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[2012.03.30] 亢龙有悔?

2012-4-1 07:56| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 13244| 评论: 20|原作者: nayilus

摘要: 被捕的香港富商


Mar 30th 2012, 2:38 by J.M. | BEIJING and S.C. | HONG KONG









标题“too close to sun”是指希腊神话中伊卡洛斯用蜡制的翅膀飞翔,过于接近太阳蜡翼融化而落海身亡。作为比喻有行事超过一定尺度导致玩火自焚的意思,一定程度上接近中文的“亢龙有悔”。

感谢译者 nayilus 点击此处阅读双语版







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引用 shiyi18 2012-4-1 07:53
引用 freedomkira2008 2012-4-1 08:05
引用 Mandyxiaonan 2012-4-1 08:29
引用 canghai369 2012-4-1 08:30
引用 hymdfh 2012-4-1 10:18
       文章第一段的“a former head of Hong Kong’s civil service, Rafael Hui”,是“前政务司司长许仕仁”。此君05年上任,07年走人,到现在有五个年头了。
引用 qinashi 2012-4-1 11:00
引用 charlesbryan 2012-4-1 12:01
引用 echo.chan 2012-4-1 15:21
Hong Kong tycoons under arrest

Flying too close to the Sun?

Mar 30th 2012, 2:38 by J.M. | BEIJING and S.C. | HONG KONG

It’s a long way down from the 102nd floor of the International Commerce Centre in Hong Kong, where Analects once enjoyed a really high tea---大跌眼镜啊,刚还陶醉在亢龙有悔的好文笔里,突然出现个这玩意儿。afternoon tea 下午茶(4-5点钟) high tea 午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时) 这里应该也有双关的意思,指海拔高 (see picture). But the dizziness you feel looking out of the window cannot compare with the vertiginous sensation the building’s owners, Sun Hung Kai Properties, must now be feeling. Their co-chairmen, Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong and Raymond Kwok Ping-luen were arrested on March 29th by Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. So too was a former head of Hong Kong’s civil service, Rafael Hui. The arrests are widely seen as among the most sensational in the commission’s 38-year history.


The ICAC is, as usual, saying extremely little about the case, which involves one of Hong Kong’s wealthiest families. Sun Hung Kai’s buildings include the three tallest in Hong Kong. But the investigation will generate enormous media interest. The Kwok family has long been a topic of much gossip in the territory because of feuding among its members. In addition there have been growing concerns in Hong Kong about the cosiness of relations between its leaders and business tycoons. Last month the ICAC launched an investigation into the behaviour of Hong Kong’s chief executive, Donald Tsang, because of hospitality he had received from wealthy businesspeople. This is the first action ever taken by the ICAC involving someone of his paramount rank. Mr Tsang denied breaking rules but apologised for failing to live up to public expectations.


Online commentators in the rest of China are keenly watching the ICAC’s moves. For all the Hong Kong public’s worries about corruption, their counterparts elsewhere in the country have a good deal more to complain about. Even Chinese officials sometimes speak admiringly of the ICAC’s ability to operate without political interference and of Hong Kong officialdom’s relatively clean conduct. But the Communist Party has been reluctant to give anti-corruption institutions the same independent powers as the ICAC for fear of weakening the party’s authority and embarrassing its leaders. As we reported in Banyan this week, Bo Xilai, Chongqing’s recently deposed party chief, is alleged by party officials to have tried blocking a corruption investigation involving his family. It is widely believed, however, that the accusations being levelled against Mr Bo are themselves motivated as much if not more by political rivalry than by any wrongdoing.


Some of China’s bolder media have dared to suggest the obvious. “If you think that China’s problem can be solved by holding a meeting and issuing a directive, you are cheating yourself and cheating others”, said a commentary in Shenzhen Evening News (here, in Chinese), a newspaper in the Chinese city that borders on Hong Kong. It said that among the many “simple” solutions would be to set up an ICAC., a web portal in the central province of Henan, published a commentary arguing much the same. It said Hong Kong’s ICAC enjoyed high public approval because it operated according to procedures over which the public had oversight. “Citizens all have the right to make those who violate the procedures, or fail to uphold them properly, pay the price”, it said (here, in Chinese).


Hong Kong’s citizens may sometimes moan that their democratic rights are stifled, but seen from the rest of China the territory remains a paragon of the rule of law.

引用 judycapricorn 2012-4-1 23:43
引用 morebluer 2012-4-2 19:54
good job!
引用 yannanchen 2012-4-3 04:52
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2012-4-3 04:54 编辑

About Analects

In this blog, our correspondents provide insights into news about China. News is to be construed broadly; politics, finance, geography, language, fine art—all are fair game, in no particular order. We chose the name, which means "things gathered up" or "literary fragments" (and alludes to the title of a Confucian classic), to that end.

CHOOSING a name for our new China blog was difficult. Even before we decided to call on readers to offer suggestions, Economist staff had argued over the possibilities. It quickly became clear that in the case of China, such nomenclature risked being snared by two big traps. One was an abundance of clichéd icons, from pandas and dragons to lanterns and the Great Wall. The second, more difficult to evade, was an interweaving of history with the politics of China today and the country’s troubled relationship with the West.

