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[2012.04.21] 爱得真挚,爱得疯狂,爱得深刻

2012-4-21 17:37| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 11144| 评论: 67|原作者: Cherry1990

摘要: 爱情令人着迷,令人陶醉,令人困惑


Apr 21st 2012 | from the print edition
I. 名称:《歌颂爱情》(In Praise of Love)
作者:Alain Badiou & Nicolas Truong
出版社:蛇尾出版社(Serpent’s Tail)
页数:104 页
售价:8.99英镑 (网站可购得)

II. 名称:《爱与背叛的科学》(The Science of Love and Betrayal)
作者:Robin Dunbar
出版社:费伯出版社(Faber and Faber)
售价:12.99英镑 (网站可购得)



法国哲学家阿兰. 巴迪乌(Alain Badiou)最近出版了新书《歌颂爱情》,他在书中提到了哲学界三个主流的爱情观。爱情可能萌生于一次心动的邂逅,一次平凡的接触或是一种似是而非的美好幻觉。巴迪乌对这三种观点都不以为然。在他看来,爱情就意味着相爱的两人要选择从两种角度来生活:即爱与被爱的角度。所以,爱情并不只是两个人生活片段的简单拼凑。巴迪乌写道:“爱情是‘一项建设’,恋爱双方不再单从各自的角度生活,而是从双方的角度,创造出一种全新的生活方式。”


这本书语言亲切(主要内容基于与法国记者Nicolas Truong的谈话),朴实简单的文字下蕴含着深刻的思想。如若将这些概念分开来看,很快就可以发现:与很多法国哲学家一样,巴迪乌并未选择一语道破,而是玩弄起辞藻,妙语连珠,意味深长。尽管如此,他在书中对自古以来关于爱情的各种哲学思考做了犀利的总结,从柏拉图到齐克果再到拉康,一应俱全,读者可借机一窥究竟。

相比之下,罗宾.邓巴(Robin Dunbar)的书《爱与背叛的科学》更容易理解,这一点或许出人意料。邓巴是一名进化人类学教授,他在本期杂志的科技部分也发表了一篇研究。邓巴以其提出的“邓巴人数(Dunbar’s number)”最为出名。邓巴人数指能与某个人维持稳定人际关系的人数上限。他感到遗憾的是,科学家们大都忽略了爱情的含义。邓巴在书中不仅探讨了人类做出浪漫行为的生物学原因,还将这些原因与起到推波助澜作用的心理、历史、社会和进化环境等因素更为紧密地联系起来。



爱情是一次旅行,一场游戏,一件充满奇妙的事。尽管有人诋毁爱情(如Jon Bon Jovi的歌曲所唱),其它人则认为它永远充满魅力。爱情如此神秘,要弄懂它,哲学家和科学家的帮助必不可少。同时还需要其它人的帮助,巴迪乌和邓巴的努力可算是没有白费。






刚表态过的朋友 (18 人)



引用 Hsuanyuen 2012-4-21 17:13
引用 brightabel 2012-4-21 20:23
great, but it's really hard to master it
引用 gaolaogao 2012-4-21 21:52
引用 Cherry1990 2012-4-21 22:05
gaolaogao 发表于 2012-4-21 21:52

可以去听听那首:You give love a bad name.
引用 gaolaogao 2012-4-21 22:19
Cherry1990 发表于 2012-4-21 22:05
可以去听听那首:You give love a bad name.

引用 yannanchen 2012-4-22 00:30
Now a philosopher and a scientist have a go in two new and markedly different books.如今,一名哲学家和一名科学家各自发表了一本与众不同的新书,试图回答这一难题

