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[2011.8.1] 民主与独裁所面临的问题

2011-8-5 16:43| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 7954| 评论: 30|原作者: ad50323924

摘要: 美国与中国都遭受着政治信念的危机



Aug 1st 2011, 2:45 by Banyan




中国的媒体热衷与报道那些“高度民主国家”的失败和虚伪。对于英国电话窃听丑闻报道,香港大学中国传媒研究计划(China Media Project)幸灾乐祸地评论道:“西方媒体职业道德的缺失”。










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引用 thRoNe_D 2011-8-3 20:44
第一段第二行technical default应译为技术性违约。
引用 ad50323924 2011-8-3 20:45
回复 thRoNe_D 的帖子

引用 ad50323924 2011-8-3 20:50
本帖最后由 ad50323924 于 2011-8-3 21:44 编辑

1.technical default
In general, violation of a term or warranty of a contract but not that of a condition (such as repayment of a loan on the due date).
2.Grist to the mill
All things are a potential source of profit or advantage.  参见:
3.go to town
进城,  竭尽全力做某事,  寻欢作乐,这里的意思个人认为是第二个
When they give parties they really go to town.他们每次搞聚会都不惜钱财。
引用 7colorwolf 2011-8-3 21:15
a technical default 技术违约(係指企業財務比率雖然已違反財務限制但其實手上現金充足)
pander 讨好
the moderate centre 温和的中间派
引用 ad50323924 2011-8-3 21:40
回复 7colorwolf 的帖子

呵呵,不敢当,我才疏学浅的。如果the moderate centre 译为温和的中间派,那么hard-core activist应该指的就是强硬派咯?
引用 join_soon 2011-8-3 21:54
回复 ad50323924 的帖子

引用 ad50323924 2011-8-3 22:35
本帖最后由 ad50323924 于 2011-8-3 22:38 编辑

回复 join_soon 的帖子

引用 weijiemo 2011-8-4 19:18
引用 wharton323 2011-8-4 22:42
the checks and balances that hinder swift,decisive action;
引用 wharton323 2011-8-4 22:42
the checks and balances that hinder swift,decisive action;
引用 wharton323 2011-8-4 22:58
But it was the spectacle of American political gridlock, along with fear of the dreadful consequences it might have for the world as a whole, that provided the best opportunity for what, during the Cultural Revolution, was called “teaching by negative example".
引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 01:07
Default can be of two types: debt services default and technical default. Debt service default occurs when the borrower has not made a scheduled payment of interest or principal. Technical default occurs when an affirmative or a negative covenant is violated.

Affirmative covenants are clauses in debt contracts that require firms to maintain certain levels of capital or financial ratios. The most commonly violated restrictions in affirmative covenants are tangible net worth, working capital/short term liquidity, and debt service coverage.

Negative covenants are clauses in debt contracts that limit or prohibit corporate actions (e.g. sale of assets, payment of dividends) that could impair the position of creditors. Negative covenants may be continuous or incurrence-based. Violations of negative covenants are rare compared to violations of affirmative covenants.

With most debt (including corporate debt, mortgages and bank loans) a covenant is included in the debt contract which states that the total amount owed becomes immediately payable on the first instance of a default of payment. Generally, if the debtor defaults on any debt to the lender, a cross default covenant in the debt contract states that that particular debt is also in default.

In corporate finance, upon an uncured default, the holders of the debt will usually initiate proceedings (file a petition of involuntary bankruptcy) to foreclose on any collateral securing the debt. Even if the debt is not secured by collateral, debt holders may still sue for bankruptcy, to ensure that the corporation's assets are used to repay the debt.

There are several financial models for analyzing default risk, such as the Jarrow-Turnbull model, Edward Altman's Z-score model, or the structural model of default by Robert C. Merton (Merton Model).

