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[2011.10.04] The 2011 Nobel prize for physics 2011年诺贝尔物理学奖

2011-10-5 10:20| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 5113| 评论: 12

摘要: The 2011 Nobel prize for physics 2011年诺贝尔物理学奖 Expanding horizons 给我们开阔了视野 Oct 4th 2011, 12:39 by G.C. THIS year's Nobel prize for physics was awarded for what was, in a sense lite ...
The 2011 Nobel prize for physics

Expanding horizons

Oct 4th 2011, 12:39 by G.C.

THIS year's Nobel prize for physics was awarded for what was, in a sense literally, the biggest discovery ever made in physics—that the universe is not only expanding (which had been known since the 1920s), but that the rate of expansion is increasing. Something, in other words, is actively pushing it apart.


This was worked out by two groups who, in the 1990s, were studying exploding stars called supernovae. One was the Supernova Cosmology Project, at the University of California, Berkeley, led by Saul Perlmutter. The other was the High-z Supernova Search Team, an international project led by Brian Schmidt and involving Adam Riess, both of Harvard University. It is these three gentlemen who have shared the prize.


Supernovae come in various types. One particular sort, though, known as type Ia supernovae, always explode with about the same energy and are therefore equally bright. That means they can be used to estimate quite precisely how far away they (and thus the galaxy they inhabit) are. In addition, the speed at which an object such as a star or galaxy is moving away from Earth, because of the expansion of the universe, can be worked out from its red-shift. This is a fall in the frequency of its light towards the red end of the spectrum. It is caused by the Doppler effect (something similar happens when a police car or fire engine with its siren blaring drives past you, and the pitch of the sound suddenly drops).


What both groups found was that the light from distant supernovae was fainter than predicted. In other words, the supernovae were further away than their red-shifts indicated they should be, based on the existing model of the universe. Something, then, was pushing space itself apart.


What that something is, remains conjecture. It has been labelled "dark energy", but that is really physicists' short-hand for "we haven't got a clue". It may, though, relate to a mathematical term called the cosmological constant that appears in Einstein's general theory of relativity, and which Einstein thought, before the discovery of the expansion of the universe, was necessary to stop the universe collapsing.


感谢译者 tribesman 点击此处阅读双语版







引用 0o。 2011-10-5 00:43
is a fall in the frequency of its light towards the red end of the spectrum、

引用 tribesman 2011-10-5 07:49
回复 0o。 的帖子

引用 曲直319 2011-10-5 13:50
1. in a sense literally的理解,我也不太确定,求高人指导啊~
2.It is these three gentlemen who have shared the prize.“他们三位将分享诺贝尔物理学奖”

引用 夜雨疏灯 2011-10-5 15:29
引用 夜雨疏灯 2011-10-5 15:41
引用 夜雨疏灯 2011-10-5 16:05
It is these three gentlemen who have shared the prize.

This was worked out by two groups who, in the 1990s, were studying exploding stars called supernovae.

此为三不妥:英文语法不过关,原文一句在译者翻译过来成了两个,分句和主句理解混乱,文章的意思是他们在90年代就在研究超新星,不是90年代就发现的,in 1990s 在关系代词who的后面,修饰的是分句,不是主句。
引用 VIP子非鱼 2011-10-5 21:02
引用 fctfct 2011-10-5 22:11
引用 tribesman 2011-10-6 09:19
本帖最后由 tribesman 于 2011-10-6 10:44 编辑

