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[2011.07.30] 伦敦改车道

2011-8-4 18:32| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 9794| 评论: 43|原作者: Sophia2011

摘要: 鲍里斯•约翰逊能减少点伦敦道路建设的麻烦吗?



Jul 30th 2011 | from the print edition
054 Britain - Roadworks in London.mp3


最近几个月,伦敦西区主要街道---皮卡迪利街(Piccadilly)和蓓尔美尔街(Pall Mall)---之间的道路正被延期重新施工,以至路面喧闹嘈杂,交通阻塞。赶上这种混乱状况的人即便认为伦敦就是道路建设的世界之都,那也无可厚非。比较的统计数字很难获得,但是,或许会隐隐约约地预感到一些东西。据保守估计,每年大约有50万次的道路施工使城市街道变得坑坑洼洼,从而引起30%的交通中断且耗费年资10亿英镑。





伦敦的道路还有一个重要问题。正如伦敦经济学院的托尼•特拉弗斯(Tony Travers)指出,伦敦人对这些道路期待太多。考虑到居民的担心,议会已让车辆绕开小街道而行,所以大的主干道因为公交车道,自行车道和拓宽的人行道以及越来越多的汽车而负担过重。特拉弗斯先生(Mr Travers)认为,添加的这些特点会让司机遭受多的多的麻烦。建筑工人分担了这份工作;然而,街道给予汽车的空间更少了;结果,当需要进一步的道路建设时,这些建设就具有了更强的破坏性。在伦敦决定希望它的道路作什么之前,约翰逊先生的措施将只提供有限的润滑作用。

from the print edition | Britain 

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引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 08:21
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-4 09:42 编辑


1. hole
   7. ·  (n.) At Eton College, England, that part of the floor of the court between the step and the pepperbox.  【】
   pepperbox n.5.(伊顿法伊夫斯球戏场上的)不规则围墙

2. maelstrom
noun  [usually singular]
1 (literary) a situation full of strong emotions or confusing events, that is hard to control and makes you feel frightened
a maelstrom of conflicting emotions
They were being sucked into the maelstrom of war.
2 a very strong current of water that moves in circles
Synonym whirlpool

3. 3. protracted adjective  (formal)
lasting longer than expected or longer than usual
Synonym prolonged
protracted delays/disputes/negotiations
thoroughfare noun  公共交通要道
a public road or street used by traffic, especially a main road in a city or town

4. come by
(North American English) to make a short visit to a place, in order to see somebody
She came by the house.

come by something
1 to manage to get something
Jobs are hard to come by these days.
2 to receive something
How did you come by that scratch on your cheek?

5. hunch noun
a feeling that something is true even though you do not have any evidence to prove it
It seemed that the doctor's hunch had been right.
My hunch is that the burglars are still in the area.
I had a hunch (that) you'd be follow/back your hunches

6. blitz noun

1 [countable, usually singular] something which is done with a lot of energy
an advertising/a media blitz (= a lot of information about something on television, in newspapers, etc.)

2 [countable, usually singular] a sudden attack
Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.
blitz on something
(figurative) a blitz on passengers who avoid paying fares
(figurative) I've had a blitz on the house (= cleaned it very thoroughly).

3 the Blitz [singular] the German air attacks on the United Kingdom in 1940–41

7. maze noun
1 a system of paths separated by walls or hedges built in a park or garden, that is designed so that it is difficult to find your way through
We got lost in the maze.
(figurative) The building is a maze of corridors.
The old city is a delightful maze for the modern tourist.
compare labyrinth
2 [usually singular] a large number of complicated rules or details that are difficult to understand
Many applicants for the grant are put off by the maze of regulations and conditions.
a maze of regulations
3 (North American English) a printed puzzle in which you have to draw a line that shows a way through a complicated pattern of lines

8. bit
part of something
[countable] (especially British English) a part of something larger
The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon.
The school play was a huge success—the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits.

