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[2011.09.17] 食用油产业怎么了?

2011-9-19 07:06| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 5539| 评论: 29|原作者: squarrel2009

摘要: 食用油填饱了肚子还要灌满油箱




Sep 17th 2011 | from the print edition








from the print edition | Finance and economics

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引用 刺猬罐罐 2011-9-19 09:04
本帖最后由 刺猬罐罐 于 2011-9-19 09:05 编辑

The effect of growing demand for the two main types of vegetable oil, palm and soya (see chart), is amplified by supply problems.

引用 celendia 2011-9-19 10:12
Glencore, the world’s biggest commodity trader, may be about to confirm the industry’s allure: rumours are flying that it is mulling an investment in KS Oils, an Indian edible-oil firm.

引用 celendia 2011-9-19 10:17
A planet with more mouths to feed and deeper pockets has led to rapid growth in consumption of vegetable oils as well as grains and meat. 养活全球众多人口和全球巨大财富导致了植物油、粮食及肉类消耗的快速增长。
前面提到了了石油业背后的两大因素中有中国,这里的more mouth以及deeper pocket是不是也是在暗指中国的呢?

And although the rapid surge in demand for oils in China and the rest of Asia is slowing there is still plenty of scope for more growth.
rapid surge in demand for oils ( in China and the rest of Asia )is slowing

引用 hlhcom 2011-9-19 10:49
回复 squarrel2009 的帖子

1. it is mulling an investment in KS Oils, an Indian edible-oil firm.

2. will bear fruit for many years.
引用 贪爱樱桃 2011-9-19 12:05
1 para.1 - "What goes for crude oil also applies to the stuff squeezed out of vegetable matter."我觉得这句的意思应该是“对于原油供给量的质疑也同样产生在植物油方面。”

2 para.5 - "The effect of growing demand for the two main types of vegetable oil, palm and soya (see chart), is amplified by supply problems. "这句中"type"应该是种类,不是原料的意思,所以应该译成“由于供给不足,棕榈油和大豆油这两种植物油的需求不断增长。”
引用 停留妞 2011-9-19 13:27
Edible oils are filling fuel tanks as well as bellies
OIL markets are full of uncertainty. Asian demand is booming and doubts abound over the ability of supply to match the world’s appetite. What goes for crude oil also applies to the stuff squeezed out of vegetable matter.

The price of stir-frying and dressing a salad has rarely been higher. Over the past decade the price of vegetable oils has all but quadrupled. Like other commodities, prices hit records in 2008. The subsequent slump is now forgotten: prices are back close to the peaks. Glencore, the world’s biggest commodity trader, may be about to confirm the industry’s allure: rumours are flying that it is mulling an investment in KS Oils, an Indian edible-oil firm.

Kona Haque of Macquarie, an Australian bank, points to two structural factors behind oil’s sizzle: China and biodiesels. A planet with more mouths to feed and deeper pockets has led to rapid growth in consumption of vegetable oils as well as grains and meat. And although the rapid surge in demand for oils in China and the rest of Asia is slowing there is still plenty of scope for more growth.
澳大利亚的麦格里银行的Kona Haque先生指出植物油炙热的背后隐藏着两个结构性因素:中国市场和生物柴油。由于一种植物要为供应更多的市场需求,加上经济实力的雄厚,必然导致了食用油以及谷物和肉类的消费快速增长。尽管这种需求在中国和其它亚洲国家的增速缓慢,但这种增长速度仍有很大的上升空间。

In the past few years a new source of demand has emerged for vegetable oils. Biodiesel production has rapidly accelerated and now consumes over a tenth of the global vegetable-oil crop. Depending on the crude-oil price and governments’ enthusiasm for mandating biofuels it could account for as much as a fifth by 2020, according to Peter Thoenes of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.
在过去几年里,植物油作为一种新的需求源出现了。生物柴油的生产速度突飞猛进,现在它消耗了全球植物油作物的十分之一。联合国食品和农业组织的Peter Thoenes先生声称,由于昂贵的原油价格和政府对生物柴油事业的热衷,到2020年,生物柴油将会消耗全球五分之一的植物油作物。

The effect of growing demand for the two main types of vegetable oil, palm and soya (see chart), is amplified by supply problems. In the case of soya, competition for land is the main concern. Farmers in America, the world’s top exporter, and Brazil, in second place, are switching to maize as sky-high prices make it more attractive.

