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[2011.05.12] 平壤机密

2011-5-15 06:50| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 7867| 评论: 126|原作者: migmig

摘要: 以朝鲜为背景的惊悚小说



May 12th 2011 | from the print edition

Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea. By Guy Delisle. Drawn and Quarterly; 192 pages; $14.95. Jonathan Cape; £12.99. Buy from,
《平壤:朝鲜游历》,盖伊·迪莱尔(Guy Delisle)著。Drawn and Quarterly出版社出版,192页,售价14.95美元;乔纳森·凯普出版社出版,售价12.99英镑。亚马逊有售

Maximum Target. By Martin Gower. NoirEast Publishing; 362 pages; £9. Buy from
最高目标》,马丁·高尔(Martin Gower)著。NoirEast Publishing出版社出版,362页;售价9英镑。亚马逊有售

The Man with the Baltic Stare. By James Church. Minotaur; 288 pages; $24.99 and £17.99. Buy from,
《象波罗的海般凝视的人》,James Church著。米诺陶(Minotaur)出版社出版,288页;售价24.99美元或17.99英镑。亚马逊有售


近来,一些快餐文学作品使用朝鲜作为背景,透露出的信息却微不足道。或许,这其中最不寻常的当属盖伊·迪莱尔(Guy Delisle)的《平壤:朝鲜游历》(2006),这是首部也是迄今唯一一部图文并茂地描述朝鲜民主主义人民共和国生活的书。作者从担任法国动画工作室和它的朝鲜合作者之间联系人的经历中受到启发,用单调的黑白图画描绘了世界上唯一没有霓虹灯的首都的奇异空旷和神秘。

盘旋在这昏暗世界上方的是亲爱领袖金正日—— 一位矮小的、走起路来摇摇摆摆的、戴着名牌太阳镜的专制君主——无处不在的形象。根据官方说法,金正日集国家领导人、哲学家、作家、歌剧作曲家、电影导演、世界级高尔夫球手于一身。每天因金正日始,至金正日终。他鲜有露面,却无处不在。参观放置送给金正日的礼物的博物馆一整天被视为相当有趣的娱乐活动,平壤正是这种类型的城市。小说中发生的故事并不多,不过,平壤发生的事情也不多——至少如果你运气不错的话。

在马丁·高尔(Martin Gower)的《最高目标》(“Maximum Target”)中,各种角色可没有那么幸运。该书完全省去了渐次铺陈结构与细节的慢工细活,直接把读者投掷到一个日本黑社会、毒品贩子、按摩女郎、以暗杀朝鲜独裁者收尾的密谋组成的世界。


尽管视角不同,相同的地点同样出现在James Church笔下一系列犯罪小说中。James Church是前东亚中情局特工的笔名。在他的书中,主角是一个平壤警官——可爱的检察官O,他知道在朝鲜秘密从未被破解,只是被更大的秘密吸收了。


James Church闭口不谈,所以很难知道他的信息是如何得来的,不过风景入微和感觉的细腻表明,对于朝鲜的实际生活,他不只是粗略的了解。在接下来的两部小说《隐月》和《竹与血》中,一种微妙的、间接的讽刺展开了,因其十分诡异而不能用喜剧。最终,在去年的《象波罗的海般凝视的人》一书中,退休的检察官O重新穿上制服,去调查发生在澳门的一起谋杀。最终大家都清楚了,他的工作不是去解决问题,而是让问题更加费解。

这是朝鲜风格的警察办案小说——完全的翻转。想在朝鲜生活,不是你做了什么——而是你不做什么。或者,正如马丁·高尔(Martin Gower)指出的那样,这有点类似爵士乐,不弹的音符才是有意义的音符。

from the print edition | Books and Arts

本文由译者 migmig 提供 点击此处阅读双语版







刚表态过的朋友 (4 人)



引用 migmig 2011-5-14 18:49
本帖最后由 migmig 于 2011-5-16 16:10 编辑


dqzxf 提供的书籍   平壤_-_朝鲜之旅.pdf
引用 11mango 2011-5-14 19:56
Maximum Target
引用 migmig 2011-5-14 19:58
11mango 发表于 2011-5-14 19:56
Maximum Target

引用 11mango 2011-5-14 20:11
本帖最后由 11mango 于 2011-5-14 21:38 编辑

ISOLATED and isolating, North Korea has made concealment a way of being. Which may be one reason why, as a setting, it lends itself so well to the imagination of thriller writers.
concealment 可否就意译为 孤立 呢?
第二处,lend it so well to the imagination of thriller writers,其实就可以译作“非常适合写惊悚小说”,这样整个句子会通顺得多

A clutch of recent potboilers use the setting, but reveal little. Perhaps the most unusual of these is Guy Delisle’s “Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea” (2006), the first and so far the only “graphic novel” to tackle life in the DPRK. Inspired by the author’s experience as the liaison between a French animation studio and its Korean partner, it uses drab black-and-white drawings to depict the singular emptiness and mystery of the world’s only neon-free capital city.

