世界各地的人口大国应该如何应对老龄化和人口下降带来的挑战?日本将开创一个先例。西欧国家的劳动年龄人口数量已在萎缩,但不像日本下降的那样快。东亚国家也将密切关注日本的一举一动。它们的工业增长模式与战后日本繁荣时期非常相似,同样依靠不断扩大的劳动力规模和出口导向型的产量促进经济的起飞。日本过去被称作这个腾飞的人字型雁群的领头雁。弗洛里安•库尔马斯(Florian Coulmas)是位于东京的德国日学研究所(German Institute for Japanese Studies)的一位人口问题专家,正如他所说的那样,如今日本是鹤群中“最老的一只鹤”。但韩国与中国的工作年龄人口也将很快开始减少。
The town hall is like a morgue, with few lights on. In the past four years the number of civil servants has been cut in half, their salaries have shrunk by a third and they now have to mop their own floors,
The town hall is like a morgue, with few lights on. In the past four years the number of civil servants has been cut in half, their salaries have shrunk by a third and they now have to mop their own floors,
一般来说,办公室是由本人打扫卫生,而楼道等公共场所是由清洁工打扫。夕张削减预算,清洁工也裁减掉了,所以必须由公务员自己来脱地了,当然他们抱怨的是增加了拖地的面积,所以 their own floors就是指他们办公室所在楼层的楼道。
The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) that won the 2009 election, now led by Naoto Kan, has bungled much of its first year in office, but its victory alone was a clear indication of voters’ growing impatience with politics as usual. Now the party will need to show that it can deliver.
这里关键是要搞清楚 it 指代什么。前一句提到了选民对政治一成不变的厌烦,所以选择了民主党,那么民主党不能有违民意,他要证明可以“deliver”改革的行动来。
Embracing the markets opening up in Asia will mean overcoming 150 years of mistrust of Asia (heartily reciprocated). 原译:对亚洲国家完全开放市场意味着日本要克服150年来对亚洲国家的不信任情绪(要对亚洲国家做出发自内心的回报)。
评论:问题出在(heartily reciprocated). 这不是(要对亚洲国家做出发自内心的回报)。mistrust of Asia (heartily reciprocated). = mistrust of Asia (heartily reciprocated by mistrust of Japan)
所以, 恰恰相反。
对亚洲的不信任(被亚洲彻底地回报以对日本的不信任) ... s-of-economist.html
Despite a common genetical heritage, relations with these tribes are strained-the distrust and contempt that the average Econ feels for these neighbours being heartily reciprocated by the latter-and social intercourse with them is inhibited by numerous taboos
His books, which, since the late 1990s, he publishes every spring, usually sell about 50,000 copies each, bringing him an upper-high-class income unparalleled among Czech writers (by his own boastful admissions, his royalties from a successful book are equal to roughly 8 years of an average Czech salary). His 2004 income was Kč 4 million. Viewegh likes to point out this success with readers, as well as the fact that his books have been translated to several languages and made into films, since he fell out of favor with critics in mid-1990s, which sentiment he heartily reciprocated in his following books.
“THE effect of Prince Henry's visit to the United States,” on which The Independent invites me to say a word, should be judged according to the purpose for the accomplishment of which that visit was intended. Certain newspapers have attributed to the German Emperor a secret design to negotiate under the cover of Prince Henry's visit for some territorial acquisition in South America or some commercial arrangement advantageous to Germany. It was no doubt with reference to those insinuations that Prince Henry, in the little speech he delivered in Philadelphia, disclaimed such intentions with evident candor and with especial energy of expression. The absolute sincerity of that utterance is above question, and I do not think that any sensible person does question it. The visit of the Prince must, therefore, be regarded as a mere demonstration of good will and friendship on the part of Germany; and the response with which this demonstration has been met by our national Government, as well as by the American people, has amply proved that the friendly sentiments manifested by Germany are heartily reciprocated here. The constantly growing warmth of the welcomes given to Prince Henry was no doubt partly owing to his winning personality — and it must be said that the German Emperor could not have selected a fitter messenger of friendly feeling — but on the whole, this international love feast bore all the marks of a meeting of two old friends who had been troubled by some little irritation of susceptibility, but who were heartily glad of having an opportunity for showing once more their mutual esteem and confidence and for resuming the old cordiality of tone between them. And this opportunity was seized on both sides with an alacrity and zest that could not have been more gratifying. In this respect, then, Prince Henry's visit was completely successful.
It is a quiet spot, nestled in a valley at the end of a railway line.