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[2011.04.07] 从众的愚昧

2011-4-9 08:59| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 10786| 评论: 30|原作者: skittos

摘要: 如果你看见一家百货公司的外面有人熙熙攘攘,便可以合乎情理地猜测那儿有减价品出售;如果你看见银行外面有人排成长龙,那很可能就是一些慌张的存款人打算取回老本。 ...


Apr 7th 2011 | from the print edition


但从众的智慧适是否用于投资?  如果收益上涨到顶点时,肯定有利的做法却是与大众的走向反道而行。无论是上世纪90年代末的科技股,还是2000年中旬的房产,一旦大众对某种资产类特别热衷起来之后,泡沫便应运而生。故有这么一个传说:1929年,当约瑟夫•肯尼迪听到一个擦鞋小弟 (在一些版本中是个开电梯的小弟) 给人买股票建议时,立马开始清盘自己的投资组合。

不过,泡沫相对少见。在事态正常的进程中, 跟风逐流可能会带来更多的好处。毕竟, 债券市场的义务治安员本该对通货膨胀密切关注, 而股市则应对未来的衰退给点前兆迹象。


数据图表显示,从众的愚昧超过其智慧。通过净流入资金所测出的最受欢迎的部门, 在前一年的基本收益表现都不错,超过平均行业2个百分点。投资者十分明显地在追逐这一趋势。不妙的是, 在随后12个月中, 最受欢迎的行业变得滞后于平均行业,略低于3个百分点。在大约有60%的投资情况中,最受欢迎行业的回报远远低于投资者的初始购入价。

作为一个逆向标示,跟风从众的行为或许仍然具有价值。它反映出褒贬两面的收益表现:所谓的“祸害基金” 居然击败了最受欢迎行业的收益,不过也未能胜过平均行业。

此外,还有一项对投资者是否能一直保持灵异的检验。该测试检查他们在任意一年期限内,是如何挑选收益表现最佳和避开最差行业的。因为明星股往往相当特殊,包括如中国、地产和拉丁美洲之类, 都是向来不可能得到最高的资金流。美国投资者大多选择多类型股或政府债券的投资组合。这项分析数据再次表明,投资者比诺查丹玛斯【法国占星家】还要笨。在随后的12个月中,平均资金流有1.6亿美元进了业绩最差的行业,而只有7.2万美元进了最佳行业。




也许,人们生性中编有当“从众”的程序。沃伦•巴菲特向大家复叙过这么一个故事:一位石油开发者死后来到了天国之门,却被圣人彼得拦住,对他说:天堂里所能容纳的石油行业的人数已经额满了。这位投机者便侧身向天堂大门内大声呼唤道:“嘿, 小伙子们,地狱里发现了石油啦!” 于是,一群男人挥镐执铲,纷纷如期而至,从天堂涌向地狱。圣彼得佩服得紧,连忙召呼开发者进入天门。“不了,谢谢,” 这位智人回答说:“我得去验证一下这个地狱石油的传闻,说不定还真有其事呢!”

本文由译者 skittos 提供 点击此处阅读双语版







刚表态过的朋友 (17 人)



引用 skittos 2011-4-8 23:25
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2011-4-8 23:27 编辑


1. 对经济行业的术语和概念不甚明了,因此译文中一定错误多多,多谢各位指正。

2. Again, investors were more Nostradumbus than Nostradamus.
这句应该是个文字游戏,but the pun is lost in the translation~。

3. 文中的 crowds,people,mob,mass,译得比较乱,他们有时是从众,有时是群体,在本文中全视为同义词处理了。
引用 Somers 2011-4-9 09:02
引用 王呆呆 2011-4-9 17:02
in the past quarter of a century 在上世纪25年中?
引用 王呆呆 2011-4-9 17:08
引用 suzieyue 2011-4-9 18:29
最后一句,“No thanks,” says the sage. “I’m going to check out that Hell rumour. Maybe there is some truth in it after all.”完全把人搞错了,是st peter要去地狱看看,不是要进天堂的那位
图上边那段most popular sector 译为最受追捧的是不是更好一些?

