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20100711 比特幣發佈 0.3491版本

发表于 2025-3-4 15:16:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Bitcoin Releases Version 0.3491
Posted by kdawson on Sunday July 11, 2010 @04:09PM from the nobody-to-prosecute dept.
Teppy writes
"How's this for a disruptive technology? Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer, network-based digital currency with no central bank, and no transaction fees. Using a proof-of-work concept, nodes burn CPU cycles searching for bundles of coins, broadcasting their findings to the network. Analysis of energy usage indicates that the market value of Bitcoins is already above the value of the energy needed to generate them, indicating healthy demand. The community is hopeful the currency will remain outside the reach of any government."
Here are the FAQ, a paper describing Bitcoin in more technical detail (PDF), and the Wikipedia article. Note: a commercial service called BitCoin Ltd., in pre-alpha at, bears no relation to the open source digital currency.
Related: Crypto Tools

比特幣發佈 0.3491版本
作者 kdawson 於 2010年07月11日 星期日 @04:09PM 在 無人檢控部門.
Teppy寫道"這怎麼算是顛覆性的技術?比特 幣是一種點對點、基於網絡的數位貨幣,沒有中央銀行,也沒有交易費用。使用工作證明的概念,節點燃燒 CPU 週期尋找一捆捆的硬幣,並將他們的發現廣播到網路。對能源使用的分析顯示,比特幣的市場價值已經高於產生比特幣所需的能源價值,顯示出健康的需求。以下是常見問題解答、詳細描述比特幣技術的論文 (PDF) 以及維基百科的文章。注意:在bitcoin.com上有一個叫做BitCoin Ltd.的商業服務,處於pre-alpha階段,與開源數位貨幣沒有關係。
相關: 加密工具
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