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[2011.08.13] 子弹上膛猎杀土狼

2011-9-14 08:14| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 4440| 评论: 6|原作者: captain21

摘要: 美国联邦政府引狼入内 爱达荷州庄主猎杀反击


美国联邦政府引狼入内 爱达荷州庄主猎杀反击

Aug 13th 2011 | SEATTLE | from the print edition




爱达荷州民众的愤怒是令其他各州所望尘莫及的,该州共和党人压倒性地控制了立法机关,并主导全州范围内的公职选举。在7月下旬的一场听证会上,爱达荷州渔猎委员会(Fish and Game Commission)决定采取果断行动,批准一个狩猎和诱捕的时节。在此期间,占爱达荷州总数85%的狼可被猎杀,当下约有1000只狼在爱达荷州嗅来嗅去。在蒙大拿州,猎人将允许杀死220只狼,据估计该州有566只狼。

尽管众说纷纭,但关于爱达荷州民众对狼忧虑的证据并不令人信服。美国鱼类和野生动物保护委员会(America’s Fish and Wildlife Service)表示,自灰狼引进以来,爱达荷州民众尚未受到狼的攻击,美国其他各处也是如此。爱达荷州220万牲口受到狼攻击的案例也一直保持在低水平。据美国农业部野生动物保护局的数据,2010年,共有75件狼杀死牲口案例被证实。也就是说,爱达荷州牲口每年被狼吃掉的几率为0.0034%,这是一个具有代表性的数据。(爱达荷州牧场主声称,去年约2600头牛被狼杀死,但专家对此数据表示怀疑。)有个别动物并未受到威胁,麋鹿则是其一。“这里没有狼灾,”在爱达荷州过去六年来一直负责联邦政府恢复引进狼工作的生物学家卡特说尼迈耶表示。“而唯一的灾难是反应过度的政治家。”

然而,当下,狼的命运则由各州政治家,而非联邦生物学家控制。这是因为今年早些时候国会直接干预了《濒危物种法》的实施。在一项由爱达荷州共和党代表和蒙大拿州民主党参议员倡导的预算法案附件中,美国国会作出以上这两州的狼不再需要联邦政府保护的决定。美国国会还下令,法院无权审议其决定。环保团体在法庭上正对此提出挑战; 8月5日一名联邦法官作出支持国会的裁决,但目前他的裁决正遭到起诉。这些张牙舞爪的家伙正面临神经紧张的时刻。

感谢译者 captain21 点击此处阅读双语版







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引用 renjie 2011-9-14 10:22
Wolves in the Rockies
Lock and load  
Idaho’s ranchers fight back against a federally-assisted lupine recovery
美国联邦政府引狼入内 爱达荷州庄主猎杀反击

IDAHO is crying wolf. In April a state law blamed wolves for a “disaster emergency”, accusing them of disrupting business, imperilling private property and “dramatically inhibiting” Idahoans from going on picnics.
(1、既然上升到法律高度,accuse them of....译成“指责就轻了些”。2、“显著”不是“显着”)

Under the Endangered Species Act, the federal government reintroduced wolves to the Rocky Mountain West in the mid-1990s, reversing the efforts of ranchers and farmers who had spent decades killing them with guns, traps and poison. Wolf numbers have since increased far beyond the original goals, to an estimated 1,700 in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. In the process, returning wolves have become more than just an unwelcome varmint. To many, they are a snaggletoothed symbol of big government gone mad.

No state is more riled than Idaho, a conservative stronghold where Republicans have overwhelming control of the legislature and hold every statewide elective office. At a hearing in late July, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission took decisive action. It authorised a hunting and trapping season that could kill up to 85% of the 1,000 wolves believed to be sniffing around the state. In Montana, hunters will be allowed to kill 220 out of the state’s estimated 566 wolves.
爱达荷州民众的愤怒是令其他各州所望尘莫及的,该州共和党人压倒性地控制了立法机关,并主导全州范围内的公职选举。在7月下旬的一场听证会上,爱达荷州渔猎委员会(Fish and Game Commission)决定采取果断行动,批准一个狩猎和诱捕的时节。在此期间,占爱达荷州总数85%的狼可被猎杀,当下约有1000只狼在爱达荷州嗅来嗅去。在蒙大拿州,猎人将允许杀死220只狼,据估计该州有566只狼。
(1、a conservative stronghold 好像丢掉了。2、批准.....时节 好像不顺)

