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[2011.01.13] 维基百辩

2011-1-15 09:50| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 11317| 评论: 16|原作者: zhanyisky

摘要: 众包内容的希望与危机



Jan 13th 2011 | SAN FRANCISCO | from PRINT EDITION



维基百科提供的条目超过了1700万,涵盖270种语言。每天都有成千上万的人,编辑旧条目添加新条目,报答无非是一种为人类知识库添砖加瓦的满足感。维基百科依靠用户卖力填充网页,也依赖其慷慨捐资。用户近来访问该网站,会跟创办人Jimmy Wales的照片(如图)打个照面,并碰到一则捐款请求。活动烦人,但很有效,50天就筹到了1600万美元。


一些观察家表示,维基百科应开始向制作并监管内容的专家编辑们支付报酬,开销用广告费支出。准确性问题“是无偿劳力方式必然会产生的结果”,“维基专家”小组的Alex Konanykhin如此表示,该小组的任务就是建议各种组织如何创建维基文章。(正是这些组织的存在,暗示维基百科十分重要,也反映其极易遭受外部影响。)这部在线百科全书的老板们反驳说,上述种种担忧夸大其实了,并且,承接广告也会削弱网站对用户的吸引力。



Wales先生对精英圈子“很蠢”的观点,嗤之以鼻。Sue Gardner是运作维基百科的非盈利组织Wikimedia Foundation的领导人,她注意到,人们理应确保内容高质量。但即便如此,该组织仍貌似忧心忡忡。Yelp及Facebook之类的网站擅长鼓励用户贡献内容,Gardner女士想跟它们取经。她暗示在未来,那些条目修改尚未完成的编撰者,可能会收到维基百科发出的短信,敦促其主动完善。或许,是时候咨询一下维基百科“动力”一词的词条了——尽管到头来,它只是标记为需要专家关注的众多条目之一罢了。

该词脱胎于Wikipedia,即“维基百科”,形音相近,是一种文字游戏。这里的pleadia相当于plead,意思是“借口;为...辩护;托称”,理由源自1、The encyclopedia’s bosses retort that such concerns are overblown and that taking advertising would dent its appeal to users.2、Wikipedia’s leaders say this reflects the fact that the large majority of subjects have now been written about.3、Mr Wales dismisses the notion of a clique as “silly”.等等句子,表示维基百科引发了一些争议,而其领导人为之百般辩护。字里行间,本文作者对这些辩护之词,似并不赞同,语带讥诮。

注2:And now they’ve bailed out Wales
bail out的意思有:帮助摆脱困境;保释;纾困等。考虑到本文提到维基百科出现种种危机,引发争论,而其领导人不停为其辩护,形同上庭,另从这一句Recent visitors to the website were confronted with images of Jimmy Wales, a co-founder (pictured), and a request for donations. The campaign was annoying but effective, raising $16m in 50 days.可以看出,crowdsourcing content(也就是本句中的they)的提供者用捐资帮助Wales先生暂时摆脱了困境,也就相当于“保释”了,体现了TE一以贯之的幽默俏皮。

本文由译者 zhanyisky 提供 点击此处阅读双语版







刚表态过的朋友 (6 人)



引用 skittos 2011-1-14 23:11
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2011-1-14 23:13 编辑

Several politicians and TV personalities have had their deaths announced on Wikipedia while they were still in fine fettle.

Time, perhaps, to consult Wikipedia’s entry on motivation—though it turns out to be one of the articles flagged as needing expert attention.
引用 zhanyisky 2011-1-15 09:20
skittos 发表于 2011-1-14 23:11
Several politicians and TV personalities have had their deaths announced on Wikipedia while they wer ...

谢谢skittos版主指正。难怪我奇怪这里为何要用“to be one of the articles”,而不用“to be many articles”,原来还是自己没理解透彻。

Time, perhaps, to consult Wikipedia’s entry on motivation—though it turns out to be one of the articles flagged as needing expert attention.
引用 tomisacat 2011-1-15 10:15
引用 tinatao2011 2011-1-15 14:26
引用 tinatao2011 2011-1-15 14:26
引用 yannanchen 2011-1-15 19:28
有几个问题, 说明理解还是不充分。
以下是提示, 能自己研究吗?

regular contributors vs occasional contributors
undone = reversed, what is done can(not) be undone vs contributors whose changes are undone may receive a message
dismisses the notion of a clique as “silly” vs Wikipedia’s clique of elite editors

though it turns out to be one of the articles flagged as needing expert attention.
(这句话还是没有译对。 尤其是 though的意思, 另外 turns out 也是, 为什么用现在时?)
MotivationFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
Look up motivation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. See the talk page for details. WikiProject  
引用 zhanyisky 2011-1-15 21:35
本帖最后由 zhanyisky 于 2011-1-15 21:54 编辑