Palm oil, also used to make soaps and cosmetics, comes almost exclusively from Indonesia and Malaysia. It suffers from even more acute supply problems. Already intensively cultivated and mechanised, there are few opportunities for farmers to increase output by improving yields on existing acreage. Developing and rolling out new higher-yielding strains is much easier and quicker for annual crops like wheat than for perennials such as palm trees that take time to mature and will bear fruit for many years棕榈油也用作制造肥皂和化妆品,而其主要产自印度尼西亚和马来西亚,但也面临这尖锐的供应问题。尽管农业技术水平的提高和农业机械化的运用,农民还是没法在现有的土地上提高产量。研发和推出新的高收益的产品远远比一年一季的植物如小麦更为容易和迅速,更不用说像棕榈这种需要培育多年才能成熟结果的植物了。

Finding more land has unpalatable costs. Environmentalists point out that the spread of palm-oil plantations is the greatest threat to forests in Indonesia and Malaysia. In May Indonesia introduced a two-year moratorium on forest clearance in return for $1 billion, as part of a bilateral climate deal with Norway. But loopholes and exemptions mean that it may not slow down deforestation much. Like its crude counterpart, the march of the vegetable-oil business is not easily resisted.

from the print edition | Finance and economics
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 15:32
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-9-19 15:33 编辑

回复 celendia 的帖子

谢谢哦,是漏掉了, Glencore-- (瑞士)嘉能可国际公司
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 15:52
回复 hlhcom 的帖子

1.KS oils应该是KS油品公司
K S Oils is a leading integrated edible oil company and is the trusted name behind renowned brands like Kalash, Double Sher, K S Gold, among others. Our consumer brands and products in mustard oil, soybean oil and palm oil are a household name with Indian consumers who use our oils regularly as a healthy cooking medium. A leader in mustard oil in India, K S Oils today enjoys 11% market share in the overall mustard oil segment with a dominant 25% market leadership in branded mustard oil.

bear fruit:产出果实即"棕榈油".
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 15:59
回复 刺猬罐罐 的帖子

amplify:cause to become more marked or intense "增强,加剧"
urban policy initiatives amplified social polarization.城市政策新举措加剧了社会的两极分化。
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 16:11
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-9-19 17:01 编辑
celendia 发表于 2011-9-19 10:17
A planet with more mouths to feed and deeper pockets has led to rapid growth in consumption of vegetable oils as well as grains and meat. 养活全球众多人口和全球巨大财富导致了植物油、粮食及肉类消耗的快速增长。
前面提到了了石油业背后的两大因素中有中国,这里的more mouth以及deeper pocket是不是也是在暗指中国的呢?

这个应该指全球吧,因为前面有个限定词A planet with.... ,谈到人口(more mouths)和巨大财富(deeper mouth),全球数据才有说服力。中国单凭自身恐怕也没这么大推波助澜,能影响“植物油,粮食和肉类”快速增长的本事。虽然中国人口多(13亿),但印度人口数量也不少,而全球人口却高达70多亿,另外中国也算不上是富国,充其量是个发展中国家,中国就算有钱也都被终饱私囊贪污或买美债去了,不会象美国那样藏富于民。
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 16:21
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-9-19 16:23 编辑
celendia 发表于 2011-9-19 10:17
And although the rapid surge in demand for oils in China and the rest of Asia is slowing there is still plenty of scope for more growth.
rapid surge in demand for oils ( in China and the rest of Asia )is slowing

And although[ the rapid surge(主)] in demand for oils in China and the rest of Asia [is slowing (谓)]there is still plenty of scope for more growth.

