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发表于 2022-6-15 03:41:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The world in brief
Catch up quickly on the global stories that matter

Updated 2 hours ago (18:17 GMT+1 / 13:17 New York)

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American bond yields remained high and stock markets braced ahead of a meeting of the Federal Reserve, at which central bankers may raise interest rates by as much as 0.75 percentage points to combat stubborn inflation. Investors fear this could push the world economy into recession. On Monday the S&P 500 fell by 3.9%, entering bear-market territory for the first time in more than two years.

Ukraine said that its forces were holding out in Severodonetsk, despite the fact that Russia has destroyed the last remaining bridge linking the besieged city to the rest of the Donbas region. More than 500 civilians are said to be trapped inside a chemical factory. Oleksandr Stryuk, the mayor, said that evacuations were being carried out “every minute when there is a lull”. Ukraine’s government said it is losing between 100 and 200 soldiers a day in fighting across the country.

Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister, said that his government had formed a committee to negotiate with separatist forces in Tigray, a northern province. Fighting has blighted the region since November 2020; hundreds of thousands of people have died in the violence or of starvation. The conflict has eased since the government declared a ceasefire in March.

The European Union said it would sign an agreement to procure 110,000 doses of a monkeypox vaccine, to be delivered from the end of June, without naming the supplier. The bloc has so far recorded 900 cases of the virus. America’s drug regulator has approved a smallpox vaccine made by Bavarian Nordic, a Danish firm, for use against monkeypox.

Britain pressed ahead and published draft legislation that would give it the power to renege on the Northern Ireland protocol, part of the Brexit treaty. Boris Johnson suggested that “relatively trivial” changes are needed to facilitate trade. Ireland’s foreign minister, Simon Coveney, attacked the plan, telling his British counterpart, Liz Truss, that it would be “deeply damaging to relationships on these islands and between the UK and EU”.

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, began her campaign for a second referendum on the country’s independence. Scots voted by 55% to 45% to stick with the union in 2014. Ms Sturgeon argues that in light of Brexit, which most Scottish voters rejected, the poll should be rerun. She wants to hold a referendum with the British government’s consent, to grant the result legitimacy. But Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, opposes a second vote.

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary-general, said Sweden was taking steps to address Turkey’s complaints about the prospect of its joining the military alliance. Angered by what it calls Sweden’s support of Kurdish militants, Turkey has opposed its application. Mr Stoltenberg said that Sweden “has already started to change its counter-terrorism legislation”. He hopes it will be able join NATO, along with Finland, “as soon as possible”.

Fact of the day: 47%, the turnout in the first-round of France’s legislative election, the lowest ever. Read the full article.

Correction: In Sunday’s edition, we ran an article about the mayoral election in Palermo, stating that the winner “will control the distribution of national and EU money on the island”. In fact, it is the regional government that controls the distribution of these funds, while the mayor will have an influence over what is spent in Palermo itself. Sorry.

Macron mollifies eastern Europe

Emmanuel Macron will leave his electoral worries at home today. A tight first-round parliamentary vote on Sunday suggested that the French president’s alliance, Ensemble, may lose its majority in the run-off on June 19th. But Mr Macron’s focus is elsewhere as he embarks on a two-day trip to Romania and Moldova.

He hopes to show central and eastern Europe—and above all Ukraine—that they have his support. The president’s recent comments about the need not to “humiliate” Russia have raised doubts about his intentions in the region. He will visit the 500 French troops participating in a NATO operation in Romania, hoping to remind the region that his country is contributing to its defence. Mr Macron’s aides have tried to make it clear that “France wants Ukraine to win the war”. A presidential visit to the country soon, which is a possibility, would make that point clearer still.

Southern Baptists and sexual abuse

On Tuesday the Southern Baptist Convention begins its annual meeting in Anaheim, California, in crisis. For years America’s biggest Protestant denomination faced down allegations that sexual abuse was rife within its congregations. Last month an independent report found many such allegations to be true and concluded that church leaders had repeatedly played them down and denigrated victims. Three former Southern Baptist presidents were among the accused: one, Johnny Hunt, subsequently denied he had attacked a fellow pastor’s wife, but admitted to a “personal sin” and resigned as head of domestic evangelism.