9. decrepit adjective
(of a thing or person) very old and not in good condition or health
a decrepit building/vehiclea decrepit old man

10. peculiarly adverb
1 very; more than usually
Synonym particularly, especially
These plants are peculiarly prone to disease.
a peculiarly nasty accident
2 in a way that relates to or is especially typical of one particular person, thing, place, etc.
Synonym uniquely
He seemed to believe that it was a peculiarly British problem.
3 in a strange or unusual way

引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 08:22
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-4 08:42 编辑


11. disruptive adjective
causing problems, noise, etc. so that something cannot continue normally
She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.

12. borough noun
a town or part of a city that has its own local government
the London borough of Westminster
The Bronx is one of the five boroughs of New York.a borough council

13. turf
4 [uncountable] somebody's turf (informal, especially North American English) the place where somebody lives and/or works, especially when they think of it as their own
He feels more confident on home turf.

14. hand something  out (to somebody)

1 to give a number of things to the members of a group
Synonym distribute
Could you hand these books out, please?
She handed out medals and certificates to the winners. related noun handout

2 (informal) to give advice, a punishment, etc
He's always handing out advice to people.

15. glitch noun  (informal)
a small problem or fault that stops something working successfully
A few technical glitches forced us to postpone the demonstration.

16. divert 2.<英>使(车辆等)绕道:Traffic is being diverted from the main road because of the accident. 由于事故,车辆行人绕道而行。

17. inflict verb

to make somebody/something suffer something unpleasant
inflict something on/upon somebody/something
They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team.
Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy.
(humorous)  Do you have to inflict that music on us?

inflict something

They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm.
The rodent's sharp teeth can inflict a nasty bite.
infliction  noun [uncountable]
the infliction of pain

18. do your bit
(informal) to do your share of a task
We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit.
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 08:43
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-4 08:54 编辑

Information wikipedia

1. Piccadilly is a major street in central London, running from Hyde Park Corner in the west to Piccadilly Circus in the east. It is completely within the city of Westminster. The street is part of the A4 road, London's second most important western artery. St. James's lies to the south of the eastern section of the street, while the western section is built up only on the northern side and overlooks Green Park. The area to the north is Mayfair.                                  (

It is the location of Fortnum & Mason, the Royal Academy, The Ritz Hotel, the RAF Club and Hatchards book shop. Simpsons, once amongst the United Kingdom's leading clothing stores, opened on Piccadilly in the 1930s. The store closed in 1999 and the site is now the flagship shop of the booksellers Waterstone's.

皮卡迪利街(Piccadilly )是英国伦敦的一条主要街道,西到海德公园角,东到皮卡迪利圆环(Piccadilly Circus)。皮卡迪利街完全属于威斯敏斯特市。这条街是A4公路的一部分,伦敦西部第二个最重要的交通动脉,倫敦地鐵的幹線皮卡迪利線便通過此路底下,並因此得名。皮卡迪利街东段的南侧是圣詹姆斯(St. James's)区,而皮卡迪利街的西段只有北侧建起了房屋,南侧是格林公园(Green Park)。皮卡迪利街的北侧是梅费尔(Mayfair)区。

在皮卡迪利街上,有Fortnum & Mason百货公司、皇家学院(Royal Academy)、里兹酒店(The Ritz Hotel)和哈查尔兹书店(Hatchards)。 辛普森(Simpsons)曾经位居英国最好的服装店之列,20世纪30年代开设在皮卡迪利街。这个店在1999年关闭,原址现在是水石书店(Waterstone's)的旗舰店。这个地区拥有许多热门的夜总会,包括摄政街(Regent Street)独家的“纸”(Paper)夜总会,和莱斯特广场(Leicester Square)好客的“声音”(Sound)夜总会。

2. Pall Mall (pronounced /ˌpæl ˈmæl/) is a street in the City of Westminster, London, and parallel to The Mall, from St. James's Street across Waterloo Place to the Haymarket; while Pall Mall East continues into Trafalgar Square. The street is a major thoroughfare in the St James's area of London, and a section of the regional A4 road. The name of the street is derived from "pall mall", a mallet-and-ball game that was played there during the 17th century.   (,_London)

Pall Mall is best known for being the home to various gentlemen's clubs built in the 19th and early 20th centuries. These include the Athenaeum, Travellers Club, Army and Navy Club, Reform Club, United Service Club (now occupied by the Institute of Directors), Oxford and Cambridge Club and Royal Automobile Club.

