
标题: 20191218 比特幣前十年的十大事件 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2025-3-4 22:04
标题: 20191218 比特幣前十年的十大事件
ByJustinO'Connell, 前撰稿人.
Dec 18, 2019, 04:08am EST
據報導,比特幣創造者中本聰在2007年開始研究比特幣,然後在2008年10月31日萬聖節發表了白皮書。在短短八頁紙的篇幅中,中本聰介紹了如何解決拜占庭通將理論(Byzantine General's Theory)。
在 Bitcoin 最早期,當 2009 年 1 月 3 日創世區塊被挖出後,中本聰明與 Hal Finney、Mike Hearn 和 Gavin Andresen 等人來回傳送訊息討論網路。很多討論都是在 上進行的,這是一個由 Nakamoto 創建的論壇。
在創世紀區塊被挖出九天後,第一筆比特幣交易由中本聰發送給Hal Finney,他是一位密碼學家,在比特幣出現前已經創造了一個工作證明系統。
Finney 住在洛杉磯地區,與 Dorian Nakamoto 相隔不遠,Dorian Nakamoto 曾在 2014 年被《新聞週刊》誣衊為比特幣的發明者,但這一說法已基本被揭穿。Finney 後來被診斷出患有肌肉萎縮性側索硬化症 (ALS),五年後去世,享年 58 歲。
Google 開始「無聲」追蹤您的電話-如何阻止它
3 月 4 日(星期二)《紐約時報》今日迷你填字遊戲字謎及答案
維基解密於 2011 年在 Twitter 上宣布開始接受比特幣捐款。在 上的最後一篇文章中,比特幣的創造者中本聰提到了維基解密。
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「他在 2010 年寫道:「這個計畫需要逐漸成長,這樣軟體才能一路加強。「我在此向維基解密發出呼籲,不要嘗試使用比特幣。比特幣是一個處於起步階段的小型測試社區。你不會得到比零用錢更多的東西,而且你所帶來的熱量很可能會毀了現階段的我們"。
當維基解密啟動比特幣時,中本分享了他的想法: 「如果能在其他任何情況下獲得這樣的關注就好了。維基解密捅了馬蜂窩,蜂群正朝我們襲來"。
Gavin Andresen 從 Nakamoto 繼承首席開發人員的角色
2011 年,當中本把網路警戒鑰匙和比特幣代碼倉庫的控制權交給Gavin Andresen時,分析師估計創造者當時已經挖出了大約一百萬枚比特幣。
Andresen 現在是開放原始碼的首席開發人員。2012 年,Andresen 成立了 Bitcoin 基金會,以教育監管機構有關新興的數位貨幣,他收到了 CIA 等機構的邀請。比特幣投資者 Tuur Demeester 發現,比特幣社區對他與該機構討論比特幣的決定進行了激烈的辯論。
第一台 ASIC 礦機出貨
當時的比特幣開發者Jeff Garzik(現在經營 Bloq)收到了第一台 ASIC 比特幣礦機器。ASIC 是 「特定應用集成芯片 」的縮寫。這些芯片是專門為 GPU 挖幣而設計的。Bitcoin ASIC 礦機專門對 SHA-256 進行散列,這是 Bitcoin 的加密散列演算法。
Garzik在推特上寫道 「我的妻子告訴我,一個來自中國的包裹到了。我會在回家後進行調查。#比特幣"。
Garzik 報告說,他的 Avalon A3256 在 2013 年 2 月 9 日之前就已經收回了成本。「包括電費在內,Avalon ASIC #比特幣礦機現已收回成本,」他在推特上寫道。
Laszlo Hanyecz (laszlo),曾為比特幣的源代碼做出貢獻,他用比特幣購買了兩份Domino's披薩,這是第一次有記錄的用比特幣購買商品。
Laszlo 在 2010 年 5 月 17 日發佈了他購買比特幣的請求。他在 5 月 22 日向比特幣社區報告了這筆交易。出價時比特幣的報價是 41 美元。