引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 16:41
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-9-19 16:46 编辑
贪爱樱桃 发表于 2011-9-19 12:05
2 para.5 - "The effect of growing demand for the two main types of vegetable oil, palm and soya (see chart), is amplified by supply problems. "这句中"type"应该是种类,不是原料的意思,所以应该译成“由于供给不足,棕榈油和大豆油这两种植物油的需求不断增长。”


文中是说供应问题对需求造成了影响,"The effect.... is amplified by supply problems."
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 16:56
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-9-19 17:00 编辑
贪爱樱桃 发表于 2011-9-19 12:05
1 para.1 - "What goes for crude oil also applies to the stuff squeezed out of vegetable ...

para.1 - "What goes for crude oil also applies to the stuff squeezed out of vegetable matter."我觉得这句的意思应该是“对于原油供给量的质疑也同样产生在植物油方面。”
引用 hlhcom 2011-9-19 17:09
回复 squarrel2009 的帖子

will bear fruit for many years.
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 17:37
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-9-19 18:15 编辑

回复 停留妞 的帖子

Edible oils are filling fuel tanks as well as bellies
OIL markets are full of uncertainty. Asian demand is booming and doubts abound over the ability of supply to match the world’s appetite. What goes for crude oil also applies to the stuff squeezed out of vegetable matter.

The price of stir-frying and dressing a salad has rarely been higher. Over the past decade the price of vegetable oils has all but quadrupled. Like other commodities, prices hit records in 2008. The subsequent slump is now forgotten: prices are back close to the peaks. Glencore, the world’s biggest commodity trader, may be about to confirm the industry’s allure: rumours are flying that it is mulling an investment in KS Oils, an Indian edible-oil firm.
用于炒菜和酱沙拉的食用油的价格涨幅不大[rarely higher:极其高]。在过去十年里,植物油的整体价格增长了4倍(all but:nearly,这里是说植物油涨势惊人,十年间几乎翻了两翻,翻译成“只”意思就反了)。像其它日用品一样,食用油的价格也在2008年创造了历史新高,之后有一个小的回落[slump:a sudden severe fall in price  指随后价格曾大幅降低,不是小的回落],具体的降幅已记不清楚,但回落后[are back to:rebounce 价格反弹]的价格接近最高价格。有传言说,KS石油公司正在考虑对印度的一家食用油公司进行投资,( 这句理解错了,是全球最大商品交易商嘉能可公司想投资印度KS食用油公司,想在食用油产业分一杯羹, KS Oils就是 an Indian edible-oil firm) 因此,作为全球最大的日用品经销商的嘉能可公司认为该行业前景可能会很可观。

Kona Haque of Macquarie, an Australian bank, points to two structural factors behind oil’s sizzle: China and biodiesels. A planet with more mouths to feed and deeper pockets has led to rapid growth in consumption of vegetable oils as well as grains and meat. And although the rapid surge in demand for oils in China and the rest of Asia is slowing there is still plenty of scope for more growth.
澳大利亚的麦格里银行的Kona Haque先生指出植物油炙热的背后隐藏着两个结构性因素:中国市场和生物柴油。由于一种植物[看错单词了吧,这里是说planet:地球,不是plant:植物) 要为供应更多的市场需求,加上经济实力的雄厚,必然导致了食用油以及谷物和肉类的消费快速增长。尽管这种需求在中国和其它亚洲国家的增速缓慢[这里是指快速飙升的需求正在放缓,rapid slowing,而"增速缓慢"对应英文该是increase has been slow],但这种增长速度仍有很大的上升空间。

In the past few years a new source of demand has emerged for vegetable oils. Biodiesel production has rapidly accelerated and now consumes over a tenth of the global vegetable-oil crop. Depending on the crude-oil price and governments’ enthusiasm for mandating biofuels it could account for as much as a fifth by 2020, according to Peter Thoenes of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.
在过去几年里,植物油作为一种新的需求源出现了。生物柴油的生产速度突飞猛进,现在它消耗了全球植物油作物的十分之一。联合国食品和农业组织(这个通常翻译成粮农组织)的Peter Thoenes先生声称,由于昂贵的原油价格[没将depending on意思体现出来,“依赖”,潜在意思就是:受制于石油价格之意]和政府对生物柴油事业的热衷,到2020年,生物柴油将会消耗全球五分之一的植物油作物。