1、regular contributors vs occasional contributors
(1)、regular contributors即后面提到的the most active editors,这里的regular的英英解释,我理解为relating to a person who does something regularly
(2)、occasional contributors是偶尔来逛,不常来维基百科的词条编撰者,即前面提到的neophytes

2、undone = reversed, what is done can(not) be undone vs contributors whose changes are undone may receive a message
查了下undo的英英解释,第一条就是cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect
我是没理解透,想当然觉得undone就是not done,未完成的意思。
contributors whose changes are undone may receive a message,这里的contributors应该是前面提到的occasional contributors,也就是neophytes,因为前面提到了It found that roughly a quarter of the edits posted by occasional contributors were undone

It found that roughly a quarter of the edits posted by occasional contributors were undone in late 2008, compared with less than 2% of those posted by the most active editors.
She hints that in future, contributors whose changes are undone may receive a message urging them to remain active on the site.

3、dismisses the notion of a clique as “silly” vs Wikipedia’s clique of elite editors
这里两个clique之间的联系,我是发现了的,clique of elite editors也就是regular contributors,即the most active editors
而Perhaps, but some evidence suggests that neophytes are being put off by Wikipedia’s clique of elite editors.这句里的evidence就是下面的One study by researchers ,即It found that roughly a quarter of the edits posted by occasional contributors were undone in late 2008, compared with less than 2% of those posted by the most active editors. And it noted that this gap had widened considerably over time.

Mr Wales dismisses the notion of a clique as “silly”.
这句结构理解错了,dismiss...as是固定搭配,the notion of a clique是dismiss的宾语,错得低级,汗。

4、though it turns out to be one of the articles flagged as needing expert attention.
(这句话还是没有译对。 尤其是 though的意思, 另外 turns out 也是, 为什么用现在时?)
MotivationFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
Look up motivation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. See the talk page for details. WikiProject

嗯,我咋没想到去维基百科查查motivation的解释呢,汗。地址如下:,进去后,看见一个感叹号图标后面跟了一句“This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. See the talk page for details. WikiProject Psychology or the Psychology Portal may be able to help recruit an expert. (February 2010)”

Time, perhaps, to consult Wikipedia’s entry on motivation—though it turns out to be one of the articles flagged as needing expert attention.

另,这里提到“motivation”这个词条,实际上呼应了前面的Some observers argue the site should start paying expert editors to produce and oversee content, and sell advertising to cover the cost. 以及Problems with accuracy “are an inevitable consequence of a free-labour approach”

引用 yannanchen 2011-1-15 23:55
修改得很好。 对TE敬畏倒可不必。 试试培根的essay,莎翁的十四行诗和剧本, 始知敬畏。

regular 只是指经常到那儿contribute一点意见的人, 都是自愿的编撰人士。 就像我在TE这儿一样。 我不觉的自己就是什么固定工了。
引用 meglory 2011-1-16 15:03
zhanyisky 发表于 2011-1-14 21:29
User-generated content

Wikipedia真是不容易 一直不放广告
引用 zhanyisky 2011-1-16 21:44
本帖最后由 zhanyisky 于 2011-1-16 21:59 编辑

回复 yannanchen 的帖子

哦,明白了。那就将The number of regular contributors to Wikipedia’s English-language encyclopedia 改译为:“经常参与维基英语百科编撰的人数”。

引用 join_soon 2011-1-17 04:25
The promise and perils of crowdsourcing content
众包生成的【这个词是新词,再和 “内容”一词叠加,容易让人糊涂】内容的希望与危机
IT MAY not stir up international outrage like its semi-namesake WikiLeaks, but Wikipedia sparks debate. The free online encyclopedia, which celebrates its tenth birthday on January 15th, is a symbol of unpaid collaboration and one of the most popular destinations on the internet, attracting some 400m visitors a month. It also faces serious charges of elitism.