For all the hoo-ha, evidence to justify Idaho’s lupine anxiety is underwhelming. America’s Fish and Wildlife Service says there have been no wolf attacks on people in Idaho, nor anywhere in the continental United States, since the grey wolf was reintroduced. The number of wolf attacks on Idaho’s 2.2m cattle has been low. According to the Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Service, there were 75 confirmed kills in 2010, giving a typical Idaho cow a .0034% chance per year of being eaten by a wolf. (Idaho ranchers claim that last year that wolves killed about 2,600 cattle, though experts doubt this.) Nor, with a couple of exceptions, have elk herds been threatened. “There is no wolf disaster,” says Carter Niemeyer, a biologist who for six years was in charge of the federal wolf-recovery effort in Idaho. “The only disaster is the overreacting politicians.”
尽管众说纷纭,但关于爱达荷州民众对狼忧虑的证据并不令人信服。美国鱼类和野生动物保护委员会(America’s Fish and Wildlife Service)表示,自灰狼引进以来,爱达荷州民众尚未受到狼的攻击,美国其他各处也是如此。爱达荷州220万牲口受到狼攻击的案例也一直保持在低水平。据美国农业部野生动物保护局的数据,2010年,共有75件狼杀死牲口案例被证实。也就是说,爱达荷州牲口每年被狼吃掉的几率为0.0034%,这是一个具有代表性的数据。(爱达荷州牧场主声称,去年约2600头牛被狼杀死,但专家对此数据表示怀疑。)有个别动物并未受到威胁,麋鹿则是其一。“这里没有狼灾,”在爱达荷州过去六年来一直负责联邦政府恢复引进狼工作的生物学家卡特说尼迈耶表示。“而唯一的灾难是反应过度的政治家。”

Yet it is state politicians, not federal biologists, who now control the fate of wolves. This is because earlier this year Congress intervened directly in the enforcement of the Endangered Species Act. In a rider to a budget bill championed by a Republican representative from Idaho and a Democratic senator from Montana, Congress decided that wolves in the two states no longer needed federal protection. Congress also ordered that no court could review its decision. Environmental groups are challenging this in the courts; a federal judge found in favour of Congress on August 5th, though his decision is now being appealed. Nervous times for the toothy ones.
然而,当下,狼的命运则由各州政治家,而非联邦生物学家控制。这是因为今年早些时候国会直接干预了《濒危物种法》的实施。在一项由爱达荷州共和党代表和蒙大拿州民主党参议员倡导的预算法案附件中,美国国会作出以上这两州的狼不再需要联邦政府保护的决定。美国国会还下令,法院无权审议其决定。环保团体在法庭上正对此提出挑战; 8月5日一名联邦法官作出支持国会的裁决,但目前他的裁决正遭到起诉。这些张牙舞爪的家伙正面临神经紧张的时刻。
(1、美国国会决定,以上这两州的狼不再需要联邦政府保护。2、疑问:toothy ones 是不是仅指狼群?是不是还代指支持猎杀狼群的人?)
引用 hlhcom 2011-9-14 11:42
本帖最后由 hlhcom 于 2011-9-14 11:44 编辑

回复 captain21 的帖子

1.a state law blamed wolves for
某州法律 这个翻译有点怪怪的,不过我也不知道 怎么说好。

2.Nor, with a couple of exceptions, have elk herds been threatened.
似乎 应该是:除了一两群麋鹿,没有哪个种群受到了狼的威胁。

3.though his decision is now being appealed. Nervous times for the toothy ones.
引用 hlhcom 2011-9-14 11:45
本帖最后由 hlhcom 于 2011-9-14 12:29 编辑


引用 captain21 2011-9-18 10:15
回复 renjie 的帖子

谢谢 已作修改
引用 captain21 2011-9-24 22:09
回复 hlhcom 的帖子

引用 nayilus 2011-9-28 02:00
1 a state law blamed wolves for a “disaster emergency”,

2 No state is more riled than Idaho, a conservative stronghold where Republicans have overwhelming control of the legislature and hold every statewide elective office.



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