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[2011.12.25] 祸不单行

2011-12-26 08:29| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 6383| 评论: 21|原作者: migmig

摘要: 哈维尔、希欽斯和金正日



Dec 25th 2011, 11:58 by Z.P. | NEW YORK







感谢译者 migmig 点击此处阅读双语版







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引用 lilywizardry 2011-12-26 08:31
集权主义 应为 极权主义
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 10:38
Things come in threes

引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 10:47
a victim of his vices and DNA
食管癌原因: 一是酗酒, 二是遗传

CROSSING an Athens street by foot on a warm spring afternoon in 1985, I checked a taxi waiting at the light to make sure it was not going to jump the red.  In the back seat I spied the unmistakeable figure of Christopher Hitchens, larger than when I’d last seen him, larger than anyone in their mid-30s ought to be, made larger still by an unnecessary overcoat thrown over the shoulders in the manner of a ballet impresario from an earlier time. He saw me, called my name, threw open the door and stepped into the street. The light was now green and traffic was hooting. Heedless as ever to context but wholly in role, he let go an uncounted shower of drachma notes into the grateful driver’s hand and greeted me theatrically with a kiss on both cheeks. Like me, he was  in Athens to write about the Greek elections. The previous day, Andreas Papandreou—the father of the recently replaced prime minister—had handily won a second parliamentary term as leader of his country’s Social Democrats. Though not like me, because Christopher was not like other journalists. “I didn’t see you at the Press centre last night,” I said. “No,” he replied, “I was at the Papandreous.”

How the next hours unfolded, I don’t recall. I do vividly remember that around two in the morning, Christopher was entertaining a small group of us at a restaurant—quoting, parrying, recounting, provoking. His speed of memory was daunting. He always seemed able to cite what an opponent in argument had said or written years earlier, deploying it quickly and wittily at the surest moment to expose them as fools, ditherers or hypocrites. That essentially 18th-century skill made him as lethal on television as he was on the page. He wrote the way he spoke, in boutades and in paragraphs, often with a blood-level of alcohol that would leave most of us speechless. He was catholic in his love and knowledge of the written word, but on the whole stayed off movies, theatre, visual arts and music. Had he a trace of Puritan suspicion that such arts were elite, effete and not morally serious? I suspect it was more that each of those arts has its standards of performance and he was a performer in a competing medium—his own words. You had to hear him in real time, and I rate myself lucky that on a few occasions I did hear him at table—usually late on when everyone else had stopped talking, not because they were silenced or bested but because there and then it was simply more satisfying to listen to him.     

I don’t know, and who does, if his copious writing will stand up in the way that the work of his politico-literary hero George Orwell has stood up. Those who found little to admire or agree with in Christopher, especially after he backed the Iraq War in 2003, will laugh at the comparison. Even those who enjoyed his overflowing talents as journalist and talker may find it a stretch. Differences of water level and achievement stand out. Yet there are likenesses, too. Neither could tolerate camps, least of all their own: like Orwell, Christopher kept his harshest barbs for the left. Neither were doctrinal and, though Christopher took on big topics—notably religious belief, of which he claimed to have none—his small-motor skills with tricky ideas were no finer than Orwell’s. Neither were really interested in policy or government, though from sheer forensic bravado Christopher would happily take on the best-briefed wonk. Both wrote from an essentially emotional perception about the moral condition of the world. Orwell once praised Charles Dickens for the “vagueness” of his radicalism. He did not mean evasiveness or lack of clarity, but a deep conviction that something was wrong with society and that the only constructive suggestion was: “Behave decently”. Christopher’s constructive suggestions were never so clear, but his negative drive was unmistakeable and gave him a consistency his detractors wrongly said he lacked: locate power, distrust it and take it down a peg, even if you can’t knock it off its perch. Odd as it sounds, somewhere in Christopher was a backwoods Tory anarchist.

Status and power fascinated him as targets, not as ways to discrimate among people. He was open to everyone and called all comers by first name—that memory again!—even if they were not near friends. My calling him “Christopher” repays the compliment. “Hitchens” would sound both too distant and too knowing.

