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2022.06.17 马斯克知道Dogecoin "没有价值 "

发表于 2022-6-17 19:24:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The world in brief
Catch up quickly on the global stories that matter

Updated less than 1 hour ago (11:43 GMT+1 / 06:43 New York)

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Ukraine’s navy claimed to have hit the Spasatel Vasily Bekh, a Russian boat. It suggested the boat, which it said was carrying Russian personnel, weapons and ammunition, would join the Moskva, a Russian warship sunk earlier in the war. Meanwhile, the governor of Luhansk said shelling continued in Severodonetsk, with 568 civilians trapped in the Azot chemical plant.

The congressional committee investigating America’s Capitol riot of January 6th 2021 heard testimony about how Donald Trump tried to press Mike Pence, his vice-president, into overturning the results of the 2020 election. Mr Trump’s supporters had chanted “hang Mike Pence” as they stormed the building where the vice-president was preparing to certify Joe Biden’s victory. The committee also asked Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court justice, to testify about her part in Mr Trump’s effort.

The 164 countries of the World Trade Organisation approved an “unprecedented” trade deal, the first in nine years. The deal includes agreement on two highly contentious issues: curbing fishing subsidies; and a partial waiver of intellectual-property rights for covid-19 drugs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the WTO’s director-general, said the package “will make a difference to the lives of people around the world”.

Britain’s home secretary approved the extradition of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks co-founder, to America. Mr Assange faces multiple charges of espionage in America, where authorities allege he illegally helped Chelsea Manning steal military files. Despite losing previous legal battles, Mr Assange is likely to appeal the new decision.

Central banks in Britain and Switzerland followed America’s Federal Reserve in raising interest rates, and thus spooked stockmarkets further. The Bank of England increased interest rates by 0.25 percentage points. More unexpectedly, its Swiss counterpart raised them by 0.5 percentage points, the first increase since 2007. America’s S&P 500 fell 3.2% by the end of Thursday. Early Friday the Bank of Japan cut against the grain, keeping its interest rates at virtually zero. Which sent the yen plunging further down against the dollar.

China launched a new-generation aircraft-carrier, its largest such ship and the first to be built entirely within the country. The Fujian left its dry-dock in Shanghai on Friday, according to state-media reports. The ship’s capabilities are said to rival those of American carriers. The launch will be taken as another sign of China’s growing naval ambitions in the Pacific.

Worries about cryptocurrency contagion coalesced around Three Arrows, a crypto-based hedge fund in Singapore. The Financial Times reported that it missed margin calls at the weekend, even before Bitcoin plumbed an 18-month low. Separately an investor in New York sued Elon Musk for $258bn for having driven up the value of Dogecoin despite being aware it “had no value”.

Fact of the day: $800m, the forecast size of Japan’s cannabidiol (CBD) market in 2024, up from $59m in 2019. Read the full article.

Ukraine’s bid to join the EU

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has nudged Sweden and Finland towards NATO. It may also have started to open the European Union’s doors to Ukraine. On Thursday Ukraine’s bid to become an official EU candidate, the first step on the road to full membership, won the backing of France, Germany and Italy. On Friday the European Commission followed suit. Next week the EU’s 27 heads of government will meet to discuss Ukraine’s bid (along with that of Moldova, Georgia and others). All must give the green light for it to proceed.

But negotiating full membership could take a decade or more. Ukraine’s allies argue it deserves special consideration, but others are reluctant to ease the usual exacting requirements. Long-suffering Balkan aspirants such as Serbia and Montenegro will be furious at any hint of queue-jumping. Ukrainians should prepare for a long, difficult slog.

A global taxation agreement inches closer

For years governments have struggled to close the gap between the places where multinationals do business and where they book profits. Companies increasingly create value via hard-to-measure activities such as R&D and software, which makes it easier to cut their overall tax bills by reporting profits in low-tax jurisdictions. But change is afoot.

On Friday the finance ministers of the EU’s 27 governments will discuss how to codify an agreement that no multinational corporation should pay less than 15% tax anywhere in the world. Last year the G20, a club of the world’s biggest economies, agreed to similar rules. In theory, such a provision would reduce the gains to firms from siphoning away profits to havens. The extra revenues would also be useful for cash-strapped governments. But such an arrangement would hurt countries that have benefited from low-tax regimes, such as Ireland. Plenty of taxing work lies ahead.

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The resurgence of Greece’s far right

As Greece’s economy collapsed in the 2010s, the far right surged. The swastika-like emblem of Golden Dawn, an extremist party, along with torchlit parades and attacks against immigrants, struck a chord with a segment of the electorate. In 2015 they made Golden Dawn the third largest party in Parliament. But in 2020 the party’s leaders were convicted of running a criminal organisation under the guise of a political party. On Wednesday their appeals began, but were immediately adjourned as judges considered a postponement request by Nikos Michaloliakos, Golden Dawn’s anti-vax founder, who is recovering from covid-19. The hearings will resume on July 6th.

Yet Greece’s far right is far from moribund. Ilias Kasidiaris, Golden Dawn’s former deputy boss and one of those convicted in 2020, runs a new extreme nationalist party from behind bars which may find a way to participate in next year’s general election. Meanwhile Greek Solution, the only far-right party still in parliament, is making gains among low-income voters as Greece’s economy wobbles again. The future may offer a grim echo of the recent past.

