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[20120310] 自然股票选择

2012-3-13 22:51| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 9744| 评论: 6|原作者: Medea

摘要: 差劲的投资者有了新借口



Mar 10th 2012 | from the print edition

经济学家研究时,需要假设人们都会按理性行事。要是生活那么简单该多好啊。事实上,投资者经常做些不该做的事,其中包括:频繁交易、投资不够多样化、迟迟不能割肉止损。也许,他们生来就是这样的。最近,亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞商学院的Stephan Siegel 和克莱蒙特-麦肯纳学院的Henrik Cronqvist对投资行为进行了研究,揭示了基因对投资决定起到的作用。





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引用 migmig 2012-3-13 22:59
52850,not 52,850。
引用 Medea 2012-3-13 23:04
本帖最后由 Medea 于 2012-3-13 23:05 编辑

回复 migmig 的帖子

引用 yannanchen 2012-3-14 00:53

1。ECONOMISTS work on the assumption that people act rationally. If only life were that simple. Investors certainly don’t always act as they should. Among other follies, they trade too much, do not diversify their portfolios enough and are loth to discard underperforming stocks. They may have been born to behave that way. A recent study* into investment behaviour by Stephan Siegel of Arizona State University’s WP Carey School of Business, and Henrik Cronqvist of Claremont McKenna College, illuminates the role that genes play in determining investment decisions.经济学家研究时,需要假设人们都会按理性行事。要是生活那么简单该多好啊。事实上,投资者经常做些不该做的事,其中包括:频繁交易、投资不够多样化、迟迟不能割肉止损。也许,他们生来就是这样的。最近,亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞商学院的Stephan Siegel 和克莱蒙特-麦肯纳学院的Henrik Cronqvist对投资行为进行了研究,揭示了基因对投资决定起到的作用。
评论: they trade too much, do not diversify their portfolios enough and are loth to discard underperforming stocks
要译出过分(too,not enough, loth to )“其中包括:频繁交易、投资不够多样化、迟迟不能割肉止损”是不是可以译成:交易过度频繁,投资不够多样化, 割肉止损太缓慢。 (过,不够,太)

2。The authors examine the investment behaviour of 15,208 pairs of Swedish twins, using data from the country’s twin registry and its tax authority, which until 2007 kept comprehensive records on every financial transaction. Controlling for various factors, they find that identical twins, who share all their genes, were more similar in their investing behaviour than fraternal twins, who share about half their genes.两位研究者使用瑞典的双胞胎登记处数据和税务部门(保留着07年前所有金融交易的全面记录)数据,调查了15028对双胞胎的投资习惯。他们发现,考虑到种种因素,同卵双生子(拥有相同的基因)投资行为的相似度高于异卵双生子。
评论:对于 Controlling for various factors,请查看统计学里的 control for 的意思, 包括回归分析的 dummy variable
, who share about half their genes 漏译。

3。The authors calculate that genetic factors account for between a quarter and half of the variations in irrational investment behaviour between individuals. These factors are at work across more dimensions than just investing. Twins who showed a bias towards buying familiar shares rather than taking a punt on unknown ones, for example, also showed a preference for living closer to their place of birth and for marrying a spouse from the same region. Investors with large portfolios were particularly susceptible to genetic influences.据研究者计算,基因对1/4至1/2的个人投资行为差异起作用;而其影响也并非仅限于投资行为。比如说,那些偏爱购买熟悉的股票,而非冒险购买陌生股票的双生子,同样喜欢住在出生地附近,并会寻找来自同一地区的配偶。那些拥有大量证劵的人更容易受基因影响。
评论:the variations in irrational investment behaviour between individuals 不理性投资行为个体间差异

4。If genes explain up to a half of the variations in investment behaviour, what governs the rest? The authors also calculated the impact of shared environmental influences on the twins as well as the effect of experiences unique to one half of a twin pair. Common childhood experiences like schooling were found to have almost no influence on investment behaviour. But individual experiences explain half of the variations between twin pairs—as much as, and often more than, genes.如果基因解释了半数投资行为差异,那又是什么造成了另一半差异呢?研究者们计算了个人经历以及共同环境因素对双生子的影响。结果表明,共同的童年经历(如上学)对投资习惯几乎没有影响。但是个人经历能够解释双生子之间的另一半差异——其影响与基因持平,甚至常常大于基因。
评论:the impact of shared environmental influences on the twins共同环境因素对双生子的影响(这个不错)
the effect of experiences unique to one half of a twin pair. 个人经历对双生子的影响(这个不对。这里是跟“共同环境因素”相比较而言。也就是双生子的一半特有的而另一半没有的经历的影响)

5。The study has its limitations. It looks at data from only one country during a limited period of time, for example. But it suggests that attempts to nudge people to invest more rationally have some big inbuilt biases to overcome.该实验有局限性。例如,它只收集了同一国家一段时间里的数据。不过它说明,想要敦促人们进行理性投资,需要克服一些强大的与生俱来的偏见。
评论:这里的 biases是偏见吗?由基因决定的东西不是偏见。只能是偏差,偏性。
引用 yannanchen 2012-3-14 01:02
Natural stock selection自然股票选择

翻译成 股票 的自然选择  比较好。

引用 Medea 2012-3-14 06:38
本帖最后由 Medea 于 2012-3-14 06:41 编辑

回复 yannanchen 的帖子

陈斑竹真是及时雨 这段时间觉得自己亟待提高的地方太多了,译文看起来通是通,但是不够顺畅。这一评,真如醍醐灌顶,一下让我明白了很多,衷心感谢^_^ 手头又一次没分了,回分了之后再行评分,十分抱歉

1.评论: they trade too much, do not diversify their portfolios enough and are loth to discard underperforming stocks
要译出过分(too,not enough, loth to )“其中包括:频繁交易、投资不够多样化、迟迟不能割肉止损”是不是可以译成:交易过度频繁,投资不够多样化, 割肉止损太缓慢。 (过,不够,太)


2。The authors examine the investment behaviour of 15,208 pairs of Swedish twins, using data from the country’s twin registry and its tax authority, which until 2007 kept comprehensive records on every financial transaction. Controlling for various factors, they find that identical twins, who share all their genes, were more similar in their investing behaviour than fraternal twins, who share about half their genes.两位研究者使用瑞典的双胞胎登记处数据和税务部门(保留着07年前所有金融交易的全面记录)数据,调查了15028对双胞胎的投资习惯。他们发现,考虑到种种因素,同卵双生子(拥有相同的基因)投资行为的相似度高于异卵双生子。
评论:对于 Controlling for various factors,请查看统计学里的 control for 的意思, 包括回归分析的 dummy variable
, who share about half their genes 漏译。


3.评论:the variations in irrational investment behaviour between individuals 不理性投资行为个体间差异


4.the effect of experiences unique to one half of a twin pair. 个人经历对双生子的影响(这个不对。这里是跟“共同环境因素”相比较而言。也就是双生子的一半特有的而另一半没有的经历的影响)


5.The study has its limitations. It looks at data from only one country during a limited period of time, for example. But it suggests that attempts to nudge people to invest more rationally have some big inbuilt biases to overcome.该实验有局限性。例如,它只收集了同一国家一段时间里的数据。不过它说明,想要敦促人们进行理性投资,需要克服一些强大的与生俱来的偏见。
评论:这里的 biases是偏见吗?由基因决定的东西不是偏见。只能是偏差,偏性。


6.Natural stock selection自然股票选择

翻译成 股票 的自然选择  比较好。


引用 小舟likarock 2012-3-15 01:37
回复 Medea 的帖子


natural stock selection翻译为‘自然选股’是否更简洁?


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