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[2011.04.07] 芝加哥养老金风暴

2011-4-12 07:55| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 14118| 评论: 23|原作者: zhanyisky

摘要: 养老金承诺无法兑现时




Apr 7th 2011 | from the print edition

伊利诺斯州及其最大城市芝加哥,集中体现了美国的养老金问题。芝加哥前市长Richard Daley设立的委员会发现,即便采用最慷慨的会计核算方法,该市2009年度四大计划也只能提供43%的资金,而赤字总额高达146亿美元。


“战争”帷幕正在拉开。芝加哥新任民主党市长Rahm Emanuel此前在竞选中承认,养老金改革十分必要,这让他付出了代价,失去了工会支持。而2009年接替Emanuel先生担任国会议员的民主党人Mike Quigley则称,“养老金改革被拖延耽搁了。”

对工会而言,问题很简单。政府一直以契约形式承诺为公务员提供退休津贴,他们每年也都在缴纳契约规定的养老金。政府无法提供全部养老金,又或银行危机导致证券市场表现不佳,均非工人之错。“美国州、郡、市联合工会”(AFSCME)的Hank Scheff认为,问题在纳税体系:“伊利诺斯州所得税实行单一税率,销售税税基又太窄,财务结构过时了。”AFSCME指出,尽管对政府公务员退休金的慷慨, 民间啧有烦言,伊利诺斯州公共部门领取养老金的人,平均年收入仅为2.2万美元。几乎没有一个工龄达45年的人,退休后得靠相当于薪水75%的全额养老金过活。

倘若不改革,巨额赤字这个大窟窿,就得纳税者来填,比如退休津贴拿得最多的那些人,消防队员和警察也包括在内。伊州提出计划,建议接下来25年内采取90%的资金比率(注3),不过就算时间计划表再从容不迫,代价都很高昂。芝加哥市前市长治下首席财务官Gene Saffold称,该计划需使该市养老金提缴款从2010年的2.72亿美元,增至2015年的8.65亿美元。政府将从财产税上筹取这笔钱,从而引发该市史上最大幅度的财产税增税。




注1:A storm in the windy city
the windy city即“风城”,是芝加哥的别名。据辞源记载,早在1886年,Windy city(芝加哥)的说法就已被媒体接受,而且,当时所言的windy绝无贬抑之意,而是特指芝加哥的宜人气候。每到夏季,湖区凉风阵阵,芝加哥成为美国人的避暑好去处,Windy city(多风城)由此得名。

注2:hedge funds

注3:funding ratio
A ratio of a pension or annuity's assets to its liabilities. A funding ratio above 1 indicates that the pension or annuity is able to cover all payments it is obligated to make. A ratio below 1 indicates that it is either unable to make payments or is in danger of not being able to do so.

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引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 12:48
这篇文章理解错误较多, 一时无暇评论, 请事后提醒我。
引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 20:30
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-4-12 20:33 编辑

