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[2010.11.18] 七七八八都加在一起

2010-11-21 10:10| 发布者: lilywizardry| 查看: 3053| 评论: 40|原作者: skittos

摘要: “大社会”遇上全球化网络数学课

057 Britain - Distance learning.mp3


本文由译者 skittos 提供 点击此处阅读双语版




出生于英美中产家庭、受到呵护的学童们替莫尼石•库马尔(Munish Kumar)的网络数学辅导产业贡献了一份可观的收入。网络把库马尔位于北印度的办公室与这些遥距千哩之外的学生连接一起。这些受呵护的中产家庭学童却绝少住在伦敦南部的多丁顿居民区里。该区属于(低收入)公共复合公寓区,在当地成为持刀犯罪及群架斗殴的出名场所。然而,社区社会活动者正极力设法让青少年居民远离街头混混的圈子。他们认为印度设计的网络课程能够帮助这些正频临放弃数学的孩子。数学可是他们教育中的重要一科。


其实,对部分英国人来说,数学与生存之间的关联也同样含糊不得。负责多丁顿社区辅导项目的单亲母亲玛丽•汉森(MarieHanson)每天都能体验到她那些因难度而放弃学校科目的学员所受的创伤。她说,男性少年每当不能阅读或无法做数学题时,便会“愤自心生”;而到中心接受辅导的单亲母亲则带着另一类问题:她们低落缺失学好算术的信心妨碍了自身的判断力与前途。外人也许会感到惊讶,汉森说,她的“S.T.O.R.M. Empowerment”学习组其实“时刻”都会接到招聘年轻女性的机会,但许多学生却不容易接受工作收入会高过领取救济带来的收入。社会福利制度尽管繁琐,但根本上的问题却没那么复杂:许多人离校后无法自理个人财务。



这种跨洲项目初看或许与时下政界的“大社会”(带有强烈本地社区活动色彩)的时尚不相吻合。但今天的孩子对距离全无抵触,位于伦敦北部的阿什芒特小学副校长丽贝卡•思戴丝(Rebecca Stacey)强调说,她的学校已经通过BrightSpark来辅助天才生和10-11岁学龄层的问题生。许多学生用Skype与远在大陆另一端的家人聊天。思戴丝认为,对他们来说,世界早已是咫尺之地了。







引用 skittos 2010-11-21 06:39
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-11-21 06:45 编辑

【1】The Big Society (这段中文是根据wiki英文资料翻译的)。

The Big Society is the flagship policy idea of the 2010 Conservative Party general election manifesto and forms part of the legislative programme of the Conservative – Liberal Democrat Coalition Agreement.[1] The aim is "to create a climate that empowers local people and communities, building a big society that will 'take power away from politicians and give it to people'."

Background:It was launched in the 2010 Conservative manifesto and described by The Times as "an impressive attempt to reframe the role of government and unleash entrepreneurial spirit".[3] Nat Wei, one of the founders of the Big Society Network, was appointed by David Cameron to advise the government on the Big Society programme.
The plans include setting up a Big Society Bank and introducing a national citizen service.[4] The stated priorities are:[5]
1.        Give communities more powers
2.        Encourage people to take an active role in their communities
3.        Transfer power from central to local government
4.        Support co-ops, mutuals, charities and social enterprises
5.        Publish government data.

“大社会”作为2010年的英国保守党大选宣言中的首要政策理念 ,是保守党与自由民主党组成的联合协议立法计划的组成部分。其目标为“创造一种政治生态环境:授权于本地社区和民众,建立一个把权力从政治家手中转交给人民的大社会。”

引用 skittos 2010-11-21 06:46
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-11-21 06:48 编辑


Labour's Ed Miliband said the Conservatives were "cynically attempting to dignify its cuts agenda, by dressing up the withdrawal of support with the language of reinvigorating civic society".[11]
According to Anna Coote at nef (new economics foundation), "The effect will be a more troubled and diminished society, not a bigger one".[12] (nef describes itself as an "independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being.") The Telegraph's Ed West concluded that "The Big Society can never take off," placing the blame on the socialist ideology held by some of the British public.[13] Also writing for The Telegraph, Mary Riddell said "the sink or swim society is upon us, and woe betide the poor, the frail, the old, the sick and the dependent"[14] whilst Gerald Warner felt that "of all the Blairesque chimeras pursued by David Cameron, none has more the resonance of a political epitaph than “Big Society”.[15] In The Times, 'Cassandra' wrote " it isn't hard to see what will happen with all these Big Society initiatives. It's all very well to have the bright idea of the locals running their own bus route [...] The trouble is that running a bus route is a professional job, not for a group of local enthusiasts. How many bets that five years down the line, the enthusiasm has run out and there is no more bus route..." [16]
The national office of Unite the Union for the community and non-profit sector, suggested that "The ‘Big Society’ is smoke and mirrors for an avalanche of privatisation under the Tories."[17] And Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON suggests that “The Government is simply washing its hands of providing decent public services and using volunteers as a cut-price alternative [...] Public services must be based on the certainty that they are there when you need them, not when a volunteer can be found to help you.”[18]
Of the political weeklies, the left leaning New Statesman said "Cameron's hope that the Big Society will replace Big Government is reminiscent of the old Marxist belief that the state will 'wither away' as a result of victorious socialism. We all know how that turned out. Cameron has a long way to go to convince us that his vision is any less utopian."[19]