[edit] Sovereign defaultsMain article: Sovereign default
Sovereign borrowers such as nation-states generally are not subject to bankruptcy courts in their own jurisdiction, and thus may be able to default without legal consequences. One example is with North Korea, which in 1987 defaulted on some of its loans. In such cases, the defaulting country and the creditor are more likely to renegotiate the interest rate, length of the loan, or the principal payments.[2] In the 1998 Russian financial crisis, Russia defaulted on its internal debt (GKOs), but did not default on its external Eurobonds. As part of the Argentine economic crisis in 2002, Argentina defaulted on $1 billion of debt owed to the World Bank.[3]
引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 01:35
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-8-6 00:08 编辑

China’s press loves to point out the failings and hypocrisies of the “advanced democracies”. The China Media Project at Hong Kong University has noted coverage of the phone-hacking scandal gripping Britain that gloats over the “deficit of professional ethics among news professionals in Western media”. 中国的媒体热衷与报道那些“高度民主国家”的失败和虚伪。对于英国电话窃听丑闻报道,香港大学中国传媒研究计划(China Media Project)幸灾乐祸地评论道:“西方媒体职业道德的缺失”。
评论:香港大学中国传媒研究计划(China Media Project)幸灾乐祸地评论道??? 不对吧。
这里的coverage 是谁做的啊? China’s press , 写完整了是: China’s press loves to point out the failings and hypocrisies of the “advanced democracies”. The China Media Project at Hong Kong University has noted coverage, by China’s press, of the phone-hacking scandal gripping Britain that (=coverage) gloats over the “deficit of professional ethics among news professionals in Western media”.  
这里的关系代词that 的先行词是coverage。

引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 01:37
was grist to this mill.
引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 01:47
Xinhua raised these points in two succinct questions: “How can Washington shake off electoral politics and get difficult jobs done more efficiently? And how can US politicians improve their mindset so that they will care at least a bit more about the rest of the world when handling domestic affairs with global reverberations?” 新华社用两个简单的问题提出了这些论点:“华府如何摆脱选举并更好的处理难题?”和美国政治家们如何改善他们的思维方式,使得他们可以处理国内事务时,多考虑对世界其他地区的影响。

引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 01:57
But the first of these questions also helps explain why it is hard for even the most nationalist Chinese commentators to go to town at the moment about the superiority of the “Beijing model”. One of its supposed advantages is precisely that it “gets difficult jobs done more efficiently”. And one example often pointed to as a source of wonder and pride is the rapid development of a world-beating high-speed rail system.但是第一个问题同样也解释了为什么最爱国的评论员也很难有极大地热情指出中国体制的过人之处。其应有的优势之一是“它可以更有效地处理难题”,而且常常引以为豪的例子就是高速铁路系统的快速发展。

引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 02:06
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-8-5 09:29 编辑

Both involved presumed corruption and official connivance. But neither undermined a central pillar of the party’s and government’s own claimed achievements.这两件事情都是以腐败和官员的不闻不问为前提的,但是没有一件事情动摇了党和政府自吹自擂的成就。

引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 02:13
All three scandals showed the limits to dictatorship—the lack of openness and accountability; the shortage of public scrutiny over government decisions; and the absence of public debate about them(= government decisions) among politicians, however ugly that debate may sometimes look. 所有这三件事情都表现出了独裁制的局限性:缺少开放和责任制;对于政府决策缺少公众监督;在政客之中,缺少公众对于这些事件的争论,无论这些争论有时看起来多么不堪入耳。

引用 yannanchen 2011-8-5 02:52
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-8-5 03:26 编辑

As a massive investor in American sovereign debt, China’s government will be as relieved as other observers that last-ditch agreement has been reached in Washington, DC, to avoid a technical default. Some commentators in the official press, however, may rather miss the opportunity to highlight the perceived flaws in America’s political system.作为美国国债的大投资者,中国政府与其他观察员一样,对于在华府达成的最后协议感到宽慰,该协议避免了技术性违约。但是,一些国有媒体的评论员更希望有机会可以大肆张扬美国政治体制的缺陷。
评论: 这段话里的miss, 好像众说纷纭的样子。
这里的真正意思是这样的。中国政府对于华府达成最后协议避免技术性违约的结局感到宽慰, 但是, 官方媒体里的一些极左的评论员, 却心有戚戚焉。 为何? 因为他们失去了一个(千载)难逢的机会。 设若华府达不成最后的协议, 违约发生了, 倘如此, 这些评论员岂不是就能乘机对美国政治制度为人们所感知的缺陷大肆攻击吗?现在这个机会没了, 能不miss 吗, 不但miss 而且相当地(rather)miss。


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