引用 aubreychen 2011-4-9 20:23
回复 skittos 的帖子

Again, investors were more Nostradumbus than Nostradamus.
这句话诚如楼主所说确实是 pun
诺斯特拉达穆斯 [Nostradamus]  
原名米切尔·德·诺特雷达姆(Michel de Notredame)。
(1503.12.14,法国 圣雷米~1566.7.2,沙龙)
欧洲史, 人物小传

引用 aubreychen 2011-4-9 20:49
The long-term growth rate of earnings per share on the stockmarket has lagged behind that of American GDP because many of the fastest-growing companies are not quoted.
这句话中 because many of the fastest-growing companies are not quoted.
这里我的理解是,这些增长最快的公司并没有被那些专家分析家们预测,他们预测的都是不是涨势最猛的公司。这也说明这些分析家的分析如这段最后一句话总结的:The experts were no wiser than those they advised.
1、。。。the forecasts implausible to begin with
2、。。。the fastest-growing companies are not quoted
3、。。。。just as the stockmarket was about to fall
最后总结:The experts were no wiser than those they advised.
引用 vajoy 2011-4-9 21:00
At the peaks it certainly pays to head in the opposite direction from the masses.
这句话感觉不太好理解呢 T T
引用 skittos 2011-4-9 21:48
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2011-4-9 21:50 编辑

回复 aubreychen 的帖子

1. 如你指出,我翻译时,也觉得说Nostradamus笨很不对劲,他的预测也许没有科学佐证但他本人绝不笨。

Most academic sources maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus's quatrains are largely the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations (sometimes deliberate) or else are so tenuous as to render them useless as evidence of any genuine predictive power. Moreover, none of the sources listed offers any evidence that anyone has ever interpreted any of Nostradamus's quatrains specifically enough to allow a clear identification of any event in advance.

wiki 这篇英文写得不错,但中译却太。。。差劲了!

2. 假如作者也认同学界的主流看法,认为Nostradamus 的预测是“盲目”的话,那这句话:
Again, investors were more Nostradumbus than Nostradamus.
引用 aubreychen 2011-4-9 21:59
回复 skittos 的帖子

引用 skittos 2011-4-9 22:29
回复 aubreychen 的帖子


1. consensus forecast for the long-term annual earnings growth VS. the long-term growth rate of earnings per share

2. The long-term growth rate of earnings per share on the stockmarket has lagged behind that of American GDP because many of the fastest-growing companies are not quoted.
引用 skittos 2011-4-9 22:41
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2011-4-9 23:11 编辑

回复 aubreychen 的帖子



Because the star performers tend to be fairly specialised, covering areas like China, property or Latin America, they are never likely to receive the biggest fund flows. Most American investors opt for broad equity or government-bond portfolios. Again, investors were more Nostradumbus than Nostradamus. The average fund flow into what turned out to be the worst-performing sector over the subsequent 12-month period was $166m; the average flow into the best was only $72m.

1. 为何again?investors 起码做错了2点以上。

Because the star performers tend to be fairly specialised, covering areas like China, property or Latin America, they are never likely to receive the biggest fund flows. Most American investors opt for broad equity or government-bond portfolios.

这句我理解是说,investor 犯错了:他们的资金没有投入 specialized star performers 而是进了broad equity or government-bond portfolios,此为1错;

2. The average fund flow into what turned out to be the worst-performing sector over the subsequent 12-month period was $166m; the average flow into the best was only $72m.