In February the state borrowed $3.7 billion from the bond markets just to fund its pension contribution. Such an issue is, in effect, a gamble that the fund can earn more from its investment portfolio than it pays on the bonds (as much as 6% for those maturing in 2019). Similar bonds have been issued by other states, but an analysis by the Centre for Retirement Research in Boston concluded that they were generally issued “by the wrong governments at the wrong time”. State governments are unlikely to have the market-timing skills of hedge funds  原译:今年2月,伊州从债券市场借了37亿美元,只为给养老金提缴计划拨款。这事其实是场赌注,伊州政府押宝养老金专款从投资组合中赚的钱,要比从债券利率上赚得多,2019年到期的这笔钱,利息高达6%。其他州也发行了类似债券,不过位于波士顿的“退休研究中心”作了项分析,断定这些债券普遍都是由“错误的政府在错误的时间”发行的。州政府不大可能具备对冲基金的入市技巧。
评论: 美国的pension分两种, 一是benefits defined, 一是contribution defined。 政府公务员工资不高, 但是他们有benefits defined pension, 私人公司则一般采用contribution defined pension.
所谓pension, 交款(contribution)来自雇主和雇员两方。 事先有规定。 比如我公司采用contribution defined。 雇员自己决定从工资里扣除一定百分比,比如10%, (这部分免所得税, 将来退休后取出时要纳所得税,但是那时收入低,税率低, 而且时间上又延了税责),公司对雇员的contribution 进行match, 比如说缴雇员所缴百分比的一半, 但是有一定的极限, 比如说1.5%. 所以, 雇员不作contribution者, 公司match 为0. 雇员缴1%, 公司缴0.5%。 雇员2%, 公司1%。 雇员3%, 公司1.5%。 雇员4%, 公司仍然是1.5%。 只要头脑没毛病, 雇员至少缴3%, 以获得最高的公司match。 这两部分钱, 由雇员自己选择(可以定期改变)通过一家基金公司,投资到不同的基金组合里。 最终退休时账户有多少钱, 取决于很多因素。 何时开始, 雇员和公司各缴多少, 基金组合盈亏。 这里唯一确定(defined)的是公司的match。
公务员则常采取defined benefits。 在雇员的缴交比例规定之后, 政府的match需要不断调整,所有的钱也是投入基金市场。  根据工作年限长短, 承诺雇员退休时,能够获得退休时最高工资的百分比, 比如说如果工作满45年, 可得75%的工资, 一直到死。 显然, 这种defined benefits plan对雇员好, 对雇主负担大。
the state borrowed $3.7 billion from the bond markets just to fund its pension contribution 州政府在债券市场上借钱(实际上就是发行政府债券),为什么? 政府没钱缴交它的那部分match contribution,(配对缴交额)需要融资。
Such an issue is, in effect, a gamble that the fund can earn more from its investment portfolio than it pays on the bonds (as much as 6% for those maturing in 2019). 第一, 这里的issue 何义?发行债券之义也。 这样发行,事实上是一场豪赌, 睹的是什么? 发行债券有成本, 成本是要付债券利息, 对于该债券(2019到期)利息是6%。 发行债券融到资, 可以投资到资本市场, 获得收益。 政府赌的就是,这样融资所得投资收益会大于发行成本6%。 这是没有保证的, 所以是豪赌。尤其是,政府不像对冲基金, 对于market-timing, 技巧不高。market-timing 不是入市, 也包括出市。 见下:
Market timing is the strategy of making buy or sell decisions of financial assets (often stocks) by attempting to predict future market price movements. The prediction may be based on an outlook of market or economic conditions resulting from technical or fundamental analysis. This is an investment strategy based on the outlook for an aggregate market, rather than for a particular financial asset.

引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 20:42

The battle lines are being drawn. Rahm Emanuel, Chicago’s new Democratic mayor, acknowledged the need for pension reform in his campaign, which cost him union support. Mike Quigley, a Democrat who succeeded Mr Emanuel in his Congress seat in 2009, says that “pension reform is the can that has been kicked farthest down the road.” 原译: 战线正在拉开。芝加哥新任民主党市长Rahm Emanuel承认,竞选时为他赢得一致支持的养老金改革十分必要。而2009年接替Emanuel先生担任国会议员的民主党人Mike Quigley却称,“养老金改革是个破罐子,已被远远踢到路边。”
评论: 第一:draw (the) battle lines
to clearly show the differences between two ideas or opinions Churches generally draw battle lines over moral issues.
Usage notes: often used in the form the battle lines are drawn: The battle lines are being drawn between many patients and their health-care providers.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of battle lines (the positions of two armies prepared to fight)
第二, which cost him union support. 改革pension的政见是有代价的, 失去了工会的支持。 这也是draw the battle lines 的意思, 他和工会意见相左。
kick the can down the road
•        to procrastinate.
"Kicking the can down the road" has been a favorite metaphor politicians have used to describe someone who is postponing a decision or avoiding an issue.

