Eric.Qu 发表于 2011-1-29 14:35
He places his fingertips on one scanner and stares at another. A p ...
When an individual is enrolled, his biometric data must be compared with everyone else’s to ensure there is no duplication. Sometimes the workers who show people how to place their fingers on the scanner accidentally scan their own fingerprints. As enrolments hit a peak of about 1m a day, the system will need to carry out a staggering 14 billion matches per second.
Microfinance should start to work better, too. It enjoyed a huge boom in recent years, followed by a bust. Many poor people found they could borrow more than they could ever hope to repay by going to several lenders. As a result, some microfinance outfits collapsed. The UID scheme ought to allow for greater control over such small loans.
Eric.Qu 发表于 2011-1-29 23:07
More than 1m people have been enrolled since October, and the pace is accelerating. It needs to: 1m ...
keyjing 发表于 2011-1-30 11:33
The trip swallows a fifth of his earnings, in the form of fares and the opportunity cost of missing ...
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