披薩指數指的是花在披薩上的比特幣的價值,如果它們賣的是美元,而不是披薩。 這個金額在 2017 年 4 月高達 1550 萬美元。
5 月 22 日被称为比特币披萨日。
絲綢之路以連接歐洲和東亞的貿易路線命名,由開發者和管理者 Ross Ulbricht 創建。該網站以 Tor 隱藏服務的方式運作。雖然 Ulbricht 承認創建了該網站,但他不承認一直在線上運營該網站。
Ulbricht 是初犯,被判兩次終身監禁,另加 40 年不得假釋。絲綢之路禁止銷售武器、戀童癖和被盜信息。使用絲綢之路的規則說明您不應該傷害他人。
在關閉之前,Mt. Gox處理了70% 的比特幣交易。這家總部位於東京的交易所在 2014 年初根據日本法律申請破產保護。
當時約值 4.6 億美元的 85 萬枚比特幣不見了,雖然找到了 20 萬枚。2700 萬美元的銀行存款下落不明。
網站所有者 Mark Karpeles 歸咎於黑客。東京警視廳認為 64.3 萬枚比特幣的失蹤是詐騙造成的。破產程序於 2014 年 4 月進行,並持續至今。
Bitcoin Conference 2019 舞台後方的比特幣標誌。
2013 年非故意的比特幣分叉
2013 年 3 月,由於比特幣軟體 0.8 版本中的一個錯誤,區塊鏈暫時分裂成兩條規則不同的獨立鏈。
礦工、商家和用戶運行新的分歧版本的比特幣。舊版比特幣與新版比特幣並不兼容。運行新版本 0.8.0 的礦池被要求回滾到版本 0.7,以創建一個與所有比特幣軟體相容的單一區塊鏈。商家不需要做任何事情。
核心開發人員發布了 0.8.1 版本,避免創建與舊版本不相容的區塊。
Mike Hearn 離職
比特幣首席開發人員Mike Hearn在 2016 年發表部落格,表示他在比特幣的時代結束了。他已出售剩餘的持股,並在 R3 CEV 工作,這是一個研究企業區塊鏈的企業聯盟。
Hearn 花了五年多的時間研究這種基於網路的貨幣,他已經離開了開發團隊。
「Hearn 在 Medium 上寫道:「儘管我一直都知道比特幣可能會失敗,但現在它失敗這個無法逃避的結論還是讓我非常難過。在離開之前,Hearn 和 Andresen 曾與其他開發人員就是否應該擴大處理比特幣交易的「區塊」產生爭議。
Hearn 將當時一兆位元組的區塊容量稱為「完全人為的容量上限」。 Hearn 和 Andresen 曾提出一個替代方案,Bitcoin XT。
Hearn 當時表示,比特幣社區在治理比特幣的程式碼上「失敗」了。
2011年11月,在Bitcointalk.org論壇上,Pirateat40向投資者承諾,如果存款超過25,000 BTC,每周將獲得7%的回報,這筆款項在當時價值超過275,000美元。
Pirateat40 在 2012 年 8 月關閉了該基金。他說基金變得太大,他無法管理。美國證券交易委員會指控 Pirateat40 背後的人 Trendon Shavers 經營非法的龐氏騙局,當時價值約 450 萬美元。Shavers 被勒令支付超過 4,000 萬美元的交出金或非法利潤,其中包括 15 萬美元的民事罰金。
他的律師 Jason Seibert為 Shavers辯護 ,指出這並不像許多人假設的那樣,是一個龐氏騙局。「這位證券律師表示:「他以最公平的方式,儘可能還款給更多的人,但並不是每個人都能拿回款項。「所以人們假設這一定是個龐氏騙局」。
值得一提: 區塊大小之爭
比特幣區塊大小是比特幣史上爭議最激烈的區塊鏈問題,它更像是一場持續不斷的辯論,而非事件。中本聪在 2010 年将比特币的区块大小限制为 1MB,直到 2013 年 3 月才成为一个公开的问题。
由於 Bitcoin 網路將交易分批放入區塊鏈,因此大約每隔十分鐘就會釋放到網路中。比特幣最大區塊大小參數限制了「鏈上」交易,導致網路擁塞和交易費用增加,尤其是在需求發燒的時候。
Garzik 在 2010年發佈了關於區塊大小的帖子,建議網路每秒支援超過 3-10 個交易。此建議遭到否決。Nakamoto 曾將 遺贈給一位名叫 'Theymos' 的版主,他指出這將代表一個共識參數的改變,需要在整個網路中協調。