-- "'Rahmbonics' making a comeback", Politico, Carol E. Lee, October 11 2008

引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 20:52
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-4-12 22:34 编辑

For the unions, the answer is simple. Workers have been contractually promised pension benefits and have made their required contributions each year. It is no fault of the workers that the state has not funded the pensions properly, or that a banking crisis has caused the stockmarkets to underperform. Hank Scheff of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) thinks the answer lies in the tax system: “Illinois has an antiquated financial structure with a flat income tax and a narrow sales-tax base.” AFSCME points out that, for all the adverse publicity about lavish provision, the average public-sector pensioner in Illinois receives only $22,000 a year. Almost nobody works for the 45 years needed to retire on a full pension, worth 75% of salary. 原译:对工会而言,问题很简单。政府一直以契约形式承诺为工人提供退休津贴,工人每年都在缴纳必需的养老金款项。伊州无法提供全部养老金,又或银行危机导致证券市场表现不佳,皆非工人之错。“美国州、郡、市联合工会”(AFSCME)的Hank Scheff认为,问题在纳税体系:“伊利诺斯州基于单一所得税与窄税基模式的财务结构,过时了。”AFSCME指出,有人不怀好意地宣传养老金太过慷慨,而实际上,伊利诺伊州公共部门平均每位领取养老金的人,所得仅为2.2万美元。几乎没有一个工龄达45年的人,退休后得靠相当于薪水75%的全额养老金过活。
评论: workers 不是工人, 而是政府职员, 公务员, 又见下文the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)可以佐证。contractually promised pension benefits 显然指的是defined benefits pension。
a flat income tax 指一律的税率, 既不累进, 也不累退。 比方说对高低收入的人都是征收3%。  
for all the adverse publicity about lavish provision, 这里的for all =despite, 尽管对政府公务员退休金的慷慨, 民间啧有烦言。
引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 21:01
In the absence of reform, there will be a big hole for taxpayers to fill. Take the funds with the most generous benefits, those covering the fire service and the police. The state has proposed bringing up the plans to a 90% funding ratio (注3)over the next 25 years, but even with that leisurely timetable it will be costly. Gene Saffold, the chief financial officer under the previous mayor, says the plan would involve an increase in the city’s contribution from $272m in 2010 to $865m in 2015. The state would raise this money from property taxes, triggering the largest property-tax hike in the city’s history. 原译:改革无法施行,纳税者就要填一个大洞。退休津贴拿得最多的人,包括消防队员和警察。伊州提出计划,建议接下来25年内采取90%的资金比率,不过就算时间计划表再从容不迫,代价都很高昂。芝加哥市前市长治下首席财务官Gene Saffold称,该计划包括 ,使该市养老金提缴款从2010年的2.72亿美元,增至2015年的8.65亿美元。政府将从财产税上筹取这笔钱,从而导致该市史上最大幅度的财产税增税。
评论:上文谈过the city’s four largest schemes,消防队员和警察的pension是其中最慷慨的一个。 如果不改革的话(In the absence of reform), 其中的deficit 就要靠纳税人填窟窿。Take the funds with the most generous benefits,  这里的take 是 take sth for example的意思。
引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 21:09
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-4-12 22:35 编辑

So instead Mr Saffold proposed aiming at a funding ratio of 80% within 50 years, with employees’ contributions being raised by 1% a year for three years from 2015. But that would still cause the city’s contribution to double. And any tax rise to deal with the pension hole will come on top of the jump in state income taxes from 3% to 5.25% and a significant increase in business taxes unveiled this year to deal with the running deficit. 原译: 因此,Saffold先生与其提议以50年内采取80%的资金比率为目标,还不如从2015年开始,将雇员养老金提缴款比率由每年提高1%,改为每三年提高1%。不过这仍会导致该市养老金提缴款翻番。而任何靠增税来解决养老金之困的方式,紧接着都会促使州所得税由3%暴涨至5.25%,并导致今年为解决长期赤字而公布的营业税显著增加。
评论: funding ratio 应是对该退休计划账户的资金支持率, 或提供率。
on top of 没有译对。
芝加哥今年已经提高税率,(从3%到5.25%) 来对付连年的赤字(running deficit). 如果要填窟窿, 势必在提税上再提税。
引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 22:14
a narrow sales-tax base
引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 22:26
So instead Mr Saffold proposed aiming at a funding ratio of 80% within 50 years, with employees’ contributions being raised by 1% a year for three years from 2015. But that would still cause the city’s contribution to double. And any tax rise to deal with the pension hole will come on top of the jump in state income taxes from 3% to 5.25% and a significant increase in business taxes unveiled this year to deal with the running deficit. 原译: 因此,Saffold先生与其提议以50年内采取80%的资金比率为目标,还不如从2015年开始,将雇员养老金提缴款比率由每年提高1%,改为每三年提高1%。不过这仍会导致该市养老金提缴款翻番。而任何靠增税来解决养老金之困的方式,紧接着都会促使州所得税由3%暴涨至5.25%,并导致今年为解决长期赤字而公布的营业税显著增加。

评论: 完全错了!太粗心了!
这个instead是相对于上一段的The state has proposed bringing up the plans to a 90% funding ratio (注3)over the next 25 years, but even with that leisurely timetable it will be costly.