引用 yannanchen 2012-4-22 00:41
It can be an ecstatic encounter; an unsentimental contract; or an illusion, best treated with scepticism. He rejects all three. For Mr Badiou, love is the decision to live life through two perspectives, that of both the lover and the beloved. As such, it is more than the sum of its parts. Love “is a construction,” he writes, “a life that is being made, no longer from the perspective of One but from the perspective of Two.”爱情可能萌生于一次心动的邂逅,一次平凡的接触或是一种似是而非的美好幻觉。巴迪乌对这三种观点都不以为然。在他看来,爱情就意味着相爱的两人要选择从两种角度来生活:即爱与被爱的角度。所以,爱情并不只是两个人生活片段的简单拼凑。巴迪乌写道:“爱情是‘一项建设’,恋爱双方不再单从各自的角度生活,而是从双方的角度,创造出一种全新的生活方式。”
an unsentimental contract 这不是什么  一次平凡的接触 , 而是 不动情绪的契约,
or an illusion, best treated with skepticism 只是一个幻觉, 最好以怀疑态度待之。(最好不必当真)
it is more than the sum of its parts 爱情不是壹加壹等于二, 而是大于二。
Construction 建构

引用 yannanchen 2012-4-22 01:02
Jon Bon Jovi的歌曲所唱

The Song  "You Give Love A Bad Name"

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
Darlin'you give love a bad name

An angel's smile is what you sell
You promise me heaven then put me through hell
Chains of love got a hold on me
When passion's a prison you can't break free

Whoa! You're a loaded gun (yeah)
Whoa! There's no where to run
No one can save me
The damage is done

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part
And you play your game
You give love a bad name
You give love... a bad name

You paint your smile on your lips
Blood red nails on your fingertips
A school boy's dream you act so shy
Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye

Whoa! You're a loaded gun
Whoa! There's nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done

Shot through the heart
and you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name
You give lo-o-o-o-ove!

引用 Dezazer 2012-4-22 11:07
引用 Cherry1990 2012-4-22 12:52
yannanchen 发表于 2012-4-22 00:41
It can be an ecstatic encounter; an unsentimental contract; or an illusion, best treated with scept ...

谢谢您 我把contract看成contact了 真是不好意思 以后一定多加注意
skepticism我有考虑过 觉得直译不怎么好 就用了“似是而非” 觉得也可以表达那层含义
后面的建议很好 很有风格
引用 Cherry1990 2012-4-22 12:57
yannanchen 发表于 2012-4-22 00:30
Now a philosopher and a scientist have a go in two new and markedly different books.如今,一名哲学 ...

这涉及到markedly的定义 如果是与其它书相比 就该是“与众不同”
如果是在这两本书间作对比 就该是“显著不同”
仔细思量过 您是对的 谢谢指正!
引用 Cherry1990 2012-4-22 13:01
yannanchen 发表于 2012-4-22 00:41
It can be an ecstatic encounter; an unsentimental contract; or an illusion, best treated with scept ...

虽然我觉得您“爱情不是壹加壹等于二, 而是大于二”很传神 但是考虑到各自的风格不同 加上与原文的对应问题 我还是坚持自己的译本 But I really appreciate yours! Thx very much!
引用 凯伦12 2012-4-22 16:53
引用 Cherry1990 2012-4-22 17:33
凯伦12 发表于 2012-4-22 16:53

引用 yannanchen 2012-4-23 01:04
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2012-4-23 01:06 编辑

The whole is equal to the sum of the parts.

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. (据说是亚里斯多德说的)

These expressions represent two very different types of systems.

When someone buys a newspaper at the corner drugstore, it has no effect on my decision to buy a tube of toothpaste at the supermarket. The two events are independent. The whole is equal to the sum of the parts.

If lots of people start buying various products then it may influence others to buy products. This reinforcing behavior may create a boom in the economy. Conversely, if lots of people stop buying products then it may influence others to save, and thus create a recession. The actions by the individuals are dependent. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Systems where the whole is equal to the sum of the parts are called linear systems. Each component is independent of the others.

Systems where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts are called non-linear systems. Each component may influence other components. A non-linear system is a vast web of incentives and constraints and connections. The slightest change in one part causes tremors everywhere else. “We can’t help but disturb the Universe”

– Extracted from Complexity by M. Mitchell Waldrop

引用 就爱melody 2012-4-23 01:13
引用 guweijun 2012-4-23 15:59
引用 菡萏 2012-4-23 17:53
LZ,best treated with scepticism这句貌似还是没有翻译到诶。。
引用 Cherry1990 2012-4-23 19:28
菡萏 发表于 2012-4-23 17:53
LZ,best treated with scepticism这句貌似还是没有翻译到诶。。



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