巨大的(金融)泡沫——与2008年9月泡沫破灭后金融市场的崩溃一起——导致了围绕这个话题的出版泡沫。大批描写危机的书籍接连上架,可其中大多数只成了过眼云烟。少部分则是引人入胜的小说,如Andrew Sorkin 2009年的畅销书《大而不倒》,和Michael Lewis 于翌年出版的《大空头》。但许多书只是夸夸其谈、人云亦云:自诩为业内人士,抑或怀才不遇的先知,极力将错误归咎于他人,甚至所有人。这是一个次级图书市场,其阴谋暗算有余,敏锐洞察不足。
The key to their fortune was a ski resort for billionaires called the Yellowstone Club
是为富豪打造的ski resort,不是富豪要这么叫它。
Turned out it was all downhill from Learjet Glades.
Learjet Glades,查到的资料如下:The club, which opened in 1997, was the brainchild of Mr. Blixseth. For years, they ran it together, installing the caviar bar in the clubhouse, and giving the 75 ski runs names like “Learjet Glades” and “Ebitda.” However, Mr. Blixseth gave up control of the club to his wife as part of their 2008 divorce.
这也是一段报道,关于黄石公园俱乐部的。ski run 是滑雪场之意,我觉得这两类滑雪场的名字而已,不是一种经营手段,不应该从“run”的意思上找突破口。