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[2010.12.09] 法国让位于德国

2010-12-18 02:13| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 8676| 评论: 10|原作者: danny0224

摘要: 欧元危机充分暴露欧盟的势力已经从法国转移至德
045 Europe - France and Germany.mp3


Dec 9th 2010 | PARIS | from PRINT EDITION




德国仍然需要法国的同意才能开展工作。这表明,如果法国不同意的话,就会成为德国的绊脚石。 法国的欧洲部长劳伦瓦奎兹(Laurent Wauquiez)坚持道:“德国把提议强加于法国的说法不正确。现在两国不仅仅重视心意,也强调利益。从这一点看,两国关系已经改变。”然而,现在是德国占上风,这多少让法国有点不自在。另一名法国高级官员称:“人们说,是默克尔和萨科奇在执掌欧洲。但是,在这种关系里,女人比男人厉害。”







一位法国部长称:“这让法国难以接受。我们常常认为德国应该接受我们的想法,因为这正是法国的做法(常常接受德国的想法)。但是,这已经结束了。”这就意味着法国的政客们要研究出新方法以保持自己在欧洲的影响力。其中一个方法是,必须重塑他们在公共财政上的信誉。萨科奇非常清楚,德国同债券市场一样,一直密切注视着他的养老金改革。他任命弗朗索瓦菲永(François Fillon )出任总理一职部分是想显示自己对削减赤字的重视。

法国和德国在另外一点上存在共同利益。例如,农业方面。2013年后, 欧洲人就要重新考虑共同的农业政策了。历经了数月的双边讨论之后,尽管德国保持沉默,两国还是同意声明农业是一项“战略活动”,欧洲“需要一个强健的(欧洲经济共同体)共同农业政策(CAP)”。法国认为,这是反扑的妙招。


from PRINT EDITION | Europe

本文由译者 danny0224 提供 点击此处阅读双语版







引用 danny0224 2010-12-15 21:18

France and Germany were leading Europe when the financial crisis hit in September 2008. The power between France and Germany, however, has shifted this year since the euro-zone debt crisis erupted and all the European countries set their eyes on Germany. France and Germany still try to thrash out a common position ahead of big EU summits, so the shift is not always apparent. Without France’s support, Germany alone couldn’t get things moving. But nowadays, Germany got the upper hand. The reason behind the power shift is economic. Germany’s export-led economy is booming thanks to years of wage moderation and labor market reform. On the contrary, France’s economy is shrinking and it needs to contain domestic protest to raise the minimum retirement age by two years. The poor state of French public finance also contributed to the power shift. However, it is a mistake to overstate the shift. France remains Germany’s biggest trading partner and still wields tremendous power in the world. Along with its economic supremacy is Germany’s political power. Germany no longer needs France as they once did. It is difficult for France to accept the fact. By restoring credibility over public finance and promoting a strong CAP, France could retain its influence in Europe. Germany and France still need each other. France values the relationship with Germany more important than ever, although the balance tilts against them.

引用 skittos 2010-12-18 00:08
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-12-19 01:32 编辑

回复 danny0224 的帖子



Power shift

The euro crisis shows starkly that power in the European Union has shifted from France to Germany

1. WHEN the financial crisis erupted in September 2008 President Nicolas Sarkozy was quick to seize the European lead. He summoned Britain’s Gordon Brown to emergency talks in Paris. He urged Europeans to stimulate their economies. He taunted Germany’s Angela Merkel for hesitating over a stimulus plan, declaring that “France is working on it; Germany is thinking about it.” The French counted at least as much as the Germans—indeed, they were setting the pace (in part fortuitously, as France held the European Union presidency at the time).

French counted at least as much as the Germans

count —— to be important or valuable

sub-point: when in the financial crisis in 2008,France was setting the pace

2. This year, however, a subtle shift has taken place. The balance of power between the Franco-German pair that have dominated EU policymaking has shifted across the Rhine. The euro-zone debt crisis, during which all eyes have been on Germany, exposes this cruelly. On the fundamental elements—a permanent post-2013 debt-crisis mechanism, a treaty change to enshrine it in European law, tougher rules and sanctions for rule-breakers, no enlargement of the bail-out fund—Mrs Merkel has got what she asked for, while Mr Sarkozy has been stuck on the sidelines.

subtle shift vs. exposes cruelly
main idea: but this year during the euro crisis,a power shift in EU from France to Germany has been exposed sparkly/cruelly.

