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[2013.03.16] 斯大林离去后的俄罗斯

2013-3-18 09:12| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 15055| 评论: 18|原作者: dqzxf

摘要: 俄罗斯人过去遭受的极度痛苦



Mar 16th 2013 |From the print edition

《扭曲的哀伤:冤魂国度里幸存者们的故事》。作者:亚历山大•艾特坎德(Alexander Etkind);斯坦福大学出版社出版;全书328页;精装版售价85美元(77.5英镑);平装版售价25.95美元;亚马逊网站代理出售。




艾特坎德先生从文化理论、电影故事、文学评论、语言学、艺术和哲学等方面进行了内容广泛的专业探索,分析了斯大林时期的暴政对后苏联时期至现在的俄罗斯这数代人产生了何种影响。他发现其后果之一就是这几代人喜爱荒诞的魔幻现实主义作品:如吸血鬼与行走的僵尸,或者如亚历山大•索尔仁尼琴(Alexander Solzhenitsyn)的作品中讲述的一个故事。故事描述了一群饥饿的囚犯在北极的荒原中发现了一头巨大的火蜥蜴,他们立即将这头冰冻的神兽烤熟后狼吞虎咽地吃掉。他发现这几代人还迷恋上了荒诞不经的伪历史加魔幻历史主义的作品。阿列克谢•日尔曼(Alexei German)1998年导演的电影《哈鲁斯坦洛夫,开车!》,就是这类作品的典型代表。在这部电影中,一位医生被抓进一所古拉格集中营,在狱中惨遭轮奸。但她却受命去照料影片中临终的斯大林。

离家出游成了一门高深的理论。瓦尔特•本雅明(Walter Benjamin)是一位德籍犹太人,一位文学批评家。凡读过他的著作的人都会感到这句话很好理解。搜集到的私人见证也说明此言有理,而且部分见证就来自艾特坎德先生自己的家庭。当他的祖父从古尔格集中营中被释放回家后,他的亲生儿子从这个坐在楼梯口的老人身旁擦身而过,但却没有认出这个衣衫褴褛的人是谁。

本书作者着重描述了一些古拉格集中营内被囚者们很普通的尝试,目的是要从心理与道德层面厘清他们的命运。例如,于连•奥克斯曼(Yulian Oksman)是一位杰出的历史学家(斯大林统治时期一种高风险的职业),他在几所最严酷的集中营内被囚禁了9年。获释后他全身心地投入到一份晦涩难懂的原始文件的仔细研究中。这是一篇19世纪的文学批判文章,是维萨里昂•别林斯基(Vissarion Belinsky)写给小说家尼古拉•果戈理(Nikolai Gogol)的一封信。他在信中批判果戈理是在一个农奴等同于奴隶的国家里“布道”。别林斯基在信中说,俄国真正需要的是“唤醒民众做人的尊严。他们的这种意识在经历了这么多世纪的禁锢后已经被埋在厚厚的泥土中了。”








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引用 不为名累 2013-3-18 19:38
even those who until recently had been implementing the purges.
引用 不为名累 2013-3-18 20:04
本帖最后由 不为名累 于 2013-3-18 20:07 编辑

Excursions into high theory (readers who know the work of Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish critic, will feel quite at home here), are punctuated with searing personal testimonies, some from Mr Etkind’s own family.
涉猎Etkind这部作品过程中(看过文学批评家德籍犹太人Walter Benjamin的著作的读者会觉得很亲切)会不时的读到令人痛心的私人亲历。有些个人见证就是来自来自Etkind先生自己的家庭成员。
引用 dqzxf 2013-3-18 20:09
本帖最后由 dqzxf 于 2013-4-6 06:31 编辑
不为名累 发表于 2013-3-18 19:38
even those who until recently had been implementing the purges.
甚至有些人直至最近(在被杀前)一直在 ...

even those who until recently had been implementing the purges.
引用 dqzxf 2013-3-18 20:47
本帖最后由 dqzxf 于 2013-3-18 20:49 编辑
不为名累 发表于 2013-3-18 20:04
Excursions into high theory (readers who know the work of Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish critic, w ...