The effect of growing demand for the two main types of vegetable oil, palm and soya (see chart), is amplified by supply problems. In the case of soya, competition for land is the main concern. Farmers in America, the world’s top exporter, and Brazil, in second place, are switching to maize as sky-high prices make it more attractive.

Palm oil, also used to make soaps and cosmetics, comes almost exclusively from Indonesia and Malaysia. It suffers from even more acute supply problems. Already intensively cultivated and mechanised, there are few opportunities for farmers to increase output by improving yields on existing acreage. Developing and rolling out new higher-yielding strains is much easier and quicker for annual crops like wheat than for perennials such as palm trees that take time to mature and will bear fruit for many years棕榈油也用作制造肥皂和化妆品,而其主要产自印度尼西亚和马来西亚,但也面临这尖锐的供应问题 (acute:a severe or intense degree:指问题严重,不能翻译成尖锐,只有说矛盾时才能用到尖锐)。尽管农业技术水平的提高(intensive cultivate  指集约种植,即精耕细作,不是农业技术水平提高)和农业机械化的运用,农民还是没法在现有的土地上提高产量。研发和推出新的高收益的产品(strains指一种病菌或植物的品种)远远比一年一季的植物如小麦更为容易和迅速,更不用说像棕榈这种需要培育多年才能成熟结果的植物了(这句理解不正确,应该是:“开发和种植新型高产品种对小麦这种一年生作物会有立竿见影的成效,而棕榈树这种多年生植物需要很长时间才能到达成熟期并且可多年产出棕榈油”。这可能是多年生植物特点,一朝种植,多年收获。)

Finding more land has unpalatable costs. Environmentalists point out that the spread of palm-oil plantations is the greatest threat to forests in Indonesia and Malaysia. In May Indonesia introduced a two-year moratorium on forest clearance in return for $1 billion, as part of a bilateral climate deal with Norway. But loopholes and exemptions mean that it may not slow down deforestation much. Like its crude counterpart, the march of the vegetable-oil business is not easily resisted.
扩大土地面积进行生产所耗费成本较高(这里成本较高没体现出代价程度,unpalatable:difficult to accept 让人难以接受,unpalatable 单词意思没翻译出来),而且环境学家支出扩大棕榈油种植会对印度尼西亚和玛莉西亚的森林造成威胁(the greatest threat 最高级没体现出来)。今年五月份,印度尼西亚引进一项两年内禁止砍伐森林而获得10亿美金补偿的计划,而这也是和挪威一起解决双方环境问题方案的(他们对环境问题不是从“解决”方面讲的,而是从“保护“层面上讲的相互签署环境保护协定“(在联合国“减少森林砍伐和森林退化造成的温室气体排放(简称REDD)”计划框架内进行),因为森林有储藏吸存二氧化碳的能力,印尼不伐树可能会对本国其它产业(如木材加工业等造成损失,所以挪威要想让印尼保留这些树木多些时间就得给人家资金上的补偿)一部分。然而,漏洞和免税(这里好象没有免税的意思,应该是指豁免权,比如外交豁免权,即违反规定也不予惩罚的情况,可能是有政府的授权豁免)意味着它并不能减少对森林滥砍滥伐,正如同原油的替代品植物油一样,其增长势头无法抗拒。

from the print edition | Finance and economics
引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 18:06
hlhcom 发表于 2011-9-19 17:09
回复 squarrel2009 的帖子

will bear fruit for many years.

引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 18:12
引用 contrary 2011-9-19 21:38

Farmers in America,

Like other commodities

引用 squarrel2009 2011-9-19 23:30
回复 contrary 的帖子

Farmers in America,



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