3. Despite the personal prickliness between the two leaders, France and Germany still try to thrash out a common position ahead of big EU summits, so the shift is not always apparent. It suits both sides to keep things this way. The myth of an equal partnership lends France an exaggerated stature and protects Germany from accusations of outright unilateralism. When Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy met in Deauville in early October and stitched up a deal on the euro, there was the usual grumbling from other EU members about a Franco-German diktat. This week the pair put their unity on display again at a joint cabinet meeting in Germany.

sub-point: the shift is not always apparent; keeping things this way suits both sides.

4. It still takes French agreement to get things moving, meaning that Paris can act as an obstacle if it chooses to. “It is not true that Germany imposes its initiatives,” insists Laurent Wauquiez, France’s Europe minister. “The relationship has changed, but only in the sense that it’s no longer a matter of the heart but of interests as well.” Yet, uncomfortable as it may be for the French, the reality is that nowadays Germany has the upper hand. “People say that Europe is run by Merkel and Sarkozy but, in this relationship, the woman is stronger than the man,” comments another senior French official.

德国仍然需要法国的同意才能开展工作。这表明,如果法国不同意的话,就会成为德国的绊脚石。 法国的欧洲部长劳伦瓦奎兹(Laurent Wauquiez)坚持道:“德国把提议强加于法国的说法不正确。现在两国不仅仅重视心意,也强调利益。从这一点看,两国关系已经改变。”然而,现在是德国占上风,这多少让法国有点不自在。另一名法国高级官员称:“人们说,是默克尔和萨科奇在执掌欧洲。但是,在这种关系里,女人比男人厉害。”
sub-point: but now, Germany has the upper hand

5. The main factor behind this shift is economic. Only last year France’s economy was doing better in the recession than Germany’s. Thanks to a strong, centralised government able to stimulate the economy quickly, and a generous welfare system that kept up domestic demand, French GDP shrank by only 2.6% in 2009, next to 4.7% in Germany and a euro-area average of 4.1%. This enabled the French to sustain the illusion that everything was just fine.

sub-point: Main factor behind the shift is economic.

6. This year, however, the pecking order has been reversed. An export-led surge in Germany has pushed GDP growth to 3.7%, against only 1.6% in France and a euro-zone average of 1.7% (see article). Germany is reaping the benefits of years of wage moderation and labour-market reforms that improved its competitiveness. Despite Mr Sarkozy’s professed reformist zeal, France had to battle to raise its minimum retirement age by two years. Between 2005 and 2009 Germany’s share of world exports grew, whereas France’s shrank.

supporting economic fact 1: Between 2005 and 2009 Germany’s share of world exports grew, whereas France’s shrank.

7. The state of French public finances only reinforces the division. No French government has balanced its budget for 27 years. In 2011 France’s budget deficit is expected to be over 6% of GDP, whereas Germany’s may be under 3%. To nervous euro-zone bond markets France looks a lot closer to Greece than to Germany: a potential problem country, not part of the solution.

eco fact 2: France' budget deficit makes it look a lot closer to Greece than to Germany

8. It would be a mistake to overstate the shift. France remains Germany’s biggest trading partner. It has a permanent United Nations Security Council seat and a robust defence capability, as well as ties to Africa and the Arab world that make its voice count. It still has a strong presence in Brussels. But, partly because of its enlargement to the east, the EU is now centred more on Germany than on France.


partly because of its enlargement to the east, its指的是欧盟

economic fact 3: due to EU's enlargement to the east, Germany is more centered than France is.

9. In so far as there is talk about “tax harmonisation” between the two, it is almost entirely a matter of the French looking to Germany, even if only for credibility to impose reforms on France. Mr Sarkozy says he wants to align France’s tax structure more closely with Germany’s; an official commission is to report early next year. “I don’t think Germany is copying any French ideas in this area,” says Jean-PierreJouyet, head of the main French financial regulatory body.

it is almost entirely a matter of the French looking to Germany

look to sb ---- to depend on someone to provide help, advice etc.
look up to sb ---- to admire/respect sb.

eco fact 4: France looks to Germany on the "tax harmonization" matter.