Excursions into high theory (readers who know the work of Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish critic, will feel quite at home here), are punctuated with searing personal testimonies, some from Mr Etkind’s own family.
涉猎Etkind这部作品过程中(看过文学批评家德籍犹太人Walter Benjamin的著作的读者会觉得很亲切)会不时的读到令人痛心的私人亲历。有些个人见证就是来自来自Etkind先生自己的家庭成员。

看来我对这句话完全理解错了。关键是没想到high theory 是指这本书。多谢指正。修改如下:

瓦尔特•本雅明(Walter Benjamin)是德籍犹太人,他是一位文学批评家。凡读过他的作品的读者如果再来读艾特坎德先生的这本充满了高深理论的著作,那一定会感到非常亲切。您会不时在这本书中读到亲历者们痛苦的个人回忆。而有些回忆就来自作者的家庭成员。
引用 nickgege 2013-3-20 13:45
引用 思人siren 2013-4-5 23:21
Those persecuted by Adolf Hitler typically knew the reason, however hateful and twisted, for their suffering.

the is no "some reasons", it's actually one "twisted and hateful" reason : they are Jews!!

引用 思人siren 2013-4-5 23:28
Uncertainty compounds suffering.


"compound" means make  problem or difficult worse, aggravates an already bad situation.

引用 思人siren 2013-4-5 23:38
The author highlights some extraordinary attempts by gulag inmates to make psychological and moral sense of their fate.

I really doubt a "很普通的" attempt can make sense of an event worse than holocaust`

引用 思人siren 2013-4-5 23:47
Oksman’s monograph proving the letter’s authenticity (and sharpening its meaning) was published in the Soviet Union: a small victory, but a heroic one.

"letter's authenticity" not "authority"

引用 思人siren 2013-4-6 00:05
本帖最后由 思人siren 于 2013-4-6 00:07 编辑

Do and die

I think "Do and die" derives from the saying "do-or-die" which means you have to make great effort or even desperate effort to do sth or you'll fail.

as for "do and die", I think "苟且" is a little bit undermine the meaning. It may hint that the writer (of the book discussed in this article) makes big effort to write about the sorry history but it helps nothing for Russian to reflect, because in the last passage read "But the lingering impression of Mr Etkind’s book is absence. " as you put it "这本书尚无法给读者留下挥之不去的印象".

so, I think "do and die" is what the reviewer's opinion about the book. but i haven't come up with a good way to put it in Chinese.

Maybe 徒劳无果??

引用 yannanchen 2013-4-6 00:11
Excursions into high theory (readers who know the work of Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish critic, will feel quite at home here), are punctuated with searing personal testimonies, some from Mr Etkind’s own family.

原文标点符号---逗号---用错了。 这个逗号不必用。

Excursions into high theory (readers who know the work of Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish critic, will feel quite at home here) are punctuated with searing personal testimonies, some from Mr Etkind’s own family.
引用 yannanchen 2013-4-6 00:32
But the lingering impression of Mr Etkind’s book is absence. Germans pick over their Nazi past remorsefully and remorselessly. Nothing like this happens in Russia. The “work” of mourning started in the Khrushchev years, and again in the late Soviet era, but then fizzled out. Little effort is made now, within what Mr Etkind calls Vladimir Putin’s “oily grip”. Memorials to the victims of Stalinism are rare and typically low-key and cryptic. It is hard to make sense of something so painful and pervasive, and all the harder when so few want to talk about it.原译:但艾特坎德先生的这本书尚无法给读者留下挥之不去的印象。德国人始终以反省的心情不断提及纳粹德国那段历史,而俄罗斯却全无这种现象。在赫鲁晓夫时代出现了“伤痕文学”与“反思文学”作品,在苏联后期这类作品又兴盛一时,但随后就销声匿迹了。而在普京统治下的俄罗斯,现在几乎没有人去触碰这类作品。艾特坎德将普京的统治称为“圆滑的专治”。现在很少有追忆斯大林时代受害者的作品面世。个别作品即使提到,也都非常低调和隐晦。现在要将当年某件极端痛苦的事情查个水落石出真是太难了,而在很少有人愿意谈及这件事的情况下就更是难上加难。

