新生代小说 天鹅之歌彼得·凯里悦人的双线故事 鲜少有文墨之人能像彼得·凯里那样执着又讨喜,将一个个角色塑造得如此独特又不失真实感,再将其一并投入完美的场景中,共同构造出一幕幕戏法般的情节。凯里的第十二部小说《泪水制剂》,再一次没让我们失望。 凯里总爱在故事中给角色各种任务和各种精细的玩意儿。在《奥斯卡于露辛达》(荣获1988年布克奖)一书中,他描写了一座由玻璃和铁制成的教堂的构想,并且让这个构想随着主人公的旅程顺水而下,直到它的目的地,直到故事的最终;同样的,在小说《奥利维尔与鹦鹉》(“Parrot and Olivier in America ”暂无官方译名)中,他又痴情于仿品工艺,贯穿始终。在《泪水制剂》中,钟表发条永远忠实的滴答声与血肉人类最终的忘弃形成了鲜明对比。 小说分两个故事面,有如两缕丝线般难解难分。一条,是追随着凯瑟琳的,定点在2010年。凯瑟琳,这个一头海藻般头发的女人,这个“奇妙而优雅的高挑女人”,沉浸在爱人的命运中不可自拔,“那生命深陷在地底,制造着沼气、二氧化碳、氯化氢和氨气”;她用伏特加麻醉自己,她为坏天气而暴怒,“冰雹夹着憎恨,整个后花园犹如石刑后的死寂。” 另一条,追随着发条天鹅,回溯到其最初的诞生。富裕却忧伤的英国男子亨利·布兰德林(Henry Brandling)来到德国,希望能找人制造出一个美妙的“机械奇迹”,好让他身患肺痨的儿子能从中汲取战胜病魔的希望。 这位亨利先生的故事潦草地记叙在他留下的11本笔记中,让凯瑟琳的心得到了死去的情人再也无法给予的抚慰。然而随着凯瑟琳对亨利遗稿的探读,也随着她修复工作的深入,生命与器物的界限开始模糊:她让亨利的发条天鹅重现生机,却抹去了她不光彩的感情的一切遗迹,抹去了她与情人间通情的电邮:“我永远地抹去了Walberswick后那片松林里,透过叶隙而下的缕缕阳光;也永远地告别了Dunwich平原上,彼时的繁华似锦”;在最后一封电邮前,凯瑟琳迟疑着,那是她的情人去世前几个小时发给她的字句,“我亲吻你的趾尖”,信件中如是写道。 凯里是现今仍然在世的最杰出的英语作家之一,他的佳作在理智与情感上都给人以犒赏;凯里极具诗意但从来不忘作品的必须----让读者享受其中。他的小说唯一不足的就是时常过分珍视自己的构思而忘记了读者。《泪水制剂》较于其早先的一些作品来说要短小一些,也少了几许气势,但终归来说,这份故事仍旧是一次美妙的旅程。 译注: 彼得·菲利普·凯里 (Peter Philip Carey,1943年5月4日-),澳大利亚小说家,生于1943年5月7日。他是仅有的两个两次获得布克奖的作家之一。他也与人合作创作了电影剧本《直到世界尽头》。现在,他是纽约市立大学亨特学院“Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program”项目的常务理事。主要作品有《奥斯卡与露辛达》、《凯利帮真史》等。 Peter Philip Carey (born 7 May 1943) is an Australian novelist. He is one of only two writers to have won the Booker Prize twice, the other being South African–born J. M. Coetzee. He won his first in 1988 for Oscar and Lucinda, and won for the second time in 2001 with True History of the Kelly Gang. In May 2008 he was nominated for the Best of the Booker Prize. Carey has also won the Miles Franklin Award three times and is frequently named as Australia's next contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature. 布克奖(Booker Prize),当代英语小说界的重要的奖项,只授与大英国协或爱尔兰的作家。每年颁发一次,与诺贝尔奖一样,只颁予仍在世的人。通常获布克奖的作家皆会得到国际的推崇与肯定。 The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is a literary prize awarded each year for the best original full-length novel, written in the English language, by a citizen of the Commonwealth of Nations, Ireland, or Zimbabwe. The winner of the Man Booker Prize is generally assured of international renown and success; therefore, the prize is of great significance for the book trade. It is also a mark of distinction for authors to be selected for inclusion in the shortlist or even to be nominated for the "longlist". 《奥斯卡与露辛达》(Oscar and Lucinda)是彼得·凯利所写的小说,获1988年布克奖。 小说讲述了一个成为英国国教牧师的普利茅斯弟兄会的康沃尔人之子奥斯卡·霍普金斯和以及一位买下玻璃厂的澳洲富家千金露辛达·莱普拉斯特里尔的故事。 Oscar and Lucinda is a novel by Australian author Peter Carey which won the 1988 Booker Prize, the 1989 Miles Franklin Award, and was shortlisted for The Best of the Booker. It tells the story of Oscar Hopkins, the Cornish son of a Plymouth Brethren minister who becomes an Anglican priest, and Lucinda Leplastrier, a young Australian heiress who buys a glass factory. They meet on the boat over to Australia, and discover that they are both gamblers, one obsessive the other compulsive. Lucinda bets Oscar that he cannot transport a glass church from Sydney to a remote settlement at Bellingen, some 400 km up the New South Wales coast. This bet changes both their lives forever. 顺带一提,1997年版本的《奥斯卡与露辛达》电影是“魔王” Ralph Fiennes和“女王” Cate Blanchett 拍的,挺值得一看的哟~~ |
xjding 发表于 2012-4-9 11:54
the art of forgery pervades “Parrot and Olivier in America”
探讨:巧妙虚构的情节在“Par ...
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