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[2013.04.13] 男性魅力|腹肌,绝对是极好的!

2013-4-16 08:32| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 39569| 评论: 24|原作者: 盛夏浅

摘要: 男女对异性抱有的期望都不切实际,但女性更甚。



Apr 13th 2013 |From the print edition







From the print edition: Science and technology






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引用 呆酱 2013-4-15 22:34
引用 终极奔跑者 2013-4-16 08:45
引用 geiliable7 2013-4-16 09:26
引用 yowychen 2013-4-16 11:00
引用 pwj182000 2013-4-16 11:06
Women’s expectations of the opposite sex are at least as unrealistic as men’s ‘
男女对异性都抱有不切实际的期望,但女性更甚。 其实差不多哈~~

Nonetheless, even the tallest, broadest-shouldered and best-endowed digital hunks that the researchers generated fell short of perfection.


And it is hard, when all the subjects come from a single country, to disentangle the effects of nurture from those of nature. It is commonly pointed out, for instance, that men’s apparent preference for slim women seems to be a relatively modern (and Western) construction.


On the other hand, it is a rule of thumb in biology that females (of any species) are much pickier than males.


Women therefore face stronger incentives to spend their relatively limited reproductive resources on only the most attractive men, whose children will be most likely to breed in turn.

引用 shadoweing 2013-4-16 13:42

Abs-olutely fabulous

Women’s expectations of the opposite sex are at least as unrealistic as men’s ‘

MEN have long wondered what exactly it is that women want. Some pore over men’s magazines, with their promises of “washboard abs”, for guidance. The more scientifically minded look for experimental data. The latest evidence comes from a group of researchers led by Brian Mautz, then of Australian National University. They gathered 105 heterosexual Australian women and showed them a series of digitally generated pictures of men in which three bodily characteristics were varied—height, shoulder-to-waist ratio and flaccid penis size. The women were asked to rate the men as sexual partners.

Height was also only a weak predictor of appeal. That is odd, says Dr Mautz, because other studies have linked height with all sorts of benefits, from higher salaries to longer lives. The bigger-is-better effect was also subject to diminishing returns: each extra centimetre, whether of height, shoulder width or penis size, was less significant than the previous one.

引用 szplayboy 2013-4-16 15:03
引用 shadoweing 2013-4-16 15:29
The study is not perfect. There was no danger of the women mistaking the digital men for the real thing. Other factors—such as social status, for instance—may, in the real world, override the physical preferences that the researchers were measuring. And it is hard, when all the subjects come from a single country, to disentangle the effects of nurture (养育)from those of nature. It is commonly pointed out, for instance, that men’s apparent preference for slim women seems to be a relatively modern (and Western) construction. Erotica from the turn of the 19th century tend to feature much curvier women than their modern equivalent. Women’s preferences may be just as influenced by the culture in which they grow up.

On the other hand, it is a rule of thumb in biology that females (of any species) are much pickier than males. There are good evolutionary reasons why that is so. Even in humans, who share the burden of child-rearing more equally than many animals, having children requires far more of an investment of resources from a female than it does from a male—after all, it is the woman who must endure nine months of pregnancy and then breast-feed the baby. Women therefore face stronger incentives to spend their relatively limited reproductive resources on only the most attractive men, whose children will be most likely to breed in turn. Back to the sit-ups, boys.

引用 追梦少年 2013-4-16 21:59
引用 盛夏浅 2013-4-16 22:36
shadoweing 发表于 2013-4-16 13:42


引用 盛夏浅 2013-4-16 22:53
shadoweing 发表于 2013-4-16 13:42


引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 00:43
Women therefore face stronger incentives to spend their relatively limited reproductive resources on only the most attractive men, whose children will be most likely to breed in turn.

评论: whose children will be most likely to breed in turn. 他们的孩子才最有可能接着(in turn)生养(breed)自己的孩子(子子孙孙绵延不已)
引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 00:54
“The optimum values appear to lie outside the tested range,” they note, adding that the “maxima are more than two standard deviations from the population mean for each trait.” That means that, for each trait, fewer than 2.5% of the men whom women encounter in the real world will be as generously proportioned as they might hope. Men with perfect scores in all three traits will be rarer than hen’s teeth. 原译:研究者说,“最优值似乎在测试范围外,这三项身体特征的最大值都会因总体均值而产生两项以上的标准误差”,这也就是说,在女性现实世界遇到的所有男性中,身材比例能如她们所愿的不超过2.5%。这三方面都很完美的男性算是凤毛麟角。

评论:two standard deviations 两个标准差。 以上翻译可见译者对基本统计不甚了了。
研究者说,“最优值似乎都在所测值域以外。每项特征的极大值都在总体均值的两个标准差之外”,这就意味着,在现实世界里女性遇到的所有男性中,就该特征而言,尺寸能符合所愿的少于2.5%.能在这三个特征上尺寸均臻完美的男性可以算是凤毛麟角。(如果是独立事件的话, 概率将少于2.5x 2.5 x2.5 %%%)

引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 00:58
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2013-4-17 01:20 编辑

Some pore over men’s magazines, with their promises of “washboard abs”, for guidance.