1. But the lingering impression of Mr Etkind’s book is absence. 但艾特坎德先生的这本书尚无法给读者留下挥之不去的印象。-------这个翻译错了。
但艾特坎德先生的这本书给读者留下了一个挥之不去的印象, 那就是(俄国人的)无为寡言。 这里的absence指的是下文出现的nothing, fizzled out, little effort, rare, low-key, cryptic, so few。
2. Germans pick over their Nazi past remorsefully and remorselessly. 德国人始终以反省的心情不断提及纳粹德国那段历史------这个翻译也错了。 德国人对纳粹历史就像中国人对文革史一样, 有两种人。 有人充满悔恨, 有人毫无愧色。
3.  something so painful and pervasive某件极端痛苦的事??? 这里的pervasive 指其广泛, 是广度,不是深度。

引用 yannanchen 2013-4-6 00:44
The author highlights some extraordinary attempts by gulag inmates to make psychological and moral sense of their fate. Yulian Oksman, for example, was a prominent historian (a risky profession in the Stalin era) who spent nine years in some of the harshest camps. After he was released he devoted himself to the detailed textual analysis of an obscure document: a letter from a 19th-century critic, Vissarion Belinsky, to the novelist, Nikolai Gogol, criticising his “sermons” in a country where serfdom was tantamount to slavery. What Russia needed, said Belinsky, was “the awakening in the people of a sense of their human dignity lost for so many centuries amid dirt and unfreedom.” 原译:本书作者着重描述了一些古拉格集中营内被囚者们很普通的尝试,目的是要从心理与道德层面厘清他们的命运。例如,于连•奥克斯曼(Yulian Oksman)是一位杰出的历史学家(斯大林统治时期一种高风险的职业),他在几所最严酷的集中营内被囚禁了9年。获释后他全身心地投入到一份晦涩难懂的原始文件的仔细研究中。这是一篇19世纪的文学批判文章,是维萨里昂•别林斯基(Vissarion Belinsky)写给小说家尼古拉•果戈理(Nikolai Gogol)的一封信。他在信中批判果戈理是在一个农奴等同于奴隶的国家里“布道”。别林斯基在信中说,俄国真正需要的是“唤醒民众做人的尊严。他们的这种意识在经历了这么多世纪的禁锢后已经被埋在厚厚的泥土中了。”
1.        extraordinary attempts很普通的尝试,??? 翻译反了。是不普通, 不平凡。
2.        textual analysis: 是不是通常所称文本分析?
3.        What Russia needed was “the awakening in the people of a sense of their human dignity lost for so many centuries amid dirt and unfreedom.” 俄国真正需要的是“唤醒民众做人的尊严。他们的这种意识在经历了这么多世纪的禁锢后已经被埋在厚厚的泥土中了。