回复 夜雨疏灯 的帖子

引用 afans 2011-10-8 09:14
引用 allenliou 2011-10-13 00:14
It is surprised to hear that the three U.S. physicists had won the Nobel Prize in physics for discovering through the study of supernovae that the universe is accelerating expansion.
The Hubble’s redshift and the Doppler Effect are the facts. It doesn’t mean the universe is expansion or universe is accelerating expansion.
The expansion of the universe is based on the true of the Big Bang theory.  If the Big Bang theory is not true. Even though the Hubble’s redshift, and the Doppler Effect is the facts. The expansion or accelerating expansion of the universe is not supported.
The Big Bang theory and “dark energy” are not just a crazy idea, it is nonsense. Is anyone believe the “dark energy” able to create the real energy to push the supernovae accelerating expansion? If you do believe it. You may believe “dark human” can turn spirit to a real person.
In Scientific community , the Big Bang and ”dark energy” issue  had been argue for so many year, And now act rashly to award  the Nobel Prize in physics for the universe is accelerating expansion .I believe that someday will be proved the 2011 of the Nobel Prize for physics turn out to be a joke.
The expansion of Universe should not true. If it is true, the Big Bang theory and “dark energy” will be true.
Now raise a big question. If he Big Bang theory and “dark energy” are not true. Also the Hubble redshift, and the Doppler Effect is the facts, How could be proved the universe is not expansion or not accelerating expansion?
The space of the universe has only three kind of possibility. One is Euclidean space, one is elliptical space and the other is hyperbolic space. These three kinds of space can only be hypnosis to be one of the three only, And, it cannot be identify by proved.
1.        If the universe is a Euclidean space, due to the Hubble redshift, and the facts of the Doppler Effect, There must be the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang also true. This is contradiction to the Big Bang is not true. So, the space of  the   universe may not be a Euclidean space
2.        The space of the universe will never be an Elliptical space. If the space of the Universe is an Elliptical space. When we see anything from the east, can be seen from the west too. Obviously, it is not so
3.        Remaining space is The Hyperbolic space.

Let analyze, if supernovae happen in Hyperbolic space.

Hubble’s laws are derived from Euclidean rules and Euclidean formulas. However, assume the Universe is in Hyperbolic space. Very logically, we must derive its rules and formulas from Hyperbolic rules and non-Euclidean formulas.

The rules and formulas of Hyperbolic space are quite different from Euclidean space. Hence, the results derived from utilizing these two systems must be different. These differences may be the keys to unveil the mystery of the Universe.
“Now we try to prove, the universe is not expansion or not accelerating expansion. Even though Hubble’s redshift and the Doppler effect are the facts”  


When photon travel a distance of r. The equation of a light spherical front in Euclidean space is

                     x^2 + y^2 + z^2 =  r^2          --------------   (1)

From Hyperbolic geometry, the equation of the light spherical front is
    tanh^2 x/k  + tanh^2 y/k  + tanh^2 z/k  = tanh^2 r/k   ------ (2)

Where k is the constant of the space curvature. (cosmological constant)
(From page 298 of non-Euclidean Geometry by Allen Liou, 1964.)

Comparing equations (1) and (2), we can see very obviously that the area of the light spherical fronts is very much different. Even though they have the same radius. Therefore, the Doppler Effect should not be the same between Euclidean space and Hyperbolic space.

The area of the Light Spherical Front in Euclidean space is 4πr^2.
What is the area of the Light Spherical Front in Hyperbolic space?

Let us determine the circumference of a circle in Hyperbolic space first:

Let PQ be the chord of a circle of radius r, which subtends an angleθ, M be the midpoint of the chord, and O be the center of the circle.
See pic 1.
From the formula of the right-angle in Hyperbolic trigonometry, we have (page 143 of non-Euclidean Geometry by Allen Liou, 1964.)

                 sinh PQ/2k  = sinh r/k sin∠POQ/2

If  angle θ 0
We have                    ds/2k  = sinh r/k dθ/2
                or           ds  = k sinh r/k dθ

Integrating both sides, we have
                     Circumference  = 2πk sinh r/k

Then, let ds are the length of the arc of the spherical circle, and r  be the radius.
By same formula, we have, see pic 2.

        ds  = k sinh r/k dθ

The area of the circle strip is
           d (area of circle strip) = 2πk sinh AM/k ds
                   sinh AM/k  =  sinh r/k sinθ

d(area of circle strip)=2πk[sinh r/k sinθ][k sinh r/k dθ]
= 2πk^2 sinh^2 r/k dθ
Integrating both sides, we have
area of sphere  =  4πk^2 sinh^2 r/k


When a photon travels a distance r, the area of the Light Spherical Front in Euclidean space is 4πr2.

area of sphere  =  4πr^2

But the area of the Light Spherical Front in Hperbolic space is

area of sphere  =  4πk^2 sinh^2 r/k

Compare the two Spherical Areas in the two different spaces with the same r. We easily to see that, if we are in Hyperbolic universe, Light Spherical Front stretch from 4πr 2 to 4πk 2 sinh2 r/k. We temporary called this stretch by “Liou’s stretch effect”.