工党埃德米利班德: 保守党是“利用振兴公民社会的语言掩盖政府撤销社会帮助的作法,为财政削减涂脂抹粉的可笑尝试。”



同为《电报》的专栏作家玛丽•瑞戴尔:“社会的生死存亡落到了我们身上。体弱、年老、残病和无法自立的人大难临头了!” (woe betide sb调侃语),

杰拉德•华纳:“所有被卡梅隆看中的布莱尔假想者中,无一不对 “大社会”这种政治墓志铭产生强烈共鸣的。”





引用 skittos 2010-11-21 06:47
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-11-21 22:34 编辑

The right leaning The Spectator said "it’s a brilliant idea in theory."[20]
In August 2010 the historian James Hunter stated that the transfer of ownership into community control had brought about "a spectacular reversal of Gigha's slide towards complete population collapse" and suggested that the UK Government should learn lessons from this and other community buy-outs in places such as Assynt, Eigg, and Knoydart to inform their Big Society plans.[21]
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury said on Newsnight, (28/09/2010), "The positive side of the big society agenda in the present Government's language is I think not just about saving money or cutting corners - it's about some kind of effort to get hold of a strong sense of civic responsibility."
Ben Brogan in the Telegraph thought "We demand vision from our would-be leaders, and here is one who offers a big one, of a society rebuilt from the ground up"[22] And Ben Rogers in the FT thought 'the most interesting thing about [Cameron's] speech [to the Conservative Party Conference] were its sections on the “Big Society”', suggesting that this idea "tapped into a growing sense that both the state and the market have become too big and too powerful, and that local and civic life need more support." and that if the idea succeeds 'it will be remembered long after the benefit cuts ...are forgotten.' [23]




坎特伯雷大主教威廉姆斯博士在新闻之夜(28/09/2010)节目中:“我认为,大社会议程的积极一面是在现政府官方话语中不仅只是关于省钱或节工减料 ——它力图升强公民责任感”。

本罗•杰斯在FT: “[卡梅隆] [在保守党会议]的讲话最有趣的地方是关于“大社会”的章节”,表明这一主张“深入探究一种日渐增长的意识:即无论是国家与市场都已变得形体过于庞大,权力过于强盛;本地和市民生活需要更多的支持”。而如果大社会主张得以实现,“人们将记住它,远远在削减福利政策......被遗忘了之后”。

引用 skittos 2010-11-21 06:58
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-11-25 04:03 编辑


1.        综合:文章短,内容叙事写实,理解难度不高,耗时不多,练笔不错~

2.        标题:It all adds up 神马意思,如何翻?
       a. 先参考副标:The “big society” meets globalisation in online maths lessons
          what is the big society? wiki 有关big society 的解释没有中文,只有自己动手译了。译文以后看wiki要不要,嘿嘿。


        b. 英国舆论对大社会的正反评鉴非常有意思。大社会貌似是迫于经济衰退,在削减财政开支的窘境下,政府试行将权力下放及社区及民众,借助民众公益积极性降低成本,提供公共服务。或多或少略带社会主义色彩。不过,这种试验本身是有深厚基础的。英美民众尤其是中产阶层,包括很多较富裕的本地商人,把自我的财才和时间用在为社区提供志愿服务当成是很平常自然和乐意的事。大社会把它更为“专业、规范、政治化”了?是否会成功,试目以待。

         c. 此时再读标题,豁然开朗! 远程教学、全球化、本社区、大社会、数学课。。。呵呵,所有这些是否就用印度数学课所学的算术,把它们统统加在一起?题目就叫:


那么这个终极 sum 是否能成就一个令人满意的答案呢?

         d.  副标题:uabuntsu tx 纠错:大社会与全球化在网络数学课上相遇

3.        翻译:
        a. 意思不难理解,但句子中用定语从句作形容词比较多,翻译时或容易让名词前的定语拖得过长,或因调整形容定语顺序、重复名词而翻得罗罗嗦嗦。
        b. 基本直译,语感生硬不流畅。
        c. 中文词汇的选择:词穷:如结尾一句,没翻译出亮点。

