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20250301 日本第三大城市大阪

发表于 2025-3-2 07:12:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Monocle 指南 / 全球
日本第三大城市大阪是美食之都,以其友善的接待方式、好奇的態度和商人精神而聞名。除了位於夢島 (Yumeshima) 的 2025 年大阪世博會 (Expo 2025 Osaka) 會場外,您還可以探索不拘一格的時裝、精選的美酒,以及崇尚手工藝傳統的零售商。
大阪舞島焚化廠的金頂塔樓和色彩繽紛的外牆,可能會讓人誤以為是附近日本環球影城主題公園的分支。事實上,這座垃圾焚化設施是大阪最古怪的建築珍品之一。該廠於 2001 年完工,由已故奧地利藝術家 Friedensreich Hundertwasser 設計,與 2025 年大阪世博會場址隔橋相望,位於夢島上。有幾層樓是開放給遊客參觀的,讓您有機會思考更永續的未來。
「Wunder 創辦人 Makoto Sato 表示:「我對一眼就能看懂的設計並不感興趣。「布料的工藝、圖案的美感;服裝是工業產品,所以我想要突顯這樣的特質」。Wunder 隱藏在一棟復古建築內,簡約的室內裝潢為獨具慧眼的男裝設計提供了理想的畫布。日本品牌在這裡佔有重要地位,除了 Heugn 襯衫和 Batoner 針織衫之外,還有 Aton 和 Ssstein 等品牌的產品。由 Tanja Bradaric 和 Taro Ohmae 創立的奧地利品牌 Sagan Vienna 的手袋,則以現代、簡約的皮革和尼龍設計為特色。「佐藤說:「很難找到優質的男包,因此許多人即使穿著當代品牌的服飾,最後還是購買品牌的產品。「我想展示 Sagan Vienna 是能與他們相匹配的當代品牌」。

無論您想要的是新鮮的 Grüner Veltliner 還是較不知名的天然葡萄酒,這些地方都以將奧地利葡萄酒與當地特色菜單搭配為榮。Fujimaru Higashi-Shinsaibashi 的葡萄酒商店位於一條小街上,店內有來自世界各地的葡萄酒。顧客可以將一瓶帶回家,或是在樓上的私密餐廳享用一杯一杯的搭配。「經理 Sayaka Ukaji 表示:「說到奧地利葡萄酒,其純淨的口感與各式各樣的菜餚相得益彰。在 Nishi Tenma,主廚出身的侍酒師 Kei Tashiro 自 2011 年起就在 Chi-Fu 探索現代中式料理與葡萄酒的可能性。融合風味的實驗性方法也延伸至酒單。「Tashiro 說:「奧地利並不是一個很大的國家,但卻非常多樣化。「奧地利有許多真正了解與大自然共存的生產商」。四十多年來,Rokukaku-tei 餐廳一直將炸串(kushi-katsu)與精挑細選的葡萄酒搭配在一起。餐廳位於熱鬧的黑門市場 (Kuromon Market)旁邊,20 道菜色包含所有日本食材,酒單上則有 FX Pichler、Franz Hirtzberger 及其他奧地利酒莊的酒款。「Yoshio Nakayama 表示:「Kushi-katsu 是用油炸的,與某些奧地利菜餚類似,因此這些葡萄酒感覺上是天然的搭配。
日本 B-Tech

Bösendorfer 鋼琴是近 200 年來維也納製琴工藝的縮影,每年的產量僅約 300 台,是一種稀有商品。B-Tech Japan 由專業鋼琴調音師 Seiko Kida 於 2007 年創立,是一家專門銷售、調音、保養和維修這些世界知名鋼琴的商店。「Kida 說:「Bösendorfer 是獨一無二的品牌,能發出其他製造商無法比擬的獨特音色。「作為一名技術人員,與這樣的樂器打交道是終極的樂趣」。在 B-Tech Japan 的店內排練室,您可以親自體驗由百年歷史的奧地利杉木與精湛工藝所放大的獨特音色。您可以預約這個錄音室式的空間進行個人練習,而本地與國際藝術家也會為親密的觀眾進行特別表演。