近来,一些粗制滥造的文学作品使用朝鲜作为背景,透露出的信息微不足道。或许,这其中最不寻常的当属盖伊·迪莱尔(Guy Delisle)的《平壤:朝鲜游历》(2006),这是第一部也是迄今唯一一部图文并茂地描述朝鲜民主主义人民共和国生活的书。作者从担任法国动画工作室和它的朝鲜合作者之间联系人的经历中受到启发,用单调的黑白图画描绘了世界上唯一没有霓虹灯的首都的惊人空旷和神秘。
(disapproving) a book, a play, etc. that is produced only to earn money quickly

Hovering over this crepuscular world is the ever-present image of the Dear Leader, Kim Jong Il, the diminutive, shambling, designer sunglasses-wearing despot who—according to official sources— combines national leadership with the roles of philosopher, writer, opera composer, film director and world-class golfer. The day begins and ends with Mr Kim, who is seldom seen but always present. Pyongyang is the kind of city where a day-long visit to the museum of gifts presented to Mr Kim seems like quite an interesting diversion. Nothing much happens in the novel. But then, nothing much happens in Pyongyang—at least if you are lucky.

盘旋在这昏暗世界上方的是亲爱领袖金正日—— 一位矮小的、走起路来摇摇摆摆的、戴着设计师设计太阳镜的专制君主——无处不在的形象。根据官方说法,金正日集国家领导人、哲学家、作家、歌剧作曲家、电影导演、世界级高尔夫球手于一身。日子从他开始,到他结束。他鲜有露面,却无处不在。一整天参观放置金正日礼物的博物馆被视为相当有趣的娱乐活动,平壤正是这种类型的城市。

designer 作定语,这里可以就以为“高档墨镜”或者“名牌墨镜”

Various characters are not so fortunate in Martin Gower’s “Maximum Target”, which dispenses entirely with such niceties as the slow accumulation of texture and detail, and hurls the reader straight into a world of Japanese yakuza gangsters, drug dealers, massage-parlour girls and a conspiracy that ends with an attempt on the life of the North Korean dictator.

在马丁·高尔(Martin Gower)的《最大目标》(“Maximum Target”)中,各种角色可没有那么幸运。该书完全省掉了对结构和细节之类的精雕细刻,直接把读者投掷到一个日本瘪三、毒品贩子、按摩女郎、以攻击朝鲜独裁者收尾的密谋组成的世界。

an attempt on the life of 应该是“暗杀”吧?

Mr Gower’s characters have a depth that befits his rapid-fire global plots and counterplots—which is to say, not much. But the text is informed and witty, the North Korean scenes sketched with what reads like first-hand knowledge, and there is an engaging take on cultural preoccupations from Karl Marx to Jean-Paul Sartre and Bob Dylan, played out against the unlikely skyline of Pyongyang with its empty boulevards and permanently unfinished multi-storey hotels.


连珠似炮 一般只用来形容人说话,这里也许用“一连串的”更好些;
first-hand knowledge 这一个小句可以译为“好像作者亲游过朝鲜一样”;
Jean-Paul Sartre让·保罗·萨特 : ... 7%E8%90%A8%E7%89%B9
鲍勃 迪伦:

The same locations, albeit from a different angle, also appear in a series of crime novels written by James Church, the pseudonym of a former CIA operative in East Asia. Here the central character is a Pyongyang police officer, the likeable Inspector O, who knows that in North Korea mysteries are never solved, just absorbed into larger mysteries.

相同的地点,尽管视角不同,同样出现在James Church笔下一系列犯罪小说中。James Church是前东亚中情局特工的笔名。在他的书中,主角是一个平壤警官——可爱的检察官O,他知道在朝鲜秘密从未被破解,只是变成了更大的秘密。

The first in the series, “A Corpse In The Koryo”, which came out in 2006, is the least assured, but in some ways the most original. Daily life, rather than a particular crime, is the mystery here. Much of the story involves the inspector trying, never entirely successfully, to join the dots between one inexplicable event and the next, and connect them all to the murder of a foreigner that may or may not have taken place in the Koryo Hotel.


Mr Church keeps his own counsel, so it is not known how he comes by his information, but the scenic details and atmospherics suggest more than a passing acquaintance with the realities of life in North Korea. In the next two novels, “Hidden Moon” and “Bamboo and Blood”, a subtle, indirect satire on a state develops that is too bizarre for comedy. Finally, in last year’s “The Man with the Baltic Stare”, Inspector O is called out of retirement to investigate a murder in Macao. Eventually it becomes clear that the job is not to solve the crime, but to obscure it.

