空荡荡的地铁站—Pitis对房地产泡沫破灭的回应—见证了西班牙经济的萧条。西班牙首相萨帕特罗(José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero)认为大西洋彼岸的信贷危机是造成该国经济衰退以及20%失业率的唯一原因。Pitis的例子成为反驳总统观点的确凿证据。西班牙自身产生很多问题—建筑用地的有毒贷款只是开头。欧元危机将这些弱点无情地暴露出来。帕萨特罗(José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero)看清事情的真相了么?
New transparency rules for banks, to clarify exposures to bad loans against building-land or unsold property, are in place.
just for reference.
exposures to bad loan暴露坏帐
bad loans against building-land or unsold property建筑用地或未出售房产的不良贷款
The burst of housing bubble in Spain prompted the sluggish economy and higher unemployment. Prime Minister Zapatero thought it was the high time to reform and focused on pension and collective bargaining. Safe sailing through this tenure, getting a able aider and not choosing to campaign in the next election, Mr Zapatero had the fighting chance. Yet, it’s not an easy road to recover in view of further declining housing prices and waning competitiveness. Mr Zapatero introduced urgent reform and fiscal austerity. The reform of pension will develop as hoped and more needs to be done to reform the union. While revitalizing the economy, Zapatero also wants to save his own party.
1. Has Mr Zapatero seen the light?
所以这句是问:Mr Zapatero是否找到了解救之道?
2. My fear is that with the pact he will sell this reform out
sell out...推销掉
3. A February visit by Chancellor Angela Merkel will be used to drive this message home.
德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)2月访问西班牙更能说明这个问题。
drive sth home——对某人明确这事
The burst of housing bubble in Spain prompted the sluggish economy and higher unemployment. Prime Minister Zapatero thought it was the high time to reform and focused on pension and collective bargaining. Safe sailing through this tenure, getting an able aider and not choosing to campaign in the next election, Mr Zapatero had the fighting chance. Yet, it’s not an easy road to recover in view of further declining housing prices and waning competitiveness. Mr Zapatero introduced urgent reform and fiscal austerity. The reform of pension will be developped as hoped and more reform to the union. While revitalizing the economy, Zapatero is also hope to save his own party.
high time——informal
had——he still has a chance now.
as hoped——by whom?