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[2013.07.20] “我”时代

2013-7-20 22:59| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 2584953| 评论: 21|原作者: lilianxiao

摘要: 关于新电影,观众的观点褒贬不一。


July 20th 2013 | SHANGHAI |From the printedition




打印版 中国

香槟社会主义者:[贬义阔佬社会主义者,声称支持社会主义的高收入者 (指富有的左翼政治家,其生活方式与其所鼓吹的社会主义相悖)
Champagne socialist is a pejorative political termoriginating in the United Kingdom. The phrase is used to describe self-identified socialists whosecomfortable upper middle class lifestyles are perceived to be incompatible with their professed politicalconvictions. The term is used by opposing politicians to portray and ridiculetheir opponents as hypocritical.







刚表态过的朋友 (17 人)



引用 两个黄鹂 2013-7-20 20:05
“稍有动荡” “发言人” 似不妥
引用 crazybaofulusha 2013-7-20 21:04
A new film divides public opinion

which has taken $77m inits first three weeks,

the film’s “sick” parade of beauty and wealth
引用 lilianxiao 2013-7-20 21:36
两个黄鹂 发表于 2013-7-20 20:05
“稍有动荡” “发言人” 似不妥

改为  人民日报, 作为中国共产党的喉舌 ,也。。。是不是也有点不合适?
引用 cocktail_ax 2013-7-21 16:44
人民日报发文 暗示 对此类电影发行的审查应该更严格一些
引用 cocktail_ax 2013-7-21 16:44
人民日报发文 暗示 对此类电影发行的审查应该更严格一些
引用 yssfish 2013-7-22 14:17
30-year-old Guo Jingming
引用 wqq641198939 2013-7-22 21:36
引用 leoyufei 2013-7-24 16:49
wqq641198939 发表于 2013-7-22 21:36
个人觉得经济学人说得也没道理哎,人民日报批评只是个人行动,把党派旨意过度解读也不太可以。 ...

对啊 我也觉得 既然很多影评人可以批评 人民日报为什么不能批评。再说 批评自私和享乐主义也没什么错呀 我们大可不必带有偏见去看官方报纸 总不能因为是官方报纸说的你就认为他是错的 恰恰相反 官方报纸虽有导向,但其的严谨度和可信度比现在的网络媒体强了不止一点啊
引用 趙山河 2013-7-24 18:08
第一段好几个词没断开 看得我好揪心啊  barethe  inits atuniversity
引用 zicongfang 2013-7-26 09:34
学习了 辛苦你了
引用 lilianxiao 2013-7-26 12:23

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引用 cxy19960402 2013-8-1 11:12
引用 BearDY 2013-8-5 14:25
luxury fashion magazine

totter around campus in expensive stilettos
引用 wharton323 2013-8-8 09:34
A FILM about the hedonism of China’s urban youth has laid bare the generation gap in Chinese society. “Tiny Times”, which has taken $77m inits first three weeks, follows the fortunes of four female friends at university in Shanghai,one of whom lands a job at a luxury fashion magazine.


Equal parts “The Devil Wears Prada” and “Sex and the City” (minus the sex) it has resonated with the“me” generation aspiring to the lives of its protagonists, who totter around campus in expensive stilettos and buy each other fancy designer gifts.

评:“相似“两字读来给人感觉“The Devil Wears Prada” 和 “Sex and the City”也都是中国产电视剧。 Equal parts=“取自这两部电视剧内容的同等份量“。
引用 lilianxiao 2013-8-9 11:19
wharton323 发表于 2013-8-8 09:34
A FILM about the hedonism of China’s urban youth has laid bare the generation gap in Chinese societ ...

equal parts 那个如果再译文里一字不差的表达出来会不会有点赘述了。。。
引用 jackpot 2013-8-20 19:35
leoyufei 发表于 2013-7-24 16:49
对啊 我也觉得 既然很多影评人可以批评 人民日报为什么不能批评。再说 批评自私和享乐主义也没什么错呀  ...



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