Thus Confucius, whose name was suggested by several readers, appeared to us to be too closely linked to a simmering debate within the Communist Party. Are the ancient sage’s teachings to be praised as the quintessence of Chinese-ness, or rejected (as they were by Mao Zedong, who conveniently ignored his own despotic tendencies) as the ideological foundation of centuries of “feudal” rule? The brief appearance of a Confucius statue near Tiananmen Square a year ago, followed by its sudden disappearance only three months later, hinted at the acrimony of that argument. A sage of similar vintage, Sun Tzu, was suggested by several readers. But as we reported in December, his popularity with self-help and management gurus of the West distracts attention from his murky entanglements in China (Mao used him as an exemplar in his battle against Confucius).

Several great leaders from China’s modern or ancient history suffered similar handicaps. The 18th-century emperors of what is regarded by some Chinese as a golden age may have led China to unprecedented wealth and power, but they were hardly champions of free trade. The territories they added to their empire are topics of fierce dispute today. Then there have been numerous reformers and modernisers since the 19th century, including Liang Qichao, Kang Youwei and even Lin Zexu. But naming a blog after one of them risked being drawn into one or another struggle that is still raging in China.  

Catchphrases referring to events in China’s modern history seemed similarly troublesome. Some of you proposed Hundred Flowers, a term that commonly refers to a brief period of political relaxation in 1956, which Mao cut short bloodily with a fierce campaign against the party’s critics. But Hundred Flowers is still used by the party today to refer to a supposed diversity of thought under one-party rule. There are Hundred Flowers awards for films, for example, for which the party’s critics need not bother trying to secure nominations. A couple of readers deftly avoided such politics by suggesting the blog be named “Interesting Times”. Sadly the Chinese curse to which this is supposed to refer is a Western invention.

The Economist’s growing vegetation-fatigue (we have three blogs already named after trees: Banyan, Baobab and Buttonwood) dimmed the prospects of several candidates in this genre, from bamboo to ginkgo (or yinxing). Hutong might have been a good choice, but some might have complained that the word, referring to Beijing’s narrow alleyways, is borrowed from one used by the city’s Mongol conquerors of the 13th and 14th centuries. Drum Tower was another option, but one colleague felt it evoked “pre-programmed output for the purpose of marking time”.

In the end it came back to Confucius, or at least to a word connected with him. The Analects is the title of a collection of his sayings, but our fondness for the name does not imply endorsement of his philosophy. Its appeal is as a word in English. Its origin is the ancient Greek analekta, meaning “things gathered up”. James Legge, a Scottish missionary whose 1861 translation of The Analects was the first in English, described the Chinese name of the work, Lunyu ( 論語, or 论语 in simplified characters), as meaning “digested conversations”. His use of the classical-sounding “analects” to render this idea reflected the learning that the West’s earliest China-scholars brought to the new field. “Analects” is now inextricably linked in English with the Confucian work, but the word itself means something very close to what our new blog is: gleanings, in this case from China.

So congratulations to those who suggested the word. Several of you did, including insidious western media, guest-iinmjen and Ryan1512. But the first was JanisMagdalene.

JanisMagdalene 是不是本文作者J.M.?
引用 yannanchen 2012-4-3 05:04
repeating a well-worn line.

引用 nayilus 2012-4-3 05:09
回复 yannanchen 的帖子


这里应该不是,Janis Magdalene是最先提出Analects一名的一位读者。

本文作者J.M应该是TE的中国撰稿人James Miles
引用 yannanchen 2012-4-3 05:26
repeating a well-worn line.


点评nayilus  我不太懂“重弹没牙的老调”的意思,但是感觉有点贬义,well-worn line 感觉更中性一点。  发表于 11 分钟前 删除

肯定是贬义的了。well-worn line 就是老调, 老的就像是穿旧的衣服。
引用 yannanchen 2012-4-3 05:33
Some of China’s bolder media have dared to suggest the obvious.中国一些较大胆的媒体在这个问题上讲出了一些大家都心知肚明的话。
引用 silvermagician 2012-4-4 13:01
引用 未济 2012-4-4 20:31
引用 悠悠万事97 2012-4-5 04:38
回复 nayilus 的帖子

But the dizziness you feel looking out of the window cannot compare with the vertiginous sensation the building’s owners, Sun Hung Kai Properties, must now be feeling. 你从窗户望出去会感觉到一阵头晕,但是这和该大楼的双董事长郭炳江和郭炳联3月29日的感觉相比只是小巫见大巫。

their counterparts elsewhere in the country have a good deal more to complain about. 他们的忧虑和大陆公众对于腐败的怨气相比可是小巫见大巫。

involving his family涉及其家人
My question here is: does this so-called family include himself or not?

a newspaper in the Chinese city that borders on Hong Kong.漏译?

It said that among the many “simple” solutions would be to set up an ICAC. 它提出很多“简单”的解决办法中的一条就是建立廉政公署。
[我点击了,但见不到原文;似乎这些“简单” 的解决办法并非文章提出来的]

引用 nayilus 2012-4-5 06:49
本帖最后由 nayilus 于 2012-4-4 14:51 编辑

回复 悠悠万事97 的帖子







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