In Anaheim more than 8,000 “messengers” from the denomination’s constituent churches will elect a new president and debate what action, if any, to take in response. A church task-force recommends spending an initial $3m on a public database of abuse allegations and extensive training of Southern Baptist officers. It has met resistance. Some say it would infringe the constituent churches’ autonomy.

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Britain flies asylum-seekers to Rwanda

In April Britain struck a deal with Rwanda to send asylum-seekers on a one-way trip to the east African country without hearing their claims. Today a plane carrying the first of them is to leave Britain. Rwanda will decide whether to grant them asylum.

Britain’s Home Office claims this will drive people-smugglers out of business by deterring migrants from crossing the English Channel in dangerous boats. More than 28,000 people made the trip last year; at least 44 disappeared, probably drowned.

But refugees could be unsafe in Rwanda, which is poor and authoritarian. Critics say the policy is inhumane and illegal. They wanted flights grounded until a review in July. But on Monday a last-ditch attempt to stop the departure failed. Other countries may soon follow Britain’s lead. The refugee system could become one in which rich countries buy their way out of responsibility.

Watching Europe’s economy

The euro zone’s economy is in a bind. Inflation keeps rising. The bloc’s economies are getting weaker as a result. Last week the European Central Bank said it would raise interest rates this year. Though justified, it could revive an old problem: the solvency of highly indebted countries, specifically Italy.

The German ZEW index, which gauges the mood in the country’s financial markets, was released on Tuesday. It was slightly less negative than expected, with little change compared with the previous month. But investors and analysts will also be watching the spread between Italian and German government bonds (that is, the difference between interest rates on each). The gap has increased from around 1.3 percentage points at the start of the year to 2.4, indicating that investors perceive Italian debt to be of higher risk now. The ECB is considering whether a new programme to contain that widening is needed. Markets may force an answer.

The art of representation

Sir Thomas Brock, a sculptor, knew Queen Victoria’s face well. His profile of the monarch appeared on coins; his marble cast of her likeness stands outside Buckingham Palace. A second marble statue, presented to the city of Birmingham in 1901, will be reborn on Tuesday.

Today that likeness, recast in bronze in 1951, stands in its main square. Hew Locke, a Guyanese-British artist, was commissioned to rework it temporarily in anticipation of the Commonwealth Games, which Birmingham will host this summer. Mr Locke has constructed a ship around the queen, adding five smaller busts of her, clad in gold helmets. The new work, titled “Foreign Exchange”, is a reminder of the monarch’s colonial legacy, and links the people of Birmingham with Commonwealth countries.

For two decades Mr Locke has explored methods of updating historical monuments. His “statue-dressing” is one solution to Britain’s fraught debate about whom statues should commemorate in the 21st century.

Daily quiz

Our baristas will serve you a new question each day this week. On Friday your challenge is to give us all five answers and, as important, tell us the connecting theme. Email your responses (and include mention of your home city and country) by 1700 BST on Friday to We’ll pick randomly from those with the right answers and crown one winner per continent on Saturday.

Tuesday: Who was the second-longest-serving Indian prime minister to date, surpassed only by her father?

Monday: Which Hollywood star’s last appearance was in “The Killers” in 1964, shortly before he started a new career?

Fiction has to be plausible. All history has to do is happen.