所以Saffold先生提议了另一种替代方案, 50年内达到资金提供80%作为目标(上段说的是25年内资金提供率达到90%),这就要求从2015年开始,连续三年将雇员养老金提缴款比率提高1%.(隐含着2018年后降到目前的比率)

引用 yannanchen 2011-4-12 22:30
Will such money ever be paid or will taxpayers revolt? 究竟是政府支付这笔钱,还是纳税者群起造反???
Will such money ever be paid  什么钱, 谁会不会付? 我觉得不是政府会不会支付pension。 因为这个ever 是包括所有的时候的。 就是今天, 雇员退休了, pension 还是按章支付的。
这里应当指的是纳税人愿意不愿意缴纳更高的税, 如果罢缴, 就称为tax revolt
引用 zhanyisky 2011-4-13 02:01
本帖最后由 zhanyisky 于 2011-4-13 02:26 编辑


1、In February the state borrowed $3.7 billion from the bond markets just to fund its pension contribution. Such an issue is, in effect, a gamble that the fund can earn more from its investment portfolio than it pays on the bonds (as much as 6% for those maturing in 2019). Similar bonds have been issued by other states, but an analysis by the Centre for Retirement Research in Boston concluded that they were generally issued “by the wrong governments at the wrong time”. State governments are unlikely to have the market-timing skills of hedge funds
评论: 美国的pension分两种, 一是benefits defined, 一是contribution defined。 政府公务员工资不高, 但是他们有benefits defined pension, 私人公司则一般采用contribution defined pension.
所谓pension, 交款(contribution)来自雇主和雇员两方。 事先有规定。 比如我公司采用contribution defined。 雇员自己决定从工资里扣除一定百分比,比如10%, (这部分免所得税, 将来退休后取出时要纳所得税,但是那时收入低,税率低, 而且时间上又延了税责),公司对雇员的contribution 进行match, 比如说缴雇员所缴百分比的一半, 但是有一定的极限, 比如说1.5%. 所以, 雇员不作contribution者, 公司match 为0. 雇员缴1%, 公司缴0.5%。 雇员2%, 公司1%。 雇员3%, 公司1.5%。 雇员4%, 公司仍然是1.5%。 只要头脑没毛病, 雇员至少缴3%, 以获得最高的公司match。 这两部分钱, 由雇员自己选择(可以定期改变)通过一家基金公司,投资到不同的基金组合里。 最终退休时账户有多少钱, 取决于很多因素。 何时开始, 雇员和公司各缴多少, 基金组合盈亏。 这里唯一确定(defined)的是公司的match。
公务员则常采取defined benefits。 在雇员的缴交比例规定之后, 政府的match需要不断调整,所有的钱也是投入基金市场。  根据工作年限长短, 承诺雇员退休时,能够获得退休时最高工资的百分比, 比如说如果工作满45年, 可得75%的工资, 一直到死。 显然, 这种defined benefits plan对雇员好, 对雇主负担大。
the state borrowed $3.7 billion from the bond markets just to fund its pension contribution 州政府在债券市场上借钱(实际上就是发行政府债券),为什么? 政府没钱缴交它的那部分match contribution,(配对缴交额)需要融资。
Such an issue is, in effect, a gamble that the fund can earn more from its investment portfolio than it pays on the bonds (as much as 6% for those maturing in 2019). 第一, 这里的issue 何义?发行债券之义也。 这样发行,事实上是一场豪赌, 睹的是什么? 发行债券有成本, 成本是要付债券利息, 对于该债券(2019到期)利息是6%。 发行债券融到资, 可以投资到资本市场, 获得收益。 政府赌的就是,这样融资所得投资收益会大于发行成本6%。 这是没有保证的, 所以是豪赌。尤其是,政府不像对冲基金, 对于market-timing, 技巧不高。market-timing 不是入市, 也包括出市。 见下:
Market timing is the strategy of making buy or sell decisions of financial assets (often stocks) by attempting to predict future market price movements. The prediction may be based on an outlook of market or economic conditions resulting from technical or fundamental analysis. This is an investment strategy based on the outlook for an aggregate market, rather than for a particular financial asset.