Now I think about it, at that restaurant in Athens it was probably closer to three in the morning. Holding up an empty bottle, Christopher waved it back and forth to get the attention of a waiter, slumped against a far wall. When the waiter came over with a fresh bottle, Christopher raised an empty glass to him and cried with a Byronic flourish, “Eleftheria!”—which means freedom or liberty in Greek. In perfect English the waiter shot back, “We’ve already got that”. The exhausted man had made his point and for once Christopher had no comeback. He’s silent now for good, and, agree with him or disagree, it’s a loss to us all.

引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 10:49
two singular men, noisy and smart一个喧闹,一个聪明??
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 10:50
It would seem there is otherwise little to connect them.
正因为两人都如此, 才有共通的地方, 舍此这两人则迥异。
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 10:51
his time in prison matched only by Hitchens's time in the pub
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 10:53
it is amusing to imagine Hitchens running for elected office.

他竞选了吗? 还是只是想象而已? 需查证。
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 11:14
"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent," Ludwig Wittgenstein observed. In some cases this silence is imposed, politically and aggressively. Speechlessness is often the self-preserving hush of the powerless and oppressed. It is for these people that Havel and Hitchens often spoke. There is much to mourn now that these men have fallen silent. And the silence that persists in North Korea is eerie.“对于不可说的东西,我们必须保持沉默。”维特根斯坦如是说。在某些情况下,这种沉默是政治性的或是攻击性的外力强加的。不说话往往是无能为力和受压迫一种本能掩饰。而哈维尔和希欽斯的演说对象往往正是此类人。不过让人遗憾的是,很多这样的人开始沉默。朝鲜的持续沉默令人不安。

“对于不可说的东西,我们必须保持沉默。”维特根斯坦如是说。在某些情况下,这种沉默是被强加的,靠的是政治外力,充满了敌意。 无言失语往往是无权势和被压迫者为求自保才噤若寒蝉。哈维尔和希欽斯正是为这些人常常大声疾呼。现在, 这两人(these men)因逝去也沉默了, 这真叫人可悲可悼。 北韩目前的持续沉默, 更是令人不安。
引用 migmig 2011-12-26 11:43
本帖最后由 migmig 于 2011-12-26 11:44 编辑
yannanchen 发表于 2011-12-26 11:14
"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent," Ludwig Wittgenstein observed. In some cases  ...

"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent," Ludwig Wittgenstein observed. In some cases this silence is imposed, politically and aggressively. Speechlessness is often the self-preserving hush of the powerless and oppressed. It is for these people that Havel and Hitchens often spoke. There is much to mourn now that these men have fallen silent. And the silence that persists in North Korea is eerie

these men 跟these people不是对应的啊?
引用 migmig 2011-12-26 12:18
本帖最后由 migmig 于 2011-12-26 12:18 编辑
yannanchen 发表于 2011-12-26 10:49
two singular men, noisy and smart一个喧闹,一个聪明??
为什么不是两人都如此? ...

consider Havel and Hitchens, two singular men, noisy and smart.
错在两个地方,前面看成了consider Hitchens and Havel ,two singular men, noisy and smart.。我以为两个and 前后是分别对应的。(后面说Havel 他比较shy,所以感觉他不会noisy)。因此consider Havel and Hitchens, two singular men, noisy and smart.这句话后面紧跟的一句话也理解错了。
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-26 12:49
When their deaths are joined (and indeed eclipsed) by the death of a 20th-century dictator

引用 migmig 2011-12-26 14:25
克里斯托弗·希金斯 反对者的一生

稿源:南方人物周刊  |  作者:王大骐














引用 echo.chan 2011-12-26 15:43
引用 echo.chan 2011-12-26 15:49
引用 cjhpumc 2011-12-26 18:10
Time and age did not weaken them. Even as Hitchens grew increasingly ill, he had himself helped out of bed so that he could sit at his desk to continue his scribbling.

引用 emilyily 2011-12-27 11:49
回复 migmig 的帖子

he had himself helped out of bed
引用 dahongtai 2011-12-27 22:49
his time in prison matched only by Hitchens's time in the pub
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-27 23:23

这里没有译出match的意思,下牢狱的时间的长度跟闲荡的时间有的一拼, 一比。
引用 yannanchen 2011-12-27 23:28
from the safe distance of his perch at the Nation

这里的意思是他远在英伦,苏联奈何他不得, 他本应更猛烈地抨击共产主义, 却不料反将之浪漫化。


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