Harry Turtledove


2小时前更新 (18:17 GMT+1 / 13:17 New York)

收听简报(录制于13:05 GMT+1 / 08:05 纽约)

乌克兰表示,尽管俄罗斯已经摧毁了连接被围困城市和顿巴斯地区其他地方的最后一座桥,但其部队仍在塞维罗涅茨克坚守。据说有500多名平民被困在一家化工厂内。市长Oleksandr Stryuk说,"每分钟都在进行疏散"。乌克兰政府说,在全国各地的战斗中,它每天损失100至200名士兵。


欧盟表示,它将签署一项协议,采购11万剂猴痘疫苗,从6月底开始交付,但没有透露供应商的名字。到目前为止,该集团已经记录了900起病毒病例。美国的药品监管机构已经批准了丹麦公司Bavarian Nordic生产的天花疫苗用于防治猴痘。

英国推进并公布了立法草案,该草案将赋予英国背弃北爱尔兰议定书的权力,这是英国脱欧条约的一部分。鲍里斯-约翰逊表示,为了促进贸易,需要进行 "相对微不足道的 "修改。爱尔兰外交部长西蒙-科文尼(Simon Coveney)抨击了这一计划,告诉他的英国同行利兹-特拉斯(Liz Truss),这将 "严重损害这些岛屿以及英国和欧盟之间的关系"。

苏格兰第一部长尼古拉-斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)开始了她对该国独立进行第二次公投的活动。苏格兰人在2014年以55%对45%的投票率坚持了联盟。斯特金女士认为,鉴于大多数苏格兰选民反对英国脱欧,应该重新进行投票。她希望在英国政府的同意下举行公投,以赋予结果合法性。但英国首相鲍里斯-约翰逊反对进行第二次投票。

北约秘书长延斯-斯托尔滕贝格说,瑞典正在采取措施,解决土耳其对其加入军事联盟前景的抱怨。土耳其因其所谓的瑞典对库尔德武装分子的支持而感到愤怒,反对其申请。斯托尔滕贝格先生说,瑞典 "已经开始改变其反恐立法"。他希望瑞典能够与芬兰一起 "尽快 "加入北约。


更正。在周日的报纸上,我们刊登了一篇关于巴勒莫市长选举的文章,称获胜者 "将控制国家和欧盟在该岛的资金分配"。事实上,控制这些资金分配的是地区政府,而市长将对巴勒莫本身的开支有影响。对不起。



他希望向中欧和东欧--首先是乌克兰--表明他们有他的支持。总统最近关于不要 "羞辱 "俄罗斯的言论,让人们对他在该地区的意图产生怀疑。他将访问在罗马尼亚参加北约行动的500名法国军队,希望提醒该地区,他的国家正在为其防御作出贡献。马克龙的助手们试图明确表示,"法国希望乌克兰赢得战争"。总统不久后对该国的访问(这是一种可能性)将使这一观点更加明确。


周二,南方浸信会开始在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆举行年度会议,会议陷入危机。多年来,美国最大的新教教派一直在面对关于其会众中性虐待现象普遍存在的指控。上个月,一份独立报告发现许多此类指控是真实的,并得出结论,教会领导人一再淡化这些指控,并诋毁受害者。南方浸信会的三位前会长也在被指控之列:其中一位名叫约翰尼-亨特(Johnny Hunt)的会长后来否认自己袭击了一位牧师的妻子,但承认有 "个人罪",并辞去了国内布道会负责人的职务。

在阿纳海姆,来自该教派成员教会的8000多名 "信使 "将选举出一位新主席,并就采取何种行动(如果有的话)进行辩论。一个教会特别工作组建议最初花费300万美元建立虐待指控的公共数据库,并对南方浸信会官员进行广泛培训。它遇到了阻力。一些人说,这将侵犯成员教会的自主权。











今天,这尊雕像于1951年被重新铸成青铜,矗立在其主要广场上。圭亚那裔英国艺术家Hew Locke受委托暂时对其进行重塑,以迎接今年夏天伯明翰将举办的英联邦运动会。洛克先生在女王周围建造了一艘船,并为她增加了五个较小的半身像,这些半身像戴着金色的头盔。这个名为 "对外交流 "的新作品提醒人们注意这位君主的殖民遗产,并将伯明翰人民与英联邦国家联系起来。

二十年来,洛克先生一直在探索更新历史遗迹的方法。他的 "雕像装扮 "是解决英国关于21世纪雕像应该纪念谁的激烈争论的一个办法。






Harry Turtledove

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