2、The battle lines are being drawn. Rahm Emanuel, Chicago’s new Democratic mayor, acknowledged the need for pension reform in his campaign, which cost him union support. Mike Quigley, a Democrat who succeeded Mr Emanuel in his Congress seat in 2009, says that “pension reform is the can that has been kicked farthest down the road.”
原译: 战线正在拉开。芝加哥新任民主党市长Rahm Emanuel承认,竞选时为他赢得一致支持的养老金改革十分必要。而2009年接替Emanuel先生担任国会议员的民主党人Mike Quigley却称,“养老金改革是个破罐子,已被远远踢到路边。”
评论: 第一:draw (the) battle lines
to clearly show the differences between two ideas or opinions Churches generally draw battle lines over moral issues.
Usage notes: often used in the form the battle lines are drawn: The battle lines are being drawn between many patients and their health-care providers.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of battle lines (the positions of two armies prepared to fight)
第二, which cost him union support. 改革pension的政见是有代价的, 失去了工会的支持。 这也是draw the battle lines 的意思, 他和工会意见相左。
kick the can down the road
•        to procrastinate.
"Kicking the can down the road" has been a favorite metaphor politicians have used to describe someone who is postponing a decision or avoiding an issue.
-- "'Rahmbonics' making a comeback", Politico, Carol E. Lee, October 11 2008
改译:“战争”帷幕正在拉开。芝加哥新任民主党市长Rahm Emanuel此前在竞选中承认,养老金改革十分必要,这让他付出了代价,失去了工会支持。而2009年接替Emanuel先生担任国会议员的民主党人Mike Quigley则称,“养老金改革被拖延耽搁了。”

3、For the unions, the answer is simple. Workers have been contractually promised pension benefits and have made their required contributions each year. It is no fault of the workers that the state has not funded the pensions properly, or that a banking crisis has caused the stockmarkets to underperform. Hank Scheff of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) thinks the answer lies in the tax system: “Illinois has an antiquated financial structure with a flat income tax and a narrow sales-tax base.” AFSCME points out that, for all the adverse publicity about lavish provision, the average public-sector pensioner in Illinois receives only $22,000 a year. Almost nobody works for the 45 years needed to retire on a full pension, worth 75% of salary.
原译:对工会而言,问题很简单。政府一直以契约形式承诺为工人提供退休津贴,工人每年都在缴纳必需的养老金款项。伊州无法提供全部养老金,又或银行危机导致证券市场表现不佳,皆非工人之错。“美国州、郡、市联合工会”(AFSCME)的Hank Scheff认为,问题在纳税体系:“伊利诺斯州基于单一所得税与窄税基模式的财务结构,过时了。”AFSCME指出,有人不怀好意地宣传养老金太过慷慨,而实际上,伊利诺伊州公共部门平均每位领取养老金的人,所得仅为2.2万美元。几乎没有一个工龄达45年的人,退休后得靠相当于薪水75%的全额养老金过活。
评论: workers 不是工人, 而是政府职员, 公务员, 又见下文the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)可以佐证。contractually promised pension benefits 显然指的是defined benefits pension。
a flat income tax 指一律的税率, 既不累进, 也不累退。 比方说对高低收入的人都是征收3%。  a narrow sales-tax base 销售税税基太窄。
for all the adverse publicity about lavish provision, 这里的for all =despite, 尽管对政府公务员退休金的慷慨, 民间啧有烦言。
改译:对工会而言,问题很简单。政府一直以契约形式承诺为公务员提供退休津贴,他们每年也都在缴纳契约规定的养老金。政府无法提供全部养老金,又或银行危机导致证券市场表现不佳,均非工人之错。“美国州、郡、市联合工会”(AFSCME)的Hank Scheff认为,问题在纳税体系:“伊利诺斯州所得税实行单一税率,销售税税基又太窄,财务结构过时了。”AFSCME指出,尽管对政府公务员退休金的慷慨, 民间啧有烦言,伊利诺斯州公共部门领取养老金的人,平均年收入仅为2.2万美元。几乎没有一个工龄达45年的人,退休后得靠相当于薪水75%的全额养老金过活。

