Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything. By David Bellos. Particular Books; 400 pages; $20. To be published in America in October by Faber & Faber; $26. Buy from, 《你耳朵里的是条鱼吗?:翻译与万物的意义》,大卫•巴洛斯著。特别书房:400页;售价20美元。即将在10月由费伯书局在美国出版;售价26美元;点击,购买。
the unrecognised importance of the craft
被人忽略一般用neglected, unrecognised,不被认同,不被承认。不过后面的内容,似乎忽略也可。
the unrecognised importance of the craft, from reading the instructions ...
On the subject of style, Mr Bellos explains how it came to mean something other than the indispensable attributes of a gentleman ....
提起“绅士”这个词,马上想到的是其言谈举止如何风度翩翩,所以拥有style自然是他的indispensable attributes.
other than 的意思:不同于/除了,在这里都讲得通。
On the subject of style, Mr Bellos explains how it came to mean something other than the indispensable attributes of a gentleman and how literary style became contained within the structure of a sentence.
这句话里 how it came to mean something other than the indispensable attributes of a gentleman ,这里it应该说的是style啊,style mean indispensable attributes of a gentleman。
the unrecognised importance of the craft, from reading the instructions ...
本来我也认为from后面的内容是指craft,但最后有一个the difficulties and political pressures of simultaneous interpretation,这个如果直译的话似乎只是一种困难与压力,算不上craft。
On the subject of style, Mr Bellos explains how it came to mean something other than the indispensable attributes of a gentleman and how literary style became contained within the structure of a sentence.
我本来是想挑骨头的,但是挑了半天,我才发现echo.chan 斑竹说的是对的……
The nature of words began to acquire an (apparently) settled meaning.
Dictionaries are routinely thought to be about the meaning of words. Yet, Mr Bellos says, the concept of a word itself is almost impossible to define. The French have two distinct words for “word”, parole and mot. And how, for example, do you treat a German compound verb, or a Hungarian word formation which can incorporate a whole sentence? Are they words in themselves, or are they just separate words stapled together?
Of these 7,000 languages, about 80 are “vehicular” languages, such as Chinese, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic—languages learned by non- native speakers in order to communicate with native speakers of a third tongue.
about 80 are “vehicular” languages
大约有80种是 “媒介”语 (即通用语——译注)
languages // learned by non- native speakers in order to communicate with native speakers // of a third tongue.
A lingua franca (or working language, bridge language, vehicular language) is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both mother tongues.
"Lingua franca" (通用语)is a functionally defined term, independent of the linguistic history or structure of the language: though pidgins and creoles often function as lingua francas, many such languages are neither pidgins nor creoles. Whereas a vernacular language is used as a native language in a single speaker community, a lingua franca goes beyond the boundaries of its original community, and is used as a second language for communication between communities. For example, English is a vernacular in the United Kingdom, but is used as a vehicular language (that is, a lingua franca) in the Philippines.
2.这一句已经点明了----it is about all sorts of translation,如果后面是列举,意思上应该包含在这句里面,后边再另外说,就有些啰嗦了。那如果算说明这个的内容,那根据就近原则,句子应该这样写:it is about the unrecognised importance of the craft ,and about all sorts of translation, from .....
3.后边还有一句this is a richly original cultural history, a journey from the days when the Greeks simply ignored other languages and the Romans forced all subject peoples to learn Latin, to Google Translate。要有这么多、这么深刻的内容,宜家的包装说明是沧海一粟,既然如此,又怎么说得上是书的主要内容?宜家只是一个家具店而已,还不如沃尔玛遍地开花呢,作为一本书的主要内容,可信么?
Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything. By David Bellos. Particular Books; 400 pages; $20. To be published in America in October by Faber & Faber; $26. Buy from,