引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 01:10
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2013-4-17 08:00 编辑

And it is hard, when all the subjects come from a single country, to disentangle the effects of nurture from those of nature. It is commonly pointed out, for instance, that men’s apparent preference for slim women seems to be a relatively modern (and Western) construction. Erotica from the turn of the 19th century tend to feature much curvier women than their modern equivalent. Women’s preferences may be just as influenced by the culture in which they grow up.而且如果参与测验的女性仅来自一个国家,那她们就很难将后天形成因素和先天自带特点区分开来。比如,普遍观点认为:现代人(和西方人)会觉得男性对窈窕女子有明显偏好。相比现代的色情书籍,十九世纪初的则更着重描述拥有曲线美的女性。女性喜欢什么样的男性,也许正会因她们成长中所经历的文化的不同而不同。相比现代情色书刊中出现的女性,19世纪初情色书刊会将女性描述得更为妖娆。她们成长所处的文化背景些许会影响女性对男性的偏好吧。

评论: construction 这里我怀疑不是常见的建构之义,来自动词construct, 而是较少见的理解,解释之义, 来自动词 construe。
Nature 先天的人之本性,
Nurture 后天的文化熏陶
1.tend to feature much curvier women than their modern equivalent 当年的杂志多刊登曲线美(体态丰饶)的女性,
2. that men’s apparent preference for slim women seems to be a relatively modern (and Western) construction 如今男人却明显偏爱苗条的女性,
1.2.的对比, 让人得出结论: 如今男人的偏爱不是nature而是nurture, 是当代文化影响。 而且是西方文化。 能不能说是现代西方文化的诠释和理解?

引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 01:15
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2013-4-17 08:03 编辑

the combination of broad shoulders and a narrow waist, which accounted for around three-quarters of the variation in attractiveness all by itself.最重要的是要同时拥有宽肩和窄腰,单单这点就占到了所有具有魅力特征中的四分之三。

推论是:男性魅力方差的全体中只有四分之一可由其他两个特征以及别的因素(包括随机因素) 来解释。

实际上, 这是在做回归分析。把男性魅力变量回归在三大特征变量以及一个随机变量上。发现,宽肩窄腰的特征变量解释力特强。

引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 01:19
The bigger-is-better effect was also subject to diminishing returns: each extra centimetre, whether of height, shoulder width or penis size, was less significant than the previous one. “越大越好”的效应也遵循收益递减定律:无论身多高,肩多宽,阴茎多大,每多一厘米,那这一厘米的重要性都会递减。


引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 01:59
The latest evidence comes from a group of researchers led by Brian Mautz, then of Australian National University. 由布莱恩•莫茨带领的研究小组(当时还属于澳大利亚国立大学)发现了最新证据。
评论:then of Australian National University 是修饰Brian Mautz, 不修饰 researchers.

引用 yannanchen 2013-4-17 07:57
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2013-4-17 07:59 编辑

The study is not perfect. There was no danger of the women mistaking the digital men for the real thing. Other factors—such as social status, for instance—may, in the real world, override the physical preferences that the researchers were measuring. And it is hard, when all the subjects come from a single country, to disentangle the effects of nurture from those of nature. It is commonly pointed out, for instance, that men’s apparent preference for slim women seems to be a relatively modern (and Western) construction. Erotica from the turn of the 19th century tend to feature much curvier women than their modern equivalent. Women’s preferences may be just as influenced by the culture in which they grow up. 该研究并非精确无误。参加测试的女性并不会把虚拟男性看作是真人。现实世界中,其他因素可能比研究者一直在测量的身材偏好这个因素更为重要,比如社会地位。而且如果参与测验的女性仅来自一个国家,那她们就很难将后天形成因素和先天自带特点区分开来。比如,普遍观点认为:现代人(和西方人)会觉得男性对窈窕女子有明显偏好。相比现代的色情书籍,十九世纪初的则更着重描述拥有曲线美的女性。女性喜欢什么样的男性,也许正会因她们成长中所经历的文化的不同而不同。相比现代情色书刊中出现的女性,19世纪初情色书刊会将女性描述得更为妖娆。她们成长所处的文化背景些许会影响女性对男性的偏好吧。
评论: 上段的翻译次序上有点问题。我把这一段分三部分:
1.        The study is not perfect. There was no danger of the women mistaking the digital men for the real thing. Other factors—such as social status, for instance—may, in the real world, override the physical preferences that the researchers were measuring. And it is hard, when all the subjects come from a single country, to disentangle the effects of nurture from those of nature

2.        It is commonly pointed out, for instance, that men’s apparent preference for slim women seems to be a relatively modern (and Western) construction. Erotica from the turn of the 19th century tend to feature much curvier women than their modern equivalent.
这几句谈的是男人的偏好。第一句是目前男人偏爱窈窕淑女,苗条是美。 第二句说的是(男人爱看的)色情杂志,在世纪之初,显示的是男人偏爱富有曲线美的丰满女人(而不是现在的骨感瘦美人)。因为当时的杂志插图多是这样的女人。 可见审美观是会随时代,随环境,随文化,尤其是主流(西方)文化的变化而变化。(原来的翻译,似乎未能把握这一层次)

3.        Women’s preferences may be just as influenced by the culture in which they grow up.
这最后一句又回到女人的偏好。这个just as 是跟第二层的男人相比而言的。 我可以改写一下。Women’s preferences may be just as influenced by the culture in which they grow up as men’s preferences have been over the period from turn of the 19th century to the present.  


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