It was also once the centre of the fine art scene in London; in 1814 the Royal Academy, the National Gallery and Christie's auction house were all here, but none of them stayed for long.[1]
East view of Pall Mall in 2009

The freehold of nearly all of the southern side of the Pall Mall has belonged to the crown for several hundred years, and is still owned by the Crown Estate. St. James's Palace is on the south side of the street at the western end. Marlborough House, which was once a royal residence, is next to it to the east, opening off of a courtyard just to the south of the street. The Prince Regent's Carlton House once stood at the eastern end of the street. Pall Mall was also once the home of the War Office, with which it became synonymous (just as Whitehall refers to the administrative centre of the UK government). The War Office was based in a complex of buildings based on the ducal mansion of Cumberland House which was designed by Matthew Brettingham and Robert Adam.

There were at least two other architecturally important ducal residences in the street, Schomberg House, and Buckingham House, the London residence of the Dukes of Buckingham and Chandos which was rebuilt for them by Sir John Soane (not to be confused with the Buckingham House which became Buckingham Palace). Buckingham House was demolished in 1908 to make way for the Royal Automobile Club.

The former branch of the Midland Bank in Pall Mall was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens.

蓓尔美尔(Pall Mall)是伦敦西敏的一条街道,与林荫路平行。它西起于圣詹姆士街(St. James's Street),途径滑铁卢坊(Waterloo Place),东止于干草市场街。此后延伸到特拉法加广场的一段延长线,则被称为蓓尔美尔东街(Pall Mall East)。蓓尔美尔是伦敦圣詹姆士区的交通干道,也是英国路网A4区线的一段。


1814年,皇家学院(Royal Academy)、国家美术馆和佳士得拍卖行三个相关的艺术组织,一时之间齐聚蓓尔美尔,使它一度成为英伦美术活动的中心;不过,它们不久就都迁走了。[1]

19世纪到20世纪初,这里陆续开设了各种名目的俱乐部会所,诸如阿西纳姆俱乐部(Athenaeum Club)、旅行家俱乐部(Travellers Club)、陆军和海军俱乐部(Army and Navy Club)、革新俱乐部(Reform Club)、东印度公司三军会(United Services Club)、牛津剑桥联合俱乐部(Oxford and Cambridge Club)和皇家汽车俱乐部(Royal Automobile Club)等。这时的蓓尔美尔,又以会所云集而知名。如今,除了三军会故址为董事学会(Institute of Directors)入驻之外,这些会所仍然在此安营扎寨。


几个世纪以来,王室拥有街道南边几乎所有房产。如今,它们仍然系于皇家财产局(Crown Estate)的名下。其中,位于街道最西端的是聖詹姆士宮。与它隔街相望的马堡府(Marlborough House),从前也是王室宫苑。位于街道东端的卡尔顿府联排,则建在摄政王府(Carlton House)的故址之上。

战争部(War Office)设在蓓尔美尔期间,蓓尔美尔又成为它的代名词,就像白厅成为政府的代名词一样。战争部大楼由马修·别廷翰和罗伯特·亚当(Robert Adam)设计,建于坎伯兰府(Cumberland House)故址。

绍姆贝格府(Schomberg House)和白金汉府(Buckingham House)也有着重要的艺术价值。白金汉府可不是白金汉宫,而是约翰·索恩爵士为白金汉和钱多斯公爵家族设计建造的伦敦府邸。1908年,白金汉府被拆除后,原址建起了皇家汽车俱乐部。
引用 user_0707 2011-8-4 09:32
1 [countable, usually singular] something which is done with a lot of energy
an advertising/a media blitz (= a lot of information about something on television, in newspapers, etc.)
2 [countable, usually singular] a sudden attackFive shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.
blitz on something (figurative) a blitz on passengers who avoid paying fares
(figurative) I've had a blitz on the house (= cleaned it very thoroughly).
3 the Blitz [singular] the German air attacks on the United Kingdom in 1940–41

引用 renjie 2011-8-4 09:32
creating 30% of all traffic disruptions and costing about £1 billion a year, on a conservative estimate.