引用 yannanchen 2013-4-6 01:00
Warped Mourning: Stories of the Undead in the Land of the Unburied. By Alexander Etkind. Stanford University Press; 328 pages; $85 and £77.50 (hardback); $25.95 (paperback) . Buy from, 原译:《扭曲的哀伤:冤魂国度里幸存者们的故事》。作者:亚历山大•艾特坎德(Alexander Etkind);斯坦福大学出版社出版;全书328页;精装版售价85美元(77.5英镑);平装版售价25.95美元;亚马逊网站代理出售。
评论: undead 是幸存者吗?
The term undead describes beings in mythology, legend or fiction that are deceased yet behave as if alive. A common example is a corpse re-animated by supernatural forces by the application of the deceased's own life force or that of another being (such as a demon). Undead may be incorporeal like ghosts, or corporeal like ghouls, vampires and zombies. The undead are featured in the belief systems of most cultures, and appear in many works of fantasy and horror fiction.
引用 yannanchen 2013-4-6 01:20
Excursions into high theory (readers who know the work of Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish critic, will feel quite at home here), are punctuated with searing personal testimonies, some from Mr Etkind’s own family. When his grandfather returned from the gulag, his own son pushed past him, not recognising the shabby old man sitting on the stairs.原译:瓦尔特•本雅明(Walter Benjamin)是德籍犹太人,他是一位文学批评家。凡读过他的作品的读者如果再来读艾特坎德先生的这本充满了高深理论的著作,那一定会感到非常亲切。您会不时在这本书中读到亲历者们痛苦的个人回忆。而有些回忆就来自作者的家庭成员。当他的祖父从古尔格集中营中被释放回家后,他的亲生儿子从这个坐在楼梯口的老人身旁擦身而过,但却没有认出这个衣衫褴褛的人是谁。
评论: excursion
ex•cur•sion   ( k-skûr zh n)
1. A usually short journey made for pleasure; an outing.
2. A roundtrip on a passenger vehicle at a special low fare.
3. A group taking a short pleasure trip together.
4. A diversion or deviation from a main topic; a digression.
5. Physics
a. A movement from and back to a mean position or axis in an oscillating or alternating motion.
b. The distance traversed in such a movement.

其意乃是 4. A diversion, deviation, digression
意思是书中有部分(但是不是全部, 或充满) 涉及高深理论。


引用 yannanchen 2013-4-6 01:39
Commas: Misuse of Commas ... as-misuse-of-commas

Separating a verb from its subject

Never separate a subject from its verb; this creates a disjointed sentence with an unnecessary pause and is grammatically incorrect as well. Below, “is” is the verb, and its subject is “one of the smartest things.”

INCORRECT: One of the smartest things a writer can do, is learn how to use commas correctly.

CORRECT: One of the smartest things a writer can do is learn how to use commas correctly.
引用 dqzxf 2013-4-6 07:51
yannanchen 发表于 2013-4-6 00:32
But the lingering impression of Mr Etkind’s book is absence. Germans pick over their Nazi past remo ...

1. But the lingering impression of Mr Etkind’s book is absence. 但艾特坎德先生的这本书尚无法给读者留下挥之不去的印象。-------这个翻译错了。
但艾特坎德先生的这本书给读者留下了一个挥之不去的印象, 那就是(俄国人的)无为寡言。 这里的absence指的是下文出现的nothing, fizzled out, little effort, rare, low-key, cryptic, so few。


2. Germans pick over their Nazi past remorsefully and remorselessly. 德国人始终以反省的心情不断提及纳粹德国那段历史------这个翻译也错了。 德国人对纳粹历史就像中国人对文革史一样, 有两种人。 有人充满悔恨, 有人毫无愧色。

答:remorsefully and remorselessly正好是一对相反的形容词呀,当时怎么就没想到呢。马上修改。

3.  something so painful and pervasive某件极端痛苦的事??? 这里的pervasive 指其广泛, 是广度,不是深度。

She lives with a pervasive sense of guilt.
引用 dqzxf 2013-4-6 08:40
yannanchen 发表于 2013-4-6 00:44
The author highlights some extraordinary attempts by gulag inmates to make psychological and moral s ...

1.        extraordinary attempts很普通的尝试,??? 翻译反了。是不普通, 不平凡。


2.        textual analysis: 是不是通常所称文本分析?

答:我想应该是包括文本分析。因为文章提到通过textual analysis要证实这封信件的真伪,还要探讨其思想。

3.        What Russia needed was “the awakening in the people of a sense of their human dignity lost for so many centuries amid dirt and unfreedom.” 俄国真正需要的是“唤醒民众做人的尊严。他们的这种意识在经历了这么多世纪的禁锢后已经被埋在厚厚的泥土中了。

答: lost  amid 消失在……之中。例如:We lost our companions amid the storm and the darkness

dirt 并非是污秽之物,而是经年沉积下来的泥土。孙悟空被压在五指山下的状态大概可以用amid dirt and unfreedom来形容。


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