但是限制投保人去思考设置险金的风险能力会引发很多问题。保险公司说剔除性别这一相关因素,实际等于给每个人的保单加上了一笔不确定的保险金。个人特征的细节越多,所费越高。比如保险金金额的提高会让更少的人节约钱来买养老险,法院的裁决将以无益于任何人而告终。 from the print edition | Finance and Economics
THERE were howls of protest from the insurance industry when the European Court of Justice ruled on March 1st that a person’s sex should not be used to set insurance policies. It will be expensive for some, argued insurers: no more cheap premiums for careful female drivers, and lower annuities for shorter-lived men.
The ruling has unleashed a lively debate on whether actuarial science, which assesses factors such as life expectancy and the propensity to smash cars, could not just as easily use other data besides sex to calculate likely outcomes: eating and driving habits, say, or location and wealth. Actuaries already factor in some of these things, but sex is a simpler proxy—and for things like longevity, a very well-established one.
The court’s advocate-general has argued that, given social changes, risk models can no longer clearly be linked to a person’s sex. This was a “kind of substitute criterion” for other features and was incompatible with the principle of equal treatment for men and women, she said.
The case was brought by Test-Achats, a Belgian consumer group, arguing that a 2004 European Union directive on equal treatment in goods and services was flawed: a pesky proviso, Article 5(2), had unreasonably given states the option to allow the continued use of sex-based actuarial data to set risk premiums. The judges agreed with Test-Achats and abolished Article 5(2). From December 21st 2012 all new insurance contracts will have to comply with the directive.
Actuaries say that using other factors in their calculations besides sex is perfectly possible. There may be a shock to motor premiums for young women in Britain, but in continental Europe many insurers base their premiums on the car and not the driver. Belgium has had unisex car insurance since 2007 without suffering an underwriting pile-up. Test-Achats says that young people’s initial premiums in Belgium converged, but that the no-claims-bonus system means that good drivers of either sex enjoy reductions in later years.
Soothing words from Belgium are not likely to calm the mood in Britain. The big issue is pensions: annuities are far more common in Britain than elsewhere in Europe. A supplementary pension-savings scheme in Germany, the Riester-Rente, has been sex-neutral since 2006. Insiders say that demand by men for Riester pensions has not slackened but they wonder whether that would be true in the absence of state subsidies.
Pricing policies on the basis of characteristics that cannot be altered, like sex, seems unfair to many. A line has already been drawn in the case of genetic testing. Insurance companies in Britain agreed in 2005 that the predictive results of genetic tests should not be used to set certain insurance premiums. That is in keeping with the mutual nature of insurance, whereby many buyers put in more than they get out.
But restricting the ability of insurers to reflect risks in setting premiums causes problems. Insurance firms argue that removing sex as a rating factor will add an uncertainty premium to everyone’s bill. Using more detail on individuals’ characteristics will also add to costs. If higher premiums discourage people from saving up for an annuity, for example, the court’s judgment will end up helping no one.
no more cheap premiums for careful female drivers, and lower annuities for shorter-lived men.
The ruling has unleashed a lively debate on whether actuarial science, which assesses factors such as life expectancy and the propensity to smash cars, could not just as easily use other data besides sex to calculate likely outcomes: eating and driving habits, say, or location and wealth
propensity==The propensity theory of probability is one interpretation of the concept of probability. Theorists who adopt this interpretation think of probability as a physical propensity, or disposition, or tendency of a given type of physical situation to yield an outcome of a certain kind, or to yield a long run relative frequency of such an outcomePropensities are invoked to explain why repeating a certain kind of experiment will generate a given outcome type at a persistent rate(可能男女撞车的倾向/几率不一样;所以这里凸显的是sex范畴的东西==life expectancy and the propensity to smash cars,下文随继提到sex之外的因素)
The ruling has unleashed a lively debate on whether actuarial science, 【which assesses factors such as life expectancy and the propensity to smash cars, 】could not just as easily use other data besides sex to calculate likely outcomes
Actuaries already factor in some of these things, but sex is a simpler proxy—and for things like longevity, a very well-established one.
factor in==把xx作为因素考虑进入;take into account
The court’s advocate-general has argued that, given social changes, risk models can no longer clearly be linked to a person’s sex.
The case was brought by Test-Achats, a Belgian consumer group, arguing that a 2004 European Union directive on equal treatment in goods and services was flawed: a pesky proviso, Article 5(2), had unreasonably given states the option to allow the continued use of sex-based actuarial data to set risk premiums
风险溢价(Risk premium),是一个人在面对不同风险的高低、且清楚高风险高报酬、低风险低报酬的情况下,会如何因个人对风险的承受度影响其是否要冒风险获得较高的报酬,或是只接受已经确定的收入,放弃冒风险可能得到的较低报酬。 确定的收入与较高的报酬之间的差,即为风险溢价。
Actuaries say that using other factors in their calculations besides sex is perfectly possible
A supplementary pension-savings scheme in Germany, the Riester-Rente, has been sex-neutral since 2006.
德国的附加私人养老保险计划-- Riester-Rente,从2006年起对男女都是一视同仁。