1873 年,前往維也納世界博覽會的日本遊客需要預留數週時間才能完成 9,150 公里的旅程。值得慶幸的是,今天的旅行更加快捷舒適。奧地利航空公司在維也納國際機場和東京成田機場之間有直飛往返航班,而日本的全日空航空公司則有往返東京羽田機場的航班。這兩家航空公司都有轉機到大阪國際機場。

Riedel Osaka 於 2022 年開幕,全面展示世界知名的奧地利玻璃製造商的葡萄品種專用玻璃器皿。「關西零售經理兼侍酒師 Yoshifumi Kinoshita 表示:「Riedel 與專業人士合作,尋找能提升特定葡萄酒享受的形狀。「我們創造了一個讓顧客體驗酒杯如何影響口感和香氣的地方」。店內定期舉辦品酒工作坊,同時與來自日本各地的釀酒師共同舉辦活動,突顯當地特產,並建立更深入的聯繫。除了廣受歡迎的大吟釀酒酒杯外,特別推出的酒杯還包括大阪獨有的 Haku 系列,這是與金澤金箔製造商 Hakuichi 合作的產品。
在梅田開了十年之後,大阪人 Junji Shihara 將他不拘一格的精選店搬到大阪天滿宮 (Osaka Tenmangu Shrine) 附近的一條寧靜街道上。樓上的空間擺滿了 Henrik Vibskov、Cordera 和 Tenne Handcrafted Modern 的女裝,還有 Simone Springer 和 Yuji Mizobuchi 位於維也納的 Rosa Mosa 品牌的鞋履。活潑的陣容吸引了同樣多樣化的顧客。「Shihara 說:「我從來沒有想過要融入某個特定的類別。「Shihara 說:「我從來沒有想過要融入某個特定的類別,這家店不是聚集某種類型的員工和服裝,而是許多不同元素結合的結果。
為了配合 2025 年大阪世博會,The Monocle Shop 將於四月起推出為期六個月的奧地利特別活動。來自奧地利特色品牌的精選商品將包括 Kalmar 檯燈、Lobmeyr 優雅的玻璃製品,以及擁有近 600 年歷史的 Lodenwalker 羊毛毯。奧地利的蠟燭、廚房用品和旅行袋將與 Monocle 標誌性的精選印刷品、產品和合作產品並列。奧地利產品將於 Monocle 東京店(澀谷區富谷 1-19-2)及網站 均有發售。

A Monocle guide / Global
Japan’s third largest city is a culinary capital, renowned for its friendly welcome, curious outlook and merchant spirit. Venture beyond the Expo 2025 Osaka site on Yumeshima island to discover eclectic fashion, divine wine selections and retailers that champion a heritage of craft.

Maishima Incineration Plant
Architecture in full colour

With its gold-domed tower and colourful façade, Osaka’s Maishima Plant could be mistaken for an offshoot of the nearby Universal Studios Japan theme park. In truth, this waste incineration facility is one of the city’s most eccentric architectural treasures. Completed in 2001 to designs by the late Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the plant sits across the bridge from the Expo 2025 Osaka site on Yumeshima island. Several floors are open to visitors with tours available, allowing a chance to contemplate a more sustainable future.

Modern vintage style
“I’m not really interested in designs that can be understood at a glance,” says Wunder founder Makoto Sato. “The craftsmanship of the fabric, the beauty of the pattern; clothing is an industrial product, so I want to highlight such qualities.” Hidden inside a vintage building, Wunder’s pared-back interior provides an ideal canvas for menswear curated with a discerning eye. Japanese brands feature prominently, with Heugn shirts and Batoner knitwear joined by pieces from the likes of Aton and Ssstein. Bags from Sagan Vienna, the Austrian brand founded by Tanja Bradaric and Taro Ohmae, feature modern, minimal designs in leather and nylon. “It can be hard to find a quality men’s bag, so many people end up purchasing from maison brands, even though they wear contemporary labels,” says Sato. “I want to show Sagan Vienna as a contemporary brand that can match them.”

