无论采用何种措施,艾伯塔省都缺乏足够的实施战略来应对碳排放问题。该省应对气候变化的目标是2020年前允许碳排放量增长。随着越来越多的油采用蒸汽底驱的工艺进行提取,未来十年内在油砂开采过程中排放的碳可能会增加3倍。即使如此,油砂开采依然在全部的碳排放中所占比例不大。加拿大石油生产者联合会认为,开发油砂而排放的碳只占加拿大碳排放量的5%,全世界的0.1%左右。基思博士认为,如果人们真的要严肃应对气候变化,他们首先应该为燃煤发电而伤脑筋,与这个行业在美国的碳排放量相比,油砂开发是相形见绌啊。根据艾伯塔商学院(Alberta School of Business)的安德鲁•利奇(Andrew Leach)的计算,油砂开发每产生1吨二氧化碳创造的财富增值约为500加元,而燃煤电厂的增值只有20-30加元。
some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town at the centre of them. 原译: 一些当地人的生活越来越依赖于艾伯塔省的油砂和麦克默里堡(Fort McMurray)了.这个小镇是他们生活的中心。
评论: have grown attached to 只是依恋, 未必依赖。
at the center of them, them 指什么? locals? sands? 我觉得是sands。
The IEA believes that global production of conventional oil, the stuff that can be recovered easily using drills and wells, is near or already at its peak, and that only a leap in output from unconventional sources will prevent new leaps in price. 原译:国际能源组织认为,普通石油生产所用的钻井和采油工艺对环境的破坏很容易恢复,但这种石油的全球产量正接近或已经处于顶峰,只有非传统石油的产量出现飞跃才能防止石油价格出现新的飞涨。
评论: the stuff that can be recovered easily using drills and wells, 这是conventional oil 的同位语,
意思是传统原油, 是一种很容易利用钻探和钻井开采(recover)的东西。
No self-respecting oil major has let a position in the tar sands pass by. A flock of national oil companies has joined them, led since 2005 by China’s state-controlled firms.
难在joined them 中的them 是什么。
另外, “任何有自尊的石油巨头过去都回避进入油砂开采行业中”, 显然翻译反掉了。
Andrew Logan: If the industry doesn't take steps to aggressively manage those risks, then the industry's long-term growth and perhaps existence is in doubt.
Andrew Logan works for Ceres, a network of environmental groups and investment funds. Ceres released a report back in March saying these ecological hazards could leech into the money side of things.
Logan: You know, the oil sands are extremely water intensive in a world that is dry and getting drier. They are carbon intensive in a world that is increasingly carbon constrained. If companies aren't considering these kinds of factors when they make their investments, these investments may turn out to basically not be profitable.
Now, Shell, for one, says it is considering these factors. And even Ceres will tell you Shell's done a lot to reduce CO2 emissions and that it recycles most of the water it uses. The rub lies in how that water is stored.
You know we haven't even addressed the issue of the tailings ponds.
I know, that's where I'm going next. Every oil sands mine keeps used water in a giant lake called a tailings pond. Tailings ponds are toxic. And just recently, oil companies were required to hand in specific plans for reclaiming them, which means turning them back into forest.
Logan: You know, the clean up of these things will end up on the balance sheet of these companies pretty soon. And it's gonna have a pretty significant financial impact on any company that has to clean up these ponds.
But there's a more immediate issue with tailings ponds. Ducks and geese can get fouled up in the oily water and drown. Thus, Shell is using the latest in bird-deterrent technology -- a robotic falcon and a sound cannon.
Recorded falcon cry and a sound cannon
Cole: And that scares away the birds.
Scott Wytrychowski: Yeah, the peregrine falcon is a bird of prey for the water fowl so they fear it.
Scott Wytrychowski is an environmental manager at Shell. He told me they lose fewer than 20 birds a year.
Wytrychowski: Our end goal is zero.
Cole: Zero birds.
Wytrychowski: Yeah, it's like safety -- we want to have zero incidents for safety for humans. It's similar to wildlife. Target is always zero.
Cole: But there are accidents.
Wytrychowski: Yup.
Cole: And there are birds who die.
Wytrychowski: Yes. Yup.
In fact, two years ago, 1,600 ducks died after landing on another company's tailings pond. Pictures from the incident are now plastered across billboards in four U.S. cities. And all of this isn't even half the story. In fact, it's one-fifth of it. Eighty percent of the bitumen underneath Alberta is too deep to mine, which hasn't stopped the oil companies from going after it.
some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town at the centre of them. 原译: 一些当地人的生活越来越依赖于艾伯塔省的油砂和麦克默里堡(Fort McMurray)了.这个小镇是他们生活的中心。
评论: have grown attached to 只是依恋, 未必依赖。
at the center of them, them 指什么? locals? sands? 我觉得是sands。
1)be attached to 词典中有两个解释
1、连在...上, 附属于
2、热爱, 依恋
2)从语法上讲,sands 与 Fort McMurray是并列成分;从逻辑上讲at the centre of them是为了进一步说明have grown attached to。全家的吃、住、医、娱乐、教育都在小镇上,当然也就是生活的中心了。
Despite rapid development in the past decade, 原译:尽管在过去十年间油砂的生产取得了快速发展
评论: 只是技术开发迅速, 不是生产快速。
生产取决于两个因素, 技术开发(以降成本), 需求增加(以获规模经济)
Despite rapid development in the past decade, the sands produce only 1.5m b/d, less than 2% of global supply. However, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), an industry group, expects output to be nearly 3.5m b/d by 2025 (see chart). Thirst for fuel is not the only thing in the oilmen’s favour. The cost of production has fallen: a few years ago most firms thought the break-even price was $75 per barrel, but now companies such as Shell say new developments are economical at $50. The provincial and federal governments are unsurprisingly supportive.