引用 renjie 2011-8-4 09:36
improvements are both frequent and peculiarly disruptive.

这些基础设施不仅需要多次维护,而且维护本身也非常具有破坏性。 可能会顺些
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 09:46
The Eton hole game

引用 clover_h 2011-8-4 10:32
Eton hole    这个意思好深奥,,为什么叫 狭长地方的游戏

引用 chenchenchen 2011-8-4 10:46
£1 billion 10亿英镑
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-4 10:57
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-4 11:01 编辑

回复 clover_h 的帖子


Eton hole是个特别的意思,hole指的是伊顿那个球场中step和pepperbox之间地面的那部分。英汉大词典上有解释为hole是狭长地带的意思。
引用 xb3031 2011-8-4 11:31





引用 re.jet 2011-8-4 12:23
本帖最后由 re.jet 于 2011-8-4 12:26 编辑

The Eton hole game
引用 contrary 2011-8-4 12:29
本帖最后由 contrary 于 2011-8-4 12:30 编辑

1.ANYONE caught up in recent months in the maelstrom of Piccadilly and Pall Mall—West End thoroughfares whose traffic flow has been subject to a noisy, protracted redesign—might be forgiven for thinking that London is the world capital of roadworks. 最近几个月,任何卷入皮卡迪利街(Piccadilly)和蓓尔美尔街(Pall Mall)之间混乱的人---伦敦西区主要街道的交通流动已遭受了嘈杂而延期的重新设计---由于认为伦敦是道路建设的世界之都而被原谅。

2.Comparative statistics are hard to come by, but there might be something in that hunch. 比较的统计数字很难获得,但是,或许可以预感到有些东西。

3.The explanation for the pain is partly historic.对这个麻烦的解释,人们认为部分由历史造成。

4.The code promotes off-peak work, the co-ordination of plans and covering up of holes so cars can drive over them.这个规范改善了非高峰期的车流量,还促进了道路建设计划和遮住那些坑坑洼洼之间的协调。

5.Responding to residents’ concerns因为对居民的担心作出了反应,

6.utilities 公用事业公司

7.Can Boris Johnson make London’s roadworks less painful?

8.The Eton hole game 狭长地方的游戏
Eton 伊顿(在伦敦附近的白金汉郡,泰晤士河边的一个市镇)hole game 我认为是用讽刺手法描述道路施工
引用 chenchenchen 2011-8-4 13:18
本帖最后由 chenchenchen 于 2011-8-4 14:23 编辑

The code promotes off-peak work, the co-ordination of plans and covering up of holes so cars can drive over them. 这项规范推行在非高峰期间施工、协调施工方案和盖住凿开的坑洞让汽车从上面行驶。