10. Germany’s economic supremacy coincides with its political coming of age, as the country no longer shies away from fighting for its national interests. The post-war European bargain, under which the Germans “put their economy at Europe’s disposal while France gave them political legitimacy,” as one French official puts it, no longer holds. Add to this a generation of officials and politicians on both sides of the Rhine who neither studied at each other’s universities nor even speak each other’s language and, despite the tight institutional mesh that still ties the two together, there is a sense that the Germans no longer need the French as they once did.

eco fact 5: Germany’s economic supremacy coincides with its political coming of age.

11. “For France, it is very difficult to accept,” says one French minister. “We have a tendency sometimes to treat Germany as if it should just accept our ideas, because that’s what France does. But that is over.” This means that French officials have to work out new ways of retaining their influence in Europe. One must be to restore credibility over their public finances. Mr Sarkozy knows well that the Germans, as well as the bond markets, were watching his pension reform closely. His reappointment of François Fillon as prime minister was in part intended to show that he takes deficit-reduction seriously.

一位法国部长称:“这让法国难以接受。我们常常认为德国应该接受我们的想法,因为这正是法国的做法(常常接受德国的想法)。但是,这已经结束了。”这就意味着法国的政客们要研究出新方法以保持自己在欧洲的影响力。其中一个方法是,必须重塑他们在公共财政上的信誉。萨科奇非常清楚,德国同债券市场一样,一直密切注视着他的养老金改革。他任命弗朗索瓦菲永(François Fillon )出任总理一职部分是想显示自己对削减赤字的重视。
sub-point: France needs new ways to retaine its influence in Europe,a reason for conclusion.
(new way 1: to restore credibility over its public finances)

12. Another way is for the French to seek out common interests that can engage Germany. On agriculture, for example, Europeans are due to rethink the common agricultural policy after 2013. After months of bilateral discussions, and despite German reticence, the two countries have agreed to state that farming is a “strategic activity” and that Europe “needs a strong CAP”. The French regard this as a coup.

法国和德国在另外一点上存在共同利益。例如,农业方面。2013年后, 欧洲人就要重新考虑共同的农业政策了。历经了数月的双边讨论之后,尽管德国保持沉默,两国还是同意声明农业是一项“战略活动”,欧洲“需要一个强健的(欧洲经济共同体)共同农业政策(CAP)”。法国认为,这是反扑的妙招。
(additional new way: France should engaging Germany with common interests such as agricultural policy )

13. Ms Merkel still needs Mr Sarkozy’s support for any big initiative. He, in turn, has come to value the Franco-German tie. “Three years ago, we considered that the Franco-German relationship wasn’t exclusive, and that we should also look elsewhere,” says Mr Wauquiez. “Now we realise that not only we need it but it’s more important than ever.” The irony is that the French now want the relationship just as its balance tilts against them.

The irony is that the French now want the relationship just as its balance tilts against them.


conclusion:France and Germany still need each other, and France now recognizes their tie is more important than ever while the power banlance tiltes against itself.


引用 skittos 2010-12-18 00:21
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-12-18 00:26 编辑

1. 读者为什么要对这篇文章的内容感兴趣? 2. 它为读者提供了什么新资料信息?

如何写?参考一篇高校教材 ... ow_to_summarize.htm
So when you write a summary:

1.        State the main point first.
2.        Emphasize the main stages of thought.
3.        State the article’s conclusion.
4.        Summarize rather than give a table of contents.
5.        Example:

This article covers the topic of measuring the extent of global deforestation. The article discusses reasons for concern, the technique, the results, and the project’s current goal.

According to the author of “Seeing the Forest,” the extent of global deforestation was difficult to measure until satellite remote sensing techniques were applied. Measuring the extent of global deforestation is important because of concerns about global warming and species extinctions. The technique compares old infrared LANDSAT images with new images. The authors conclude the method is accurate and cost effective.
6.        Keep summary short: 3 to 7 sentences.

