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[2013.05.18] 台菲麻烦海洋

2013-5-19 09:03| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 27771| 评论: 15|原作者: danho

摘要: 台湾和中国有着一致的海权主张,却有着不同的利益。


















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引用 denis2587 2013-5-19 03:13
引用 denis2587 2013-5-19 03:29
本帖最后由 denis2587 于 2013-5-18 16:31 编辑


Seas of troubles

Taiwan and China share the same maritime claims, but have very different interests

IN THE convoluted dramas in the seas around China, Taiwan is often cast as a
bit player, the optional extra to the lengthy lists of contending parties to
the many territorial disputes. But the fatal shooting on May 9th of a
65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine coastguard has shifted
Taiwan to centre stage. The killing provoked a crisis in its relations with
an important economic partner that happens also to be a treaty ally of America
—the ultimate guarantor of Taiwan’s own defence. In the bigger picture, its
involvement in such disputes inevitably draws attention to the island’s
unsettled international status, and to the future of its relations with China.

在中國周遭海域的主權紛爭,台灣平常都只是無關輕重的角色。但這次不同。  因為本國漁民遭射殺,台灣與菲律賓--台灣重要的經濟夥伴之一  同時也是美國條約盟友--摃上,使得台灣的主權狀態及未來不得不被關注

Because China bars Taiwan from international treaties, Taiwan cannot ratify
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). But it follows
the convention’s principles. The shooting took place 164 nautical miles
(about 300km) south-east of Taiwan, where the “exclusive economic zone” it
would be entitled to under UNCLOS overlaps with that of the Philippines.

由於中國阻礙台灣的國際參與,台灣沒有適用(?)聯合國海洋法的合法地位 但若依法,此次事件地點應於台菲兩國的重疊專屬經濟區域

Taiwan’s fishing fleet has a reputation as voracious, and in this incident
the Philippines said its coastguard was acting against illegal fishing; it
opened fire to disable the engine of a Taiwanese vessel after it tried to ram
a Philippine cutter. Taiwanese officials said the dead man was unarmed, and
his boat was riddled with bullet holes. The public, whipped up by a
tub-thumping press, was outraged. The government demanded an apology, an
inquiry and compensation and imposed tough sanctions, including a freeze on
the hiring of Filipino workers and the recall of ambassadors. It has
conducted a naval drill in the contested waters. Meanwhile, hackers from both
countries mounted cyber attacks on the other’s official websites. The
Philippines’ first apologies were rejected as “insincere”, though one came
from an envoy appointed by President Benigno Aquino and seemed abject.

台灣的漁船有著貪婪的名聲,同時依菲方說法,台灣這邊非法捕漁在先  而台灣認為漁民既無武裝並且船身都是彈孔,引發國內公憤,  因而政府提出制裁並且進行海上軍演;此外,兩方的駭客已互相網攻。 目前菲國總統指定的大使已道歉,但台灣認為誠意不足

China helped fan Taiwan’s fury. Its foreign ministry was quick to condemn
the “barbaric act”. The reliably bellicose Global Times, a Communist Party
paper, dutifully recalled that Taiwan is in China’s eyes a
province-in-waiting, deserving of its protection. The paper quoted Zhuang
Guotu of Xiamen University, just over the strait from Taiwan: “China has
reiterated over time that Taiwan is an integral part of China. Now is a good
opportunity to show that China will not tolerate the shooting of our
fishermen, whether they are from the mainland or Taiwan, and that our
government is determined to protect the life of its people.”

中方加入譴責菲律賓,並且具官方色彩的媒體認為,依一中原則, 中國政府此時該站出來保護自己(的台灣)人民

Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, has presided over a big improvement in
relations with China, through increased trade and tourism. But that has not
brought much sympathy in Taiwan for any kind of Chinese security umbrella,
let alone unification. And in another dispute—over the five,
Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea known as the Senkaku
islands in Japanese and the Diaoyu in Chinese—Taiwan has incurred China’s

台灣總統馬英九任內帶來了很大幅度的兩岸關係進展,  不過台灣民意目前不認同台灣應該要受中國保護,例如釣魚台爭議

In China’s view, the uninhabited islands are a historical part of what was
the Taiwan prefecture of Fujian province (and, from 1887-95, the province of
Taiwan). Taiwan and the islands it controlled were snatched from the
declining Qing empire in 1895 as war booty by an ascendant Japan. China
argues the islands should have been returned to it on Japan’s defeat in
1945. Japan, however, regards the Senkakus as part of the Okinawa (formerly
the Ryukyu) chain, and says they were unclaimed by any power until it “
discovered” them in 1884. (China’s People’s Daily has raised doubts as to
whether even this interpretation of history would give Japan sovereignty,
questioning its claim to all the Ryukyus, the modern-day Okinawa prefecture).


