Nov 26th 2011 | from the print edition The RA Collection of Chinese Ceramics[陶瓷]: A Collector’s Vision (Three Volumes). By Maria Antónia Pinto de Matos. Jorge Welsh Books; 1,204 pages; £900
1The RA Collection of Chinese Ceramics[陶瓷]: A Collector’s Vision (Three Volumes). By Maria Antónia Pinto de Matos. Jorge Welsh Books; 1,204 pages; £900
1. 第一句最好去掉“名单”俩字,装船运回祖国的是奢侈品,而不是一张张名单~~
2. 我喜欢“隐约透明”的这个翻译~~~~~不过,如果前面的“精致”也用个四字是不是更好,当然这可能有浮华的因素,个人喜好啦~~~
3. Demand for porcelain made expressly for foreigners spread as far afield as the Netherlands, Germany, Persia, the Ottoman empire, Japan and the young United States.
“the Ottoman empire”那时候还是奥斯曼帝国,土耳其帝国在其之后~
4. 标蓝的那一句,我觉得应该是在瓷器上画这些图案,但是前面有个shapes,我也不太明白。
5. “一位匿名收藏者的藏品中有22件属于‘首批订单’,比任何一家博物馆收藏的都多”这样的话感觉比较连贯简洁……
6. 博物馆的名字不用翻吗?我有时也很困惑,有些名字、机构的名字好像还是保留比较好
7. 详述了与中国进行贸易往来是的尔虞我诈以及这些交往对两国产生的深远影响。
我觉得“back and forth across the water”就是这些贸易往来对water两边的国家的影响,而且不是一次完成的,是back and forth~
8. and also delves into the sources for the armorial pieces for which this Brazilian collector has a special fondness
9. 最后一句的resource是不是指研究中国瓷器的资源,而不是宝藏~~~
in law, coin, bullion, gold, or silver articles, found hidden in the earth, for which no owner can be discovered.
n most of feudal Europe, where the prince was looked on as the ultimate owner of all lands, his claim to the treasure trove became, according to the founder of international law, Hugo Grotius, a common and universal right. In England and similarly in Scotland, the right to treasure trove is in the crown, which may grant it as a franchise. Such articles are presumed to have once had an owner; and, in his absence, they belong not to the finder but to the crown. Their concealment is an indictable offense in England but not a crime in Scotland unless accompanied by intent to appropriate. In England the finder—and indeed anyone who acquires knowledge—should report the matter to the coroner, who must hold an inquest to find whether the discovery be treasure trove or not. In the United States the common law, following the English, would seem to give treasure trove to the public treasury, but in practice the finder has been allowed to keep it. In Louisiana half goes to the finder and half to the owner of the land. Modern French, German, Italian, and Spanish law is the same.
The counterpart of treasure trove under Roman law was thesaurus inventus. Its exact nature and the extent of its resemblance to the Anglo-American concept are in doubt, as the definition in the Code of Justinian has been discredited by some authorities and appears to conflict with the general Roman law of succession. A constitution of Hadrian apparently divided thesaurus inventus equally between the finder and the landowner.
这是大不列颠对treasure trove 的解释,我的理解就是“无主珍宝”,莫非还有深层寓意?请问陈版 高见?
A treasure trove may broadly be defined as an amount of money or coin, gold, silver, plate, or bullion found hidden underground or in places such as cellars or attics, where the treasure seems old enough for it to be presumed that the true owner is dead and the heirs undiscoverable. However, both the legal definition of what constitutes a treasure trove and its treatment under law varies considerably from country to country, and from era to era.
The term is also often used metaphorically. Collections of articles published as a book are often titled Treasure Trove, as in A Treasure Trove of Science. This was especially fashionable for titles of children's books in the early- and mid-20th century.
1. treasure trove - treasure of unknown ownership found hidden (usually in the earth)
hoarded wealth, treasure - accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.; "the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies"
2. treasure trove - any collection of valuables that is discovered; "her book was a treasure trove of new ideas"; "mother's attic was a treasure trove when we were looking for antiques"
aggregation, collection, accumulation, assemblage - several things grouped together or considered as a whole
the best collection is still in Brazil
有主吗? 有!只是无名而已。
Among the rarities acquired by this anonymous collector are 22 “first orders”,
他还不是全部, 只是重点
It is the focus of a new three-volume study of 600 outstanding pieces
我觉得 treasure trove 指的就是这本书。 你说呢?