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[2003.12.04] 温家宝的华盛顿之行

2011-8-14 07:18| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 5406| 评论: 7|原作者: xstream999

摘要: 新型领导,旧式矛盾





Dec 4th 2003 | beijing  | from the Economist print edition









感谢译者 xstream999 点击此处阅读双语版







引用 xstream999 2011-8-10 20:58
引用 join_soon 2011-8-11 00:58
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New-style leader, old-style conflicts

Dec 4th 2003 | beijing  | from the Economist print edition

THE prime minister of China, Wen Jiabao, is the sort of man with whom President George Bush ought to feel comfortable doing business. This is just as well. Mr Wen's visit to America next week, his first since assuming the premiership in March, comes at a delicate time. A quarrel over trade, new tensions across the Taiwan Strait and a nuclear confrontation on the Korean peninsula will give the two leaders plenty to talk about.

According to Communist Party protocol Mr Wen is China's number three. In reality he comes a close second after President Hu Jintao. Since getting their respective jobs, both have been trying to remould the image of Chinese leaders. At home they are wooing the poor and marginalised. Abroad, they are trying to appear more engaged in resolving the world's problems. On December 1st, World AIDS Day, the new style was in evidence. Chinese television news showed Mr Wen wearing a red ribbon, the international symbol of solidarity with AIDS victims, and shaking hands with AIDS patients. Chinese leaders had previously taken a diffident approach to the disease.

This makeover, and Mr Wen's amenable disposition, could help to ease relations with an America facing an election in which its $120 billion trade deficit with China will be a sensitive issue. In November America announced that it would impose quotas on Chinese bras, dressing gowns and knitted fabrics to protect itself from what it said was a surge of such products on its market. A week later the Americans declared that television sets made by four Chinese companies were flooding in too, and that—pending an investigation due to finish in April—they would face punitive tariffs. China denied that it was violating any trade rules.

Although these moves affect only a tiny proportion of China's trade with the superpower, the Chinese fear that worse is to follow. They worry that a president seeking re-election might be tempted to hit out at China's exports to pacify those who accuse China of destroying American jobs by selling products made artificially cheap by a deliberately undervalued currency. Mr Wen said he was “shocked” by America's protectionist measures. But China has so far responded mildly to America's sabre-rattling on trade. A commentary this week in the party's mouthpiece, the People's Daily, said China should not respond “emotionally” to trade disputes lest there be “negative reactions” that cause the country even more harm.

In Washington, Mr Wen is expected to stick to China's line that a big readjustment of its exchange rate, or removal of the currency's peg with the dollar, could destabilise its economy. Mr Bush knows that the Chinese have a point on this, but will at least want assurances that China will do more to keep the market-opening promises it made when it joined the World Trade Organisation two years ago. On that issue, it is Mr Bush who has a point.

Mr Wen will also want to discuss Taiwan. The Chinese have expressed “deep concern” about the passage of a referendum bill last week by Taiwan's parliament. Taiwan's president, Chen Shui-bian, has suggested that China's missile build-up on the coast facing the island warrants a referendum on unspecified “national security issues” at the same time as a presidential election next March. China fears this could be a step towards the island's declaring formal independence from the mainland. It believes that Mr Chen has been emboldened by the Bush administration's arms sales to Taiwan. Mr Wen told the Washington Post last month that China would “pay any price” to prevent Taiwan's legal separation from the mainland.

As it happens, the Americans are also worried that Mr Chen might be going too far. A State Department spokesman said this week that America opposed any referendum designed to change Taiwan's status. The last thing America wants, as it struggles with Iraq and North Korea, is being dragged into a conflict between China and Taiwan. Meanwhile, in a departure from its past insouciance, China is now actively trying to broker a settlement of the North Korean nuclear crisis. For that at least, Mr Wen will get a pat on the back.
引用 liupu-23 2011-8-11 10:04
引用 xstream999 2011-8-11 19:44
回复 join_soon 的帖子

引用 茶花 2011-8-14 09:14
The last thing America wants, as it struggles with Iraq and North Korea, is being dragged into a conflict between China and Taiwan.

引用 contrary 2011-8-14 10:08
引用 xstream999 2011-8-14 11:35
回复 contrary 的帖子



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