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[2011.11.12] 冰上的争端

2011-11-15 06:59| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 4383| 评论: 6|原作者: 悠悠万事97

摘要: 亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆外交关系上的溃疡还在鼓脓




Nov 12th 2011 | STEPANAKERT | from the print edition


“我现在全盼着夏天呢,”迈克•阿杰安(Mike Aghjayan)夸耀着。他是来自黎巴嫩的亚美尼亚人,正在阿泽利斯(Azeris)镇上经营一所名为“舒沙与亚美尼亚舒西”( Shusha and Armenians Shushi)的旅店。来访者将多为来自美国、加拿大、法国、俄国、黎巴嫩和伊朗的亚美尼亚裔人士。1988年这里还是一座宜人的山顶城镇,住有居民1万5千人,但今天仅有几乎不到4千人生活在战争留下的残垣断壁之间。阿杰安解释说,他的客人们“想来看看这片人们为之抛头洒血的土地。”



纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的官员们说,不经他们同意,任何交易都不可能。这可不是虚言恫吓。亚美尼亚的现任与前任总统都来自这一地区。纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫总理阿让•哈拉泰因然(Ara Haratyunyan)说,他怀疑,阿塞拜疆永远不会接受他的国土的独立。但他还是欢欣鼓舞地指出,GDP在过去四年中增加了一倍(但主要来自亚美尼亚以及外籍当地人的投入)。

与战争年代不同的是,阿塞拜疆现在因石油与天然气暴富。今年该国预算的16.5% 用于军费,这大约相当于亚美尼亚和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫加起来的总预算。但在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫首都斯捷帕纳科特的官员们似乎很轻松。俄国承诺负责亚美尼亚的防务。而且,一条把石油从阿塞拜疆和哈萨克斯坦输往西方的战略输油管道在距离纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫控制区12英里处通过。炮击会很快让这条管道瘫痪。

感谢译者 悠悠万事97 点击此处阅读双语版







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引用 handsome2011 2011-11-14 22:02
引用 coolis_me 2011-11-15 09:56
引用 renjie 2011-11-15 16:40
本帖最后由 renjie 于 2011-11-15 16:40 编辑

“I AM almost full for next summer”, boasts Mike Aghjayan, an Armenian from Lebanon who is managing a new hotel in the town Azeris call Shusha and Armenians Shushi. Visitors, mostly diaspora Armenians, will come from the United States, Canada, France, Russia, Lebanon and Iran. In 1988 this was a pleasant hilltop town, home to 15,000. Today barely 4,000 live on amid the ruins of war. His guests, Mr Aghjayan explains, “want to see the land people gave their blood for.”
“我现在全盼着夏天呢,”迈克•阿杰安(Mike Aghjayan)夸耀着。他是来自黎巴嫩的亚美尼亚人,正在阿泽利斯(Azeris)镇上经营一所名为“舒沙与亚美尼亚舒西”( Shusha and Armenians Shushi)的旅店。来访者将多为来自美国、加拿大、法国、俄国、黎巴嫩和伊朗的亚美尼亚裔人士。1988年这里还是一座宜人的山顶城镇,住有居民1万5千人,但今天仅有几乎不到4千人生活在战争留下的残垣断壁之间。阿杰安解释说,他的客人们“想来看看这片人们为之抛头洒血的土地。”
(1.I AM almost full for next summer指的应该是“我们店直到明年夏天都预订满了”的意思;2.who is managing a new hotel in the town Azeris call Shusha and Armenians Shushi:短剧出现了问题 Azeris 阿塞拜疆人 这句的意思是他在这个城镇新开了一个酒店,阿塞拜疆人管这个镇叫shusha 而亚美尼亚人则称之为shushi;)

Nagorno-Karabakh is often described as one of several post-Soviet “frozen conflicts”. However, as the war in 2008 between Russia and Georgia over the breakaway territory of South Ossetia showed, ice can melt quickly. In Soviet times Nagorno-Karabakh was a mostly Armenian-populated autonomous enclave inside Azerbaijan, some 4,000 square kilometres (1,540 square miles) big. Conflict erupted in 1988 as the territory’s Armenians sought to secede from Azerbaijan. By the time the war ended in 1994, the victorious Armenians had doubled the enclave’s size and carved out a land corridor to Armenia proper. Between 1988 and 1994 more than 1m Armenians and Azeris fled from both countries and Nagorno-Karabakh. Azeri-populated towns in the region were left devastated.
人们时常把纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫说成是后苏联时代的几大“冰上冲突”之一。但是,就像2008年俄国与格鲁吉亚为南奥塞梯(Ossetia)的分裂领土所进行的那场战争表明的那样,冰是可以迅速融化的。在苏联时代,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫是在阿塞拜疆境内主要由亚美尼亚人居住的一块飞地,面积约4千平方公里(1540平米英里 编辑错误!!)。当飞地上的亚美尼亚人1988年寻求脱离阿塞拜疆时爆发了冲突。到1994年战争结束时,胜利了的亚美尼亚人将飞地的面积增加了一倍,并开通了一条通达亚美尼亚本土的地面走廊。从1988年到1994年,超过1百万亚美尼亚和阿泽利斯人逃离了这两个国家与纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。在这一地区内,阿泽利斯人的集居城镇被废弃了。
(1.第一句你的主干是“Nagorno-Karabakh是冲突之一”,不通,主语为地名,说成“Nagorno-Karabakh的争端是冲突之一”似乎更顺畅些;2. “俄国”与“俄罗斯”在地域、政体与时间段上都是不同的,Russia指的是俄罗斯;3.从原文意思上看逃走的一百多万人不一定只是亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆两国人,可能还有别的外国人,你这个地方意义范围给人家缩小了)