The Spherical Front of photon may only travel a distance r in Hyperbolic space. But in Euclidean space, it appears to travel a distance of k sinh r/k.

From the difference of r and k sinh r/k in Euclidean space, it looks like the object moves from point r  to point k sinh r/k, but the object actually stays still in Hyperbolic universe.

When we use Redshift of Doppler Effect in Euclidean space to calculate velocity of galaxy from point r  to point k sinh r/k. Actually,  there is no movement from point r  to point k sinh r/k. It only cause by the stretch of curvature of Hyperbolic space (“Liou’s stretch effect”).

I will use the velocity to calculate the space constant (cosmological constant). Use redshift of frequency the result is the same.


Let                            s  = k sinh r/k - r

Where s is the distant of galaxy moving from position r  to the position k sinh r/k.
Taking the derivative of both sides, we have

                  ds/dt  = cosh r/k dr/dt - dr/dt
where ds/dt =v (the velocity of galaxies at the remote distance of r), and dr/dt is the speed of light c.

               v  = cosh r/k c – c

v  = c[cosh r/k - 1] = 2c sinh^2 r/2k ---------- (3)

There are several versions of the Hubble's constant. We will select the one most popular one. In which, the velocity of galaxies at a distance of six billion light-years move away at a velocity of roughly 90,000 kilometers/sec.
Hence v=90,000 kilometers/sec and r=6 bly.

Hence we have
   v = 90,000 kilometers/sec and r = 6 bly.

                     90,000   =  2c sinh^2(6bly/2k )  

                    ∴  0.3c = 2c sinh^2(3bly/k )

                      ∴  k = 3bly/ sinh-1√0.12

                      ∴  k = 7.931965828 bly
Where bly is billion light-years.


1. Hubble’s constant was not constant.

From equation (3), v = 2c sinh^2 r/2k , the velocity of galaxies and the remote distance of r were not exactly linear proportions in Euclidean universe. The velocity is more likely in slightly acceleration observed in Euclidean universe.

Here, the cosmological constant, k = 7.931965828 bly was based on the Hubble’s Law at 6 bly. If we based on a difference distance, like one on a distance of 1 or 2 bly, the k value should be slightly different. If we use different versions of Hubble’s Law, the cosmological constant k will be even more different. We really need an accurate data to determine the constant k

Assuming k = 7.931965828 bly is correct; the Hubble's diagram in Euclidean space should look like the following diagram.

From this chart, we should call Hubble’s accelerator instead of Hubble’s constant.

2. Is Universe’s redshift cause by DOPPLER EFFECT or “LIOU’S STRETCH EFFECT”?

From Hubble’s Law, the speed by which a galaxy moves away is proportional to the distance to the galaxy.  A galaxy with distance of 6 bly has a velocity of 90,000 km/s. For a galaxy 30 bly away, its speed will be 450,000  km/s. This is beyond the speed of light a lot. It is contradict to the fact of the speed of light is constant.
In recent year, astronomer's observed that Hubble’s constant is not constant. The galaxies actually moving away accelerated, like supernovae.

From this two facts, the Universe’s redshift is more likely to be caused by the “LIOU’S STRETCH EFFECT”.
. And Doppler Effect caused by the STRETCH of the Hyperbolic space (“LIOU’S STRETCH EFFECT”) not by the speed of velocity in Euclidean space.

So, the universe is not expansion nor accelerating expansion. Even though Hubble’s redshift and the Doppler effect are the facts.

In other words,The universe is still in Hyperbolic space
引用 handsome2011 2011-11-27 20:25


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