These Are The Top Ten Events Of Bitcoin’s First Decade
ByJustin O'Connell, Former Contributor. I interview Bitcoiners, etc.
Dec 18, 2019, 04:08am EST

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Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto reportedly began working on Bitcoin in 2007, and then published the white paper on Halloween, October 31, 2008. In just eight-pages, Nakamoto describes how Byzantine General’s Theory could be solved.

In the earliest days of Bitcoin, once the genesis block had been mined on Jan 3, 2009, Nakamoto sent messages back and forth with people such as Hal Finney, Mike Hearn, and Gavin Andresen discussing the network. A lot of this discussion took place on, a forum created by Nakamoto.

Check out below the top ten events (in one man’s opinion) of the first full decade of Bitcoin.

The First Ever Bitcoin Transaction
Nine days after the genesis block was mined, the first ever Bitcoin transaction was sent from Nakamoto to Hal Finney, a cryptographer who had created a proof of work system before Bitcoin existed.


Finney lived in the Los Angeles area, not too far from Dorian Nakamoto, the man who Newsweek doxxed in 2014 as the inventor of Bitcoin, though this theory has largely been debunked. Finney was later diagnosed with ALS and died almost five years later at the age of 58. He is survived by his wife, Fran, and their two children.

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Wikileaks Accepts Bitcoin
WikiLeaks announced in 2011 on Twitter that it would begin accepting Bitcoin donations. In one of his last posts on, Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto mentioned WikiLeaks.

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"The project needs to grow gradually so the software can be strengthened along the way,” he wrote in 2010. “I make this appeal to WikiLeaks not to try to use Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a small beta community in its infancy. You would not stand to get more than pocket change, and the heat you would bring would likely destroy us at this stage.”


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When WikiLeaks greenlit Bitcoin, Nakamoto shared his thoughts: "It would have been nice to get this attention in any other context. WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us."

Gavin Andresen Inherits Role as Chief Developer from Nakamoto
When Nakamoto handed the network alert key and control of the Bitcoin code repository to Gavin Andresen in 2011, analysts estimated the creator had by then mined approximately one million bitcoins.

Andresen was now chief developer of the open source code. In 2012, Andresen, who established the Bitcoin Foundation in 2012 in order to educate regulators about the nascent digital currency, received invites from the likes of the CIA. The Bitcoin community vehemently debated his decision to speak with the agency about Bitcoin, as dug up by Bitcoin investor Tuur Demeester.

"Last email I sent him I told him I was going to talk at the CIA,” wrote Andresen of Nakamoto in a 2012 thread.

The First ASIC Miner Ships
Then Bitcoin developer Jeff Garzik, who now runs Bloq, received the first ASIC Bitcoin miner. ASIC stands for “application-specific integrated chips.” These chips are designed specifically for mining GPU coins. A Bitcoin ASIC miner specializes in hashing the SHA-256, Bitcoin’s cryptographic hash algorithm.

Garzik tweeted: “My wife informs me that a package from China arrived. Will investigate when I return home. #Bitcoin.”

Garzik reported his Avalon A3256 had paid for itself by February 9, 2013. “Including electricity costs, the Avalon ASIC #bitcoin miner has now paid for itself,” he tweeted.

Bitcoin Pizza
Laszlo Hanyecz (laszlo), who had made contributions to bitcoin’s source code,  made the first documented purchase of a good with bitcoin when he bought two Domino’s pizzas from jercos, who reportedly was 18 at the time of the transaction, for 10,000 BTC.

Laszlo posted on May 17, 2010 his request to purchase bitcoin. He reported the transaction to the Bitcoin community on May 22. Bitcoins were quoted at $41 at the time of the offer.

“I just want to report that I successfully traded 10,000 bitcoins for pizza. Thanks jercos!”

The Pizza Index refers to the value of the bitcoins spent on the pizzas were they sold for US dollars, not Pizza.  That amount topped $15.5 million in April 2017.

May 22 is known as Bitcoin Pizza Day.

Rise and Fall of Silk Road
Silk Road, which was named after the trade route connecting Europe to East Asia, was created by developer and administrator Ross Ulbricht. The website operated as a Tor hidden service. While Ulbricht has admitted to creating the site, he has not admitted to running it the whole time it was online.