Outsiders have worked on peace plans since 1995 but none has stuck. Yet the outline of a deal seems clear. Nagorno-Karabakh, which declared independence in 1991, will return to Azerbaijan much of the land it won in the war. Then, after an “interim” period, the people of the territory, including Azeri refugees living outside, will vote on its final status.
(Azeri 同样的问题)

Officials in Nagorno-Karabakh say there can be no deal without their agreement. This is not bravado. The president of Armenia and his predecessor are from the region. Ara Haratyunyan, Nagorno-Karabakh’s prime minister, says he doubts Azerbaijan will ever accept his territory’s independence. Still, he cheerfully points out, GDP has doubled in the past four years (largely thanks to transfers from Armenia and the diaspora).
纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的官员们说,不经他们同意,任何交易都不可能。这可不是虚言恫吓。亚美尼亚的现任与前任总统都来自这一地区。纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫总理阿让•哈拉泰因然(Ara Haratyunyan)说,他怀疑,阿塞拜疆永远不会接受他的国土的独立。但他还是欢欣鼓舞地指出,GDP在过去四年中增加了一倍(但主要来自亚美尼亚以及外籍当地人的投入)。
(最后这个括号中的重点是Transfers 这里有移民的意思,意思是本地GDP的增长多是这两拨人移民于此的结果)

In contrast to the war years, Azerbaijan is flush with cash from oil and gas. This year 16.5% of its budget has been set aside for military spending: this is roughly equivalent to the entire budgets of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh combined. Yet officials in Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh’s capital, seem relaxed. Russia is committed to Armenia’s defence. And a strategic pipeline pumping oil to the West from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan passes just 12 miles from Nagorno-Karabakh-controlled territory. Shelling could quickly cripple it.
与战争年代不同的是,阿塞拜疆现在因石油与天然气暴富。今年该国预算的16.5% 用于军费,这大约相当于亚美尼亚和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫加起来的总预算。但在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫首都斯捷帕纳科特的官员们似乎很轻松。俄国承诺负责亚美尼亚的防务。而且,一条把石油从阿塞拜疆和哈萨克斯坦输往西方的战略输油管道在距离纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫控制区12英里处通过。炮击会很快让这条管道瘫痪。
(be flush with 本身没有赚大钱的意思1. 由于骄傲、自豪、生气等强烈感情而激动,兴奋,满面通红2.因某事而洋洋得意[通常用于被动语态] 这里指的应该表达的是阿塞拜疆自恃有丰富的石油与天然气资源而洋洋得意 继而考得来的钱巩固国防)
引用 hukangjiayou 2011-11-15 16:48
引用 悠悠万事97 2011-11-15 19:06
本帖最后由 悠悠万事97 于 2011-11-15 19:09 编辑

回复 renjie 的帖子

“I AM almost full for next summer”, boasts Mike Aghjayan, an Armenian from Lebanon who is managing a new hotel in the town Azeris call Shusha and Armenians Shushi. Visitors, mostly diaspora Armenians, will come from the United States, Canada, France, Russia, Lebanon and Iran. In 1988 this was a pleasant hilltop town, home to 15,000. Today barely 4,000 live on amid the ruins of war. His guests, Mr Aghjayan explains, “want to see the land people gave their blood for.”
“我现在全盼着夏天呢,”迈克•阿杰安(Mike Aghjayan)夸耀着。他是来自黎巴嫩的亚美尼亚人,正在阿泽利斯(Azeris)镇上经营一所名为“舒沙与亚美尼亚舒西”( Shusha and Armenians Shushi)的旅店。来访者将多为来自美国、加拿大、法国、俄国、黎巴嫩和伊朗的亚美尼亚裔人士。1988年这里还是一座宜人的山顶城镇,住有居民1万5千人,但今天仅有几乎不到4千人生活在战争留下的残垣断壁之间。阿杰安解释说,他的客人们“想来看看这片人们为之抛头洒血的土地。”

(1.I AM almost full for next summer指的应该是“我们店直到明年夏天都预订满了”的意思[/color];[不,应该是明年夏天的房间都预定满了的意思] 2.who is managing a new hotel in the town Azeris call Shusha and Armenians Shushi:短剧出现了问题 Azeris 阿塞拜疆人 这句的意思是他在这个城镇新开了一个酒店,阿塞拜疆人管这个镇叫shusha 而亚美尼亚人则称之为shushi;)[同意]

