One is a “green paper” on options for joint Eurobonds. 其一,欧盟公布“绿皮书”,发行统一的欧元区债券
rather like the Soviet Union 欧盟与苏联不同
It would be wise to be planning now for what to do if it sinks. But officials have spent so long giving warnings of the horror of a Greek default, not to speak of its departure from the euro, that they cannot. 如果欧元颓势不减,现在着手计划应对措施,那将不失为明智之举。然而各路官员长时间以来一直在对希腊违约将会导致的恐怖后果给予警告,以至于他们都未谈及其脱离欧元区(所造成的影响)。
个人认为they cannot是指they cannot (plan for what to do)。试译:然而官员们耗费了这么多时间来警告希腊违约的惨痛后果(更不用说希腊脱离欧元区的后果),以至于他们无法制定上述对策。
The issue is whether they can impress those with the money: Mrs Merkel and Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank? 关键之处在于,他们是否愿意用资金深深打动这两位,默克尔和欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉?
It is time for Mrs Merkel to grasp that her country risks being caught up in the euro’s catastrophic failure是默克尔抓住机遇的时候了,她的祖国冒着被卷入欧元分崩离析的灾难风险
grasp在这里似乎应该是“意识到”/ “明白”的意思