铜价可能维持高位,因为缺乏较好的替代品。例如西诺伍德图书馆屋顶的维修被拖延,也是因为对于合适的铜替代品有争论。美国银行-美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch )的Michael Widmer认为现在价格可能已经高道可以激发人们努力认真地去发现替代品的程度了。但是绝大多数的简单替换已经被做过了。世界上的水管工已经在可行的地方都换成使用塑料管道了。中国的科学工作者设计了(更加硕大)的铝制热交换空调设备。
译注: The Copper Belt or Copperbelt (usually spelled as one word) is the copper mining area of Central Africa which runs in Zambia (Copperbelt Province) and Democratic Republic of Congo (Katanga Province). This area gave name to the Copperbelt Province, around the towns of Ndola, Kitwe, Chingola, Luanshya and Mufulira. In some contexts it excludes the Katangan Copperbelt of the Democratic Republic of Congo, around Lubumbashi. —— http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copperbelt