India aims for an EU trade deal

Indian exports are booming. In May $62bn-worth of goods and services were sold abroad, up 24% compared with the same period last year. The government hopes annual exports will reach $1trn by 2030, an increase of 250% from 2021’s figure. But that will depend on whether it can secure bilateral free-trade agreements. India is already negotiating with Britain. But a bigger prize awaits in the form of the European Union, India’s third-largest trade partner. On Friday an Indian delegation will travel to Brussels, hoping to kickstart a conversation.

Much could be gained. Both sides want to diversify their supply chains away from China. The EU has aggressively courted India since war broke out in Ukraine, eager to wean it away from Russia. The two sides aim to bash out a deal by 2024, but discussions will be fraught on issues ranging from agriculture to intellectual property. The last time the pair sat down for talks, in 2007, they dragged on for six years—before fizzling.

The end of the English bulldog?

Few breeds of dog are more emblematic of their homeland than the English bulldog. Its squashed face and Churchillian jowls have proven enduringly popular. But these extreme features, for which bulldogs have been intensively bred, are taking a toll, according to research published in Canine Medicine and Genetics, a journal. The study analysed the veterinary records of tens of thousands of canids, several thousand bulldogs among them. Compared with the rest, English bulldogs were twice as likely to be diagnosed with a wide range of health disorders.

The poor pooches are particularly prone to conditions like dermatitis (in skin folds) and breathing problems (induced by their odd-shaped skulls). The authors call for a change in breeding standards, and say buyers should stop prizing extreme canine characteristics. Otherwise, Britain may have to join Norway and the Netherlands in banning English bulldogs—and condemn a national symbol to exile.

Daily quiz

Our baristas will serve you a new question each day this week. On Friday your challenge is to give us all five answers and, as important, tell us the connecting theme. Email your responses (and include mention of your home city and country) by 1700 BST on Friday to We’ll pick randomly from those with the right answers and crown one winner per continent on Saturday.

Friday: Which French politician was responsible for the creation of the Fifth Republic?

Thursday: Which jazz musician appeared in the films “High Society” and “Hello Dolly”?

The winners of last week’s crossword

Thank you to everyone who took part in our new weekly crossword, published in the weekend edition of Espresso. The winners, chosen at random, were:

Cheng Eng Aun, Singapore

Rebecca Clements, Toronto, Canada

Sebastian Agudelo-Restrepo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Giedrius Kazakevicius, Vilnius, Lithuania

Max Yuao Li, Christchurch, New Zealand

They all gave the correct answers of Lysychansk, Leeds, coca and Kabul. Check back tomorrow for this week’s crossword.

The better you hear a thing put, the more certain you are there’s another view.

Dorothy Richardson


乌克兰海军声称击中了Spasatel Vasily Bekh号,这是一艘俄罗斯船只。它表示,这艘据说载有俄罗斯人员、武器和弹药的船将加入战争早期被击沉的俄罗斯军舰Moskva号。与此同时,卢甘斯克州州长表示,塞维罗多涅茨克的炮击仍在继续,568名平民被困在Azot化工厂中。

调查美国2021年1月6日国会大厦骚乱的国会委员会听取了关于唐纳德-特朗普如何试图迫使他的副总统迈克-彭斯推翻2020年选举结果的证词。特朗普先生的支持者们在冲进副总统准备证明乔-拜登胜利的大楼时,曾高呼 "绞死迈克-彭斯"。委员会还要求最高法院法官克拉伦斯-托马斯(Clarence Thomas)的妻子弗吉尼亚-托马斯(Virginia "Ginni" Thomas)就她参与特朗普先生的努力作证。

世界贸易组织的164个国家批准了一项 "史无前例 "的贸易协议,这是九年来的第一次。该协议包括就两个极具争议的问题达成协议:遏制渔业补贴;以及部分放弃covid-19药品的知识产权。世贸组织总干事恩戈齐-奥孔乔-伊韦拉说,该方案 "将对全世界人民的生活产生影响"。




对加密货币传染的担忧围绕着新加坡一家基于加密货币的对冲基金Three Arrows展开。英国《金融时报》报道称,该基金在周末错过了追加保证金的机会,甚至在比特币跌至18个月低点之前。另外,纽约的一位投资者起诉埃隆-马斯克,要求赔偿2580亿美元,因为他在知道Dogecoin "没有价值 "的情况下仍然推高了它的价值。










随着希腊经济在2010年代的崩溃,极右翼势力急剧膨胀。极端主义政党金色黎明(Golden Dawn)的纳粹标志,以及火炬游行和对移民的攻击,引起了一部分选民的共鸣。2015年,他们使金色黎明成为议会中的第三大党。但在2020年,该党的领导人被认定为在政党的幌子下经营犯罪组织。周三,他们的上诉开始了,但由于法官考虑了金色黎明的反疫苗创始人Nikos Michaloliakos提出的推迟请求,他们的上诉立即被暂停。听证会将于7月6日恢复。

然而,希腊的极右势力远未消亡。黄金黎明的前副主席、2020年被定罪的人之一Ilias Kasidiaris在狱中管理着一个新的极端民族主义政党,该党可能会找到参加明年大选的方法。同时,随着希腊经济的再次摇摆,唯一仍在议会中的极右翼政党--希腊解决方案(Greek Solution)正在低收入选民中取得进展。未来可能会出现近期的黯淡回声。










星期四。哪位爵士乐手出现在电影《上流社会》和《Hello Dolly》中?



新加坡的Cheng Eng Aun

Rebecca Clements,加拿大多伦多

Sebastian Agudelo-Restrepo, 多米尼加共和国圣多明各

立陶宛维尔纽斯的Giedrius Kazakevicius

新西兰克赖斯特彻奇的Max Yuao Li



Dorothy Richardson
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