Wikipedia offers more than 17m articles in 270 languages. Every day thousands of people edit entries or add new ones in return for nothing more than the satisfaction of contributing to the stock of human knowledge. Wikipedia relies on its users’ generosity to fill its coffers as well as its pages. Recent visitors to the website were confronted with images of Jimmy Wales, a co-founder (pictured), and a request for donations. The campaign was annoying but effective, raising $16m in 50 days.
维基百科提供的条目超过了1700万,涵盖270种语言。每天都有成千上万的人,编辑旧条目添加新条目,报答无非是一种为人类知识库添砖加瓦的满足感。维基百科依靠用户卖力填充网页,也依赖其慷慨捐资。用户近来访问该网站,会跟创办人Jimmy Wales的照片(如图)打个照面,并碰到一则捐款请求。活动烦人,但很有效,50天就筹到了1600万美元。

With its emphasis on bottom-up collaboration and the broad dissemination of knowledge, the online encyclopedia is in many ways an incarnation of the fundamental values of the web. But Wikipedia also reveals some of the pitfalls of the increasingly popular “crowdsourcing” model of content creation. One is maintaining accuracy. On the whole, Wikipedia’s system of peer reviewing does a reasonable job of policing facts. But it is vulnerable to vandalism. Several politicians and TV personalities have had their deaths announced on Wikipedia while they were still in fine fettle.

Some observers argue the site should start paying expert editors to produce and oversee content, and sell advertising to cover the cost. Problems with accuracy “are an inevitable consequence of a free-labour approach”, argues Alex Konanykhin of WikiExperts, which advises organisations on how to create Wikipedia articles. (The very existence of such outfits hints at Wikipedia’s importance, as well as its susceptibility to outside influence.) The encyclopedia’s bosses retort that such concerns are overblown and that taking advertising would dent its appeal to users.
一些观察家表示,维基百科应开始向制作并监管内容的专家编辑们支付报酬,开销用广告费支出。准确性问题是无偿劳力方式必然会产生的结果维基专家小组的【意思模糊这个“小组”是独立的一个公司呢,还是维基百科里的一个“小组”?】Alex Konanykhin如此表示,该小组的任务就是建议各种组织如何创建维基文章。(正是这些组织【这里很模糊】的存在,暗示维基百科十分重要,也反映其极易遭受外部影响。)这部在线百科全书的老板们反驳说,上述种种担忧夸大其实了,并且,承接广告也会削弱网站对用户的吸引力。

That still leaves the site with another, bigger, headache in the form of declining engagement. The number of regular contributors to Wikipedia’s English-language encyclopedia dropped from around 54,000 at its peak in March 2007 to some 35,000 in September 2010. A similar trend has been visible in some foreign-language versions of the encyclopedia.

Wikipedia’s leaders say this reflects the fact that the large majority of subjects have now been written about. Perhaps, but some evidence suggests that neophytes are being put off by Wikipedia’s clique of elite editors. One study by researchers at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Centre looked at the number of times editorial changes were subsequently reversed. It found that roughly a quarter of the edits posted by occasional contributors were undone in late 2008, compared with less than 2% of those posted by the most active editors. And it noted that this gap had widened considerably over time.

Mr Wales dismisses the notion of a clique as “silly”. Sue Gardner, the head of the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation that operates Wikipedia, notes that people have reason to be protective about high-quality content. Still, the organisation seems concerned. Ms Gardner wants to learn from sites such as Yelp and Facebook that are good at encouraging users to contribute. She hints that in future, contributors whose changes are undone may receive a message urging them to remain active on the site. Time, perhaps, to consult Wikipedia’s entry on motivation—though it turns out to be one of the articles flagged as needing expert attention.
对维基百科存在精英圈子一说,Wales先生嗤之以鼻,认为荒谬可笑 重了点,“挺傻的”】Sue Gardner是运作维基百科的非盈利组织Wikimedia Foundation的领导人,她注意到【她认为】,人们理应确保内容高质量【有理由保护高质量的内容】。但即便如此,该组织仍貌似忧心忡忡【仍然有点担心】YelpFacebook之类的网站擅长鼓励用户贡献内容,Gardner女士想跟它们取经。她暗示在未来,那些条目修改被推翻的编撰者,可能会收到维基百科发的一条短信,敦促其【恳请他们继续】积极上该网站编撰词条或许,是时候请教一下维基百科动力一词的词条了——不过查到的结果,只是标记为需要专家关注的众多条目之一罢了。
引用 zhanyisky 2011-1-17 12:08
本帖最后由 zhanyisky 于 2011-1-17 12:44 编辑


1、        The promise and perils of crowdsourcing content
众包生成的【这个词是新词,再和 “内容”一词叠加,容易让人糊涂】内容的希望与危机

2、        IT MAY not stir up international outrage like its semi-namesake WikiLeaks, but Wikipedia sparks debate. The free online encyclopedia, which celebrates its tenth birthday on January 15th, is a symbol of unpaid collaboration and one of the most popular destinations on the internet, attracting some 400m visitors a month. It also faces serious charges of elitism.