The IEA believes that global production of conventional oil, the stuff that can be recovered easily using drills and wells, is near or already at its peak, and that only a leap in output from unconventional sources will prevent new leaps in price. 原译:国际能源组织认为,普通石油生产所用的钻井和采油工艺对环境的破坏很容易恢复,但这种石油的全球产量正接近或已经处于顶峰,只有非传统石油的产量出现飞跃才能防止石油价格出现新的飞涨。
评论: the stuff that can be recovered easily using drills and wells, 这是conventional oil 的同位语,
意思是传统原油, 是一种很容易利用钻探和钻井开采(recover)的东西。
the stuff that can be recovered easily using drills and wells, 是global production of conventional oill 的同位语,而不是conventional oil 的同位语。
recover 也不是“钻井开采”,而是环境恢复。这一点不必争论了,我的专业是石油机械。
With 70%-plus of the world’s remaining oil in the hands of OPEC, half of its “free oil” is in the tar sands, notes Peter Tertzakian, chief economist of Arc Financial, an investment firm.
我想这里的“free oil”是相对于oil in the hands of OPEC 而言的。所以特地加了个引号。
No self-respecting oil major has let a position in the tar sands pass by. A flock of national oil companies has joined them, led since 2005 by China’s state-controlled firms.
难在joined them 中的them 是什么。
另外, “任何有自尊的石油巨头过去都回避进入油砂开采行业中”, 显然翻译反掉了
No self-respecting oil major has let a position in the tar sands pass by. A flock of national oil companies has joined them, led since 2005 by China’s state-controlled firms.
我认为这里them 是指 tar sands 。油砂肮脏主要是指其开采会破坏环境。过去石油巨头们怕有损形象,不愿自己的公司与油砂有牵连。这里作者有意无意地又把中国给贬低了一下,可见其对中国的态度了。
“Colonel” Drake faced difficulties from the beginning, the known methods of drilling for oil at the time only ended in failure. He spent five months trying to recover oil, and people had lost their trust in him and some began calling him “Crazy Drake.” Even his primary driller, William “Uncle Billy” Smith, also began to feel dejected. Drake’s biggest setback occurred on October 6, 1859 when the first oil well fire was started by “Uncle Billy,” who went to inspect the oil in the vat with an open lamp, setting the gases alight. It burned the derrick, all the stored oil, and the driller’s home. In the meantime, primitive methods only allowed Edwin Drake to drill 16 feet deep, neither deep enough to find oil, nor as deep as he was prepared to go: 1,000 feet.
With modern unconventional oil production technology, at least 10% of these deposits, or about 170 billion barrels (27×10^9 m3) were considered to be economically recoverable at 2006 prices, making Canada's total oil reserves the second largest in the world, after Saudi Arabia's. The Athabasca deposit is the only large oil sands reservoir in the world which is suitable for large-scale surface mining, although most of it can only be produced using more recently developed in-situ technology.[3]
In mid December 2007, ConocoPhillips announced its intention to increase its oil sands production from 60,000 barrels per day (9,500 m3/d) to 1 million barrels per day (160,000 m3/d) over the next 20 years, which would make it the largest private sector oil sands producer in the world. ConocoPhillips currently holds the largest position in the Canadian oil sands with over 1 million acres (4000 km2) under lease. Other major oil sands producers planning to increase their production include Royal Dutch Shell (to 770,000 bbl/d (122,000 m3/d); Syncrude Canada (to 550,000 bbl/d (87,000 m3/d); Suncor Energy (to 500,000 bbl/d (79,000 m3/d) and Canadian Natural Resources (to 500,000 bbl/d (79,000 m3/d).[13] If all these plans come to fruition, these five companies will be producing over 3.3 million bbl/d (500,000 m3/d) of oil from oil sands by 2028.
Despite rapid development in the past decade, the sands produce only 1.5m b/d, less than 2% of global supply. However, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), an industry group, expects output to be nearly 3.5m b/d by 2025 (see chart). Thirst for fuel is not the only thing in the oilmen’s favour. The cost of production has fallen: a few years ago most firms thought the break-even price was $75 per barrel, but now companies such as Shell say new developments are economical at $50. The provincial and federal governments are unsurprisingly supportive.
the two development(s) in the above must mean the same idea, mustn't they?
some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town at the centre of them
=some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town (=Fort McMurray, 同位语) at the centre of them (=sands)
没听说过城镇在当地人民之中, 但是Fort McMurray 确实是在Alberta’s tar sands 之中的。
But golf courses and suburban housing make the place liveable, and some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town at the centre of them.
我觉得attached to应当译成依恋, 你觉得是依赖。 这两者是有交集的。 但是不是所有的依恋都会发展成依赖, 也不是所有的依赖都有依恋的成分。 这个句子有一个分句, 表明了依恋的部分原因(如果不是全部原因): golf courses and suburban housing make the place liveable, 蛮惬意的呀。
No self-respecting oil major has let a position in the tar sands pass by. A flock of national oil companies has joined them, led since 2005 by China’s state-controlled firms.
评论: 这一句TE的原文写得不好, 引起歧义。 因为显然这里的them 指的是self-respecting oil major, 但是major 是单数, 没有数的一致。 另外, 显然, 大多数的self-respecting oil majors 都是私营企业,这才有以中国为首的国有企业national oil companies也随后跟上。
TE这一句应当这样写:No self-respecting oil majors have let a position in the tar sands pass by. A flock of national oil companies has joined them, led since 2005 by China’s state-controlled firms.