这里的centrist是(政治上的)中间派、温和派( having political beliefs that are not extreme [= moderate])
而“中立”一般对应“neutral”(not supporting any of the people or groups involved in an argument or disagreement),楼主明鉴。
1Believe some disgruntled MPs, and the review threatens the very fabric of democracy………(一个月之前,我也翻译过这样句型的句子,但是从语法上来说,believe 的主语是谁呢?这里我的确不懂,请赐教)
2 危机四伏的天福镇grittier Telford(能够看到您翻译的心思!)
3 Aga-owners not wanting to mix with Aga-makers(想先问问完外教,再帮您做答)
4 tinkle of teacups(理解的真是好,还有一点疑问就是,怎么理解reassuing呢?)
5 take a pasting一筹莫展(查了一下,还是不太理解,请指教!)
6 boundary casualties选区边界(全文读下来,感觉lz理解的很深,能够做一些解释呢?)