引用 skittos 2010-12-18 00:27
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2010-12-18 02:54 编辑

回复 danny0224 的帖子
abstract: France and Germany were leading Europe when the financial crisis hit in September 2008. The power between France and Germany, however, has shifted this year since the euro-zone debt crisis erupted and all the European countries set their eyes on Germany. France and Germany still try to thrash out a common position ahead of big EU summits, so the shift is not always apparent. Without France’s support, Germany alone couldn’t get things moving. But nowadays, Germany got the upper hand. The reason behind the power shift is economic. Germany’s export-led economy is booming thanks to years of wage moderation and labor market reform. On the contrary, France’s economy is shrinking and it needs to contain domestic protest to raise the minimum retirement age by two years. The poor state of French public finance also contributed to the power shift. However, it is a mistake to overstate the shift. France remains Germany’s biggest trading partner and still wields tremendous power in the world. Along with its economic supremacy is Germany’s political power. Germany no longer needs France as they once did. It is difficult for France to accept the fact. By restoring credibility over public finance and promoting a strong CAP, France could retain its influence in Europe. Germany and France still need each other. France values the relationship with Germany more important than ever, although the balance tilts against them.

参考前面的建议,我认为你的摘要已经抓住了几个主要的重点, 如:
1.        main idea:The power between France and Germany, however, has shifted this year since the euro-zone debt crisis erupted
2.        main stages of thought : The reason behind the power shift is economic. ..
3.        conclusion : France values the relationship with Germany more important than ever.

在第2,3点上,我感到还可以在条理和精练基点上,再添加一些新信息,  比如在你的原基础上加些内容:

2.        main stages of thought : The reason behind the power shift is mainly economic. (how?
Germany has done better than France in certain areas: its world exporting growth, budget deficit, strong presence in the east, "tax harmonization", etc.)

3.        conclusion : France has to value its relationship with Germany more importantly than ever. (why? To retain its influence in Europe. France has to work on new ways such as restoring credibility over its public finances and engaging Germany with common interests of the two.)   

引用 danny0224 2010-12-18 15:58

France was leading Europe when the financial crisis hit in September 2008. But this year saw a power shift in EU from France to Germany exposed sparkly during the euro crisis. The shift of power is not always apparent, keeping things suited for both sides. But nowadays, Germany has the upper hand. The reason behind the power shift is economic. Between 2005 and 2009, Germany’s share of world exports grew, thanks to years of implementing wage moderation and reforming labor market. On the contrary, France’s share of world exports shrank. France’s budget deficit reinforces the division. Its poor state of public finance makes it look a lot more like Greece than to Germany. Moreover, Germany is more centered than France due to EU’s enlargement to the east. On the matter of “tax harmonization”, it is France looking to Germany. For Germany, its economic supremacy coincides with its political coming of age. Germany no longer needs France as they once did. By restoring credibility over its public finance and engaging Germany with common interests such as agricultural policy, France could retain its influence in Europe. Germany and France still need each other. France values the relationship with Germany more important than ever, although the balance tilts against them.

引用 hanqingyaonan 2010-12-18 16:45
拜读过楼主很多文章,翻译的都不错,尤其是 French now want the relationship just as its balance tilts against them. 这一句翻译的精妙。对Another way is for the French to seek out common interests that can engage Germany这一句我是这样想的:对法国而言另外一个(保持在欧洲影响力的)方法是寻找出能够约束住德国的共同利益。
引用 danny0224 2010-12-18 21:03
回复 hanqingyaonan 的帖子

引用 hielton 2011-1-5 12:30
好像都是讨论main\sub idea的吗,我来说说文章本身,下面的供楼主参考。

Despite the personal prickliness between the two leaders 尽管这两位领导人私下关系不是很好
in part fortuitously, as France held the European Union presidency at the time 一部分原因是法国运气好,当时正好是欧盟的轮值主席国。
No French government has balanced its budget for 27 years 27年来,没有那一届政府做到财政收支平衡
It still has a strong presence in Brussels 法国在布鲁塞尔的腰杆子还是很硬的
“tax harmonisation”  统一关税
引用 2011-1-8 16:25
很有深度 French now want the relationship just as its balance tilts against them
引用 2011-1-8 16:51


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