The Silk Road was considered by users to be almost entirely anonymous. On the Silk Road, users enjoyed enhanced privacy, sometimes to the point of anonymity, where they shopped for mostly cannabis, but, also, mushrooms, acid, and more.

Ulbricht, a first-time offender, was sentenced to 2 life sentences plus 40 years without parole. The Silk Road prohibited the sale of weapons, pedophilia, and stolen info. The rules of using Silk Road stated you were not supposed to do harm to others.

Mt. Gox Collapse
Before it shuttered, Mt. Gox handled 70% of all Bitcoin transactions. The Tokyo-based exchange filed for bankruptcy protection under Japanese law in early 2014

With an approximate value of $460 million at the time, 850,000 bitcoins had gone missing, though 200,000 were found. $27 million in bank deposits could not be accounted for.

Site owner Mark Karpeles blamed hackers. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department believes 643,000 bitcoins went missing as a result of fraud. Bankruptcy proceedings took place in April 2014 and continue until today.

The Bitcoin symbol behind the stage at Bitcoin Conference 2019.
The Bitcoin symbol behind the stage at Bitcoin Conference 2019. Author
2013 Unintentional Bitcoin Fork
In March 2013, the blockchain temporarily split into two independent chains with different rules due to a bug in version 0.8 of the bitcoin software.

Miners, merchants, and users ran a new, divergent version of bitcoin. The old version of bitcoin and the new version were not compatible. Mining pools running the new version 0.8.0 were asked to rollback to version 0.7 to create a single blockchain compatible with all bitcoin software. Merchants did not have to do anything.

The core developers released a 0.8.1 version that avoids creating blocks that are incompatible with older versions.

Mike Hearn Leaves
Bitcoin lead developer Mike Hearn blogged in 2016 that his time in Bitcoin was over. He had sold his remaining holdings and had taken a job at R3 CEV, an enterprise consortium working on blockchain for enterprise.

Hearn, who had spent more than five years working on the web-based currency, had left the development team.

“Despite knowing that bitcoin could fail all along, the now inescapable conclusion that it has failed still saddens me greatly,” Hearn wrote on Medium. Before leaving, Hearn and Andresen had disagreed with other developers over whether the “blocks” in which bitcoin transactions are processed should be enlarged.

Hearn called the block capacity at the time of one megabyte “an entirely artificial capacity cap.”  Hearn and Andresen had proposed an alternative, Bitcoin XT.

“If an IT system runs out of capacity like that then all kinds of things go wrong – all hell breaks loose,” he said in an interview with Reuters.

Hearn said at the time that the bitcoin community had “failed” at governance of Bitcoin’s code.

On the forum in November 2011, Pirateat40 promised investors a 7 percent weekly return on deposits of more than 25,000 BTC, a sum worth more than $275,000 at the time.

Pirateat40 shut down the fund in August of 2012. He said it had gotten too big for him to manage. The Securities and Exchange Commission charged Trendon Shavers, the man behind Pirateat40, with operating an illegal Ponzi scheme worth about $4.5 million at the time. Shavers was ordered to pay more than $40 million in disgorgement or illegal profits, including $150,000 civil penalty.

His lawyer, Jason Seibert, has defended Shavers, noting that it wasn’t a Ponzi scheme, like so many assumed. "He paid as many people back as he could in the most fair way he could do it, but not everyone got paid back," the securities lawyer said. "So people assumed it must be a Ponzi scheme."

Notable Mention: Block Size Debate
More an ongoing debate than an event, the Bitcoin block size takes the cake as the most hotly contested blockchain issue in the history of Bitcoin. Satoshi limited Bitcoin’s block size to 1MB in 2010, which didn’t become a public issue until March 2013.

Since the Bitcoin network batches transactions into blockchains, they are released to the network approximately every ten minutes. The Bitcoin max block size parameters limits “on-chain” transactions, which leads to network congestion and higher transaction fees, especially when in times of feverish demand.

Garzik posted about the block size in 2010, suggesting the network support more than 3-10 transactions per second. It was rejected. Nakamoto had bequeathed to a moderator under the moniker ‘Theymos’,  who noted this would represent a consensus parameter change and would need to be coordinated across the network.

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