4、In the absence of reform, there will be a big hole for taxpayers to fill. Take the funds with the most generous benefits, those covering the fire service and the police. The state has proposed bringing up the plans to a 90% funding ratio (注3)over the next 25 years, but even with that leisurely timetable it will be costly. Gene Saffold, the chief financial officer under the previous mayor, says the plan would involve an increase in the city’s contribution from $272m in 2010 to $865m in 2015. The state would raise this money from property taxes, triggering the largest property-tax hike in the city’s history.
原译:改革无法施行,纳税者就要填一个大洞。退休津贴拿得最多的人,包括消防队员和警察。伊州提出计划,建议接下来25年内采取90%的资金比率,不过就算时间计划表再从容不迫,代价都很高昂。芝加哥市前市长治下首席财务官Gene Saffold称,该计划包括 ,使该市养老金提缴款从2010年的2.72亿美元,增至2015年的8.65亿美元。政府将从财产税上筹取这笔钱,从而导致该市史上最大幅度的财产税增税。
评论:上文谈过the city’s four largest schemes,消防队员和警察的pension是其中最慷慨的一个。 如果不改革的话(In the absence of reform), 其中的deficit 就要靠纳税人填窟窿。Take the funds with the most generous benefits,  这里的take 是 take sth for example的意思。
改译:倘若不改革,巨额赤字这个大窟窿,就得纳税者来填,比如退休津贴拿得最多的那些人,消防队员和警察也包括在内。伊州提出计划,建议接下来25年内采取90%的资金比率,不过就算时间计划表再从容不迫,代价都很高昂。芝加哥市前市长治下首席财务官Gene Saffold称,该计划需使该市养老金提缴款从2010年的2.72亿美元,增至2015年的8.65亿美元。政府将从财产税上筹取这笔钱,从而引发该市史上最大幅度的财产税增税。

5、So instead Mr Saffold proposed aiming at a funding ratio of 80% within 50 years, with employees’ contributions being raised by 1% a year for three years from 2015. But that would still cause the city’s contribution to double. And any tax rise to deal with the pension hole will come on top of the jump in state income taxes from 3% to 5.25% and a significant increase in business taxes unveiled this year to deal with the running deficit.
原译: 因此,Saffold先生与其提议以50年内采取80%的资金比率为目标,还不如从2015年开始,将雇员养老金提缴款比率由每年提高1%,改为每三年提高1%。不过这仍会导致该市养老金提缴款翻番。而任何靠增税来解决养老金之困的方式,紧接着都会促使州所得税由3%暴涨至5.25%,并导致今年为解决长期赤字而公布的营业税显著增加。
评论: funding ratio 应是对该退休计划账户的资金支持率, 或提供率。
on top of 没有译对。
芝加哥今年已经提高税率,(从3%到5.25%) 来对付连年的赤字(running deficit). 如果要填窟窿, 势必在提税上再提税。
评论: 完全错了!太粗心了!
这个instead是相对于上一段的The state has proposed bringing up the plans to a 90% funding ratio (注3)over the next 25 years, but even with that leisurely timetable it will be costly.
所以Saffold先生提议了另一种替代方案, 50年内达到资金提供80%作为目标(上段说的是25年内资金提供率达到90%),这就要求从2015年开始,连续三年将雇员养老金提缴款比率提高1%.(隐含着2018年后降到目前的比率)
And any tax rise to deal with the pension hole will come on top of the jump in state income taxes from 3% to 5.25% and a significant increase in business taxes unveiled this year to deal with the running deficit.这句Y版处理得很巧妙,先译后句,再译前句,意思明晰了许多。

