mansions who never had an opportunity of joining the Church
on earth ; and when we realize, in some feeble measure, the value
of one precious soul, what praise and thanks can we give to Him for the many thousands who are already present with the Lord, and for the ever-increasing number of those who are
living, and in many cases suffering, for Him below ? In concluding, we should like to ask for earnest prayer that the Missionaries and native converts may be preserved in peace and health and safety, for truly they dwell where Satan's seat
is. Pray that they may be increasingly filled with the Spiritand used as soul-winners, and that He who has hitherto helpedus may continue to remind His servants of the pecuniary needsof the work, and may abundantly bless and reward those whominister of their substance. Ask, too, His special blessing onthose faithful servants who " have nothing too precious for theirJesus," and who give the best gift of all, son or daughter, to
" Go with the Name of Jesus to the dying,
And. speak that Name in all its living power."