Austrian wines in Osaka
Find the perfect pairing

Whether you want a fresh take on Grüner Veltliner or a lesser-known natural wine, these spots take pride in pairing Austrian wines with signature local menus.Tucked away on a side street, Fujimaru Higashi-Shinsaibashi’s wine shop has bottles from around the world. Customers can take one home or enjoy pairings by the glass in the intimate diner upstairs. “When it comes to Austrian wines, the cleanness complements a wide range of dishes,” says manager Sayaka Ukaji. In Nishi Tenma, chef-turned-sommelier Kei Tashiro has been exploring the possibilities of modern Chinese cuisine and wine at Chi-Fu since 2011. An experimental approach to merging flavours extends to the wine list. “Austria isn’t a large country but it’s so diverse,” says Tashiro. “There are so many Austrian producers who truly understand coexistence with nature.” For more than four decades, Rokukaku-tei has paired kushi-katsu (deep-fried skewers) with handpicked wines. Located next to the bustling Kuromon Market, the restaurant’s 20-piece course runs the full spectrum of Japanese ingredients while the wine list features FX Pichler, Franz Hirtzberger and other Austrian producers. “Kushi-katsu is deep-fried in oil, similar to some Austrian dishes, so these wines feel like a natural match,” says Yoshio Nakayama.

B-Tech Japan
Sound advice

The epitome of Viennese craftsmanship for almost 200 years, Bösendorfer pianos are a rare commodity with production limited to about 300 instruments per year. Founded in 2007 by Seiko Kida, a professional piano tuner, B-Tech Japan is a shop that specialises in the sale, tuning, maintenance and repair of these world-renowned pianos. “Bösendorfer is one of a kind, producing a unique sound unrivalled by other manufacturers,” says Kida. “As a technician, working with such instruments is the ultimate joy.” This signature sound, amplified by century-old Austrian spruce and exquisite craftsmanship, can be properly experienced in person at B-Tech Japan’s in-store rehearsal room. The studio-style space can be booked for individual practice sessions, while local and international artists also stage special performances to an intimate audience.

Travel connections
Flights of fancy

In 1873, Japanese visitors to Vienna World’s Fair would have set aside several weeks to complete the 9,150km trip. Thankfully, it is much quicker and comfier today. Austrian Airlines operates non-stop return flights between Vienna International and Tokyo Narita, while Japan’s All Nippon Airways flies to and from Tokyo Haneda. Both connect to Osaka International.

Riedel Osaka
Bespoke glassware

Opened in 2022, Riedel Osaka presents the full spectrum of the world-renowned Austrian glassmaker’s grape-varietal-specific glassware. “Riedel works with professionals to find the shape that enhances the enjoyment of a particular wine,” says Kansai retail manager and sommelier Yoshifumi Kinoshita. “We have created a place where customers can experience how a glass can influence taste and aroma.” Regular wine-tasting workshops are held in-store, while events with winemakers from across Japan highlight regional produce and forge deeper connections. In addition to the popular daiginjo sake glasses, special releases include an Osaka-exclusive addition to the Haku series, a collaboration with Kanazawa gold leaf-maker Hakuichi.

Hemming shop
If the shoe fits

After a decade in Umeda, Osaka native Junji Shihara relocated his eclectic select shop to a quiet street near Osaka Tenmangu Shrine. The upstairs space is filled with womenswear by Henrik Vibskov, Cordera and Tenne Handcrafted Modern, complemented by footwear by Simone Springer and Yuji Mizobuchi’s Vienna-based Rosa Mosa label. The vibrant lineup draws an equally varied clientele. “I’ve never sought to fit into a particular category”, says Shihara. “Instead of gathering a certain type of staff and clothing, the shop is the result of many different elements coming together.”

The Monocle Shop
A collaborative space

To coincide with Expo 2025 Osaka, there will be a special six-month Austria activation of The Monocle Shop from April. A selection of products from characterful Austrian brandswill include a Kalmar table lamp, Lobmeyr’s elegant glasswear and wool blankets by Lodenwalker, a mill with almost 600 years of heritage. Austrian candles, kitchenware and travel bags will sit alongside Monocle’s trademark selection of print, products and collaborations. The Austrian products will be available both in-store at Monocle’s Tokyo shop on 1-19-2 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku and online at
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