4.         补充一些英语词和句子:(这里要感谢 serena tx:通过双方译文的比较找出理解偏差之处。)  

        a. Alas, kids from both those rich countries pale besides their peers in India, who are both harder working and expected to master tougher topics at a younger age.
               pale 双关语——肤色苍白/程度上逊色。

        b. Pampered middle-class kids are few and far between on the Doddington estate in south London,...我居然想当然地写成 “散落”,serena的是正解~。

        c. But many clients take a lot of convincing that employment will leave them better off than benefits.
             be better off doing something = used to give advice/ opinion (LD)
             这句意思就是有人劝告单亲妈妈:上班吧,那份收入会比领救济金好的!可单亲妈妈因算术不好而仍然不愿去工作,以为领救济金,不用花力气岂非更好,坐享其成。所以要 take a lot of convincing...
             这句直译我感到处理不好,就处理成: 不容易接受。。。


        d. Every day, Marie Hanson, a single mother who runs a community project on the Doddington estate, sees the harm caused to clients who decided the subject was beyond them at school.
           主句: Hanson sees the harm, 一点都不难~
       两个逗号之间的插入语,a single mother ... , 描叙Hanson,也不难。
        clients who decided the subject was beyond them at school 认为学校的课程超出其能力的客户(学生)
       hence: Hanson sees the harm caused to clients... 汉森看到了学生受到的伤害。。。
       负责多丁顿社区辅导项目的单亲母亲玛丽•汉森(Marie Hanson)每天听到那些受辅导学生抱怨课程难过学校教材,就担忧他们的未来受到威胁。
           这个思维很有趣,我到现在也不知道为啥会这么理解?The mind works its own wonders...
            serena tx 的翻译则逻辑得很  

           e. their debilitating lack of confidence with arithmetic hampers their judgment and prospects.
            这两个词debilitating,lack 放在一起好杀脑细胞啊:已经lack of confidence 了,何来debilitating呢?
        逻辑上分析:因为 lack of confidence 所以 hamper their judement,那么又何需 debilitating 呢?(哎,作者一定是早饭吃多了点)。

           their debilitating lack of confidence with arithmetic hampers their judgment and prospects.
          对算术信心缺缺到了使其失能的地步(直译)妨害了他们的判断力, 也妨害了他们的前程。
       debilitating 使身体和脑力都失去能力
       judgement 指的是下文无法弄清工作好(可能要交税)还是拿救济金好

引用 serena2010 2010-11-21 19:23
译重了真是好事 我能看到版主范文 哈哈
太棒了 学习研究啦
刚才去看[2010.11.20] 经济学人杂志选题
很有可能还有要译这篇的呢 哈哈
引用 卡卡1988 2010-11-21 20:54
回复 skittos 的帖子

引用 skittos 2010-11-21 23:46
回复 serena2010 的帖子

引用 skittos 2010-11-21 23:48
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-11-21 23:49 编辑

回复 卡卡1988 的帖子

引用 卡卡1988 2010-11-22 12:28
回复 skittos 的帖子

引用 uabuntsu 2010-11-22 12:59
我觉得题目好像翻译的有点问题啊。The “big society” meets globalisation in online maths lessons“大社会”遇上全球化网络数学课。原文的核心是The “big society” meets globalisation ,后面的in online maths lessens是一个定语。您翻译后的中文的核心是“大社会”遇上数学课,整个中心变了啊!
引用 bobowang19 2010-11-22 16:48
第一段中的think online lessons from India could help children who are on the point of giving up on maths中,有个help sb on sth的短语,on the point of giving up 和 on maths不能连起来翻译,我觉得应该翻译成 在数学上帮助这些将被社会放弃的孩子,有关on the point of giving up,大家有没有更好的翻译?
引用 skittos 2010-11-22 21:15
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-11-22 21:19 编辑

回复 uabuntsu 的帖子


The “big society” meets globalisation in online maths lessons

At first glance, this intercontinental initiative might seem an odd fit with the “Big Society” ethos that is in vogue in government circles, with its stress on local community activism.
初看ms 不太顺眼,原因是全球化与本地化的矛盾

引用 skittos 2010-11-22 21:43
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-11-22 21:53 编辑

回复 bobowang19 的帖子


help children who are on the point of giving up on maths
on the point of giving up on maths

1. who 。。。是定义从句,描述 children 的。

2.这个从句里的 giving up on sth 是个短语=放弃 sth。sth=maths
(你认为的 help sb。。。。。on sth 是取主句与从句中的成分放在一起,这个加法可行吗?

3. on the point of sth 也是短语,表示:即将要做sth。其中 sth=giving up on maths

4. who are giving up sth。。。who (children)正在放弃sth,而不是社会在放弃他们。
引用 jennybest 2010-11-22 22:17
引用 bobowang19 2010-11-23 09:43
回复 skittos 的帖子

查了一下,give up on  意思是 stop believing in,那么后面跟maths也是说的过去的,这样你的译文会更好一些。
引用 bobowang19 2010-11-23 16:33
expected to master tougher topics at a younger age
这句版主翻的不够确切 把younger这个比较级漏掉了
被要求在更小的年纪就掌握更难的学科 是不是好一点?
引用 bobowang19 2010-11-23 16:58
But distance matters little to today’s children

引用 skittos 2010-11-23 19:50
回复 bobowang19 的帖子

引用 蓝冰 2010-11-23 20:36
回复 skittos 的帖子

their debilitating lack of confidence with arithmetic hampers their judgment and prospects.


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