So Taiwan was among the fiercest opponents of the Japanese government’s “
nationalisation” last year of three of the islands by buying them from their
private owner. Last September the Taiwanese coastguard fought a rather silly
water-cannon battle with Japan’s near the islands. But last month, to China’
s fury, Taiwan cut a deal with Japan, allowing both countries’ fleets to
fish in the waters round the islands. It was a reminder that, for all its
ardent nationalism, Taiwan has close ties to Japan—which occupied it for 50
years—and also that it pursues its own interests, not those of the Chinese “

台灣也強烈反對日本對釣魚台的主權行動,並且在海上跟日本船互噴過水  然而令中國不爽的是,台灣自己在上個月與日本簽了漁業協定  反映兩件事:台日歷史相近的關係,以及台灣追尋自身利益而非祖國在乎的利益

My country, which is thee?

Worryingly for China, the emotions now on display are driven by patriotism
for Taiwan, not China. The biggest reason the first apologies from the
Philippines were dismissed was that they did not formally come from the
government, because of its “one China” policy of recognising only the
government in Beijing. Resentment at this in Taiwan unites both Mr Ma’s
relatively pro-China ruling party, the Kuomintang (KMT), and the opposition
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which favours formal independence for
Taiwan. The DPP also supports the government’s claims to territory that
historically had nothing to do with Taiwan, except as the seat of the KMT
government after it lost the civil war to the Communists in 1949. Taiwan
adheres to the same vague “nine-dashed line” claim as China, asserting
sovereignty over almost all the South China Sea. It has a garrison on the
largest island in the Spratly chain in that sea. Last year, the DPP accused
Mr Ma of a wimpish reaction when China declared that it had set up an
administrative structure for the sea.

令中國煩惱的一個問題是,台灣目前在與菲國的爭執中顯示其不斷強化的自身主權意識。  例如台灣不接受菲國道歉的其中一個主因,就是菲國不願以政府名義道歉,  因為他們接受一中原則,而一中不代表台灣。  不對等道歉的事實,台灣不論是朝野、藍綠、親中或台獨都難以接受。

Just as it has long tolerated Taiwan’s control of tiny islands just off the
mainland, so China probably welcomes Taiwan’s bizarre claim to the South
China Sea. Taiwan’s government has long discarded most of the fictions that
used to sustain its claim to legitimacy over all of China: parliamentary
seats for mainland constituencies, government bodies planning for the
reconquest, and so on. That Taiwan and China make the same territorial claims
is a last vestige of a shared “one China” outlook. Yet its handling of the
row with the Philippines shows how even a “pro-China” government in Taiwan
in fact believes in “one China, one Taiwan”.

兩岸雖然目前在一中的大前提下往來,不過由事件的台灣反應, 即使看來親中的台灣執政政府,心裡大概也是相信「一邊中國、一邊台灣」
引用 Jeremy-Movie_Fa 2013-5-19 11:30
引用 justin王 2013-5-19 12:20
引用 justin王 2013-5-19 12:48
引用 jianglan201108 2013-5-20 22:30
引用 Jeremy-Movie_Fa 2013-5-21 09:06
Jeremy-Movie_Fa 发表于 2013-5-19 11:30

引用 LeightonL 2013-5-21 13:05
新人提个小建议哈~The Philippines’ first apologies were rejected as “insincere”, though one came from an envoy appointed by President Benigno Aquino and seemed abject. 个人觉得one应该是one of the first apologies,译成“其后派出的总统特使,在台湾的遭遇也很可怜”是不是不太对?
引用 danho 2013-5-25 01:57
LeightonL 发表于 2013-5-21 13:05
新人提个小建议哈~The Philippines’ first apologies were rejected as “insincere”, though one came f ...

thx for the comment.
引用 danubio 2013-5-25 08:56
The Philippines’ first apologies were rejected as “insincere”, though one came from an envoy appointed by President Benigno Aquino and seemed abject.
the P's first apologies were rejected as insincere, though one (of which apologies) came from an envoy appointed by P and seemed abject.
abject apology是常用搭配...abject的一种用法
引用 danho 2013-5-25 16:50
danubio 发表于 2013-5-25 08:56
The Philippines’ first apologies were rejected as “insincere”, though one came from an envoy app ...

我这个确实是根据我了解的情况瞎写了,而没有照原文翻译. 这个要改.
引用 竹林♂尚存 2013-5-29 01:07
引用 竹林♂尚存 2013-5-29 22:10
引用 stanley_afei 2013-6-4 14:35
莫名其妙 我在评论中提出红色部分没有翻译 不仅没有补充 却把我的评论给删了
IN THE convoluted dramas in the seas around China, Taiwan is often cast as a bit player, the optional extra to the lengthy lists of contending parties to the many territorial disputes.
引用 suede 2013-6-4 18:18
The DPP also supports the government’s claims to territory that historically had nothing to do with Taiwan, except as the seat of the KMT government after it lost the civil war to the Communists in 1949.1949年前历史上和台湾无关的海域的权利,1949年国民党内战败于共产党定都台湾。


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