Nagorno-Karabakh is often described as one of several post-Soviet “frozen conflicts”. However, as the war in 2008 between Russia and Georgia over the breakaway territory of South Ossetia showed, ice can melt quickly. In Soviet times Nagorno-Karabakh was a mostly Armenian-populated autonomous enclave inside Azerbaijan, some 4,000 square kilometres (1,540 square miles) big. Conflict erupted in 1988 as the territory’s Armenians sought to secede from Azerbaijan. By the time the war ended in 1994, the victorious Armenians had doubled the enclave’s size and carved out a land corridor to Armenia proper. Between 1988 and 1994 more than 1m Armenians and Azeris fled from both countries and Nagorno-Karabakh. Azeri-populated towns in the region were left devastated.
(1540平米英里 编辑错误!!)[/color]。[没有错。1英里约为1。6公里,1平方英里约为1.6 x 1.6=2.56平方公里,因此1540平方英里约为4000平方公里]当飞地上的亚美尼亚人1988年寻求脱离阿塞拜疆时爆发了冲突。到1994年战争结束时,胜利了的亚美尼亚人将飞地的面积增加了一倍,并开通了一条通达亚美尼亚本土的地面走廊。从1988年到1994年,超过1百万亚美尼亚和阿泽利斯人逃离了这两个国家与纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。在这一地区内,阿泽利斯人的集居城镇被废弃了。
(1.第一句你的主干是“Nagorno-Karabakh是冲突之一”,不通,主语为地名,说成“Nagorno-Karabakh的争端是冲突之一”似乎更顺畅些[/color];[OK] 2. “俄国”与“俄罗斯”在地域、政体与时间段上都是不同的,Russia指的是俄罗斯[/color];[现在的俄国已经与俄罗斯没什么区别了,倒是苏联于俄国区别很大] 3.从原文意思上看逃走的一百多万人不一定只是亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆两国人,可能还有别的外国人,你这个地方意义范围给人家缩小了)[从原文more than 1m Armenians and Azeris fled上看不出还有除了这两个国家之外的任何国家的人逃走]

Outsiders have worked on peace plans since 1995 but none has stuck. Yet the outline of a deal seems clear. Nagorno-Karabakh, which declared independence in 1991, will return to Azerbaijan much of the land it won in the war. Then, after an “interim” period, the people of the territory, including Azeri refugees living outside, will vote on its final status.
(Azeri 同样的问题)

Officials in Nagorno-Karabakh say there can be no deal without their agreement. This is not bravado. The president of Armenia and his predecessor are from the region. Ara Haratyunyan, Nagorno-Karabakh’s prime minister, says he doubts Azerbaijan will ever accept his territory’s independence. Still, he cheerfully points out, GDP has doubled in the past four years (largely thanks to transfers from Armenia and the diaspora).
纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的官员们说,不经他们同意,任何交易都不可能。这可不是虚言恫吓。亚美尼亚的现任与前任总统都来自这一地区。纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫总理阿让•哈拉泰因然(Ara Haratyunyan)说,他怀疑,阿塞拜疆永远不会接受他的国土的独立。但他还是欢欣鼓舞地指出,GDP在过去四年中增加了一倍(但主要来自亚美尼亚以及外籍当地人的投入)。

(最后这个括号中的重点是Transfers 这里有移民的意思,意思是本地GDP的增长多是这两拨人移民于此的结果)[我看更像的是把财产与投资转移过来。看不出这里有移民的意思。如果有,可以用immigrants或其他词]

In contrast to the war years, Azerbaijan is flush with cash from oil and gas. This year 16.5% of its budget has been set aside for military spending: this is roughly equivalent to the entire budgets of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh combined. Yet officials in Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh’s capital, seem relaxed. Russia is committed to Armenia’s defence. And a strategic pipeline pumping oil to the West from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan passes just 12 miles from Nagorno-Karabakh-controlled territory. Shelling could quickly cripple it.
与战争年代不同的是,阿塞拜疆现在因石油与天然气暴富。今年该国预算的16.5% 用于军费,这大约相当于亚美尼亚和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫加起来的总预算。但在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫首都斯捷帕纳科特的官员们似乎很轻松。俄国承诺负责亚美尼亚的防务。而且,一条把石油从阿塞拜疆和哈萨克斯坦输往西方的战略输油管道在距离纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫控制区12英里处通过。炮击会很快让这条管道瘫痪。
(be flush with 本身没有赚大钱的意思1. 由于骄傲、自豪、生气等强烈感情而激动,兴奋,满面通红2.因某事而洋洋得意[通常用于被动语态] 这里指的应该表达的是阿塞拜疆自恃有丰富的石油与天然气资源而洋洋得意 继而考得来的钱巩固国防[/color])[flush with cash 应该有现金充足的意思,而且这一段前后连接的意思与你所说并无多大差别]
引用 悠悠万事97 2011-11-15 21:35
本帖最后由 悠悠万事97 于 2011-11-15 21:35 编辑

回复 hukangjiayou 的帖子



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