3、With its emphasis on bottom-up collaboration and the broad dissemination of knowledge, the online encyclopedia is in many ways an incarnation of the fundamental values of the web. But Wikipedia also reveals some of the pitfalls of the increasingly popular “crowdsourcing” model of content creation. One is maintaining accuracy. On the whole, Wikipedia’s system of peer reviewing does a reasonable job of policing facts. But it is vulnerable to vandalism. Several politicians and TV personalities have had their deaths announced on Wikipedia while they were still in fine fettle.

4、Some observers argue the site should start paying expert editors to produce and oversee content, and sell advertising to cover the cost. Problems with accuracy “are an inevitable consequence of a free-labour approach”, argues Alex Konanykhin of WikiExperts, which advises organisations on how to create Wikipedia articles. (The very existence of such outfits hints at Wikipedia’s importance, as well as its susceptibility to outside influence.) The encyclopedia’s bosses retort that such concerns are overblown and that taking advertising would dent its appeal to users.
一些观察家表示,维基百科应开始向制作并监管内容的专家编辑们支付报酬,开销用广告费支出。准确性问题“是无偿劳力方式必然会产生的结果”,“维基专家”小组的【意思模糊—这个“小组”是独立的一个公司呢,还是维基百科里的一个“小组”?】Alex Konanykhin如此表示,该小组的任务就是建议各种组织如何创建维基文章。(正是这些组织【这里很模糊】的存在,暗示维基百科十分重要,也反映其极易遭受外部影响。)这部在线百科全书的老板们反驳说,上述种种担忧夸大其实了,并且,承接广告也会削弱网站对用户的吸引力。
(1)、“维基专家”小组,小组是添译,就是为了解释“WikiExperts”的性质。但google了下,查到如下网页,“WikiExperts™ 是首家提供维基百科商业服务的公司,为客户提供文章撰写、监控及修改服务,以满足对专业维基百科指导日益增长的需求。”。因此我理解错了,WikiExperts应是“维基专家”公司。

5、Wikipedia’s leaders say this reflects the fact that the large majority of subjects have now been written about. Perhaps, but some evidence suggests that neophytes are being put off by Wikipedia’s clique of elite editors. One study by researchers at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Centre looked at the number of times editorial changes were subsequently reversed. It found that roughly a quarter of the edits posted by occasional contributors were undone in late 2008, compared with less than 2% of those posted by the most active editors. And it noted that this gap had widened considerably over time.

8、Mr Wales dismisses the notion of a clique as “silly”. Sue Gardner, the head of the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation that operates Wikipedia, notes that people have reason to be protective about high-quality content. Still, the organisation seems concerned. Ms Gardner wants to learn from sites such as Yelp and Facebook that are good at encouraging users to contribute. She hints that in future, contributors whose changes are undone may receive a message urging them to remain active on the site. Time, perhaps, to consult Wikipedia’s entry on motivation—though it turns out to be one of the articles flagged as needing expert attention.
对维基百科存在精英圈子一说,Wales先生嗤之以鼻,认为“荒谬可笑”【 重了点,“挺傻的”】。Sue Gardner是运作维基百科的非盈利组织Wikimedia Foundation的领导人,她注意到【她认为】,人们理应确保内容高质量【有理由保护高质量的内容】。但即便如此,该组织仍貌似忧心忡忡【仍然有点担心】。Yelp及Facebook之类的网站擅长鼓励用户贡献内容,Gardner女士想跟它们取经。她暗示在未来,那些条目修改被推翻的编撰者,可能会收到维基百科发的一条短信,敦促其【恳请他们继续】积极上该网站编撰词条。或许,是时候请教一下维基百科“动力”一词的词条了——不过查到的结果,只是标记为需要专家关注的众多条目之一罢了。

引用 join_soon 2011-1-17 14:13
回复 zhanyisky 的帖子

引用 flashxp 2011-1-17 16:38
引用 Eddy 2011-1-20 14:49

是在wiki上被宣称死亡了吧=。=? 不是自己上去说的。。
引用 zhanyisky 2011-1-23 18:28
Eddy 发表于 2011-1-20 14:49

是在wiki上被宣称死 ...

但Google了一下,查到一条消息《维基百科出错 喜剧演“连死两次”》
Several politicians and TV personalities have had their deaths announced on Wikipedia while they were still in fine fettle.


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