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[2003.11.20] 中国的钢铁产业

2011-8-15 18:20| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 5905| 评论: 17|原作者: Chaton

摘要: 钢铁业的蓬勃发展锻造潜在的全球之首




Nov 20th 2003 | SHANGHAI | from the print edition











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引用 contrary 2011-8-12 20:08
1.Despite the rapid growth of China's private sector and massive investment by foreign firms尽管中国私有企业的迅速发展以及大量的国外投资

2.depends in large part on what it can do with its vast collection of SOEs.绝大部分地取决于如何利用这巨大的国有资金。

3.when Beijing first formally embraced private business当北京首次正式地包含私营企业

4.alternative member of the party's elite central committee中央候补委员

5.and over 30 years experience in steel plants以及三十多年从事钢铁产业的经验

6.She has been partly helped by a booming market for steel钢铁市场的繁荣部分地帮助了谢企华。
partly在某种程度上 benefiting disproportionately from this rising demand所以宝钢一直不成比例地获得利润

8.has fewer overmanned factories with rusting equipment 宝钢比较少配置生锈的人员臃肿的工厂
引用 join_soon 2011-8-14 01:46
回复 Chaton 的帖子

magnolia 是上海的市花。
引用 join_soon 2011-8-15 07:44
回复 Chaton 的帖子

China's steel industry

Steel magnolia

A boom in the industry is producing a potential global champion

Nov 20th 2003 | SHANGHAI | from the print edition

THE new (female) face of Chinese business is 60-year-old Xie Qihua. As the boss of Baosteel, China's biggest steelmaker, Ms Xie is in the vanguard of turning China's vast collection of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) into globally competitive firms. Despite the rapid growth of China's private sector and massive investment by foreign firms, the country's transformation from a socialist backwater into something resembling a capitalist economy still depends in large part on what it can do with its vast collection of SOEs.

With China's authorities still ambivalent about private involvement in state-owned assets, Ms Xie is a palatable compromise for the political bosses in Beijing. Although she describes herself as “an entrepreneur”, she has little in common with the showy internet and property tycoons that dominate the nightlife and the headlines in Shanghai, where Baosteel is based. Her conservative trouser suit, unmade-up face and cropped hair—a brooch is her only concession to femininity—make the unmarried Ms Xie look like a colourless, safe Communist party apparatchik. But whereas her government connections are clearly first-rate—in 1997, when Beijing first formally embraced private business, she was made an alternative member of the party's elite central committee—her appearance is deceptive. With a degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua, a top university, and over 30 years experience in steel plants, Ms Xie is at heart a technocrat.

As general manager since 1994, and more recently president and chairman too, she has quietly turned Baosteel into the most technologically advanced and efficient steel producer in China. Her goal—self-imposed as much as centrally-mandated—is for the group to become one of Beijing's “global champions”. Thus, it aspires to generate sales of 100 billion yuan ($12 billion)—enough to enter the rank of the world's top 500 companies—by 2005. Ms Xie is confident that she will hit her target two years early.

She has been partly helped by a booming market for steel. China will consume 257m tonnes of crude steel in 2003—a quarter of the world total—but produce only about 220m. Such rapacious demand has boosted global steel prices. Indeed, thanks to Chinese demand steel prices are on such a strong upward trend that President Bush may soon find himself in a position to abandon, if he so wishes, America's protectionist steel tariffs without causing significant further job losses in his domestic steel industry.

Baosteel, with a capacity of nearly 20m tonnes, is benefiting disproportionately from this rising demand, thanks to its strong position in the fastest-growing markets. It supplies half of the steel used in car factories in China, including the joint ventures involving Volkswagen and General Motors. The group also has a 47% share of the home-appliance market and half of the market for pipelines.

The credit for a push into more advanced steel, such as automotive sheets and tin for Coke cans, goes to Ms Xie, who continued to invest in them during the lean 1990s. Combined with the lowest cost base in Asia, that has made for impressive financial returns.

Baoshan Iron & Steel, the Shanghai-listed subsidiary of Baosteel, with capacity of some 12m tonnes, will generate a pre-tax margin of 21% in 2003, forecasts ING, a bank—unheard of for a steelmaker. World Steel Dynamics, an American research group, ranks the publicly-quoted group third out of the world's top 35 steelmakers, using a combined measure of profitability (cashflow per tonne shipped) and market positioning (a combination of growth, efficiency and quality). Expansion, including building a fourth blast furnace, will raise capacity further by 2005, while adoption of fashionable western management techniques such as “Six Sigma” should boost production quality.

