his bad habit before it could take hold. 在他的坏习惯还没有变得根深蒂固之前,我使他改变了它。【英汉大词典】
这里“take hold”取得是例句中的“根深蒂固”来增加语言色彩而已。

criminal  道德错误的---可耻的
这里选择其意“morally wrong”而将意思翻译而成。当时看了英汉大词典,觉得“可耻的”似乎还不太一样,所以选择了翻译原义“morally wrong”。不知有谁有更好的解释没?

she can sell  她会劝说---她能劝说

The deal drags Germany further away from its insistence  这项交易进一步脱离德国的坚持
协议drag   德国 further away from...

well-managed economies  管理好的经济体---管理有序的,管理良好的

communalising risks 商业化危机
communal 公共的,集体的

That makes an unpalatable package tolerable.
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-3 22:54
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-3 23:56 编辑

回复 contrary 的帖子


1.AS SHE prepared to embark on her summer holiday (Wagner in Bayreuth, walking in the Alps), Angela Merkel had less the aura of a leader who has just saved the euro than the air of an executive who has just cleared her desk.


2.The “yearning for a spectacular coup” to stabilise the single currency is understandable, said the German chancellor on July 22nd, the day after a crisis summit of euro-zone leaders.

整句改成:7月22日,在欧元区领导的一次危机峰会后,这位德国总理说道,人们“渴望印象非常深刻且很难获得的客观现实” 来稳定单一货币,这点可以理解。

3.But the real solution is a “controlled process of successive, agreed steps” that makes progress “toward the core of the problem”.

4. Her critics damn her for a lack of European zeal

5.But unbridled passion and excessive haste would not have solved the euro zone’s problems at an acceptable political cost

6.It was bold enough to calm the markets, at least temporarily.

7.euro had eclipsed unemployment as the prime concern of German voters on the eve of the summit.

8.Yet there is little enthusiasm for it. 然而,对此鲜有热情。

9.The deal drags Germany further away from its insistence
引用 contrary 2011-8-3 23:00
回复 Sophia2011 的帖子

人们“渴望印象非常深刻且很难获得的客观现实” 来稳定单一货币
"渴望印象非常深刻且很难获得的客观现实" 这个岂能将英文解释直译啊?!太怪异了!无论如何要斟酌出一个词换掉才好啊!
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 00:04
回复 contrary 的帖子

10.Anxiety about the euro accounts for much of the discontent.


11.Finally, the first step toward restructuring


12.the coalition might break up over the euro.

13.that well-managed economies should not have to pay for the mistakes of wayward ones.

引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 02:16
回复 contrary 的帖子


引用 contrary 2011-8-4 09:08

引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 09:38

1. coup不是客观事实,看mw 的解释更好理解 a brilliant, sudden, and usually highly successful stroke or act 出奇制胜?得找一个合适的词。  

2. it will not be the last such scheme 也就是说,这不是最后一次,以后还会有这样的scheme,中文没有把这个意思翻出来。
   这里的意思当然不会是最后一次,应该原来的译文也表达了。问题是,如果译成“但它将不是最后一次这样的方案”,为了中文表达,将“一次这样的”去掉,变成“但它将不是最后的方案”,意味着还会有其它方案。 翻译中有些增增减减词语也是非常正常的方法。


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