work本人认为在本文基本都指施工的意思;work notices施工通知

And TfL has also imposed a cap on the number of roadworks that can happen on its own grid at any one time; it says the number and average duration of works on it are decreasing.而伦敦交通局也给自己的辖区内每次道路施工数量设定了一个上限;它表示,其辖区内道路施工的数量和平均工期正不断降低。
Boroughs commission their own roadworks, and have less incentive than utilities to work efficiently.自治市镇要自行组织其道路施工,可他们却比公用事业公司缺乏提高施工效率的动力。
Budget cuts mean upgrades tend to be delayed until they are unavoidable—at which point they are more troublesome than planned maintenance.预算削减意味着不到迫不得已,道路更新就会不断拖延—到那时,它们会比有规划的维护面临更多麻烦。
The same might go for the costs of Mr Johnson’s latest proposal: a lane-rental scheme for TfL’s most congested streets. 约翰逊先生最近的提议:将伦敦交通局的最拥堵的街道上的一条车道出租计划 — 所产生的费用可能也是同样结果。
If implemented, that would allow the authority to charge a hefty daily fee for the use of road space at busy times.如果付诸实施的话,它将允许该局在高峰期对此项车道的占用收取丰厚的日用费。
引用 tabfirst 2011-8-4 18:38
1、creating 30% of all traffic disruptions and costing about £1 billion a year
2、After the destruction of the second world war, some European cities were replanned to accommodate mass car-ownership.
3、So improvements are both frequent and peculiarly disruptive.
4、he introduced a voluntary code of conduct, to which six big utility firms have signed up, along with Transport for London 。
5、the co-ordination of plans and covering up of holes
6、which lets local authorities limit the number of works on their turf, and hand out penalties for violating the permits’ conditions。
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-5 01:22
回复 xb3031 的帖子



About half a million roadworks pock the city’s streets each year, creating 30% of all traffic disruptions and costing about £1 billion a year, on a conservative estimate.
原译: 每年大约有50万次的道路施工使城市街道变得坑坑洼洼;据保守估计,每年交通中断有30%是由道路施工引起的,且需耗资10亿英镑。

修改: 据保守估计,每年大约有50万次的道路施工使城市街道变得坑坑洼洼,从而引起30%的交通中断且耗费年资10亿英镑。
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-5 01:42
回复 contrary 的帖子

1.ANYONE caught up in recent months in the maelstrom of Piccadilly and Pall Mall—West End thoroughfares whose traffic flow has been subject to a noisy, protracted redesign—might be forgiven for thinking that London is the world capital of roadworks.

最近几个月,任何卷入皮卡迪利街(Piccadilly)和蓓尔美尔街(Pall Mall)之间混乱的人---伦敦西区主要街道的交通流动已遭受了嘈杂而延期的重新设计---由于认为伦敦是道路建设的世界之都而被原谅。


“redesign”改成“重新施工”,很不错。将“noisy”和“protracted redesign”分开来的想法非常不错。

最近几个月,伦敦西区主要街道---皮卡迪利街(Piccadilly)和蓓尔美尔街(Pall Mall)---之间的道路正被延期重新施工,以至路面喧闹嘈杂,交通阻塞。赶上这种混乱状况的人即便认为伦敦就是道路建设的世界之都,那也无可厚非。

2.Comparative statistics are hard to come by, but there might be something in that hunch. 比较的统计数字很难获得,但是,或许可以预感到有些东西。



3.The explanation for the pain is partly historic.


4.The code promotes off-peak work, the co-ordination of plans and covering up of holes so cars can drive over them.


整句话改的不错。文中的“and”理解没有透彻。另外,这个“code”没敢确定为“法规”,根据前文“a voluntary code of conduct”。

引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-5 01:43
回复 contrary 的帖子

5.Responding to residents’ concerns



这里的“utilities”根据前文“six big utility firms”而来,所以还是翻成“公用事业公司

7.Can Boris Johnson make London’s roadworks less painful?


8.The Eton hole game 狭长地方的游戏
Eton 伊顿(在伦敦附近的白金汉郡,泰晤士河边的一个市镇)hole game 我认为是用讽刺手法描述道路施工
这个肯定有点讽刺意义。另外这个“Eton hole”指的是“At Eton College, England, that part of the floor of the court between the step and the pepperbox”。我再试试这个。多谢你的修改!
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-5 02:41
回复 chenchenchen 的帖子

1.The code promotes off-peak work, the co-ordination of plans and covering up of holes so cars can drive over them.



work本人认为在本文基本都指施工的意思;work notices施工通知



2. And TfL has also imposed a cap on the number of roadworks that can happen on its own grid at any one time; it says the number and average duration of works on it are decreasing.





3. Boroughs commission their own roadworks, and have less incentive than utilities to work efficiently.




“道路施工”,“可” 和“缺乏动力”改的都很好呢。


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