Yet behind all this red-hot progress, there is a dark side to Baosteel—and to SOE reform. Though China talks loudly of its desire to privatise public assets, in reality the state still runs the SOEs. Privatisation Chinese-style consists of putting the best assets into a new company and listing just a fraction of its shares, while the (typically) huge, unlisted, state-owned rump retains the inefficient bits. With estimated revenues of 43 billion yuan, Baosteel's listed company, employing some 15,000 people, accounts for less than half of the group's total. The unquoted rump consists of another seven smaller steel businesses, a trading arm and a motley collection of construction, IT and financial-services operations. This part of the group, in typical SOE fashion, takes care of social obligations, such as the housing, schooling, pension and medical needs of the group's 100,000-plus workers. It is also the holding vehicle for four loss-making steelmakers which the government forced Baosteel to take over in 1997—with the additional proviso that it could fire no more than 10,000 every year of the 180,000 redundant workers it was saddled with.

And Baosteel is lucky. As a comparatively new company, founded in 1978, it has fewer overmanned factories with rusting equipment than many of the SOEs that originated in the Mao era. Even so, it needs to clean up the rump, which (reportedly) made a pre-tax margin of barely 2% last year. Ms Xie admits that some of its diversifications, such as a foray into insurance, make little sense.

Yet shedding them will not be easy. Government interference, and the conflicting goals of promoting a free economy and maintaining jobs and social stability, lead to compromised business decisions. While Ms Xie claims that her board is fully independent, her vice chairman is also the firm's Communist party secretary. And Ms Xie still needs official approval for large capital investments, though she says that today she would at least not be forced to buy another bunch of loss-making rivals.

Forging ahead
Given all that, Baosteel's progress is remarkable. As the biggest producer in the world's fastest-growing and lowest-cost steel market, the group is a force to be reckoned with—and an attractive partner for foreign firms such as Arcelor, Nippon Steel and ThyssenKrupp that each has a joint venture with it. The group's listed arm is highly profitable and is using its growing resources to expand aggressively abroad: it is currently negotiating to build an $8 billion steel plant in Brazil—its $1.5 billion controlling stake would be one of the biggest foreign investments yet by a Chinese company. But at heart Baosteel is still an SOE, with all the inefficiencies, social obligations and political constraints this implies. Ms Xie has built a strong Chinese firm. But until the state loosens its grip, even China's aspiring global champions will struggle to achieve their potential.
引用 Chaton 2011-8-15 09:10
回复 contrary 的帖子