这句说,在买好买差的甄别上,investors 又判断错了,此为2错。
综合:again,investors were more 。。。than。。。这句的句型是:又一次,他们比。。。更加(如何)

如果作者对Nostradamus 的预测取肯定态度的话,那应该是赞扬investors的预测能力。但这里根据作者例举的事实,及在语气上明显不是。所以我认为作者对Nostradamus 的预测是否定的,并认为inverstors 的做法(跟风)比Nostradamus更加盲目,不知所以。

引用 aubreychen 2011-4-9 23:03

1. consensus forecast for the long-term annual earnings growth VS. the long-term growth rate of earnings per share

2. The long-term growth rate of earnings per share on the stockmarket has lagged behind that of American GDP because many of the fastest-growing companies are not quoted.
1、预测和事实不符,造成这个原因正是我刚才写下的三点原因,不过这其中第一点 It was far faster than the annual growth rate of the American economy,。也是解释上文的为什么rate没有achieve的原因。
详细说一下预测和事实不符,首先就是经济赶不上这个夸张的预测,第二、你预测的公司又不是最好的。平均股价落后与GDP增长。第三你预测的时候正值股市要玩完。所以这三点原因造成预测错误。而且从作者这句 Such a rate was not achieved, of course. 可以感觉出,这种大部分受益都超过10%的预测肯定不靠谱。

2、 The long-term growth rate of earnings per share on the stockmarket has lagged behind that of American GDP because many of the fastest-growing companies are not quoted.
这句话里的the long-term growth rate of earnings per share是事实上的长期每股增长,是预测的那些公司中实际上的每股长期受益率,这些要低于behind that of American GDP ,而原因正是因为预测的那些公司很多不是增长最快的公司,说明分析家的当初选择就有错误。至于楼主所问,为什么会忽略,这个我觉得可以从上文看吧,因为供参考的东西都是过去的,所以很多表现好的结果后来的受益还在平均值以下。

以上都是个人的理解。。我真的经常出错,,,如果错了欢迎指出 your opinions are always welcome
引用 skittos 2011-4-9 23:19

  I am more aubucheng than aubreychen ——我比你还不成,也许能讨论出 负负得正呢
引用 skittos 2011-4-10 00:18
回复 aubreychen 的帖子

aubreychen  我明白你的说法,我的理解更像是rather than Nostradamus,investors are more like Nostradumbus。。我当时是这么理解的所以也是认为投资者是dumb的
you may be right. 接受!  
引用 Somers 2011-4-10 06:25
回复 skittos 的帖子

引用 Justin.Lin 2011-4-10 17:32
pariah funds 应该是指散户资金/公众投资
broad equity or government-bond portfolios 应该是指公众持股比例高的投资组合。

引用 yannanchen 2011-4-10 21:51
Kennedy later claimed he knew the rampant stock speculation of the late 1920s would lead to a crash. It is said that he knew it was time to get out of the market when he received stock tips from a shoe-shine boy.[8] Kennedy survived the crash "because he possessed a passion for facts, a complete lack of sentiment and a marvelous sense of timing."[9] During the Depression Kennedy vastly increased his financial fortune by investing most of it in real estate. In 1929, Kennedy's fortune was estimated to be $4 million (equivalent to $51.3 million today[4]). By 1935, his wealth had increased to $180 million (equivalent to $2.88 billion today[4]).

引用 yannanchen 2011-4-10 21:53
FORTUNE Magazine) – JOE KENNEDY, a famous rich guy in his day, exited the stock market in timely fashion after a shoeshine boy gave him some stock tips. He figured that when the shoeshine boys have tips, the market is too popular for its own good, a theory also advanced by Bernard Baruch, another vested interest who described the scene before the big Crash:

"Taxi drivers told you what to buy. The shoeshine boy could give you a summary of the day's financial news as he worked with rag and polish. An old beggar who regularly patrolled the street in front of my office now gave me tips and, I suppose, spent the money I and others gave him in the market. My cook had a brokerage account and followed the ticker closely. Her paper profits were quickly blown away in the gale of 1929."

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Are we at the same fatal stage in the market today, when people who aren't expected to have stock tips have stock tips, including hot dog vendors, shoeshine boys, the homeless, pedicurists, barroom dancers, toll takers, and the trumpet player at the racetrack? Will stock prices fall off the cliff under the weight of enormous popularity?


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