James Church闭口不谈,所以很难知道他的信息是如何得来的,不过风景细节和氛围表明,对于朝鲜的实际生活,他不是粗略的了解。在接下来的两部小说《藏月》和《竹与血》中,一种微妙的、间接的讽刺————————————。最终,在去年的《象波罗的海般凝视的人》一书中,退休的检察官O重新穿上制服,去调查发生在澳门的一起谋杀。最终大家都清楚了,他的工作不是去解决问题,而是让问题更加费解。

a subtle, indirect satire on a state develops that is too bizarre for comedy   对这个国家的巧妙暗讽,这使得两本书风格如此诡异而不像喜剧。

This is a police procedural North Korea- style—fully inverted. It’s not what you do that lets you get by in North Korea, it’s what you don’t do. Or as Mr Gower puts it, it is something like jazz; the notes you don’t play are the notes that count.

这是朝鲜风格的警察办案小说——全颠倒了。想在朝鲜生活,不是你做了什么——而是你不做什么。或者,正如马丁·高尔(Martin Gower)指出的那样,这有点类似爵士,不弹的音符才是有意义的音符。

引用 culinary 2011-5-14 20:47
厉害厉害,真够难为的,要把那种挪揄和误解的味儿译出来真是不容易。Thrillers in North Korea:毛骨悚然在朝鲜;lend一词挺让人头疼,无此,首句活不了。Daily life, rather than a particular crime, is the mystery here,别说是特别刑罪,就是日常生活,在朝鲜都成了神秘。我是这样理解的,还请指点。
引用 migmig 2011-5-14 20:51
culinary 发表于 2011-5-14 20:47
厉害厉害,真够难为的,要把那种挪揄和误解的味儿译出来真是不容易。Thrillers in North Korea:毛骨悚然在 ...

rather than  应该是“而不是”的意思。

Thrillers in North Korea:毛骨悚然在朝鲜  ,因为毛骨悚然是个形容词,不是名词,于是改了下。

lend  itself to 是“适宜于”“适合于”的意思。
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:03
Thrillers in North Korea毛骨悚然的朝鲜
Pyongyang confidential平壤机密
The draw of a mysterious nation神秘王国素描

解题:Thrillers in North Korea以北韩为主题的惊悚小说
The draw of a mysterious nation神秘之国的吸引力

引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:06
ISOLATED and isolating,
被人家孤立, 也孤立人家
前者指的是别的国家(除中国以外), 后者我觉得是指本国人民。
引用 culinary 2011-5-14 21:09
引用 migmig 2011-5-14 21:09
yannanchen 发表于 2011-5-14 21:06
ISOLATED and isolating,
被人家孤立, 也孤立人家
前者指的是别的国家(除中国以外), 后者我觉得是指本 ...

引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:22
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-5-15 19:45 编辑

We live in an increasingly connected world. Yet barriers to connection continue to operate in schools. Kathy Boles at Harvard has described school as the egg-crate culture. With some exceptions, teaching can be an isolated and isolating profession, unless teachers and administrators work to be connected to other learners. It is far too easy to [...]

引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:26
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-5-15 19:46 编辑

Angela's parents think she's on the road to ruin because she's dating a 'bad boy'. After her behaviour gets too much for them, they ship her off to Hidden Oak. Isolated and isolating, Hidden Oak promises to rehabilitate 'dangerous girls'. But as Angela gets drawn in further and further, she discovers that recovery is only on the agenda for the 'better' girls. The other girls - designated as 'the purple thread' - will instead be manipulated to become more and more dangerous . . . and more and more reliant on Hidden Oak's care.
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:26
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-5-15 19:46 编辑

I first created the idea of ubiquitous computing from contemplation of the place of today's computer in actual activities of everyday life. In particular, anthropological studies of work life [Suchman 1985, Lave 1991] teach us that people primarily work in a world of shared situations and unexamined technological skills. However the computer today is isolated and isolating from the overall situation, and fails to get out of the way of the work. In other words, rather than being a tool through which we work, and so which disappears from our awareness, the computer too often remains the focus of attention. And this is true throughout the domain of personal computing as currently implemented and discussed for the future, whether one thinks of PC's, palmtops, or dynabooks. The characterization of the future computer as the "intimate computer" [Kay 1991], or "rather like a human assistant" [Tesler 1991] makes this inappropriate attention to the machine itself particularly apparent.

引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:31

引用 11mango 2011-5-14 21:37
回复 migmig 的帖子

adjective, noun
adjective [only before noun] (abbreviation max) as large, fast, etc. as is possible, or the most that is possible or allowed
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:37
The day begins and ends with Mr Kim,
每天因金先生而开始, 也因金先生而结束。
引用 11mango 2011-5-14 21:41
yannanchen 发表于 2011-5-14 21:26
Angela's parents think she's on the road to ruin because she's dating a 'bad boy'. After her behavio ...

引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:42
which dispenses entirely with such niceties as the slow accumulation of texture and detail,
引用 yannanchen 2011-5-14 21:47


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