引用 Chaton 2011-8-15 10:02
回复 join_soon 的帖子

With China's authorities still ambivalent about private involvement in state-owned assets, Ms Xie is a palatable compromise for the political bosses in Beijing. Although she describes herself as “an entrepreneur”, she has little in common with the showy internet and property tycoons that dominate the nightlife and the headlines in Shanghai, where Baosteel is based. Her conservative trouser suit, unmade-up face and cropped hair—a brooch is her only concession to femininity—make the unmarried Ms Xie look like a colourless, safe Communist party apparatchik. But whereas her government connections are clearly first-rate—in 1997, when Beijing first formally embraced private business, she was made an alternative member of the party's elite central committee—her appearance is deceptive. With a degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua, a top university, and over 30 years experience in steel plants, Ms Xie is at heart a technocrat.
She has been partly helped by a booming market for steel. China will consume 257m tonnes of crude steel in 2003—a quarter of the world total—but produce only about 220m. Such rapacious demand has boosted global steel prices. Indeed, thanks to Chinese demand steel prices are on such a strong upward trend that President Bush may soon find himself in a position to abandon, if he so wishes, America's protectionist steel tariffs without causing significant further job losses in his domestic steel industry.
Baosteel, with a capacity of nearly 20m tonnes, is benefiting disproportionately from this rising demand, thanks to its strong position in the fastest-growing markets. It supplies half of the steel used in car factories in China, including the joint ventures involving Volkswagen and General Motors. The group also has a 47% share of the home-appliance market and half of the market for pipelines.
Baoshan Iron & Steel, the Shanghai-listed subsidiary of Baosteel, with capacity of some 12m tonnes, will generate a pre-tax margin of 21% in 2003, forecasts ING, a bank—unheard of for a steelmaker. World Steel Dynamics, an American research group, ranks the publicly-quoted group third out of the world's top 35 steelmakers, using a combined measure of profitability (cashflow per tonne shipped) and market positioning (a combination of growth, efficiency and quality). Expansion, including building a fourth blast furnace, will raise capacity further by 2005, while adoption of fashionable western management techniques such as “Six Sigma” should boost production quality.
Yet behind all this red-hot progress, there is a dark side to Baosteel—and to SOE reform. Though China talks loudly of its desire to privatise public assets, in reality the state still runs the SOEs. Privatisation Chinese-style consists of putting the best assets into a new company and listing just a fraction of its shares, while the (typically) huge, unlisted, state-owned rump retains the inefficient bits. With estimated revenues of 43 billion yuan, Baosteel's listed company, employing some 15,000 people, accounts for less than half of the group's total. The unquoted rump consists of another seven smaller steel businesses, a trading arm and a motley collection of construction, IT and financial-services operations. This part of the group, in typical SOE fashion, takes care of social obligations, such as the housing, schooling, pension and medical needs of the group's 100,000-plus workers. It is also the holding vehicle for four loss-making steelmakers which the government forced Baosteel to take over in 1997—with the additional proviso that it could fire no more than 10,000 every year of the 180,000 redundant workers it was saddled with.
And Baosteel is lucky. As a comparatively new company, founded in 1978, it has fewer overmanned factories with rusting equipment than many of the SOEs that originated in the Mao era. Even so, it needs to clean up the rump, which (reportedly) made a pre-tax margin of barely 2% last year. Ms Xie admits that some of its diversifications, such as a foray into insurance, make little sense.
Yet shedding them will not be easy. Government interference, and the conflicting goals of promoting a free economy and maintaining jobs and social stability, lead to compromised business decisions. While Ms Xie claims that her board is fully independent, her vice chairman is also the firm's Communist party secretary. And Ms Xie still needs official approval for large capital investments, though she says that today she would at least not be forced to buy another bunch of loss-making rivals.
Forging ahead
Given all that, Baosteel's progress is remarkable. As the biggest producer in the world's fastest-growing and lowest-cost steel market, the group is a force to be reckoned with—and an attractive partner for foreign firms such as Arcelor, Nippon Steel and ThyssenKrupp that each has a joint venture with it. The group's listed arm is highly profitable and is using its growing resources to expand aggressively abroad: it is currently negotiating to build an $8 billion steel plant in Brazil—its $1.5 billion controlling stake would be one of the biggest foreign investments yet by a Chinese company. But at heart Baosteel is still an SOE, with all the inefficiencies, social obligations and political constraints this implies. Ms Xie has built a strong Chinese firm. But until the state loosens its grip, even China's aspiring global champions will struggle to achieve their potential.


引用 zwgbm 2011-8-15 19:21
Indeed, thanks to Chinese demand steel prices are on such a strong upward trend that President Bush may soon find himself in a position to abandon, if he so wishes, America's protectionist steel tariffs without causing significant further job losses in his domestic steel industry.
引用 zwgbm 2011-8-15 19:22
with the additional proviso that it could fire no more than 10,000 every year of the 180,000 redundant workers it was saddled with
引用 zwgbm 2011-8-15 19:24
But until the state loosens its grip, even China's aspiring global champions will struggle to achieve their potential.
引用 zhangyange 2011-8-16 16:55
20m tonnes   显然是2000万吨,20万吨的话,中国的一个小县城的钢铁厂都差不多是这个产量了。
引用 紫鹃618 2011-8-16 18:08
数字的确有错误。鄙人认为257m tonnes 应为2.57亿公吨,220m 应为2.2亿,20m tonnes 同楼上为2000万吨,12m同理为1200万吨
引用 JECASGENIUS 2011-8-16 21:54
liao bu qi
引用 Chaton 2011-8-17 10:13
回复 紫鹃618 的帖子

引用 Chaton 2011-8-17 10:13

引用 Chaton 2011-8-17 10:15
回复 zhangyange 的帖子

是的 非常感谢你宝贵的意见 我会改正的
引用 Chaton 2011-8-17 10:16
回复 zwgbm 的帖子

引用 iam60cemt 2011-8-17 16:13
But until the state loosens its grip, even China's aspiring global champions will struggle to achieve their potential. 个人觉得potential没翻出来,应该翻成潜力,而不是目标,也就是说,在政府对他们的控制削弱前,根据上下文,个人觉得China's aspiring global champions 应该指的就是宝钢,是说他们会努力挖掘他们的潜能的意思,而不是为了称霸世界奋斗
引用 Chaton 2011-8-18 09:44
回复 iam60cemt 的帖子



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