6、Will such money ever be paid or will taxpayers revolt?
评论:Will such money ever be paid  什么钱, 谁会不会付? 我觉得不是政府会不会支付pension。 因为这个ever 是包括所有的时候的。 就是今天, 雇员退休了, pension 还是按章支付的。
这里应当指的是纳税人愿意不愿意缴纳更高的税, 如果罢缴, 就称为tax revolt
根据Y版第一段的分析,Will such money ever be paid这里应理解为政府、公司等雇主及公务员、纳税者等雇员这两方,到底还会不会缴纳养老金吧,为了译文简练,是否可以不明确指代?
引用 zhanyisky 2011-4-13 02:02
引用 jiabaoyu24 2011-4-13 14:54
回复 yannanchen 的帖子

is the version in brown yours? what a shame that it's no better than the original one ,if not worse.
引用 zhanyisky 2011-4-14 08:53
Will such money ever be paid or will taxpayers revolt?
yannanchen  6. 应是纳税人肯不肯多缴税。 政府的钱来自纳税人。
such money我理解为养老金了,再想一下,应该紧承上文,指征税。

引用 suiziyanghan 2011-4-14 09:34
本帖最后由 suiziyanghan 于 2011-4-14 09:41 编辑

回复 zhanyisky 的帖子

the average public-sector pensioner in Illinois receives only $22,000 a year.

我觉得将“平均年收入”改为“平均每年所得仅为” 是不是更好一点...

Almost nobody works for the 45 years needed to retire on a full pension, worth 75% of salary.


引用 jiabaoyu24 2011-4-14 09:40
本帖最后由 jiabaoyu24 于 2011-4-14 10:08 编辑

回复 jiabaoyu24 的帖子

: )   ( :
State governments are unlikely to have the market-timing skills of hedge funds
"unlikely" means the incompatibility rather than incomparability between state goverment and "skills of hedge funds", 州政府不太可能掌握对冲基金的投资时机。the original was right

Almost nobody works for the 45 years needed to retire on a full pension, worth 75% of salary.

for one "needed..." is the postpositive,  " need 45 years' work to retire on a full pension", the funniest is "worth 75% of salary" also a postpositive.

引用 suiziyanghan 2011-4-14 13:29
And any tax rise to deal with the pension hole will come on top of the jump in state income taxes from 3% to 5.25% and a significant increase in business taxes unveiled this year to deal with the running deficit.

这里有错误,从3%提高至5.25%的应该是收入所得税,而非营业税。营业税是a significant increase (显著增加)
引用 suiziyanghan 2011-4-14 13:54
What I tell the folks in the unions is that these pension promises are a mirage.

folk [fəuk]
1. [复数]人们,世人
2. [复数]特定阶级(或集团)的人
3. [the folk](某一种族、民族或社会阶层中的)广大成员,老百姓
4. [复数][口语]大伙们,各位[用作称呼]
5. [复数][口语]双亲,父母亲;家属,亲属
6. [古语]种族,民族
引用 skittos 2011-4-15 03:39
本帖最后由 skittos 于 2011-4-15 03:40 编辑

回复 zhanyisky 的帖子



1.“pension reform is the can that has been kicked farthest down the road.”

2. The state would raise this money from property taxes, triggering the largest property-tax hike in the city’s history.

3. And any tax rise to deal with the pension hole will come on top of the jump in state income taxes from 3% to 5.25% and a significant increase in business taxes unveiled this year to deal with the running deficit.
a significant increase in business taxes (漏)在商业税上的显著增长


4. The money isn’t going to be there
引用 zhanyisky 2011-4-15 13:24
本帖最后由 zhanyisky 于 2011-4-15 13:30 编辑
jiabaoyu24 发表于 2011-4-14 09:40
回复 jiabaoyu24 的帖子

: )   ( :

State governments are unlikely to have the market-timing skills of hedge funds.
这句看Y版跟jiabaoyu24同学的分析,貌似都有理,关键是hedge funds的理解,Y版认为是“对冲基金(组织)”,jiabaoyu24同学认为是“对冲基金(投资方式)”。
另,我也认为“unlikely”应该是“不大可能”之意,而非“不像...”;再则“buy or sell”字面上指“出入市”,但貌似也可笼统理解为“投资”。


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